Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto. Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil
Universidade de Ribeirão Preto. Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas. Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil
University of Toronto. Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. Toronto, Canada
Cost-benefit of clinical pharmacy in hospital Cazarim MS et al.
The most prevalent neurological diseases, especially if considered in more advanced stages,
generally require pharmacological treatments, whose use is characterized by complex
dosage, potential for interaction with other medication and/or the occurrence of important
adverse reactions1,2.
Negative events associated with medication treatment are the cause of 5 to 10 % of hospital
admissions, and between 50 and 60% of these could be prevented. The responsibilities of
the clinical pharmacist in the hospital environment should occur from the moment of
patient admission to patient discharge. During the hospitalization period, the daily analysis
of clinical evolution and medical prescriptions involve aspects that address the need for
indication of pharmacological therapy, the effectiveness, and safety of treatment, among
others that may be associated with unfavorable clinical outcomes3,4.
At admission and discharge, a medical reconciliation is recommended. This activity refers
to the review of current medical prescriptions and evaluation of possible inconsistencies
in relation to the patient’s medical history, based on prior medical prescriptions.
Pharmacotherapeutic interventions can occur at these three moments: hospital admission,
during hospitalization, and discharge3–7.
Scientific advances and health technologies promote an increase in the population’s life
expectancy. However, an aging population poses new challenges, as there is a higher
prevalence of chronic morbidities that require specialized and complex care8. This new
reality also makes it absolutely necessary to rationalize decision-making processes in order
to improve the application of health resources9. Hospital admissions due to a neurological
condition represent, on average, a cost of US$718.00 per patient. If hospitalization has
another primary cause, but involves concomitant neurological care, this cost can be up to
five times greater10. Studies suggest the integration of the clinical pharmacist into healthcare
teams that provide care to patients with diseases such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease
and multiple sclerosis, improves clinical outcomes and quality of life of patients assisted
by means of pharmacist interventions (PI) corresponding to drug related problems (DRP).
DRP may culminate in negative results of medication use11–13.
Although the clinical benefits resulting from the implementation of clinical pharmacy (CP) at
different levels of healthcare are known, there is a gap that refers to the need for data-driven
economic analyses of well-designed prospective studies that show the positive economic
impact of the clinical pharmacist activities14,15. In this way, evidences from benefit-cost studies
are important because this design permits to assess the impact of services and programs,
measuring different outcomes in monetary indicators, opposite to cost-effectiveness studies
that evaluate outcomes depending on the specific clinical indicators or several outcomes by
a single indicator, non-monetary, such as years of life saved16.
In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the cost-benefit of the CP service
implemented in a Neurology ward from the perspective of the hospital and the Brazilian
Public Health System (PHS).
Study Design
We carried out a cost-benefit analysis of a single arm, prospective cohort study12 . The
economic study was carried out from the hospital and PHS perspective, and composed
data from patients followed-up over 36-months, from January 2013 to January 2016, without
control group. Results were interpreted as marginal cost of pharmacist interventions (the
purpose of CP service in Neurology ward) and the CP service cost for implementing at 2
Cost-benefit of clinical pharmacy in hospital Cazarim MS et al.
Neurology ward of the hospital. Marginal cost of pharmacist interventions was estimated
reasoned with and without CP services regarding pharmacist interventions. Without
CP service was the cost condition that considered the hypothesis which the pharmacist
interventions would not occur along the patients care at the Neurology ward, and with CP
service was the cost condition over the pharmacist interventions occurred, recognized as
adhered or not by medical team16,17.
The base study for this pharmacoeconomic analysis is an open study that started in July
2012, developed at the adult ward of the Neurology Unit of the General Hospital of the
Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (HCFMRP-USP).
HCFMRP-USP is a tertiary hospital focused on teaching, researching, and assisting Brazilian
Public Health System users12,18. The ward has 26 beds with an organizational structure that
involves the following subspecialties: neuromuscular diseases, general neurology, epilepsy
and movement disorders18.
In this study, we included a population of neurological patients, individuals of both genders,
aged 18 years or more, who were admitted at the adult Neurology Unit of HCFMRP-USP,
stayed there for at least 48 hours, and for whom at least one medication was indicated for
continued use during hospitalization12.
The patients included were followed-up from the time of admission to discharge. The
patients’ pharmacotherapeutic follow-up was performed through daily analyses of the
medical prescriptions, clinical evolutions, and laboratory tests. Upon detecting a DRP
which was adapted from Strand et al. 26, the clinical pharmacist made an intervention
alongside the medical team, through manual and electronic medical record. The
interventions were classified into 14 categories according to arrangement of the CP
service and the DRP detected.
Sample size estimate was performed through a prevalence formula and was based on average
prevalence of health team adherence to pharmacist interventions, regarding five previous
studies carried out in a similar context to our study. We considered a level of significance
(α) of 5% for an infinite population; proportion of pharmacist interventions accepted from
73.4% to 98.4%; error of 0.1015. Sample size estimate was performed through a prevalence
formula and was based on average prevalence of health team adherence to pharmacists’ PI,
regarding five previous studies carried out in a similar context to our study. We considered
a level of significance (α) of 5% for an infinite population. Therefore, the minimum sample
size required would be 134 individuals. All pharmacist interventions were accounted, but
when there was no data for measuring the costs, that one was excluded.
Data Collection
The data were obtained through the inpatient follow-up records used by the pharmacists
during follow-up and the hospital electronic system. About each patient, identification and
sociodemographic data, as well as information on medication therapy and about morbidities
diagnosed were collected. Regarding pharmacological therapy costs related to pharmacist
interventions, data were collected on drugs prescribed to patients at the Neurology ward,
such as: name of the drug, indication, pharmaceutical form, medicine dosage, route of
administration, dose, and period of use. It is noteworthy the costs were estimated as a
marginal cost of CP service regarding its interventions.
For each intervention, information was listed as: DRP; intervention performed; moment
of intervention (reconciliation at admission, follow-up, or reconciliation at discharge); 3
Cost-benefit of clinical pharmacy in hospital Cazarim MS et al.
adherence by the health team to the intervention, data on the medication involved, as
described above; pre-intervention cost (without CP service); post-intervention cost (with
CP service). In addition, the classification of the clinical conditions or morbidities avoided
with each intervention was performed. Classification was obtained reasoned in the
International Code of Diseases (ICD 10) and applied to health-related problems avoided by
the corresponding interventions performed by the pharmacist12.
Seeking a direct cost analysis we performed the mixed costing technique (micro costing
and macro costing). The bottom-up and top-down methods were performed, the first
being applied to the direct costs associated with the pharmacist interventions, and the
second to the costs associated with co-morbidities/health complications avoided due to
the pharmacist interventions, considered as prospective costs16,17.
Identified direct medical costs were collected through the computerized system of the
hospital (cost data of medical supplies, medication and exams), and assigned to each type
of intervention performed. Costs related to the salary of pharmacist, nursing assistant,
and nursing professionals were collected at the Human Resources department of the
HCFMRP-USP. Data on outpatient costs and the respective hospitalizations of the different
morbidities conditioned to the clinical conditions covered in the interventions were collected
at the Tabwin Datasus® system10. These morbidity/clinical condition costs composed
the estimate of PHS avoided costs by CP service, and it was interpreted like a benefit of
pharmacist interventions.
Initially, cost measurement was performed for each intervention. Subsequently, the total sum
for each intervention category was performed, then the annual cost and the total cost of the
three years of CP service were measured. It should be noted that outpatient and inpatient
costs are available for tabulation in disenable files of the PHS Outpatient Information System
(SIA-SUS) and the PHS hospital information system (SIH-SUS). These systems are used to
obtain data on clinical/administrative performance in Brazilian public health. Data from
all Brazilian states, between the months of January to December of 2016 were selected for
a statistical analysis and then composed the avoidable clinical conditions/co-morbidities
costs in our study.
Furthermore, Tabwin Datasus® data were selected taking into consideration all the
chapters of ICD 10, frequency of occurrence, and codes for classified diseases. After, the
information was tabulated in the program and these data were exported to the Microsoft
Excel 2013® program in which they were systematized in a table containing the values for
diseases classified in ICD 10, and their frequency. By estimating the mean of outpatient and
hospitalization values for each classification, we evaluated the outpatient/hospitalization
cost forecasts related to the clinical conditions/co-morbidities possibly avoided for the PHS,
a measurement of predict cost10.
The cost of the professional to administer the medication was also considered for some
interventions, whenever this type of cost had to be applied. Initially, it was measured per
minute to compose the cost of the intervention to which it was assigned. The estimate was
carried out by means of the average time of preparation of the drug (data collected by a
questionnaire applied to the nurses that work at the neurology ward, which used the Delphi
method to systematize the information as results) multiplied by the professional cost per
minute worked. The 13th salary was added to the annual cost of the professional. The cost of
CP service was estimated by expenditures with one clinical pharmacist at the hospital. It was
considered the professional cost, since materials and resources for implementing the service
are the same existent at the Neurology ward for the common use and they could be shared.
The cost with the professionals was estimated using the data provided by the human
resources department regarding each professional’s the salary and bonuses. It was 4
Cost-benefit of clinical pharmacy in hospital Cazarim MS et al.
considered 30 hours per week for human capital; it was used mean salary pay for a
pharmacist; and mean salary pay for a nurse in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. According to
the Brazilian Network Health Technology Assessment, the cost sensitivity was 50% more
and less than the mean estimated19.
The cost for the hospital was estimated by the marginal cost of CP service, difference between
with and without CP service (without CP service would be a scenario before intervention,
which was considered as the prescription or clinical conduct kept itself until the patient
discharge; and with CP service was a scenario after intervention considered the changes
of the prescription or clinical conduct). Box summarizes the measurement method for the
PI costs considered in this study:
After the identification, measurement and valuing of the costs, the time adjustments were
made. The year 2015 was used as the basis for the estimate due to data collection. However,
the costs were adjusted for the year 2018. For this purpose, the National Consumer Price
Index (NCPI) was considered, which is available in the consolidated economic indicators of
Box. Estimate method of clinical pharmacy service marginal cost, described for each pharmacist intervention category
Intervention categories Without clinical pharmacy service With clinical pharmacy service
Medication introduction NA Cost of medication per day x time of use after intervention
Cost of the medication per day x time of use if there was
Medication Withdrawal NA
no intervention
Dose increase Cost of medication per day x time of use after intervention Cost of medication per day x time of use after intervention
Dose Reduction Cost of medication per day x time of use after intervention Cost of medication per day x time of use after intervention
Replacement Cost of medication per day x time of use after intervention Cost of medication per day x time of use after intervention
Administration time adjustment NA NA
Average cost of serums and diluents x number of
administrations per day x time after + Professional’s cost
Administration route change Cost of medication per day x time of use after intervention
per minute x average time of IV medication administration
at the hospital x time after
Cost of medication (new dosage form) per day x time of
Dosage form change Cost of medication per day x time of use after intervention
use after intervention
Pharmaceutical form Cost of medication (new presentation) per day x time of
Cost of medication per day x time of use after intervention
concentration change use after intervention.
Average cost of serums and diluents x number of Average cost of serums and diluents x number of daily
administrations per day x time after + professional’s cost administrations x time after + professional’s cost per
Infusion rate change
per minute x average time of IV drug administration at minute x average time of IV medication administration at
hospital x time after hospital x time after
Cost of diluent x number of administrations per day x time Cost of new diluent x number of administrations per day
Diluent change
after x time after
Request for examination NA Cost of requested examination
Education/information NA NA
Other NA NA
Clinical pharmacy service
Hospital perspective PHS perspective
marginal cost
(Cost with clinical pharmacy service by intervention –
Cost without clinical pharmacy service by intervention)
(Cost with clinical pharmacy service by intervention –
- (outpatient cost of a comorbidity avoided because of
Cost without clinical pharmacy service by intervention)
the intervention - hospitalization cost of a comorbidity
avoided because of the intervention)
NA: not applicable. Note that a negative value for marginal cost means avoided cost for the hospital as well as for the PHS due to clinical pharmacy
service, which can be interpreted as benefits. The category “Education/information” was not considered for cost estimate and has not exclusion criteria;
the category “Other” was applied to that interventions not listed in the pharmacist form for interventions, then each should be analyzed individually for
cost estimate and for procedures. The time after intervention was considered because this way was possible to make more coherent analysis considering
that a patient can have the intervention after some days and then there is patient discharge at the day after the intervention. The estimate of professional’s
cost was made considering the payroll of the hospital to include the initial salary and incentive premium for the work load of 8h / day, one month of
vacations, 20 days of work in the month (taken on weekends and holidays), considering the 13th salary, according to labor legislation. The annual average
was performed for the nurse, nursing technician and nursing assistant. The annual compensation was divided by worked minutes in the year to get the
professional minute cost. The mean time of drug preparation and administration and / or professional procedure was obtained through the Delphi method.
The Delphi method is used when the data are not found in the literature with proven evidence or when the data found are controversial, it is carried out
from the selection of experts in the subject where through obtaining data from their answers it is sought to predict trends. In this context, the questionnaire
is used to identify the respondents’ anonymity 5
Cost-benefit of clinical pharmacy in hospital Cazarim MS et al.
the Central Bank of Brazil19. The conversion into US dollars was made using the consolidating
exchange rates for 2015 published by the Central Bank of Brazil, 1 dollar = 3.34 Reais16,17.
The estimate was made as follows in equation 1:
(1) Time Adjustment:
cost x (1 + [NCPI year of cost]) x ... (1 + [NCPI year 2018]).
Results were analyzed by total and per patient costs. CP service marginal cost represented the
additional cost involved at the pharmacist interventions for production of health facilities16. The
negative marginal cost represents a monetary benefit and positive represents no benefits. The
total and annual costs of the interventions alongside with the costs of the CP service comprised
the estimate of the indicators of the cost-benefit analysis for the CP service: benefit-cost ratio
(BCR) of the CP service and net-benefits of the CP service for the hospital (equation 2 and 3)
(2) BCR = benefits (marginal cost of clinical pharmacy service)
÷ cost (clinical pharmacy service) BCR:
BCR = benefits (monetary from intervention costs) ÷ costs
(Pharmaceutical service)
(3) Net Benefit (NB):
NB = benefits (monetary from intervention costs) - costs
(Pharmaceutical service) NB = benefits (marginal cost of
clinical pharmacy service) - cost (clinical pharmacy service)
For the PHS, the avoided cost of health complications was added to the marginal costs, in
the equation, for composing the benefits from the PHS perspective. The indicators of the
cost-benefit analysis were interpreted such as: BCR > 1 or NB > 0, the benefits were higher
than the costs showing the CP service could save money; and 0 < BCR < 1 or NB < 0, the
costs were higher than the benefits regarding the CP service. If the results were 1 and 0 for
BCR and NB, respectively, it meant there was no difference between monetary benefits and
costs. Additionally, BCR = 0 meant there was no benefit20.
Sensitivity of BCR and NB results refer to the possible variation of direct costs of CP service,
costs with medicines, human resources, which are aggregated to the marginal cost of PC
service regarding pharmacist interventions and also, ambulatory and hospitalization
costs with co-morbidities to the PHS. Thus, the sensitivity analysis was performed at
10,000 iterations of Monte Carlo simulation for uncertainties of costs and benefits. We used
the @RISK software, version 7, of Palisade Corporation® 2015. The results were interpreted
for an accuracy of 5% and for adhered and total interventions.
The MINITAB version 17 statistical software was used for descriptive statistics of the
estimated costs performed and summarized in the annual mean of three years of this study
representation, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values and inter-quartile
ranges, and also in histogram and box plot, which was important to define the probability
curves of each variable. In this way, Anderson-Darling statistical test was performed, which
measures how much a particular distribution fits the data; the lower this statistic, the better
the distribution fits the data, the significance level of 1% was considered.
This study is part of the study approved by the Research Ethics Committee of HCFMRP/USP
(protocol no. 2586/2013), updated in December 2016, CAAE 29175414.8.0000.5440. Available at:
consultarProjetoPesquisa.jsf. 6
Cost-benefit of clinical pharmacy in hospital Cazarim MS et al.
A total of 334 patients were followed-up by the CP service for 36 months (mean of 112 patients
followed-up each year), of which 172 were women. The mean age of the patients was
51±16 years and most patients declared themselves white (n = 279). Of the total of 334 patients
followed-up, there was a need for pharmacist intervention for 181 (54 %) patients. Among
these, most patients were men (n = 93) and the mean age was 53±16 years.
Most of the pharmacist interventions (86%) occurred during hospitalization, and the other
14% were carried out at admission or discharge. It is noteworthy that of the total interventions,
the percentage of acceptance by the health team was 70%. Of the 506 interventions, that with
the highest occurrence was the medication introduction, which presented the percentage
of 29% of the total number of interventions.
The cost with the professionals was estimated for the mean between Nurse Assistants
and Nurses which was US$5.70 per hour at the hospital and US$0.10±0.03 per minute
(95%CI 0.08–0.014). Pharmacist cost was US$8,520±850 (95%CI 8,353–12,780), which
considered 30 hours of work during the week that was measured for the year.
The total of the interventions resulted in a direct cost of US$3,473 for the hospital over three
years, which represented an annual average of US$1,158. The marginal cost was US$182 per
year, which represented the marginal cost of US$0.55 per patient/year. The cost avoided for
the PHS was US$25,536 per year, US$76.40 per patient/year (Table 1).
Interventions in the medication conciliation at the hospital did not generate a direct cost
impact on the hospital, but they are likely to have an impact on the PHS (Table 2).
The BCR and NB obtained from the interventions adhered to and the total of interventions
showed, from the hospital perspective, there was no monetary benefit, presenting negative
NB, and ratio equal to zero. However, BCR from the perspective of the PHS was 3.0 with
NB of US$51,049 and 4.6 with NB equal to US$91,496, considering only the interventions
adhered to and the total of interventions, respectively (Table 3).
Table 1. Total and annual costs (US$) broken down by pharmacist intervention adhered to at moments of conciliation and follow-up by the
clinical pharmacy service
Avoided costs for the
Intervention category Cost without CP service Cost with CP service CP service marginal cost (SD)
PHS (SD) 7
Cost-benefit of clinical pharmacy in hospital Cazarim MS et al.
Table 2. Direct costs (US$) of adhered to and non-adhered to interventions to the hospital and PHS perspective
Avoided cost of Sum of avoided CP service marginal
Avoided outpatient Avoided cost (PHS
Intervention hospitalization of outpatient costs and cost (hospital
cost of co-morbidity perspective) (SD)
co-morbidity hospitalization costs perspective) (SD)
Total per year 1,995 36,479 39,536 518 (83) 39,019 (4,755)
Per patient year 6.0 109.2 118.4 1.5 (0.6) 116.8 (21)
CP: clinical pharmacy; PHS: Public Health System; SD: standard deviation.
Note: The marginal cost from the hospital perspective was estimated as the cost with the intervention minus the cost without intervention. For estimating
the avoided cost to the PHS perspective was made: Sum of avoided outpatient and hospitalization costs – marginal costs of CP service). Thus, a positive
marginal cost means no benefits of CP service and a positive avoided cost for the PHS means a real monetary benefit. Negative values for the marginal
cost indicate that the cost margin was converted in favor of the intervention, characterizing the monetary benefit, or an expense that was avoided.
Table 3. Benefit-cost ratio by intervention and summary result based on clinical pharmacy service benefit-cost to the hospital and PHS perspective
Adhered interventions Non-adhered interventions Total interventions
Pharmacist interventions
Hospital PHS Hospital PHS Hospital PHS
Pharmaceutical form concentration change 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02
Benefit (Cost US$ avoided by the clinical pharmacy service) 0 76,609 0 117,056
The sensitivity of BCR and NB showed there was no sensitivity for the hospital as the
BCR, which had no direct benefit. However, NBs were -US$26,105 (95%CI -31,850–10,610),
-US$27,112 (95%CI -33,160–11,720) for adhered and total interventions (Figure, E
and F). PHS had BCRs of 3.0 (95%CI 1.97–4.94), 4.6 (95%CI 2.24–10.05) and NBs of
US$51,048 (95%CI 27,645–75,716), US$91,496 (95%CI 34,700–168,050) for adhered and total
interventions, respectively (Figure, A, B, C and D). 8
Cost-benefit of clinical pharmacy in hospital Cazarim MS et al.
A Sensitivity benefit-cost ratio (adhered interventions) PHS B Sensitivity benefit-cost ratio (total interventions) PHS
2.5% 95.0% 2.5% 2.5% 95.0% 2.5%
1.97 4.94 2.24 10.05
0.0050 0.0160
0.0042 0.0140
0.0005 0.0020
0.0000 0.0000
0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.4 6.0 2.25 4.50 6.75 9.00 11.25 13.0
C Sensitivity net benefit (total interventions) PHS D Sensitivity net benefit (total interventions) PHS
2.5% 95.0% 2.5% 2.5% 95.0% 2.5%
27,645 75,716 34,700 168,050
0.0030 0.005
0.0000 0.0000
E Sensitivity net benefit (adhered interventions) Hospital F Sensitivity net benefit (adhered interventions) Hospital
2.5% 95.0% 2.5% 2.5% 95.0% 2.5%
-31,850 -10,510 -33,160 -11,720
4.2 4.2
3.5 3.5
2.8 2.8
Values x 10-6
Values x 10-6
2.1 2.1
1.4 1.4
0.7 0.7
0.0 0.0
This figure has grade plan because it is requested for this kind of analysis and it is make by the @Risk software. BCR: benefit-cost ratio; NB: net benefit;
PHS: Public Health System.
Note: It was performed Monte Carlo simulation for 10,000 iterations and the results were interpreted for 95% of confidence. A) Amplitude of values of
Benefit-cost Ratio as adhered interventions for public health system perspective; B) Amplitude of values of Benefit-cost Ratio as total interventions for
public health system perspective; C) Amplitude of values of net benefit as adhered interventions for public health system perspective; D) Amplitude of
values of net benefit as total interventions for public health system perspective; E) Amplitude of values of net benefit as adhered interventions for hospital
perspective; F) Amplitude of values of net benefit as total interventions for hospital perspective.
Figure 1. Sensitivity analysis of benefit-cost ratio and net benefit regarding pharmacy’s clinical service. 9
Cost-benefit of clinical pharmacy in hospital Cazarim MS et al.
Regarding the total number of patients included, 54% (n = 181) required one or more
pharmacist interventions during the hospitalization period, generating an average of
2.7 interventions per patient, higher than that found by Nunes et al.21. In that study, 30.4%
of the patients attended at the Jamil Haddad National Institute of Traumatology and
Orthopedics required the implementation of CP services.
Of the 506 interventions performed by the CP service at the adult ward of the HCFMRP-USP
Neurology Unit, most interventions were accepted, generating a 70 % adherence rate
(n = 354). This suggests pharmacist interventions are well accepted by the health team. A
similar rate was identified in the study by Gardner et al.22, with 71% adherence to pharmacist
interventions in psychiatric care and in a multicenter study conducted in France that found
an acceptance rate for the intervention performed by pharmacists of 73%23.
It is important to highlight that in this study we measured the impact of the adhered
interventions as the total of pharmacist interventions, without discussing the clinical merit
in question, and that this analysis showed us an important difference of approximately
US$1,000 in NB for the hospital and, 35 % in BCR and US$40,500 in net benefits for the PHS.
In a study carried out in an intensive care unit, 98.4 % of the pharmacist interventions were
accepted, which generated savings of US$2,479 in CP service marginal cost24. The CP service
generated a forecast of cost savings for the PHS of US$76,609 and US$117,056, resulting
from the achievements of the interventions that were adhered to and total interventions,
respectively. Although CP service has not presented a positive economic impact for the
hospital, outcomes were not measured. Hence, possible improvements as treatment
effectiveness and quality of life could be health benefits to be assessed4,15.
The sensitivity of these results showed even with a variation of costs to estimate monetary
benefits and CP service costs the maximum NB would still be negative for the hospital,
-US$10,610, there would be no monetary benefits at this perspective. However, cost savings
could get up to US$48,000 per year at the PHS perspective, which was measured by BCR
of 4.6 that could reach 10.5, considering total of interventions. This BCR can be compared
to the fourth best strategy around the world, the control of malaria program, which had a
BCR of 10.0 in 201225.
The management of pharmacotherapy through pharmacists’ interventions, which is difficult
and complex when involving inpatients with neurological diseases, specially older ones2,26,27,
can seem costly in a simple direct cost analysis. For instance, in this study the prevalence
of medicine addition was higher than withdrawal, which certainly reflected on direct
hospital costs. In this way, the analysis of the perspectives of the PHS compared to the
hospital perspective, showed a significant economic impact that the CP service can cause
in resource savings. In CP services developed in specialized environments, it is common
for interventions that introduce medication to be the majority since, as well as aiming to
reduce morbidity in the short and long term, reflect the managerial action of the pharmacist
for patient-centered care28.
According to the Tabwin Datasus® system, the percentage of hospitalized patients, identified
by Chapter VI – Nervous System Diseases of ICD 10 – as secondary diagnosis at the time of
admission, was 2.78% in 2016 in Brazil10. Considering this data, it is possible to extrapolate
the results from this study and conjecture that this CP service evaluated would be able to
impact on the national reduction of this hospitalization percentage to 2.76%. If this was
implemented in the whole hospital and in other hospitals, the national impact would be
higher than this difference of 0.02%.
In addition, in the year 2016 there were 15,452 national admissions of adult patients by
primary diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system, which cost US$11 million for the PHS10.
Considering this scenario, alongside data from 2014 in the HCFMRP-USP neurology ward,
which indicated 679 admissions, it is possible to make an analogy extrapolating the results 10
Cost-benefit of clinical pharmacy in hospital Cazarim MS et al.
of this study to conjecture that approximately, US$1.8 million per year could be saved for
the PHS with the implementation of this CP service at the Neurology wards at national level.
This scenario indicates substantial savings for the PHS, which could result in reallocation
of resources. Brazil is the largest country in terms of population dependent on the PHS. It is
noteworthy that resources used in public health are lower than the ones used in developed
countries and approximately 72% of Brazilians depend on the PHS to access healthcare29.
According to the national health survey carried out in 2013 by the Brazilian Institute
of Geography and Statistics of the total number of residents in Brazil, about 6.0% had a
hospitalization of 24 hours or more, and of this percentage, approximately 66.0% were
hospitalized at the PHS29. Thus, the implementation of the CP service can generate several
benefits for the health sector, being able to reduce the hospitalization time of patients, which
would result in lower expenses with medications, costs related to hospitalization, and could
contribute to improve the rational use of health resources and to assist in the promotion
of humanized and patient-centered care30. This is an important front to be followed within
the broad perspective of healthcare, which considers the individual in all their psychosocial
aspects as the target of care31,32.
There were limitations in this study as the absence of clinical records of the hospital for
economic evaluation, which was responsible for reducing 12% of the sample, but even in this
condition the sample was 2.5x higher than the sample plan number, approximately. Results
related to clinical conditions/co-morbidities possibly avoided for the PHS had been measured
by the analysis of non-treated conditions (performed by experts in medicine and CP) and had
not been obtained by a conventional way like a prospective study. However, we were careful
with this influence and we have considered the variation of ambulatory and hospitalization
costs according to real data from Datasus. Then we believe it was reasonable for presenting
robust results because pharmacist interventions that are reasoned in DRP, as in this study, are
actions to improve effectiveness and avoid future health complications or co-morbidities8,26 to
PHS perspective, as well as to public hospitals, although it was not measured due to this study
design. Furthermore, this method may be considered efficient when we think about research
efficiency in cost terms as the time for developing the study. It is noteworthy, the results
showed in this study are capable of foster pharmacoeconomic studies as the management of
the health resources and its applicability, for instance, the saving costs for PHS could cover
the costs with the CP service and its marginal cost for the hospital.
Results suggest the CP service has been well accepted by the Neurology ward health team.
In this way, the CP service can be able to promote improvements in pharmacotherapeutic
management at the Neurology health care. Moreover, the economic impact measured was
positive for the PHS, which presented a good cost-benefit ratio and net monetary benefit.
However, CP service did not represent a good cost benefit for the hospital, since there were
higher costs than monetary benefits, viewed by PC service marginal cost. It is relevant to
consider the amount saved for PHS could cover the hospital costs with the CP service and
its marginal cost.
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Acknowledgement: In memoriam: PhD. Thomas Einarson, Professor Emeritus (Assoc) of the Leslie Dan Faculty
of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, 144 College Street, Toronto, ON, Canada. We thank the Health Economics
and Health Technology Assessment (HEHTA) from University of Glasgow (Professor Olivia Wu) regarding PhD.
stage of Maurílio de Souza Cazarim in pharmacoeconomics. To Nucleus of Evaluation of Technologies in Health
of the Clinical Hospital of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil (NATS / HCRP) for providing management aid at the Clinical
Hospital of Ribeirão Preto-SP and its researches. In addition, we thank the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do
Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) funding agency that provided scholarship for the author Maurilio Souza Cazarim
[grant number 2017/21240-0 from January 2018 to August 2018; and grant number 2016/03584-1 from August
2016 to August 2019], URL (
Funding: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) funding agency has provided scholarship
for the author Maurilio Souza Cazarim [grant number 2017/21240-0 from January 2018 to August 2018 and grant
number 2016/03584-1 from August 2016 to August 2019], URL (, thus, it has contributed for the development of this paper. It highlights, the funder
had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Opinions, assumptions and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this article are responsibility of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of FAPESP.
Authors’ Contribution: Conception and design of the work: MSC. Collection, analysis, and interpretation of
data: MSC, JPVR, PSC. Draft or review of the manuscript: MSC, TRE. Approval of the final version: MSC, LRLP.
Public responsibility for the article content: MSC, JPVR, LRLP.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. 13