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Wedding Photography Contract

[AAA Photography Studios], located at [Address], agrees to provide wedding photography

services to the client(s) listed below.
Client Name: XXXXX
Street address: XXXXX
City: XXXXX State: XXXXX Zip: XXXX
Phone Number: XXXX Email: XXXX

Client Name: XXXXX

Street address: XXXXX
City: XXXX State: XXXX Zip: XXX
Phone Number: XXXX Email: XXXXXX


[AAA Photography Studios] will provide photography services at two separate venues on [Date],
beginning at [Start time] am/pm and ending at [Ending time] am/pm.

Photography at Event Venue #1:

Venue Name: XXXX

Street Address: XXXXX
City: XXXX State: XXXXX Zip: XXXX
Venue Phone: XXXXX Venue Contact: XXXX

The client(s) request the following poses at Venue #1:

1. Ex: Bride and Groom with Groom’s family 7.

2. 8.
3. 9.
4. 10.
5. 11.
6. 12.

In addition to the above poses, the photographer will capture additional shots of the wedding
day festivities as they occur, up to a total of 125 photography shots at Venue #1.
Photography at Event Venue #2:

Venue Name:
Street Address:
City: State: Zip:
Venue Phone: Venue Contact:

The client(s) request the following poses at Venue #2:

1. 7.
2. 8.
3. 9.
4. 10.
5. 11.
6. 12.

In addition to the above poses, the photographer will capture additional shots of the wedding
day festivities as they occur, up to a total of 125 photography shots at Venue #2.


The payment for photography services, including up to 150 printed photographs is $[________].

A deposit of $[____________] is due at the time the contract is signed. The deposit is non-
refundable and shall serve as liquidated damages to the photographer if the client cancels the

The payment balance is due on delivery of the photographs.

Package Selection:

The package contains 150 photographs. The sizes of the photographs, and the number of
photographs allowed per size, are as follows:

[_____] 16 x 20’s - Additional prints at this size can be purchased for $[_____________] each.

[_____] 11 x 14’s - Additional prints at this size can be purchased for $[_____________] each.

[_____] 8 x 10’s - Additional prints at this size can be purchased for $[_____________] each.

[_____] 5 x 7’s - Additional prints at this size can be purchased for $[_____________] each.

[_____] 4 x 6’s - Additional prints at this size can be purchased for $[_____________] each.

The client’s may purchase a DVD with all of the photographs taken at Venue 1 and Venue 2 for $

1. This contract contains terms agreed by client(s) and photographer. Any changes must be
in writing and signed by both parties.
2. The client(s) agree to confirm the event 1 week in advance and to provide the
photographer with any venue changes 1 week in advance. The client agrees to be
responsible for additional charges due to venue changes, if applicable. Additional charges
include travel expenses, meals, and accommodation.
3. The client agrees the photographer will begin the shoot and end the shoot at the times
specified in the contract. If there is a delay, the photographer may be able to stay longer,
provided the client agrees to pay an additional fee of $[_________] per hour. The client
understands the photographer may not be able to stay longer than scheduled due to
another booking.
4. The photographer and the Company are not liable for compromised shoots due to
circumstances beyond the photographer’s control. These circumstances include
uncooperative guests, lateness of clients or guest, last minute venue changes and
weather conditions. Further, the photographer and the Company will not be held liable for
background items or venue lighting that has a negative effect on the quality of the
5. If the photographer is forced to cancel the event due to conditions beyond his or her
control, the Company will secure a replacement photographer if possible. If a replacement
cannot be found, the Company shall have limited liability in the form of returning all
6. In the event of equipment failure, lost or stolen equipment or images, the Company shall
have limited liability in the amount of the entire contract price.
7. The client(s) are responsible for securing any licenses or releases for the photography
services at the venues.
8. The client(s) or wedding coordinator agrees to ensure the people specified in each shot
are available.

By signing this contract, all parties agree to the terms herein.

Printed Name, Client Signature, Client Date

Printed Name, Client Signature, Client Date

Printed Name, Company Signature, Company Representative Date

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