GEA34856 - LV7 Platform - FS - LV7000-5to9 - EN - 20220126
GEA34856 - LV7 Platform - FS - LV7000-5to9 - EN - 20220126
GEA34856 - LV7 Platform - FS - LV7000-5to9 - EN - 20220126
Products for a common
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DC-bus system
Input voltage Uin (AC) Front-end modules 380-500 VAC / 525-690 VAC -10%...+10% (according to EN60204-1)
Input voltage Uin (DC), Inverter and brake 465...800 VDC / 640...1100 VDC. The voltage ripple of the inverter supply voltage, formed in rectification of
chopper modules the electric network‘s alternating voltage in basic frequency, must be less than 50 V peak-to-peak
Supply Output voltage Uout (AC) Inverter 3~ 0…Uin / 1.4
connection Output voltage Uout (DC) Active front-end
1.10 x 1.35 x Uin (Factory default)
Output voltage Uout (DC) non-regenerative 1.35 x Uin
front-end module
Open loop vector control (5-150% of base speed): speed control 0.5%, dynamic 0.3%sec, torque lin. <2%,
Control performance torque rise time ~5 ms / Closed loop vector control (entire speed range): speed control 0.01%, dynamic 0.2%
sec, torque lin. <2%, torque rise time ~2 ms
380-500V: 1 … 16 kHz; Factory default 10 kHz; From NX_0072: 1 … 6 kHz; Factory default 3.6 kHz
Control Switching frequency 525-690V: 1 … 6 kHz; Factory default 1.5 kHz
Field weakening point 8 … 320 Hz
Acceleration time 0 … 3,000 sec
Deceleration time 0 … 3,000 sec
Braking DC brake: 30% of TN (without brake resistor), flux braking
–10 °C (no frost) … +40 °C: IH; –10 °C (no frost) … +40 °C: IL; 1.5% derating for each 1 °C above 40 °C;
Ambient operating temperature Max. ambient temperature +50 °C
Storage temperature –40 °C … +70 °C
Relative humidity 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing, non-corrosive, no dripping water
Air quality: chemical vapours/mechanical IEC 721-3-3, unit in operation, class 3C2; IEC 721-3-3, unit in operation, class 3S2
100% load capacity (no derating) up to 1000m; 1.5% derating for each 100m above 1,000m
Ambient Max. altitudes: 380-500V : 3,000m; 525-690V: 2,000m
conditions Vibration FR4-FR8: Displacement amplitude 1mm (peak) at 5…15.8Hz; Max. acceleration 1G at 15.8 … 150Hz
EN 50178/EN 60068-2-6 FI9-FI13: Displacement amplitude 0.25mm (peak) at 5 … 31Hz; Max. acceleration 1G at 31 … 150Hz
Shock UPS Drop Test (for applicable UPS weights); Storage and shipping: max 15G, 11ms (in package)
EN 50178, EN 60068-2-27
Cooling capacity required Approximately 2%
FR4: 70 m3/h, FR6: 425 m3/h, FR7: 425 m3/h, FR8: 650 m3/h, FI9: 1,150 m3/h, FI10: 1,400 m3/h,
Cooling air required FI12: 2,800 m3/h, FI13: 4,200 m3/h
Unit enclosure class FR8, FI9-14 (IP00); FR4-7 (IP21)
EMC (at default Immunity Fulfils all EMC immunity requirements, level T
Safety CE, UL, CUL, EN 61800-5-1 (2003), see unit nameplate for more detailed approvals
STO EN/IEC 61800-5-2 safe torque off (STO) SIL2, EN ISO 13849-1 PL”d” cat. 3, EN 62061: SILCL2, IEC 61508: SIL2
Functional SS1 EN /IEC 61800-5-2 safe stop 1 (SS1) SIL2, EN ISO 13849-1 PL”d” cat. 3, EN /IEC62061: SILCL2, IEC 61508: SIL2
safety * ATEX thermistor input 94/9/EC, CE 0537 Ex 11 (2) GD
Advance safety option STO (+SBC), SS1, SS2, SOS, SLS, SMS, SSM, SSR
Analogue input voltage 0 … +10V, Ri = 200 kΩ, (–10V … +10V joystick control) Resolution 0.1%, accuracy ±1%
Analogue input current 0(4)…20mA, Ri = 250 Ω differential, resolution 0.1%, accuracy ±1%
Digital inputs 6, positive or negative logic; 18…30VDC
Auxiliary voltage +24V, ±15%, max. 250 mA
Control Output reference voltage +10V, +3%, max. load 10 mA
connections Analogue output 0 (4)…20mA; RL max. 500 Ω, resolution 10-bit, accuracy ±2%
Digital output Open collector output, 50mA / 48V
2 programmable change-over (NO/NC) relay outputs (OPT-A3: NO/NC+NO)
Relay outputs Switching capacity: 24VDC/8A, 250 AC/8A, 125VDC/0.4A, Min. switching load: 5V/10mA
Thermistor input (OPT-A3) Galvanically isolated, Rtrip = 4.7kΩ
Overvoltage protection 380-500V: 911VDC; NX_6: 1,200VDC
Undervoltage protection 525-690V: 333VDC; NX_6: 460VDC
Earth fault protection Yes
Motor phase supervision Trips if any of the output phases is missing
Overcurrent protection Yes
Protections Unit overtemperature protection Yes
Motor overload protection Yes
Motor stall protection Yes
Motor underload protection Yes
Short-circuit protection of +24 V and +10 V Yes
reference voltages
Common DC Bus Drive
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LV7000-5 INU LV7000-5 INU LV7000-6 AFE LV7000-8 NFE LV7000-9 BCU
IP21 S S
IP54 O O O O O O O O
Standard board S S S S S S S
Varnished board S
Alphanumeric keypad S S S S S S S
No integrated charging S S S
Diode/thyristor rectifier S
Common DC Bus Drive
INU - Inverter Unit
LV7000-5 0004 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 4.3 4.7 3.3 5 6.2 128 x 292 x 190 5
LV7000-5 0009 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 9 9.9 7.6 11.4 14 FR4 128 x 292 x 190 5
LV7000-5 0012 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 12 13.2 9 13.5 18 128 x 292 x 190 5
LV7000-5 0016 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 16 17.6 12 18 24 195 x 519 x 237 16
LV7000-5 0022 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 23 25.3 16 24 32 195 x 519 x 237 16
LV7000-5 0031 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 31 34 23 35 46 FR6 195 x 519 x 237 16
LV7000-5 0038 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 38 42 31 47 62 195 x 519 x 237 16
LV7000-5 0045 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 46 51 38 57 76 195 x 519 x 237 16
LV7000-5 0072 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 72 79 61 92 122 237 x 519 x 257 29
LV7000-5 0087 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 87 96 72 108 144 FR7 237 x 519 x 257 29
LV7000-5 0105 5-A2T0CSS-A1A2000000 105 116 87 131 174 237 x 519 x 257 29
LV7000-5 0140 5-A0T0CSS-A1A2000000 140 154 105 158 210 FR8 289 x 758 x 344 48
LV7000-5 0168 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 168 187 140 210 280 239 x 1030 x 372 67
LV7000-5 0205 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 205 226 170 255 336 239 x 1030 x 372 67
LV7000-5 0261 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 261 287 205 308 349 239 x 1030 x 372 67
LV7000-5 0300 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 300 330 245 368 444 239 x 1030 x 372 67
LV7000-5 0385 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 385 424 300 450 540 239 x 1030 x 552 100
LV7000-5 0460 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 460 506 385 578 693 FI10 239 x 1030 x 552 100
LV7000-5 0520 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 520 572 460 690 828 239 x 1030 x 552 100
LV7000-5 0590 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 590 649 520 780 936 (2*239) x 1030 x 552 200
LV7000-5 0650 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 650 715 590 885 1062 (2*239) x 1030 x 552 200
LV7000-5 0730 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 730 803 650 975 1170 (2*239) x 1030 x 552 200
LV7000-5 0820 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 820 902 730 1095 1314 (2*239) x 1030 x 552 200
LV7000-5 0920 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 920 1012 820 1230 1476 (2*239) x 1030 x 552 200
LV7000-5 1030 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 1030 1133 920 1380 1656 (2*239) x 1030 x 552 200
LV7000-5 1150 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 1150 1265 1150 1545 1854 708 x 1032 x 553 306
LV7000-5 1300 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 1300 1430 1150 1725 2070 FI13 708 x 1032 x 553 306
LV7000-5 1450 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 1450 1595 1300 1950 2340 708 x 1032 x 553 306
LV7000-5 1770 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 1770 1947 1600 2400 2880 (2*708) x 1032 x 553 612
LV7000-5 2150 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 2150 2365 1940 2910 3492 FI14 (2*708) x 1032 x 553 612
LV7000-5 2700 5-A0T0ISF-A1A2000000 2700 2970 2300 3278 3933 (2*708) x 1032 x 553 612
IH = nominal current for 150% overload requirement (at max. 40°C ambient temperature); IL = nominal current for 110% overload requirement (at max. 40°C ambient temperature).
I(overload) = maximum 1min/10min overload current (high overload). No marine certificate included. For specific marine certificate adders, please consult the GE Power Conversion team.
A1A2000000 on product type code means: Standard options boards are included in the price. Option board must be added separately according the OPT boards listed in the LV-7000 options.
Common DC Bus Drive
INU - Inverter Unit
IH = nominal current for 150% overload requirement (at max. 40°C ambient temperature); IL = nominal current for 110% overload requirement (at max. 40°C ambient temperature).
I(overload) = maximum 1min/10min overload current (high overload). No marine certificate included. For specific marine certificate adders, please consult the GE Power Conversion team.
A1A2000000 on product type code means: Standard options boards are included in the price. Option board must be added separately according the OPT boards listed in the LV-7000 options.
Common DC Bus Drive AFE
Active Front End
LV700-6 0261 5-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 261 287 205 308 176 220 FI9 239 x 1030 x 372 67
LV700-6 0460 5-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 460 506 385 578 310 388 FI10 239 x 1030 x 552 100
LV700-6 1300 5-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 875 962 732 1100 587 735 2 x FI10 2*(239 x 1030 x 552) 2*100
LV700-6 1300 5-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 1300 1430 1150 1725 876 1092 FI13 708 x 1032 x 553 306
LV700-6 1300 5-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 * 2470 2717 2185 3278 1660 2075 2 x FI13 2*(708 x 1032 x 553) 2*306
LV700-6 1300 5-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 ** 3705 4076 3278 4916 2490 3115 3 x FI13 3*(708 x 1032 x 553) 3*306
LV7000-6 0170 6-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 170 187 144 216 198 - FI9 239 x 1030 x 372 67
LV7000-6 0325 6-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 325 358 261 392 378 - FI10 239 x 1030 x 552 100
LV7000-6 0325 6-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 * 634 698 509 764 716 - 2 x FI10 2*(239 x 1030 x 552) 2*100
LV7000-6 1030 6-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 1030 1133 920 1380 1195 - FI13 708 x 1032 x 553 306
LV7000-6 1030 6-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 * 2008 2209 1794 2691 2270 - 2 x FI13 2*(708 x 1032 x 553) 2*306
LV7000-6 1030 6-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 ** 2987 3286 2668 4002 3405 - 3 x FI13 3*(708 x 1032 x 553) 3*306
LV7000-6 1030 6-A0T02SF-A1A2000000 *** 3965 4362 3542 5313 4538 - 4 x FI13 4*(708 x 1032 x 553) 4*306
IH = nominal current for 150% overload requirement (at max. 40°C ambient temperature); IL = nominal current for 110% overload requirement (at max. 40°C ambient temperature).
* Qty Units = 2x; ** Qty Units = 3x; *** Qty Units = 4x; I(overload) = maximum 1min/10min overload current (high overload).
No marine certificate included. For specific marine certificate adders, please consult the GE Power Conversion team.
A1A2000000 on product type code means: Standard options boards are included in the price. Option board must be added separately according the OPT boards listed in the LV-7000 options.
Common DC Bus Drive NFE
Non-Regenerative Front End
1 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 650 715 507 793 410 513 1 x FI9 9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6 67
2 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 1235 1359 963 1507 780 975 2 x FI9 2*(9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6) 2*134
3 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 1853 2038 1445 2260 1170 1462 3 x FI9 2*(9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6) 3*134
4 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 2470 1217 1927 3013 1560 1950 4 x FI9 2*(9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6) 4*134
5 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 3088 3396 2408 3767 1950 2437 5 x FI9 2*(9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6) 5*134
6 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 3705 4076 2890 4520 2340 2924 6 x FI9 2*(9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6) 6*134
1 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 650 715 507 793 708 - 1 x FI9 9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6 67
2 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 1235 1359 963 1507 1345 - 2 x FI9 2*(9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6) 2*134
3 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 1853 2038 1445 2260 2018 - 3 x FI9 2*(9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6) 3*134
4 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 2470 1217 1927 3013 2690 - 4 x FI9 2*(9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6) 4*134
5 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 3088 3396 2408 3767 3363 - 5 x FI9 2*(9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6) 5*134
6 x NXN 0650 6-X0T0SSV-A1A2000000 +BM2P 3705 4076 2890 4520 4036 - 6 x FI9 2*(9,4 x 40,6 x 14,6) 6*134
Common DC Bus - BCU
Brake Chopper Unit
I/O Card Options
DI/DO (RS422)
AI (mA/V/±V)
A0 (mA/V)
DI ~ 1Vp-p
Type Description A B C D E
Basis I/O Cards (A)
A1 DI/DO/AI/AO/ 10V/ 24V 6 1 2 1 1 2
A2 Relay output (NO/NC) 2
A3 Relay output + Thermistor input 1 1 1
A4 Encoder TTL type 2 3/0 1
A5 Encoder HTL type 2 3/0 1
A7 Double encoder HTL type 6/2 1
A8 "OPTA1 + Analogue signals galvanically isolation 6 1 2 1 1 2
A9 OPTA1 + 2,5mm2 connectors 6 1 2 1 1 2
AE Encoder HTL type (Divider + direction) 2 3/0 1
AF STO, ATEX thermistor 2 1 1 1
AK Sin/Cos encoder interface 3 1
AL 6DI (42…240VAC), 2AI, 2AO, 1DO, Out 15 V / 24 V 1 6 2 2 1
AN DI/AI/AO 6 2 2
I/O expander cards (B)
B1 Programmable I/O 6 1
B2 Relay output + Thermistor input 1 1 1
B4 "Analog input/output Analogue signals 1 2 1
B5 Relay output 3
B8 "Temperature Measurement option PT100" 1 3
B9 DI + Relay output 2 1 5
BB EnDat + Sin/Cos 1 Vp-p 2 0/2 2 1
BC Resolver, 3xDO (Wide range) 3/3 1
BH "Temperature Measurement option pt100“ 3 3
Fieldbus cards (E)
E2 RS485 with screw terminal RS485 with screw terminal
E3 PROFIBUS DP with screw terminal PROFIBUS DP with screw terminal
E5 PROFIBUS DP with D9-connector PROFIBUS DP with D9-connector
E6 CANopen CANopen
E7 DeviceNet
E8 RS485 with D9-connector RS485 with D9-connector
E9 Dual-port Ethernet Dual-port Ethernet
EA Advanced Dual-port Ethernet Advanced Dual-port Ethernet
EC EtherCAT field bus EtherCAT field bus
Fieldbus cards (C Legacy)
C2 RS485 with screw terminal RS485 with screw terminal
C3 PROFIBUS DP with screw terminal PROFIBUS DP with screw terminal
C4 LonWorks LonWorks
C5 PROFIBUS DP with D9-connector PROFIBUS DP with D9-connector
C6 CANopen CANopen
C7 DeviceNet DeviceNet
C8 RS485 with D9-connector RS485 with D9-connector
CI Modbus/TCP Modbus TCP
CQ EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP
Communication cards (D)
D1 SystemBus adapt, 2xfibre-optic System Bus adapter (2 x fiber optic pairs)
D2 SystemBus (1xfiber), isol. CAN System Bus adapter (1 x fiber optic pair) & CAN-bus adapter (galvanically decoupled)
RS232 adapter card (galvanically decoupled), used mainly for application engineering to
D3 RS232 adapter (no galv.isol.)
connect another keypad
D6 CAN-Bus (galv. decoupled) CAN-bus adapter (galvanically decoupled)
D7 Line voltage measurement Line voltage measurement