Modified Method For The Determination of Unsaponifiable Matter in Oils and Fats
Modified Method For The Determination of Unsaponifiable Matter in Oils and Fats
Modified Method For The Determination of Unsaponifiable Matter in Oils and Fats
An inversion of the existing methods for the determination of followed by the extraction of the soaps with water. Similar
unsaponifiable matter in oils and fats is proposed. The modified results were obtained with the less volatile cyclohexane, which
procedure consists in saponifying a 2-2.5 g sample of oil or fat was adopted as the solvent on safety grounds (reduced fire
with 2 moll-1 ethanolic potassium hydroxide solution, risk) and for environmental reasons. .
dissolving the resultant mixture in 50 ml of pure cyclohexane,
removing the soap by addition of 25 ml of water containing
0.5 g of sodium hydrogencarbonate and extracting the Experimental
separated soap layer with 25 ml of cyclohexane. The combined
cyclohexane layers are washed twice with 25 ml portions of Materials
50% aqueous ethanol, cyclohexane is evaporated and the
Samples of crude soya bean, maize, babassu and palm oils
residue is dried in vmuo at 80 "C. Results obtained with the were used.
above procedure in the determination of the unsaponifiable
matter in four different vegetable oils were in agreement with
those given by the IUPAC standard hexane method II.D.5 with Apparatus
economy of solvents and operational time. The apparatus used consisted of 250 ml flat-bottomed and
Keywords: Unsaponifiable matter; oil and fat; saponification; round-bottomed flasks with ground joints, separating funnels,
cyclohexane a rotary evaporator, a water pump (aspirator), a 2 ml pipette,
measuring cylinders of 10, 25 and 50 ml, a water-bath and a
hot-plate. Grease should not be used for lubricating the
ground-glass joints and stopcocks.
The unsaponifiable matter in oils and fats, which consists
mainly of hydrocarbons, sterols and aliphatic alcohols of high
molecular mass, serves for the identification of oils and fats A 50% m/m aqueous solution of pure potassium hydroxide,
and for the detection of incidental and intentional impurities cyclohexane (analytical-reagent grade), 95% ethanol, a
(e.g., falsification with mineral oils). All current methods of its 50% v/v mixture of ethanol and water and sodium
determination include the saponification of the sample with hydrogencarbonate were used.
ethanolic potassium hydroxide dilution with water and extrac-
tion with solvents such as diethyl ether, light petroleum or Procedure
hexane.14 Because of the solubility of the unsaponifiable
matter in ethanolic alkaline soap solution, multiple extrac- A 2-2.5 g amount of a well mixed oil sample is weighed
tions are necessary and this, together with the removal of the accurately in a dry, 250 ml flat-bottomed flask with a ground
entrained soap and the drying of the final residue, requires a joint, 10 ml of 95% ethanol are added with a measuring
long time and considerable amounts of reagents. Pelloquin cylinder, 2 ml of 50% aqueous potassium hydroxide are added
et al. ,5 after examining 13 international methods, recommen- with pipette, followed by two pieces of pumice, and the
ded two procedures, one requiring nine extractions with mixture is boiled gently under reflux on a hot-plate for 30 min.
hexane and the other three extractions with diethyl ether, with To the hot mixture 50 ml of cyclohexane are added with a
numerous washings in both instances. measuring cylinder and shaken. The mixture becomes
A casual observation that a methanolic soap solution is completely clear. To the mixture 25 ml of distilled water
soluble in diethyl ether and an ethanolic soap solution is containing 0.5 g of sodium hydrogencarbonate are added with
soluble in hexane has led us to an attempt to invert the current a measuring cylinder and the mixture is shaken well. If an
methods for the determination of unsaponifiable matter. The emulsion occurs, the flask is heated under reflux to incipient
inversion consisted in removing the soaps from a cyclohexane boiling of its contents, until a separation of the phases takes
solution of the unsaponifiable matter, instead of extracting place. The hot mixture is transferred quantitatively into a
this matter from an ethanolic aqueous soap solution separating funnel and after settling, which requires a few
(cyclohexane having been adopted as the solvent for reasons minutes, the soap layer is returned to the flask followed by the
to be stated subsequently). addition of 25 ml of cyclohexane with a measuring cylinder
Several procedures were investigated. A fat sample was and vigorous shaking. Any emulsion is removed by heating the
saponified with methanolic potassium hydroxide and the flask again under reflux. The hot mixture is transferred
product obtained was dissolved in 50 ml of diethyl ether, quantitatively into a second separating funnel, the bottom
followed by an attempt to extract the soaps with water. The soap layer is discarded and the upper layer is added to the first
attempt was unsuccessful, because the dilution with water separating funnel. The combined cyclohexane layers are
produced three phases instead of the expected two, the upper washed twice with 25 ml of 50% v/v ethanol-water each time,
ethereal phase being small. Satisfactory results were achieved adding 5 ml of the washing solution without shaking and, after
when an ethanolic soap solution was dissolved in hexane its removal, the remaining 20 ml with shaking for 1 min.
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The second washing solution usually does not produce any m1-m2 xloo
colour on addition of phenolphthalein. If it does, a third unsaponifiable matter (YO) = -
. I
by immersing it in a beaker filled with cold water, the vacuum Results and Discussion
is carefully released and the flask wiped dry with a piece of
cloth, placed for a few minutes in a desiccator and weighed. The four different oils considered were analysed using the
Another drying period of 15 min in vacuo usually produces a IUPAC II.D.5 standard hexane method and the modified
constant mass. A blank determination is carried out in a procedure described here. The results of triplicate analyses of
similar manner but omitting the oil or fat. each oil are given in Table 1.
The amount of the unsaponifiable matter is calculated The ratios of the averages of the results obtained by the
according to the equation IUPAC and the modified procedure demonstrate good
agreement between the two methods. The IUPAC method
required nine extractions with 50 ml of hexane each time,
three washings with 150 ml of 50% aqueous ethanol each time
Table 1 Determination of the unsaponifiable matter in four vegetable and titration of the residue with 0.01 moll-1 hydrochloric acid
oils according to the standard IUPAC method and the proposed in acetone owing to the presence of soap. In the modified
modified procedure procedure, the soap was removed from the unsaponifiable
Unsaponifiable matter (YO)
matter dissolved in 50 ml of cyclohexane by the addition of 25
Average of results A ml of water containing 0.5 g of sodium hydrogencarbonate.
IUPAC Modified One extraction of the soap layer with 25 ml of cyclohexanewas
Oil method (A) procedure (B) Average of results B required to recover the small amount of the unsaponifiable
Soya bean 0.66 0.67 matter entrained by the soap layer. Two washings with 25 ml
0.71 0.70 1.00 of 50% aqueous ethanol were needed to remove the excess of
0.69 0.68 alkali and there was no need to titrate the residue with dilute
Maize 1.79 1.78 hydrochloric acid. Hence the inversion of the existing methods
1.73 1.73 1.00 for the determination of unsaponifiable matter resulted in
1.78 1.77 considerabledecreases in the working time and the amounts of
Babassu 0.20 0.21 reagents used.
0.25 0.23 0.99 Another time-saving device is the suggested moderate
0.24 0.26
Palm 0.72 0.78
heating to speed up the separation of phases when emulsions
0.75 0.71 1.00 are formed, a procedure that does not produce any deleterious
0.76 0.74 effects. Finally, in order to decrease the number of time-
consuming blank determinations, it is advisable to reserve at
least 10o0 g of cyclohexane for the determination of the
Table 2 Statistical treatment of the results for the determination of unsaponifiable matter, which makes it possible to carry out 15
unsaponifiable matter in crude soya bean oil determinations with only one blank assay. The mean mass of
the residues obtained when using 75 ml of cyclohexane in the
IUPAC method Modified procedure blank assay was 0.0064 g.
Results of analyses performed in duplicate on five consecu-
Unsaponi- Unsaponi- tive days using crude soya bean oil compared with those
fiable Standard fiable Standard obtained by the IUPAC method are given in Table 2. The
matter Mean deviation matter Mean deviation standard deviations are low (0.01 and 0.03%)and as the mean
(Yo) (%) (%) (Yo) values are identical there is no statistical difference between
0.66 0.68 the standard method and the modified procedure.
0.71 0.69 0.03 0.67 To examine the accuracy of the modified procedure, the
0.69 0.67 following test was camed out. The soaps resulting from the
0.70 analyses performed according to the IUPAC method and
0.69 0.69 0.01 therefore free of unsaponifiable matter were acidified with
0.68 hydrochloric acid and the liberated fatty acids were extracted
0.71 with diethyl ether. The ethereal solution was washed with
0.67 water, the solvent removed in a rotary evaporator and the
0.70 residue dried in vacuo. To approximately 2 g samples of the
recovered fatty acids various amounts of pure tetradecan-1-01
were added and the amounts of unsaponifiable matter were
Table 3 Recovery of unsaponifiable matter using the modified determined according to the modified procedure. The results
procedure are given in Table 3.
Dried residue after
Tetradecan-1-01 subtraction of the
Fatty aciddg addedg blan Wg
2.0082 0.0185 0.0181 References
2.0154 0.0253 0.0255
2.0443 0.0345 0.0344 1 IUPAC Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and
2.0017 0.0422 0.0417 Derivatives, 6th edn., Determination of Unsaponifiable Matter,
Hexane Method, II.D.5, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979.
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2 Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemists’ 5 Pelloquin, A . , Dimitriades, C., and Naudet, M., Rev. Fr. Corps
Society, AOCS Champaign, IL, Official Methods Ca 6a-40 and Gras, 1977, 24, 551.
Ca 6b-53, 1980.
3 BS 684: 1958. Determination of Unsaponifiable Matter, British
Standards Institution, London, 1958. Paper 3/07033F
4 DGF-Einheitsmethoden, Determination of the Unsaponifiable Received November 26, 1993
Matter C-I11 la(77) and C-I11 lb(77) VCH, Stuttgart, 1984. Accepted February, 1, 1994
Published on 01 January 1994. Downloaded by Pennsylvania State University on 05/03/2016 15:55:50.