The Passion of Christ Movie Analysis Autosaved

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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


Movie Analysis

Directions: Answer the following questions.


1. Provide a synopsis of the movie.

2. Choose a line /phrase that structs you the most and relate it to your life.
PART II: Provide descriptions of the following significant persons and places in the passion and
death of Jesus Christ:

- An important figure in the early church's persecution and the execution of Jesus Christ,
Annas was a powerful high priest. He was named high priest of the Temple of Jerusalem
by King Herod the Great.
- Was the Jewish high priest who, according to the gospels, plotted to assassinate Jesus
Christ. He is best known for presiding over Jesus's trial before the Sanhedrin. The New
Testament and the writings of Josephus are the primary sources for the life of Caiaphas.
The Roman procurator Valerius Gratus appointed Josephus high priest after Simon ben
Camithus was deposed.
Judas Iscariot
- While Judas was a member of the twelve disciples, he ultimately betrayed Jesus.
Pontius Pilate
- In the first century AD, Pontius Pilate served as Roman governor under Emperor
Tiberius. His most well-known role is that of a judge on Jesus's cross.
Jesus Barabbas
- A notable prisoner who was sentenced to death by Roman authorities during Jesus' trial
by Pilate The Jews chose to have him released rather than Jesus, who was sentenced to
death by crucifixion.
King Herod
- From 37 BC, he ruled Judea. According to the Bible, he ordered the murder of all the
infants in Bethlehem in order to get rid of the baby Jesus.
Simon Peter
- He was one of Jesus' 12 main disciples, and along with James and John, he was one of
Jesus' closest companions. Following the resurrection, Peter rose to become one of the
most influential Christian leaders of the first century, and according to Catholic tradition,
he was also the first pope.
- Well-known historical figure whose kerchief was touched by the sight of Christ bearing
his crucifixion to Golgotha and returned to him, imprinted with the picture of his face, to
wipe his brow.
Garden of Gethsemane
- Outside of Jerusalem, across a small valley, is where Jesus prayed and agonized over his
passion, as well as where he was arrested after Judas betrayed him. The Mount of Olives
stretches as a ridgeline opposite the Temple; it is said that Jesus prayed on this hillside on
the night of his arrest before the Crucifixion.
- The highest Jewish council and court after the Exile. It was led by the High Priest and
had religious, civil, and criminal power. When Jesus said he was God's son, the Jewish
leaders thought he was insulting God. Blasphemy was taken very seriously, and people
who did it were stoned to death. After Jesus was caught, he was brought before the
Sanhedrin to be judged. This was the most powerful group of Jews in charge.
Golgotha, Calvary
- Golgotha was one of the most important places in Jesus' life and ministry. "The place of
the skull" is what the Aramaic word "Golgotha" means. The place where Jesus was put to
- He has been called St. Dismas for a long time. Both men were crucified at the same time
as Jesus, one on his right and one on his left.
- The unrepentant thief on Jesus' left side. The person who steals and doesn't feel bad about
it is sometimes called a "bad thief."
John the Be loved
- Before the cross, Jesus entrusted Mary to John, presuming John is the cherished disciple.
Saint John the Beloved was one of Jesus' Twelve Apostles. He was the son of Zebedee
and Salome. James, another apostle, was his brother.
Joseph of Arimathea
- The individual who, following Jesus' crucifixion, took on the obligation of ensuring that
he was properly buried.
Mary Magdalene
- Mary of Magdalane stayed with him till the Crucifixion. She was the first person Jesus
appeared to after his resurrection and the first to preach the "Good News" Jesus exorcised
seven demons from her, and she supported him throughout Galilee. She witnessed Jesus'
crucifixion and burial and was the first to see him following his resurrection.
Simon of Cyrene
- According to the Synoptic Gospels, the Romans forced this guy to carry Jesus of
Nazareth's cross to the place of his crucifixion. And as they emerged from the city of
Cyrene, they met a Cyrenean named Simon, who they forced to carry the cross

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