Op Spe 106180-MS-P
Op Spe 106180-MS-P
Op Spe 106180-MS-P
Gases analysis. Hydrocarbon gases, CO2 and H2S were molecular weights of heavy oil and alsphaltene are shown in
determined by a Carle Series S AGC 3975X chromatograph, Table 5. The results indicate that the light components
in which there are series of columns set up by Carle for increase and the heavy components decrease after the catalytic
refinery gas analysis; H2 was analyzed on a Hewlett-Park aquathermalysis reaction. The catalytic effect of the organic
5700A gas chromatograph using 5Å molecular sieve and mental compounds is obvious.
Poropak Q column in series with thermal conductivity Composition changes of heavy oil. The composition
detection. changes of heavy oil samples are given in Table 6. It is very
Average molecular weight measurement. The average clear seen that the saturate and aromatic increased, the resin
molecular weights of the heavy oil samples and asphaltene and asphaltene decreased when the oil soluble catalyst was
before and after the reaction were measured using benzene as added into the reaction system. The results indicate that some
solvent by VPO method. cyclic hydrocarbons were converted into aromatics. Some
normal and iso-alkyl side chains, which are at the edge of the
Results and Discussion condensed aromatic core in the resin and asphaltene
Effects of the oil soluble catalyst on the viscosity of heavy molecules, were broke off from the condensed aromatic, and
oil. According to the procedure, the reacted heavy oil samples then converted into alkyl hydrocarbon. The alkyl chains,
were collected after the reaction and the viscosities were which link two condensed aromatics in the large molecular
measured. The viscosity reduction ratio was calculated structures of the resin and asphaltene may also be broken off.
according following equation: Δμ=(μ0–μ)/ μ0×100%, where The generation of some low molecular weight components
Δμ is the present of the viscosity reduction ratio(%), μ0 is the will dramatically reduce the viscosity of the heavy oil.
original viscosity (Pa•s,50°C) of sample and μ is the Reaction temperature. As well known, the higher the
viscosity(Pa•s,50°C) of the sample after the reaction. The temperature, the better effective of aquathermolysis reaction
effects of the oil soluble catalyst on the physical characters of has. The temperature 240°C is usually adopted in the
heavy oil are given in Table 2. The amount of catalyst added literatures, which is close to the situation in the reservoir
is relatively lower compared with 5wt% reported by other during steam injection[8,9].
researches [11~13] because the amount of Mo accounts for
24.9wt% in the organic compound. It means that oil soluble Field Test
catalyst is more effective due to its homogeneous catalysis. Reservoir characteristics. The experimental wells are
Too much transition metal in the heavy oil during located in the Qi-40 and Qi-108 blocks of Liaohe oil fields.
aquathermolysis reaction is not beneficial to the viscosity The reservoir lithology is a mixture of sand, clay and gravel
reduction[5-7]. The aquathermolysis takes place under the that is mostly pebbly sandstone. The rock has a high
catalysis of the oil soluble organic metal compounds and the percentage of matrixes with high montmorillonite content. The
viscosity of the heavy oil decreases about 90%. It is reservoir has good connectivity and its connective coefficient
advantageous for heavy oil to migrate in porous reservoir. is 0.85. Reservoir porosity is 23-30% with 15 to 20µm pore
Gas Production. The amounts of gases produced in the throat radii. Reservoir permeabilities are between 1.2 and 2.0
reaction were measured according to the gases analysis dacies.
procedure. The results are shown in Table 3. A large amount Operating procedures in the field test. Firstly, a little
of CO2, H2S, and light hydrocarbon gases were produced after part of steam was injected into the well to preheat the
heavy oil samples undergone aquathermalysis reaction under reservoir. Then the catalytic solution was injected into the
240°C. When catalyst is added in the reaction system, the well. Surplus steam was injected according to design
sample produces more gases because the catalyst can lead to parameter. Finally, start producing after a 7-10 days shut-in.
some pyrolysis occurred in lower temperature. This is The production from the test wells before and after the catalyst
consistent with earlier results from other researchers. C2-C7 injection were shown in Table 7.
and H2S mainly come from the decomposition of the Test result. Table 7 shows that the production of heavy
components containing S in the heavy oil. CO2 may partly oil was obviously improved after the catalyst injection. From
attribute to the aquathermalysis, the decarbonxylation of table 8, it is clear that the oil compositions were changed after
carbonxylic derivatives and the decomposition of humic the aquathermolytic treatment. It shows that the viscosity
compounds in the heavy oil, partly come from water-gas decrease by 78.2% (measured at 50°C) in field test, at the
reaction in the present of CO and steam. C2-C7 light
same time, hydrogen in the heavy oil increased significantly.
hydrocarbons can act as solvents to reduce the viscosity of the
The results indicate that the oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen
heavy oil. CO2 can reduce the viscosity of heavy oil and
content decreased. This is because the aquathermolysis usually
improve the flow ability in oil reservoir.
occurs in the heteroatom compounds in heavy oil. The oil has
Elementary analysis of heavy oil. The elementary analysis
more saturate and aromatic components, which are lighter, and
results are given in Table 4. It shows that the ratio of
less resin and asphaltene components, which are heavier. The
hydrogen to carbon is increased and the amount of heter-
comparison of heavy oil production in Qi40-23-35 oil well
atoms in the sample is decreased when undergoing
before and after catalyst injection was shown in figure 1. It
aquathermalysis. The results indicate the organic metal
indicates that aquathermolytic technology is effective to
compounds have a good catalytic effect on heavy oil, which
improve heavy oil production. The cycle decline rate of heavy
can upgrade the heavy oil under steam stimulation.
oil production in puff- and-huff operation was improved
Average molecular weight changes. The average
SPE 106180 3
1. Zheng, F. G.: “The Distribution and Geo-Chemical Characteristics
of Chinese Heavy Oil”, Petroleum Industry Press of China. (Jun.
1999) 1-10.
Table 2. The effects of oil soluble catalyst on the physical character of heavy oil *
viscosity reduction Specific gravity/g•cm-
Reaction System water, % 1
ratio, % , at20°C
# # # # #
1 2 1 2 1 2#
crude oil + water + catalyst1 59.7 62.2 0.0 0.0 0.9732 0.9495
crude oil + water + catalyst2 91.1 93.2 55.9 61.2 0.9885 0.9686
*note: T = 240°C, t = 24h, Catalyst = 0.5wt%, Water = 30wt%, catalyst1 is inorganic, catalyst2 is Molybdenum Oleate
4 SPE 106180
Table 3. The Amounts of gases produced in the reaction (μmol / 100 g heavy oil)
H2 CH4 C2 C3-C7 CO2 H2S
1# 2# 1# 2# 1# 2# 1# 2# 1# 2# 1# 2#
crude oil + water 122 158 358 369 41 44 167 178 224 235 2.8 3.1
crude oil + water
173 201 459 468 48 51 204 210 309 320 3.9 4.4
+ catalyst
Note: T = 240°C, t = 24h, Catalyst = 0.5wt%, Water = 30wt%
Cycle Production,tons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cycl es