Term 1 Science Paper Set B Answer Key

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Kavesar, Ghodbunder Road, Thane (W)-400615

(i CBSE Affiliation No: 1130470
Grade VIII: Terminal Examination I: Science set B
Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:
Roll No: _____ Div: _______ Time: 3 hours
Total Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Write your Name, Grade, Division, Roll No and UID number on the answer sheet.
3. The question paper comprises of three sections A, B, C.
4. Question no 1-10 are multiple choice, 11-16 very short answer, 17-20 are Assertion and
5. Question No. 1-20 in Section A consists of 1-mark questions.
6. Question No. 21-30 in Section B consists of 3 marks questions.
7. Question No. 31-36 in Section C consists of 5 marks questions.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1 In villages, people use wood as fuel because 1
(a) (a) it is (b) (b) of its (c) (c) it is (d) (d) it catches
considered to easy environment fire easily
be an ideal availability friendly
fuel and low cost
2 Shyam was cooking potato curry on a chulha. To his surprise, he observed 1
that the copper vessel was getting blackened from outside. It may be due
to –
(a) (a) proper (b) (b) improper (c) (c) improper (d) (d) burning of
combustion cooking of combustion copper vessel
of fuel potato curry of fuel

3 In figure, a boy is shown pushing the 1

box from right to left.
The force of friction will act on the box:

(a) From right (b) From left to (c) Vertically (d) Vertically
to left() right () downwards upwards

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4 Part of the eye which controls the entering of light is called 1

(a) iris (b) cornea (c) lens (d) retina

5 Metals are generally hard. Which of the following metals is an exception ! 1
and can be cut with a knife?
(a) Iron (b) Sodium (c) Gold (d) Magnesium
6 Carbon monoxide combines with oxygen in haemoglobin to form: 1
(a) Carbon (b) carboxyhae (c) oxyhaemogl (d) Carbonic acid
dioxide moglobin obin
7 Generally, metallic oxides are basic in nature, and non-metallic oxides are 1
acidic in nature. The solution of which of the following oxides in water will
change the colour of blue litmus to red?
(a) Sulphur (b) Magnesium (c) Iron oxide (d) Copper oxide
dioxide oxide

Explanation: The oxides of metal are basic; in other words, they react
with the acids to form salt and water. Metal oxides react to various
inorganic acids like HCl to give salts and water. Thus, the nature of the
metal oxides is basic rather than acidic or neutral. In the case of
nonmetals, they are acidic to form acids when they dissolve in water.
Sulphur dioxide dissolved in water can be tested with litmus paper.

SO2+ 2H2O → H2SO4 + 2H.

Sulphuric acid is an acid that turns blue litmus to red.

8 Four similar cars having exactly the same mass and running at the same 1
speed on the same road when brakes are applied at the same time. The
cars come to a stop after covering a distance of 5 m, 5.5 m, 4.8 m, and 5.2
m respectively. The friction between the brake pads and disc will be the
maximum in car which travels the distance of:
(a) 5 m (b) 5.5 m (c) 4.8 m (d) 5.2 m

Friction is a phenomenon which resists motion when an object is rubbed
against another. So, friction has instances where it is desired and
instances where it is not desired. In the case of automobiles, friction is
desired when we wish to stop the moving car and friction is less desired

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when it creates a drag on the movement of the vehicle. Given the case,
all four cases have same mass and speed. So, the effectiveness of the
brake is with the smallest distance traveled after the brake where friction
is the maximum. Therefore, where friction force is maximum objects
covers less distance. Here, 4.8 m is least distance. Hence option c.

9 Which of the following hormones is also called the emergency hormone? 1

(a) thyroxine (b) testosterone (c) Adrenaline (d) Luteinising

10 In the given figure, electrolyte, anode and cathode respectively are- 1

(a) A, B and C (b) B, A and C (c) B, C and A (d) A, C and B

11 In which direction does the electric current flow? 1

Ans; positive to negative
12 Give one word answer for the following: 1
Homogeneous mixture of two or more metals
Ans. alloy
13 Complete the Analogy: 1
hottest part : blue : : least hot : black_______
14 Identify the hormone and the gland that secrete them. 1
‘This hormone stimulates ovulation in females’
15 Fill in the blanks: 1
The area of no vision is called………………..
Ans. Blind spot
16 State whether the following statements are true or false. Also, correct the 1

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incorrect the statement.
Static friction acts on a body in motion.
Ans Static friction acts on a body in rest.
Instructions for (Q17- Q 20)
The questions in this segment consist of two statements, one labelled as
"Assertion A"
and the other labelled as "Reason R". You are to examine these two
discreetly and decide if Assertion A and Reason R are individually true and
if so,
whether the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion. Select your
answers to
items using following code.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is (b) Both A and R are true but R is not
the correct explanation of A. the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true.
17 Assertion: All metals are solid in nature at room temperature.. 1
Reason: Mercury occurs in liquid state at room temperature. Option
18 Assertion- the night bird owl can see very well in the night but not during 1
the day.
Reason- the owl has a large cornea and a large pupil to allow more light in
its eye. Also, it has on its retina a large number of rods and only a few
cones. Option A
19 Assertion (A): Airplanes have special shape that resembles with birds. 1

Reason (R): Scientists take inspiration from nature to design airplanes so as

to reduce friction experienced by air.
Option a
20 ASSERTION: The bubbles of a gas may be formed on the electrodes. 1
REASON: The passage of an electric current through a conducting solution
causes chemical reaction. Option a
21 Some words (underlined) in the following sentences are jumbled up. Write
them in their correct form.
(a) (a) Seldie is a combustible substance. 1
(b) Chittsmack does not burn by itself.

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(c) Some substances on combustion produce thea and mafel.
ans. (a) diesel (b) Matchstick (c) heat, flame 1
22 (a) What do you understand by fuel efficiency? Ans. Fuel efficiency is a
measure of how much energy is released when a fuel is burned, or 1
how much a vehicle can travel on a certain amount of fuel.

(b) People usually keep angithi/burning coal in their closed rooms during
winter season. Why is it advised to keep the door open? 2

Answer. When coal burns in air, it produces carbon dioxide which is non- 2
poisonous. But, when angithi or coal burns in a closed room, the air or
oxygen cannot enter the room.
So, in the incomplete supply of oxygen, coal burns to produce carbon
monoxide which is highly poisonous gas. It causes suffocation in a closed
room. So, door and windows should be open.

23 (a) Why is the use of diesel and petrol as fuels in automobiles being 1
replaced by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) in big cities?
Answer. It is because when CNG burns, it produces harmful products
in very small amount. It is a clean fuel because it burns without
producing smoke. The use of CNG as fuel in automobiles has reduced
air pollution In big cities.
(b) Distinguish between rapid and spontaneous combustion 2
Ans. RAPID COMBUSTION: Needs to be initiated once. External heat
is required to start, Burning of petrol, kerosene
SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION : No external heat required, Can
occur on its own. Burning of phosphorus in air.
24 (a) In a large commercial complex there are four ways to reach the main 1
road. One of the path has loose soil, the second is laid with polished
marble, the third is laid with bricks and the fourth has gravel surface.
It is raining heavily and Ravi wishes to reach the main road. The path
on which he is least likely to slip is
(a) loose soil
(b) polished marble (c) bricks
(d) gravel

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Answer. (d) She should use gravel surface path because only in this
path. She will have sufficient friction force to walk easily.

(b) While playing tug of war, Preeti felt that the rope was slipping 1
through her hands. Suggest a way out for her to prevent this.
Answer. To prevent slipping of the rope from hands, Preeti has to
make her hands somewhat non-smooth, so she can rub her hands by
introducing the sand between them.
(c) Explain why the surface of mortar and pestle (silbatta) used for 1
grinding is etched again after prolonged use.
Answer. After prolonged use, the mortar and pestle loose the
roughness, due to which frictional force reduces and it does not
work properly. So, we have to etch it to makelt rough again.
25 (a) Observing that the bulb does not glow in the circuit shown in Fig.
14.11 A, Bhoomi changed the circuit as shown in Fig 14.11 B. She
observed deflection in the magnetic compass.

(a) What does the deflection in magnetic compass indicate? 1

Why did the bulb not glow in Fig.14.11 A?

(b) 1
(c) What would be the effect of increase in the number of turns in the
coil wound around the magnetic compass in Fig. 14.11B? 1

Ans. (a) it indicates the presence of current in the circuit.


(b) the bulb did nt glow because the current was not sufficient to
make it glow. 1

(c) deflection in the magnetic compass will increase.

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26 (a) An element burns in air to form oxide. The aqueous solution of this 1
oxide turns red litmus blue. State whether the element is a metal or
non-metal? Name one
such element.

Ans. Metal Mg, Al,etc

(b) Sneha was eating chocolate and while throwing the wrapper she 2
thought out of curiosity that will the wrapper act as a conductor of
electricity or not? For this she made an electric circuit using the
wrapper and to her surprise the bulb started glowing.

i) Name the metal used in making the wrapper of chocolate

ii) Which property of this metal is responsible for converting it into a


Ans. I)aluminium ii)malleability

27 (a) A child living in the coastal region tests the drinking water and 1
seawater with his tester. He finds that the compass needle deflects
more in the case of seawater. Can you explain the reason behind it?

Answer . The amount of salts dissolved in the seawater is more than

that of the drinking water. So, seawater will be a better conductor
than drinking water. This is the reason behind the increased
deflection of the needle in the seawater compared to the drinking
(b) In case of a fire, before the firemen use the water hoses, they shut off 2
the main electrical supply for the area. Explain why they do this.

Answer: Water is a conductor of electricity, so if the electricity

supply is not cut off and firemen come in contact with wet electric
switches, electric wires and other electrical appliances, they may get

28 (a) Calculate the number of images formed if the angle between two 1
mirrors is 30 degree.
Ans. Number of images formed when two plane mirrors are kept at
an angle q degrees is: 360/q−1 i.e., 360/30−1=12−1=11
(b) In the figure of the human eye, Name the A,B,C and D. 2

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29 (a) What is meant by adolescence? 1
Growing up is a natural process. The period of life, when the body
undergoes several changes leading to reproductive maturity, is
cabled adolescence. The adolescence period is 11 to 19 years of age.

(b) Why is it important for adolescents to have a balanced diet? 2

Ans. It is important for adolescents to have a balanced diet for
proper and better growth. The diet of a growing child should include
all the basic food components in correct amounts. A diet that gives
the body the nutrients it needs to function properly and correctly is
called balanced diet.
A balanced diet contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and
minerals. This is essential both for the physical and for the mental
growth of the child. Small amounts of all the essential minerals are
necessary for the body. Consuming excess of junk food
can lead to various disorders such as obesity and diabetes. If the
energy intake is more than energy liberated, weight is gained.
However, if energy intake is less than energy liberated, weight is
30 (a) One day Seema’s uncle visited her place. Seema prepared dinner for 1
him. When she was about to put rock salt on the salad, her uncle
interrupted her and asked to put iodised salt instead of rock salt. He
also advised her to prefer iodised salt instead of rock salt. Why do you
think Seema’s uncle advised her to have iodised salt instead of rock
Deficiency of iodine causes goitre disease in our body. This is why
Seema’s uncle advised her to have iodised salt.
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(b) Salma had a very soft and smooth skin during her childhood. As she 2
entered adolescence, she developed pimples on her face, her body
became taller compared to her face. She got worried of all of the
sudden changes. Her mother explained that all these changes are
normal and advised her to wash her face at regular intervals.

(i) Why Salma’s mother advised Salma to wash her face at regular
(ii) What is the reason for appearance of pimples on her face?

Ans. (i) Regular face wash keeps the face clean and dry and
helps to reduce the pimples.

(ii)During adolescence, secretion of sweat glands and

sebaceous glands increases leading to formation of acne and
pimple 1
31 (a) What is myopia ? 1
(b) How is it caused ? 1
(c How can it be corrected ? 1
(d) Draw diagrams to show myopic eye and its correction. 2

Ans. a) When a person can see nearby object clearly, but not far
away objects, he is suffering from myopia.

b) It is caused by the flattening of the eyeball and the lens becomes

thick and rigid.

c) It can be corrected by using spectacles with concave lenses



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32 (a) What properties of chromium make it a useful metal for 1
Ans. Chromium is highly resistant to corrosion and rusting which
helps to increase the durability of the metal objects also chromium
prevents scratches and has a shiny silver-like appearance. Due to
these factors chromium metal is generally electroplated on car parts
such as bumpers and bicycle handlebars made of steel.
(b) Rusting of ships is a major problem in the shipping industry as the 2
body of a ship
is always in contact with water and the air around it is also humid. The
salt in
water speeds up the process of rusting. This leads to huge monetary
loss to the
shipping industry. Rusting of iron can be prevented by alloying it to
stainless steel. Stainless steel is made by mixing iron with carbon and
metals like
chromium, nickel and manganese. It does not rust.
(i) Define alloy.
Ans. An alloy is a substance which is formed when two or more
metals are
(ii)Write down the chemical reaction of rusting.
Ans. Fe + H2O+ O2 ---------- Fe2O3.nH2O
(c) In the circuit given as Fig. 14.7, NIlima observed that copper is 2
deposited on the electrode connected to the negative terminal of the
battery. Nilima tried to repeat the same experiment. But she could
find only one copper plate. Therefore she took a carbon rod as
negative electrode. Will copper be still deposited on the carbon rod?
Explain your answer.
Ans. Yes, copper will still be deposited on the carbon rod because
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the copper sulfate solution dissociates into copper and sulfate when
an electric current is passed through it. The free copper is then
drawn to the electrode connected to the negative terminal of the
battery, which is the carbon rod, and deposits on it
33 (a) Rahul planned an activity to observe an object A through pipes as 2
shown in the given figure, so that he could see objects which he could
not directly see.

(i) How many mirrors should he use to see the object? 3

(ii) Indicate the positions of the mirrors in the figure. At the 3
corners parallel to each other
(iii) What must be the angle with respect to the incident light at
which he should place the mirrors? 45 degree
(b) Draw a ray diagram to show incident ray, reflected ray, normal, angle 3
of incidence,, angle of reflection; if the angle of incidence is 45°

34 (a) If an air cushion can be introduced between the wheel and the rail, 1
what effect will it have on the friction?
(b) Is there a force of friction between the wheels of a moving train and 2
iron rails? If yes, name the type of friction.
(c) Define friction and Write its SI unit. 2
Answer.(a) On introducing air cushion, the frictional force becomes
less, since there is no contact between rails and wheels.
(b) Yes, there is always a force of friction between the wheels of a
moving train and iron rails. The name of this friction is rolling
friction, since the wheels are rolling on the track.

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(c)Any force that oppeses the direction of motion is called friction.
SI unit is newton(N).
35 What happens when
(a) Dilute sulphuric acid is poured on a copper plate? 1
(b) Iron nails are plced in copper sulphate solution? Define the process 2
(c) involved. 2
Write word equation of the reaction involved.

Ans.(a) Copper does not react with dilute sulphuric acid, so no

reaction will take place.
(b) When iron nails are placed in copper sulphate solution,
displacement reaction takes place in which iron displaces copper as
iron is more reactive than copper.
Displacement reaction is a chemical reaction in which a more
reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its
compound. 1
(c) copper sulphate + iron----- iron sulphate + copper
36 Observe the chart and graph given in Fig. 10.3 carefully and answer
the following questions.

Which of the line

represents the height of
Which line represents the
height of girls?
What is the difference
between the pattern of
increase in the height of
boys and girls?
Is this pattern true for each
individual? Why?
(a) 1
(b) Ans. 1
(c) The red line represents the height of boys. 1
(d) The blue line represents the height of girls. 2
At the onset of puberty, girls grow faster in height than the boys and
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by the age of 18 years, approximately both reach their maximum
(a) height. 1
(b) No, the rate of growth in height varies among individuals. Some 1
(c) may grow in height suddenly at puberty and then slow down, while 1
others may grow gradually.

(d) 2
36 During adolescence, the body of boys and girls undergoes certain 5
changes. Given below are a few of those changes.
(a) Broad shoulders
(b) Wider chests
(c) Wider region below waist
(d) Development of muscles
(e) Development of mammary glands
(f) Growth of facial hair
(g) Acne and pimples on face
(h) Development of sex organs
(i) High-pitched voice
(j) Growth of pubic hair.Categories these changes into those that
occur in boys and those that occur in girls and fill in the table given


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