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1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and
so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong
to that group?
(A) Food : Hunger
(B) Water : Thirst
(C) Air : Suffocation
(D) Talent : Education
Ans: D
Without food we feel hungry. Without water we feel thirsty.
Without air we feel suffocation. Similarly, without leg on is

2. Pointing out to a lady, Mohit said, “She is the daughter

of a woman who is the mother of the husband of my
mother.” How is the lady related to Rohit?
(A) aunt
(B) grand daughter
(C) daughter
(D) sister
Ans: A
Mother’s husband = Father; Father’s mother = Grandmother
Grandmother’s daughter = Father’s Sister’ Father’s sister =
Aunt; The lady is Mohit’s aunt.

3. In a code languages, COMPUTER is written as
RFUVQNPC. How is MEDICINE written in the same
Ans: A
EOJDJEFM – The letters of the word are written in a reverse
order and each letter, except the first and the last one, is
moved one step forward, to obtain the code.
4. Which one number is wrong in the following series?
42, 110, 132, 210, 440, 506
(A) 42
(B) 132
(C) 440
(D) 506
Ans: D
1st number × 5 = 4th number,
2nd number × 4 = 5th number,
3rd number × 3 = 6th number,
The number 506 is wrong

5. Choose the related word from the given alternatives

Monday: Saturday:: Thursday:?
(A) Wednesday
(B) Friday
(C) Tuesday
(D) Sunday
Ans: C
Saturday falls five days ahead of Monday.
Tuesday falls five days ahead of Thursday.

6. Find the missing letter from the given series

A E J ? W E
(A) R
(B) O
(C) P
(D) Q
Ans: C
The sequence in the given series is +4, +5, +6, +7, +8.
7. ‘MP’ is related to ‘SV’ in the same way ‘CF’ is related
(A) YB
(B) IL
(C) DG
(D) HK
Ans: b

8. S walks 12 km. towards north then he turns to the left

and walks 2 km. Again he turns to the right and walks
15 km. In which direction is he from his starting point?

(A) South-East
(B) East
(C) South-West
(D) North-East
Ans: D

9. Select a suitable figure from the Answer Figures that

would replace the question mark (?).
Problem Figures: Answer Figures:

(A) (B) (C) (D) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
(E) 5
Ans: A
The pentagon gets vertically inverted. The lower half of the
black element becomes white and this element moves inside
the pentagon and gets attached to its upper end

10. Study the problem figures marked 1, 2 and 3 carefully

and try to establish the relationship between them. From

the answer figures marked A, B, C and D, pick out the
figure which most appropriately completes the series
Problem Figures Answer Figures

Ans: C
The same figures rotates up-side-down in alternative


11. Which among the following is the best order of increasing
magnitude of three forces which is acting on a ball is
falling at terminal speed in still air.
(A)Upthrust → viscous drag → weight
(B)Viscous drag → upthrust → weight
(C)Viscous drag → weight → upthrust
(D) Weight → upthrust → viscous drag
Ans: A
12. Which among the following is the best extinguisher for
fires involving electrical equipment and inflammable
materials like petrol?
(A) Water
(B) Carbon dioxide
(C) Carbon monoxide
(D) Sand
Ans: B
13. Rakesh mixed some iron filings with sulphur powder in a
China dish. In another dish he mixed iron filings and sulphur
powder and heated the mixture.
Which of his observations is not
(A)Dish X shows a physical
change while dish Y shows a
chemical change
(B)In dish X sulphur powder
and iron filings can be seen
(C)In dish Y a new substance is
formed on heating the
(D)The change which has taken
place in dish Y is reversible
Ans: D
In dish X, two substances are
just mixed and can be seen
separately. As the mixture is not
heated, so no chemical reaction
takes place and no new
compound is formed. Thus, it is
a physical change. In dish Y, the
mixture is heated so, chemical
reaction takes place and new
compound (Iron supplied) is
formed. Thus, it is a chemical
change. We cannot get back
iron and sulphur from iron
supplied by any physical
method so, it is irreversible.
Iron + Sulphur  heat
 Iron

14. Few characteristics of three fuels X, Y and Z are given

Not easily stored Can be stored in Can be stored in
or transported tanks and tanks and
transported transported
through pipes through pipes
Extremely Produce almost no Moderately
polluting pollutants polluting
Identify X, Y and Z respectively.
(A)LPG, Biogas, Coal
(B)Coal, Natural gas, Petroleum
(C)Petroleum, LPG, Coal
(D)Natural gas, Cow dung cake, LPG
Ans: B
Coal being a solid fuel cannot be stored or transported easily
and is extremely polluting. Natural gas is easy to store and
transport through pipes and does not cause any pollution.
Petroleum being liquid fuel is easy to store and transport and
is moderately polluting.
15. Which of the following antiknocking agents added to
petrol to avoid knocking in vehicles?
(A)White Petrol (B) Carbon monoxide
(C)Tetraethyl lead (D) Indole
Ans: C
16. Gold and silver are called noble metals because
(A)They do not, normally, react in their natural environment
(B)Ladies of royalty wear them as jewellery
(C)They are worn by noblemen
(D)Even acids cannot dissolve them without strong heat.
Ans: A
17. Which of the following is not a natural dye of either
vegetable or animal origin?
(A)Tyrian purple (B) Indigo
(C)Saffron (D) Azo dye
Ans: D
Azo dyes are synthetic colours that contain an azo group, -
N=N-, as part of the structure. Azo groups do not occur
naturally. Most azo dyes contain only one azo group, but some
contain two (disazo), three (trisazo) or more.
18. Arrange the following fuels in the increasing order of their
calorific value.
(i) Petrol (ii) Wood
(iii) Coal (iv) Natural gas

(A) I, ii, iii and iv (B) ii, iii, iv and i

(C) ii, I, iii and iv (D) ii, iii, I and iv
Ans: D
Wood- 17000 to 22000 kJ/kg
Coal- 25000 to 33000 kJ/kg
Petrol- 45000kJ/kg
A Natural gas- 50000 kJ/kg, thus the correct order will be- ii,
iii, I and iv
19. For a spontaneous combustion to take place, which of the
following condition is necessary?
(B)Low ignition temperature
(C)Rise in temperature
(D)Temperature below 30 C
Ans: B
For a spontaneous combustion to take place the substance
should have low ignition temperature.
20. Which of the water pollutant is incorrectly paired with the
(A)Oil spill- ship (B) Pesticide- oil palm
(C)Sewage- factories (D) Nitrate- farm
Ans: C
Sewage comes from the houses not from factories. Poisonous
chemicals come from factories.
21. Shyam Kumar went to a tailor shop to get a shirt
stitched for him. He wanted a fabric that doesn’t get
wrinkled quickly. Help him to choose the correct fiber.
(B) Nylon
(C) Cotton
(D) Silk
Ans: A
22. An empty glass is inverted and
lowered 20 cm into a trough of water, a
trough of oil, a trough of mercury and a
trough of iodine. Given that the densities
of water, oil mercury and iodine are
1000 kg m–3, 800 kg m–3 and 5000 kg m–
respectively, in which liquid will the
length of air column in the cup be the
(A)Water (B)Oil
(C)Mercury (D)Iodine
Ans: C
Density of mercury is the highest and
has the smallest depth in the four
liquids. Mercury will exert the most
pressure on the trapped air in the cup.
The high pressure caused by the
mercury will cause the trapped air to be
compressed most resulting the shortest
air column seen.
23. A star spinning rapidly emitting pulses of radio and
optical energy is called
(A) Pulstar (B) Neutron star
(C) Proton star (D) Electron star

Ans: A
24. A point objet is placed midway between two plane mirrors
distance ‘a’ apart. The plane mirrors form an infinite
number of images due to multiple reflections. The distance
between nth orders images formed in the two mirrors is
(A) na (B) 2 na
(C) na
(D) n2 a
Ans: B

I1mth order is = (2n – 1) a2 from M1

2 order is = (2n – 1) a2 from M2
Distance between these two n order images is
a a
  2n  1  a   2n  1  2na
2 2

25. A man stands between two vertical walls. One wall is 300
m away and the other is 600 m away. After making a loud
clap, he hears two echoes at an interval of time t. Calculate
the time interval t. (Take the speed of sound in air to be
300 m/s)
(A) 1.0 s (B) 1.5 s
(C) 2.0 s (D) 4.0 s
Ans: C
The interval is the time taken for the sound to travel the extra
distance made by the longer sound path.
Extra distance travelled by the longer sound path = 2 × 600 –
2 × 300 = 600 m
600 = 300 t

26. Determine the amount of charge that passes through a

point in a conductor in coulombs if 60 mA flow in 10
(A) 36 (B) 60
(C) 167 (D) 600
Ans: A
Q = It
Q = (60 × 10–3) × (10 × 60)
Q = 36 C
27. You are told that both 3 N horizontal force and a 4 N
horizontal force are acting on an object, but you are not
told their directions. Based on this information, what is
the possible range for the information, what is the possible
range for the magnitude F of the net force on the object?
(A) 3  F  4 (B) 1  F  4
(C) 3  F  5 (D) 1  F  7
Ans: D
Fmax = 3 + 4 = 7 N when both forces are in the same direction.
Fmin = 4 – 3 = 1 N when both forces are in opposite
28. A plane mirror makes an angle of 30o with horizontal. If a
vertical ray strikes the mirror, find the angle between
mirror and reflected ray
(A) 30o (B) 45o
(C) 60o (D) 90o
Ans: C

As is clear from the figure.

The angle between reflected ray and mirror is 60o.
29. A student bangs a drum in the middle of a rectangular
hall. Two echoes are detected at 40 ms and 70 ms
respectively. If the length of the concert hall is 24m and
there is no echo from the ceiling, what is the speed of sound
in air?
(A) 343 m s–1 (B) 600 m s–1
(C) 686 m s–1 (D) 1200 m s–1
Ans: A
Time taken for sound to travel half the length of the hall
  70ms  35ms

Distance travelled by the sound in 35 ms 
 24m  2m

Speed = distance  time =12 m  35 ms = 12 m  (35×10–3 s)

Speed = 343 m s–1
30. Match the following column:
Sl. Objects Nature of
No. force
1. Force on falling A. Frictional
ball force
2. Force on moving B. Muscular
charge force
3. Force on lifting C. Electrostatic
objects force
4. Force on sliding D. Gravitational
ball force
(A) 1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A (B) 1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C
(C) 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A (D) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-D
Ans: A
31. Leptothrix is an example of iron bacteria. Which of the
following statements best fit the iron bacteria?
(A) They oxidise ferrous compounds to ferric oxide
(B)They are responsible for preservation of iron-rich artefacts
in archaeological material
(C) They cause rusting of iron
(D)They cause iron to be deposited in the livers of animals
Ans: D
32. Differentiation of shoot in plant tissue culture is controlled
(A)High auxin : cytokinin ratio
(B)High cytokinin: auxin ratio
(C)High gibberellin: cytokinin ratio
(D)High gibberellin: auxin ratio
Ans: B
Differentiation of shoot in plant tissue culture is controlled by
high cytokinin and auxin ratio.
33. A patient brought to a hospital with infarction

heart problem as shown in the given

diagram. In this case he should
immediately given
I. Cyclosporin–A
II. Penicillin
III. Streptokinase
(A) Only I (B) Only II
(C) Only III (D) Both II and III
Ans: C
34. Chicken Pox: Virus:: Malaria: ________
(A) Fungus (B) Protozoa
(C) Bacteria (D) Virus
Ans: B
Chickenpox is a viral disease in the same way malaria is
caused due to protozoa.

35. Refer the given graph of menstrual cycle.

(A) Ovulation (B) Implantation

(C) Menopause (D) Menstruation
Ans: D
In menstrual cycle, ovulation that is release of egg occurs on
about 14th day. The uterus line has thickened much till 14th
day and continues thickening further. The thickening helps
the embryo, if formed, in plantation. In absence of
fertilization, the uterine lining is sloughed off and is released
from the body, along with unfertilized ovum, with menstrual
bleeding through vagina.
36. How can plant prevent self-pollination?
(A)Stamen and pistil mature at different times
(B)Plants should develop bisexual flowers
(C)Pistil should have increased respectively from pollens
from same plants
(D)All of these
Ans: A
If stamens and pistils will mature at the different times, self-
fertilization will not occur. It is so because when pollens will
mature they will not find mature egg cells of the some flower
to fertilize and similarly when egg cell will mature, it will not
find mature self-pollen to be fertilized.

37. Which of the following gases is/are produced by
decomposers during the decaying process?
(A)Only carbon dioxide gas
(B)Only carbon dioxide and nitrogen gases
(C)Only oxygen gas
(D)Only carbon dioxide and oxygen gases
Ans: B
Decomposers produce nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases.
38. Jiya’s mother does not allow her to lie on the abdomen
immediately after having food. What could most likely be
the reason for this?
(A)In stomach food gets processed into a thick liquid called
(B)It may affect peristaltic movement throughout the
digestive tract hence food does not properly mix with
enzymes and stays undigested
(C)The small intestine, on compression, releases intestinal
juices which restrict the action of digestive enzymes in the
small intestine
(D)It may affect peristaltic movement throughout the
digestive tract especially large intestine where poor
motility may result in greater absorption of water and
thereby may cause diarrhea
Ans: B
When we lie down on the abdomen immediately after eating,
peristaltic movement gets effected throughout the digestive
tract, especially small intestine where digestion and

absorption chiefly occurs, hence food does not get properly
mixed with enzymes and stays undigested
39. Which of these is a behavioral adaptation?
(A)A hognose snake pretends as dead to trick the predator
(B)A frog’s light coloured belly makes it harder for a
predatory fish to see it against sunlight on the water surface
(C)The scarlet king snake looks very much like the poisonous
coral snake
(D)A treehopper on a leaf or twig resembles a thorn
Ans: A
Behavioural adaptation is a process in which an organism
changes its behavioural pattern to increase its chance of
40. Which of the following effect is not due to SPM?
(A)Interference with photosynthesis
(B)Respiratory problems
(D)Blackening of buildings and monuments
Ans: C
SPM is suspended particulate matter which is a means of air
pollution. Effects of SPM include interference with
photosynthesis by reducing the amount of light reaching the
plants, respiratory problems and blackening of buildings and
monuments by deposition of particles. Eutrophication is a
type of water pollution and is caused by fertilizers and
pesticides run-off.

41. Which of the following is correct for tea?
(A) Acidic and nicotine (B) Alkaline and caffeine
(C) Alkaline and nicotine (D) Acidic and caffeine
Ans: B
Tea is alkaline and caffeine
42. Nickel and cadmium are used in combination
(A) As a catalyst
(B) In alloys that can resist high pressure
(C) In electric batteries having a very long life
(D) In cooking utensile
Ans: C
Nickel and cadmium are used together in electric batteries
having a very long life.
43. Viruses exist on the borderline between living and non-
living matter. They cause diseases in animals, plants and
human beings. They are made of biochemical known as
(A) Enzymes
(B) Nucleoproteins
(C) Carbohydrates
(D) Peptones
Ans: B
Proteins associated with nucleic acid are known
as nucleoproteins.
44. Mr. Garg, a science teacher showed the
following experimental set up to the
students. Which of the following is the
correct observation and its

(A) The paper pan catches fire and the
water spills all over the wire mesh
because paper is inflammable.
(B) The paper pan has a very high ignition
temperature so it does not catch fire.
(C) The water in the pan absorbs heat
from the candle flame and thus
prevents the paper to reach the ignition
(D) The paper pan helps the water vapours
to condense back to water.
Ans: C
Ignition temperature is the lowest temperature at which a
substance catches fire. The caper pan has low ignition
temperature but the water in the pan absorbs heat from the
candle flame and thus, prevents the paper to reach its ignition

45. Graphite is used in pencils. It leaves a black trace of

writing on paper because it consists of layers of carbon
atoms that
(A)Are wound inside, like a long thread
(B)Are attracted by paper material
(C)Fall easily
(D)Slide over each other
Ans: (D)
Graphite is crystalline form of carbon atoms. It contains
layers of carbon atoms. These layers in it, can slide over
each other because the forces between them are very weak.

46. Match the following:-

Column I Column II
1. Rapid combustion (p) Materials get ignited
2. Spontaneous without any apparent
combustion cause
3. Explosion (q) Fuel burns rapidly and
4. Sodium produces heat and light
bicarbonate (r) Fire extinguisher
(s) Evolution of large
amount of heat, light
and sound
(A) 1-(q); 2-(p); 3-(s); 4-(r) (B) 1-(p); 2-(q); 3-(r); 4-(s)
(C) 1-(r); 2-(s); 3-(q); 4-(p) (D) 1-(s); 2-(r); 3-(q); 4-(p)
Ans: A
When a substance burns in a short span of time (rapid
combustion), the combustion of the substance is complete and
a large amount of heat and light is produced.
47. Which of the following statement is true for the given
chemical reaction?
ZnO + C  Zn + CO
2Fe3O3 +3C  6Fe + 3CO2
(A)Carbon is reduced (B) Carbon is oxidized
(C)Metal oxide is reduced to metal (D) Metal oxide is
Ans: C

48. Four experiments on rusting are shown below.
1 2 3 4

Dry air Oil

15 C
Boiled Boiled tap Tap water
tap water 15oC water 15 oC 25oC
Paper-clip Paper-clip Paper-clip Paper-clip

Not rusty Rusts Not rusty Rusts

after 1 week after 1 week after 1 week after 1 week

Which two experiments can be used to show that air is

needed for iron to rust?
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1 and 4
(C) 2 and 3 (D) 2 and 4
Ans: C
Both air and water are necessary for rusting to take place (as
shown in experiment 4). Experiment I shows that water is
needed for iron to rust. Experiments 2 and 3 (at the same
temperature) show that air is needed for iron to rust. The
difference in these two experiments is the presence of oil in
experiment 3 which prevents air from dissolving in the water.
So, no rusting takes place in it. While in experiment 2, air
dissolves in water and rusting takes place.
49. Coking coal is used for making iron. It was invented by
Abraham Darby of England when he added to coal the
right proportion of
(A) Sulphur (B) Steam
(C) Lime (D) Copper
Ans: B
Coking coal was invented by Abraham Darby of England
when he added to coal the right proportion of steam. Coking
coal is an essential ingredient in steel production. It is
different to thermal coal which is used to generate power.
Coking coal, also known as metallurgic coal, is heated in a
coke oven which forces out impurities to produce coke, which
is almost pure carbon.
50. Which of the following properties of nylon are most
convenient for its use?
(A)It is soft, strong and heavy
(B)It is strong, elastic and light
(C)It is soft, inexpensive and strong
(D)It is expensive, soft and light
Ans: B
Nylon is strong, elastic and light.


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