10012020stefen Boltzman Apparatus

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Heat transfer / Lab Manual (A60387)


Aim :
The most commonly used law of thermal radiation is the Stefan Boltzman
law, which states that thermal radiation heat flux or emissive power Q of
surface is proportional to the fourth power of absolute temperature of the surface &
is given by .

Q÷A = e b = 6 T4 Watt/m oK4 .

The constant of proportionality 6 is called the Stefan Boltzman constant, & has
a value of 5.67 x 10-8 w/m2 K4 in S.I unit & 4.876 x 10-8 Kcal/hr. m2 K4 .

Description of Apparatus.

The apparatus centered on a flanged copper hemisphere fixed on a

flat non-conducting plate . the outer surface is enclosed in a metallic water jacket
used to heat to some suitable constant temperature Four Alumel-Chromel
thermocouples are attached to various points on surface of hemisphere to
measure its mean temperature to be read by a temperature indicator.

The disc ‘D’, which is mounted in an insulating Bakelite sleeve is fitted in a

hole drilled in the center of base plate .
When the disc is inserted at the temperature T 5, ( T5 > T i.e the temperature
of the enclosure) the response of temperature change of the disc with time is
used to calculate the Stefan Boltzman constant.

Specifications :

1. Hemispherical enclosure dia. : 200 mm.

2. Suitable sized water jacket for hemisphere.
3. Fixing arrangement for sleeve.
4. Test disc dia. : 25 mm.
7. Mass of test disc : 0.005 Kg.

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Heat transfer / Lab Manual (A60387)

‘S’ : Specific heat of the disc for copper from the table
0.1 Kcal/Kg. oC ( Ref : Mech Engg. Hand Book )
0.41868 Kj/Kg oC ( In S.I. Unit )
8. Number of thermocouples mounted on ‘ B’: 4
9. Number of thermocouples mounted on ‘D’: 1
10. Temperature indicator : Digital 1oC least count
0- 200oC with built in cold junction
11. Immersion water heater of suitable capacity : 1.5 Kw.
12. Hot water tank.

The surface of ‘B’ & ‘A’ forming the enclosure are blackened by using lamp
black to make their absorptivities to be approx. unity. The copper
surface of the disc ‘D’ is also blackened.

Procedure :

1. The water is heated in the tank by the immersion heater upto a

temperature of about 90o C.

2. The disc is removed before pouring the hot water in the jacket.

3. The hot water is poured in the water jacket.

4. The hemispherical enclosure will come to some uniform temperature T

in short time after filling the hot water in the jacket.
5. The enclosure will soon come to thermal equilibrium conditions.

6. The disc ‘D’ is now inserted,

The radiation energy falling on ‘D’ from the enclosure is given by

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Heat transfer / Lab Manual (A60387)

E = AD . T 4. 6 .................... 1

Where ,

AD = Area of disc.
T = Average temperature of the enclosure recorded by
the thermocouples.

The emissivity of the disc ‘D’ is assumed to be unity ( black disc)

The radiant energy disc ‘D’ emitting into the enclosure will be,

E1 = AD . T54 6. .................... 2

Net heat input to Disc ‘D’ per unit time is given by equation 1 & 2.

i.e E - E1 = 6 AD ( T4 - T54 ). .............3

of the disc ‘D’ mass ‘m’, & specific heat ‘S’, then a art time after ‘D’ is
metered in ‘A’.

m.s = 6 AD ( T4 - TS4 )


m.s ( dT/dt ) t =0
AD ( T4 - TS4 )

In the equation (dT / dt ) denoted the rate of rise of temperature, of

t = 0 the Disc ‘D’ at the instant, when its temperature id ‘T 5’ & will very
with ‘T5’ it is clearly best measured at time t = 0 before heat
conducted from ‘A’ to ‘D’, begin to take any significant effect.

This is obtained from heat of temperature rise of ‘D’ with respect to time
& obtaining its slope at t = 0.

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Heat transfer / Lab Manual (A60387)

When temperature = T5
This will be the required valve (dT/dt) at t = 0.

The thermocouple mounted on disc is to be used for this purpose.

Note that, the disc ‘D’ with its insulting above sleeve is placed
quickly in position & start the time & record the temperature
at fixed time intervals. The whole process is completed in about
30 seconds of time.

Longer ‘D’ is left in position, the greater is the probability of errors due to
heat conduction ‘A’ to ‘D’.

The Experiment is repeated for obtaining better results.

1. Mass of the test disc ( m ) : 0.005 Kg.

2. Specific heat of the disc for material ( S )

= 0.1 Kcal/Kg. oC ( Copper disc ). ( In MKS Units )
0.41868 Kj/Kg oC ( In S.I. Unit )

Thermocouple Temperature in OC
1 2

T1 + T 2 + T 3 + T4
3. Average Temperature in oC =
Average Temperature in oK ( T ) = o

4. Temperature of disc D at the instant when it is inserted ( T 5 ).

T5 = in oC =

T5 = in oK =

5. Temperature time response of the disc.

Use the disc Thermocouple on T.I. & note down T 5 at the time interval of
10 sec. with

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Heat transfer / Lab Manual (A60387)

Time ( Sec ) t Temperature r


Plot the graph of ‘dT’ against ‘t’

6. Obtain the slope from the graph ( dT/dt) at t = 0.

7. The value of 6 can be obtained by using equation

m.s = AD ( T4 - TS4 )

m.s ( dT/dt ) t =0
6= Kcal / hr . K4. m2
AD ( T4 - TS4 ) (MKS Unit)

m.s ( dT/dt ) t =0
6= w / m 2 . K4
AD ( T - TS ) . 0.86
4 4
(S.I Unit)



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Heat transfer / Lab Manual (A60387)

1. Mass of the test disc ( m ) : 0.005 Kg.

2. Area of Disk (AD ) (Dia Is 25 MM) : 4.90 x 10-4 m2

3. Specific heat of the disc for material ( S )

: 0.41868 Kj/Kg oC

Thermocouple Temperature in OC

T1 74
T2 75
T3 75
T4 75

3. Average Temperature (T) =

T1 + T 2 + T 3 + T4
= o

74 + 75 + 75 + 75
= o
= 74.75 C
= 347.75 K

4. Temperature of disc D at the instant when it is inserted ( T5 ).

T5 = in oC = 30 o

T5 = in oK = 303 o

5. Temperature time response of the disc.

Use the disc Thermocouple on T.I. & note down T5 at the time interval.
Time ( Sec ) t Temperature
00 30

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Heat transfer / Lab Manual (A60387)

10 33
20 34
30 36
40 37
50 38
60 38
70 39
80 40
90 40
100 41
110 42
120 42
130 43
140 43
150 43
160 44
170 44
180 44
190 45
200 45
210 45
220 45
230 46
Plot the graph of ‘dT’ against ‘t’

6. Obtain the slope from the graph ( dT/dt) at t = 0.

( 46 - 30 )
= 0.0695 K/Sec

7. Stefan Boltzman Constant :

m.s ( dT/dt ) t =0
6= w / m 2 . K4
AD ( T4 - TS4 ) . 0.86 (S.I Unit)

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Heat transfer / Lab Manual (A60387)

0.005 x 0.41868 x 1000 x 0.0695

4.90 x 10-4 x ( 347.75 4 – 303 4 ) x 0.86

= 5.5782 x 10-8 Watt/m oK4

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