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Create Tables:

a) Client_master: Use to store information about clients.

CREATE TABLE Client_master(
client_no VARCHAR(6),
name VARCHAR(20),
address1 VARCHAR(30),
address2 VARCHAR(30),
city VARCHAR(15),
pincode NUMERIC(8),
state VARCHAR(15),
bal_due NUMERIC(10,2)

b) product_master: Use to store information about products.

CREATE TABLE product_master(
prduct_no VARCHAR(6),
description VARCHAR(15),
profit_percent NUMERIC(4,2),
unit_measure VARCHAR(10),
qty_on_hand NUMERIC(8),
reorder_lvl NUMERIC(8),
sell_price NUMERIC(8,2),
cost_price NUMERIC(8,2)

c) salesman_master: Use to store information about salesman working in the company.

CREATE TABLE salesman_master(
salesman_no VARCHAR(6),
salesman_name VARCHAR(20),
address1 VARCHAR(30),
address2 VARCHAR(30),
city VARCHAR(20),
pincode NUMERIC(8),
state VARCHAR(20),
sal_amt NUMERIC(8,2),
tgt_to_get NUMERIC(6,2),
ytd_sales NUMERIC(6,2),
remarks VARCHAR(60)
Q2. Insert Data into the tables

a) Data for client_master table


INSERT INTO Client_master(client_no, name, city, pincode, state, bal_due)

VALUES('C00001', 'Ivan Bayross', 'Bombay', 400054, 'Maharashtra', 15000);
INSERT INTO Client_master(client_no, name, city, pincode, state, bal_due)
VALUES('C00002', 'Vandana Saitwal', 'Madras', 780001, 'Tamil Nadu', 0);
INSERT INTO Client_master(client_no, name, city, pincode, state, bal_due)
VALUES('C00003', 'Pramada Jaguste', 'Bombay', 400057, 'Maharashtra',
INSERT INTO Client_master(client_no, name, city, pincode, state, bal_due)
VALUES('C00004', 'Basu Navindgi', 'Bombay', 400056, 'Maharashtra', 0);
INSERT INTO Client_master(client_no, name, city, pincode, bal_due)
VALUES('C00005','Ravi Sreedharan', 'Delhi', 100001, 2000);
INSERT INTO Client_master(client_no, name, city, pincode, state, bal_due)
VALUES('C00006', 'Rukmini', 'Bombay', 400050, 'Maharashtra', 0);

b) Data for product_master table


INSERT INTO product_master VALUES('P00001', '1.44 Floppies', 5, 'Piece',

100, 20, 525, 500);
INSERT INTO product_master VALUES('P03453', 'Monitors', 6, 'Piece', 10, 3,
12000, 11280);
INSERT INTO product_master VALUES('P06734', 'Mouse', 5, 'Piece', 20, 5,
1050, 1000);
INSERT INTO product_master VALUES('P07865', '1.22 Floppies', 5, 'Piece',
100, 20, 525, 500);
INSERT INTO product_master VALUES('P07868', 'Keyboards', 2, 'Piece', 10,
3, 3150, 3050);
INSERT INTO product_master VALUES('P07885', 'CD Drive', 2.5, 'Piece', 100,
3, 5250, 5100);
INSERT INTO product_master VALUES('P07965', '540 HDD', 4, 'Piece', 10, 3,
8400, 8000);
INSERT INTO product_master VALUES('P07975', '1.44 Drive', 5, 'Piece', 10,
3, 1050, 1000);
INSERT INTO product_master VALUES('P08865', '1.22 Drive', 5, 'Piece', 2,
3, 1050, 1000);
c) Data for salesman_master table
INSERT INTO salesman_master VALUES('S00001', 'Kiran', 'A/14', 'Worli',
'Bombay', 400002, 'Maharashtra', 3000, 100, 50, 'Good');
INSERT INTO salesman_master VALUES('S00002', 'Manish', '65', 'Nariman',
'Bombay', 400001, 'Maharashtra', 3000, 200, 100, 'Good');
INSERT INTO salesman_master VALUES('S00003', 'Ravi', 'P-7', 'Bandra',
'Bombay', 400032, 'Maharashtra', 3000, 200, 100, 'Good');
INSERT INTO salesman_master VALUES('S00004', 'Ashish', 'A/5', 'Juhu',
'Bombay', 400044, 'Maharashtra', 3500, 200, 150, 'Good');

Q3. Retrieving records from a tables

a) Find out names of all the clients.

Select name
From Client_master;

b) Retrieve the entire contents of the client_master table.

Select *
From Client_master;

c) Retrieve the list of names and the cities of all the clients.
Select name, city
From Client_master;

d) List the various products available from the product_master table.

Select description
From product_master;

e) List all the clients who are located in Bombay.

Select *
From Client_master
Where city = 'Bombay';
f) Find the names of the salesman who have a salary equal to Rs.3000
Select salesman_name
From salesman_master
Where sal_amt = 3000;

Q4. Updating records in a table:

a) Change the city of client_no ‘C00005’ to ‘Bombay’.
Update Client_master
Set city = 'Bombay'
Where client_no = 'C00005';

b) Change the bal_due of client_no ‘C00001’ to Rs.1000.

Update Client_master
Set bal_due = 1000
Where client_no = 'C00001';

c) Change the cost price of ‘1.22 Floppies’ to Rs. 950.00.

Update product_master
Set cost_price = 950
Where description = '1.22 Floppies';

d) Change the city of the salesman to Mumbai.

Update salesman_master
Set city = 'Mumbai';

Q5. Exercise on deleting records in a table

a) Delete all salesman from the salesman_master whose salaries are equal to Rs.3500.
DELETE FROM salesman_master
Where sal_amt = 3500;

b) Delete all products from product_master where the quantity on hand is equal to 100.
DELETE FROM product_master
Where qty_on_hand = 100;
c) Delete from client_master where the column state holds the value 'Tamil Nadu’.
DELETE FROM client_master
Where state = 'Tamil Nadu';

Q6. Altering the table structure:

a) Add a column called 'telephone' of data type 'number' and size ='10’ to the client_master table.
ALTER Table client_master ADD telephone Numeric(10);

b) Change the size of sell_ price column in product_master to 10,2.

ALTER TABLE product_master
MODIFY COLUMN sell_price Numeric(10, 2);

Q7. Deleting the table structure along with the data:

a) Destroy the table client _master along with its data.

Drop table client_master;

Q8. Renaming the table:

a) Change the name of the salesman master table to sman_mast.

ALTER TABLE salesman_master RENAME sman_mast;

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