Posie's Pallet

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Granulating /Opaque/transparency ~ Description

Buff Titanium
Yes Semi Semi Sandstone, marble, skin tones, beaches mixed with
Staining No Goethite

Mix with quinacridone rose or peritonea orange for

soft feathers. Glaze a dried landscape for misty
atmospheric mood

Hansa Yellow Semi Clean in mixes Hansa Yellow Medium is a high-

tinting, organic pigment. Considered the 'perfect
Staining low yellow', Hansa Yellow Medium offers more control
when mixing. Painters admire the purity of this
primary pigment and adjust its temperature while
avoiding a gray from a hidden complement. Think
of a yellow pepper.

Quinacridone Yes Yes Everyone's favorite, Quinacridone Gold replaces Raw

Sienna and adds versatility with its glazing and mixing
Staining Low capabilities. It is an excellent low-staining golden yellow
pigment that can enhance any mixture.
Highly durable and extremely transparent, all the DANIEL
SMITH Quinacridone colors excel in vivid clarity and

Pyrrol Scarlet
No Semi Semi Permanent, semi-transparent to semi-opaque and
Staining medium medium staining, this fire engine red is cleaner than
Cadmium or Permanent Red. It is a modern
synthetic-organic pigment. While close in value to
its Perylene cousin, it disperses more evenly and is
less granular.

Quinacridone No Yes A true, pure medium-staining red. Drop Naples

Red Yellow into Quinacridone Red and create a peach,
or paint dry brushstrokes onto apples. Highly
durable and extremely transparent, all the DANIEL
SMITH Quinacridone colors excel in vivid clarity and

Perylene Red
No Semi Creates vivid, dark washers with a clean brilliant
Staining Medium red-orange

Pyrrol Crimson
No Semi Blends to an earthier rose when mixed with English
Red Ochre and thinks to a pale fuchsia rose when
Staining diluted

French Yes Yes Mixed with various portions of other blues, French
Ultramarine is a wonderful sky pigment. Modify it with
Staining Medium Quinacridone Gold for delightful greens that remain color-
coordinated. Mix French Ultramarine with Quinacridone
Burnt Orange and be rewarded with an amazing range of
blue to brown grays. Mixed with either Quinacridone Rose
or Pink, a range of purples result. For another important
mix, see Hooker's and Sap Green.
Phthalo Blue No Yes For cool, clean staining shadows and
Green Shade
reflected light on windows, super staining,
Staining No super transparent Phthalo Blue is a popular
pure chroma organic pigment. Mix with
Hansa Yellow for luminous greens.

Phthalo Green No Yes Phthalo Green Blue Shade is a black-green.

Blue Shade
Concentrated to diluted states, it is a
Staining transparent and super staining green.
Organic and absolutely lightfast, most artists
find this color indispensable. The slightly
bluish shade can be readily modified with
yellows and reds. Creates luminous,
effective darks or clean glazes.

Cerulean Blue
Yes Semi A superb mixing color. Think of Cerulean
Staining No Blue as a cleaner, brighter and slightly
warmer alternative to the Cerulean Blue
Chromium we've always sold. A bit less
green, it's a truer blue that will be a versatile
component of any palette.

Indian red
Yes Yes Semi Old brick and other subjects where a flat
Staining (matte) granular surface is desired. Yellow
Medium Ochre, Cerulean Blue and Indian red form
an opaque triad, producing grayed, earth
like mixture common to landscapes

Burnt Sienna
Yes Semi Earth pigment tis a traditional palette staple
Staining No for many landscape painters

Raw Umber
Yes Semi Mixes well with sedimentary Cobalt Blue or
Staining Low Cobalt Violet for granular middle-blue grays
that evoke mood, lend depth of field and
create from or spaces.

Yes Semi Sepia can dilute to a subtle mushroom hue,
Staining Low enjoy this transition in washes from hear to
far or from shadow to light in plowed fields
and farm subjects. Fence posts as well as
bulrushes and cattails.

Goethite (Brown Yes Semi Daniel Smith Goethite is a dark tea color in
mass tone and waves out to a rich, warm
Staining low tan, in washes, it displays intriguing
granulation, with pools of light and dark in
every brushstroke, it is light fast and

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