A320 Systems

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The aircraft has two IAE V2500-A5 high-bypass turbofan engines mounted under the wings.
The certified maximum seating is 180 seats
Wing Span 34mts
The steerable nosewheel is controlled by two algebraically interconnected steering handwheels, located on
the Captain and First Officer's side consoles, which can steer the nose wheel up to 75° in either direction.
The Steering system is also fly-by-wire with no direct mechanical linkage between the handwheels and the
nosewheel. The minimum radius dimensions are displayed. Note the arc that the wing describes, forward
of the aircraft nose.
Unpressurized areas: Nose Gear Bay, Air Cond Compartment, Main Gear Bay, Tail Cone.


Electronic Instrument system, Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) control panel, Display
Unit failure, Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) control panel, clock and the Digital Flight Data
Recorder (DFDR).
Two System Data Acquisition Concentrators (SDACs), acquire data from aircraft system sensors and
computers, and generate signals to the three Display Management Computers (DMCs), and the two Flight
Warning Computers (FWCs).
The FWCs also acquire data from aircraft system sensors and computers, and generate signals to the
Additional system information is provided directly to the DMCs, which process all signals received, and
generate the images to be displayed on each of the six display units.
Each identical DMC has a single Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) and Electronic Centralized
Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) channel. The EFIS channel displays flight parameters and navigation data on the
respective Primary Flight Display (PFD) and Navigation Display (ND) units.
The ECAM channel displays the primary engine control indications, fuel quantity, the flap / slat position
indicator, and warning and caution messages on the Engine Warning Display (E/WD) Unit, commonly
known as the upper ECAM.
Synoptic information on the various aircraft systems, aircraft status, and permanent flight data are
displayed on the system and status display unit, or lower ECAM. Normally, DMC 1 drives the CAPT PFD,
ND and both ECAM display units, DMC 2 drives the F/O PFD and ND.
They acquire data directly from aircraft sensors and systems to generate red warnings, and from the
SDACs to generate amber cautions, and display them on the upper ECAM display unit.
At the same time, a corresponding flashing red MASTER WARN light for red warnings, and an amber
caution light for amber cautions, will illuminate on the glareshield panel. The loudspeakers will announce
alerts and voice messages even if selected OFF.
The ECAM control panel, located on the forward pedestal, allows the pilot to selectively display any of the
aircraft systems pages at any time, by pressing the corresponding pushbutton switch. Note: the CRUISE
page is not selectable it is only available during the cruise flight phase or during an annunciator light test.
Normally, DMC 1 supplies data to the Captain's PFD, ND, and both ECAM display units. DMC 2 supplies
the First Officer's PFD and ND. DMC 3 is in standby and available as a backup, should DMC 1 or 2 fail.
Should DMC 1 and DMC 3 fail DMC 2 will automatically display both ECAM display units.
If it is desired to view a systems display page, the ECAM / ND XFR selector switch can be used to display
the systems page on a ND unit, either the CAPT's, or F/O's.
Another method to view a systems page when the upper ECAM display unit has failed, is by pushing and
holding the desired system page pushbutton on the ECAM control panel, which will temporarily display
the selected system page on the lower ECAM for a maximum of 3 min.
If a ND unit fails, the automatic transfer does not take place. The PFD/ND XFR pushbutton must be
pressed to allow the ND to be viewed on the PFD unit. The CAPT's ND has failed. Note: a failed display
unit will display in amber the letter F, the message INVAILD DISPLAY UNIT, or a distorted image.
The Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) is located in the un-pressurized section of the aircraft tail. It
stores mandatory flight data from at least the last 25 hr of operation, on a fireproof and shockproof
The recorder activates automatically, in flight, on the ground after the first engine start or for 5 min after
the electrical network is energized and stops on the ground 5 min after the second engine shuts down.
The DFDR and Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) will start recording on the ground by selecting the GND
CTL switch on the overhead panel to ON. An event mark can be left on recorded data by pressing the
DFDR EVENT switch on the pedestal.

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