Energy Intro

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Sources of Energy Chemical ‘* Muscular (Oxidization) Nuclear Energy * Geothermal (Conversion) + Fusion (Fusion of hydrogen) Gravity idal, hydraulic (Kinetic) ‘— Indirect Solar Cree Biomass (Photosynthesis) ind (Pressure differences) Direct Solar + Photovoltaic cell (Conversion) Energy Use Making space suitable for) mExtraction of resources —_| m Movements of freight, human activities. (agricultural products and | people and information, Clearing land for raw materials) mAttenuate the spatial agriculture. Modifying resources inequities in the location of Modifying the hydrography_ | (manufacturing) resources by overcoming (inigation) Disposal of wastes (Piling, | distance. Establishing distribution | decontaminating and Growing share of infrastructures (roads). burning). transportation in the total Constructing and energy spent conditioning (temperature and light) enclosed structures. Challenges + Energy Supply * Providing supply to sustain growth and requirements. + A modern society depends on a stable and continuous flow of energy. * Energy Demand + Generate more efficient devices: * Transportation. * Industrial processes. * Appliances. + Environment * Provide environmentally safe sources of energy. * Going through the energy transition (from solid to gazes). Conventional Energy Resources * What sources of energy have filled our requirements so far? 1. Coal 2. Petroleum 3. Natural Gas 4. Hydropower 5. Nuclear Power Hydropower * Nature * Generation of electricity using the flow of water as the energy source. * Gravity as source. + Requires a large reservoir of water. * Considered cleaner, less polluting than fossil fuels. * Tidal power * Take advantage of the variations between high and low tides. Hydropower aM Sufficient and regular precipitations Suitable local site Power loss due to distance Hydropower * Controversy * Require the development of vast amounts of infrastructures: * Dams. * Reservoirs. * Power plants and power lines. * Very expensive and consume financial resources or aid resources that could be utilized for other things. * Environmental problems: * The dams themselves often alter the environment in the areas where they are located. * Changing the nature of rivers, creating lakes that fill former valleys and canyons, etc. Nuclear Power * Nature * Fission of uranium to produce energy. * The fission of 1 kg (2.2 Ib) of uranium-235 releases 18.7 million kilowatt-hours as heat. * Heat is used to boil water and activate steam turbines. * Uranium is fairly abundant. + Requires massive amounts of water for cooling the reactor. Nuclear Power Production and storage Waste storage and disposal Suitable site (NIMBY) | | Large quantities ae Fission Hel Nuclear Power + Nuclear waste disposal + Problem of nuclear waste disposal; radioactivity. * Low level wastes: + Material used to handle the highly radioactive parts of nuclear reactors * Water pipes and radiation suits. * Lose their radioactivity after 10 to 50 years. * High level wastes: * Includes uranium, plutonium, and other highly radioactive elements made during fission. * Nuclear wastes have a half-life about of 10,000 to 20,000 years. + Requirements of long-term storage in a geologically stable area. * Long Term Geological Storage site at Yucca Mountain. Nuclear Power + Some countries have progressed much further in their use of nuclear power than the US. * High reliance: * France, Sweden, Belgium, and Russia have a high reliance on nuclear energy. + France has done this so as not to rely on foreign oil sources. * It generates 75% of its electricity using nuclear energy. + The need to import most fossil fuels provides an extra impetus to turn to nuclear energy. + Phasing out: + Nuclear energy perceived as financially unsound and risky. + No new nuclear power plant built in Europe since Chernobyl (1986). + The German parliament decided in 2001 to phase out nuclear energy altogether. Nuclear Power Reduced fossil fuels dependence | mFear of accidents and sabotage mEnhanced energy security (terrorism) mEnvironmental benefits waste disposal High construction and decommission costs Alternative Energy Resources What new sources of energy are likely to satisfy future demands? 1. Context 2. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 3. Solar Energy 4. Wind Energy 5. Geothermal Energy 6. Biomass Fuels Context + Emergence * Received increasing attention since the first oil crisis in 1973: * Attention varies with fluctuations in the price of oil * Several alternate sources need further research before they can become truly viable alternatives. * Moving from carbon-based sources to non-carbon based: * Europe: 22% of its energy to come from renewable sources by 2010. * Unsustainability of fossil fuels * The resource itself is finite. + Use contributes to the global warming problem. + Some 35% of the carbon emissions in the USA is attributable to electric power generation. + Employing substitutes for fossil fuels in that area alone would help alleviate our greenhouse gas problem. Context C02 Emissions from Energy Usage, United States 2001 10% Th 54% 29% + Fuel use efficiency Not an alternate energy source. Can have a great impact on conservation. After 1973, many industries were motivated to achieve greater efficiency of energy use. Many appliances (including home air conditioners) were made more energy efficient. The USA continually ranks behind Europe and Japan in energy efficiency. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells + Hydrogen * Considered to be the cleanest fuel. Catafftic conversion + Compose 90% of the matter of the universe. + Non polluting (emits only water and heat). + Highest level of energy content. * Fuel cells + Convert fuel energy (such as hydrogen) to electric energy. ‘+ No combustion is involved * Composed of an anode and a cathode. Fuel is supplied to the anode. Oxygen is supplied to the cathode. Electrons are stripped from a reaction at the anode and attracted to form another reaction at the cathode. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells * Fuel cell cars * Most likely replacement for the internal combustion engine. * Efficiency levels are between 55% and 65%. * May be introduced by 2004 (working prototypes). * Mass produced by 2010. * Storage issues + Hydrogen is a highly combustive gas. * Find a way to safely store it, especially in a vehicle. * Delivery issues * Distribution from producers to consumers. * Production and storage facilities. * Structures and methods for transporting hydrogen. * Fueling stations for hydrogen-powered applications. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells + Hydrogen production * Not naturally occurring. BS + Producing sufficient quantities to satisfy the demand. * Extraction from fossil fuels: + From natural gas. [wate | = [secon | eae Electrolysis of water: *+ Electricity from fossil fuels not a environmentally sound 2 alternative. + Electricity from solar or wind energy is a better alternative. * Pyrolysis of the biomass: + Decomposing by heat in an oxygen-reduced atmosphere. Solar Energy * Definition * Radiant energy emitted by the sun (photons emitted by nuclear fusion). * Conversion of solar energy into electricity. + Photovoltaic systems * Solar thermal systems Solar Energy Level of insolation (latitude & precipitation) Solar Energy * Photovoltaic systems * Semiconductors to convert solar radiation into electricity. * Better suited for limited uses such as pumping water that do not require large amounts of electricity. * Costs have declined substantially: * 5 cents per kilowatt-hour. * Compared to about 3 cents for coal fired electrical power. * Economies of scale could then be realized in production of the necessary equipment. * Japan generates about 50% of the world’s solar energy. Solar Energy * Solar thermal systems + Employ parabolic reflectors to focus solar radiation onto water pipes, generating steam that then power turbines. * Costing about 5-10 cents per Kwh. + Require ample, direct, bright sunlight. * Drawback of the solar thermal systems is their dependence on direct sunshine, unlike the photovoltaic cells. * Limitations * Inability to utilize solar energy effectively. * There is currently only about a 15% conversion rate of solar energy into electricity. * Low concentration of the resource. * Need a very decentralized infrastructure to capture the resource. Wind Power _ Pressure diferences Major prevalent wind systems 4 Site suitability Hn Wind Power + Potential use * Growing efficiency of wind turbines. + 75% of the world’s usage is in Western Europe: + Provided electricity to some 28 million Europeans in 2002. + Germany, Denmark (18%) and the Netherlands. + New windfarms are located at sea along the coast: + The wind blows harder and more steadily. * Does not consume valuable land. * No protests against wind parks marring the landscape. * United States: + The USA could generate 25% of its energy needs from wind power by installing wind farms on just 1.5% of the land. * North Dakota, Kansas, and Texas have enough harnessable wind energy to meet electricity needs for the whole country. Wind Power + Farms are a good place to implement wind mills: * A quarter of a acre can earn about $2,000 a year in royalties from wind electricity generation. * That same quarter of an acre can only generate $100 worth or corn. + Farmland could simultaneously be used for agriculture and energy generation. * Wind energy could be used to produce hydrogen. * Limitations + Extensive infrastructure and land requirements. + 1980: 40 cents per kwh. + 2001: 3-4 cents per kwh. * Less reliable than other sources of energy. * Inexhaustible energy source that can supply both electricity and fuel. Biomass + Nature * Biomass energy involves the growing of crops for fuel rather than for food. * Crops can be burned directly to release heat or be converted to useable fuels such methane, ethanol, or hydrogen. + Has been around for many millennia. + Not been used as a large-scale energy source: + 14% of all energy used comes from biomass fuels. + 65% of all wood harvested is burned as a fuel. + 2.4 billion people rely on primitive biomass for cooking and heating. * Important only in developing countries. * Asia and Africa: 75% of wood fuels use. * US: 5% comes from biomass sources. Biomass * Biofuels * Fuel derived from organic matter. + Development of biomass conversion technologies: * Alcohols and methane the most useful. + Plant materials like starch or sugar from cane. + Waste materials like plant stalks composed of cellulose. + Potential and drawbacks + Some 20% of our energy needs could be met by biofuels without seriously compromising food supplies. + Competing with other agricultural products for land. Biomass * Could contribute to reducing carbon emissions while providing a cheap source of renewable energy: + Burning biofuels does create carbon emissions. + The burned biomass is that which removed carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. * Does not represent a real increase in atmospheric carbon. * Genetic engineering: + Create plants that more efficiently capture solar energy. * Increasing leaf size and altering leaf orientation with regard to the sun. * Conversion technology research: * Seeking to enhance the efficiency rate of converting biomass into energy. + From the 20-25% range up to 35-45% range. + Would render it more cost-competitive with traditional fuels. Lecture - 02 ENERGY SCENARIO * Any physical activity in this world, whether carried out by human beings or by nature, is cause due to flow of energy in one form or the other. * The word ‘energy’ itself is derived from the Greek word ‘en-ergon’, which means ‘in- work’ or ‘work content’. The work output depends on the energy input. * Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic development of any country. In the case of the developing countries, the energy sector assumes a critical importance in view of the ever increasing energy needs requiring huge investments to meet them. Energy can be classified into different types: * Primary and Secondary energy * Commercial and Non commercial energy * Renewable and Non-Renewable energy * Conventional and Non-conventional energy Primary and Secondary Energy * Primary energy sources are those that are either found or stored in nature. Common primary energy sources are coal, oil, natural gas, and biomass (such as wood). * Other primary energy sources available include nuclear energy from radioactive substances, thermal energy stored in earth's interior, and potential energy due to earth's gravity * Primary energy sources are costly converted in industrial utilities into secondary energy sources; for example coal, oil or gas converted into steam and electricity. DicseVfuel oils =———> Thermal Potochemical Commercial Energy and Non Commercial Energy * The energy sources that are available in the market for a definite price are known as commercial energy. By far the most important forms of commercial energy are electricity, coal and refined petroleum products. * The energy sources that are not available in the commercial market for a price are classified as non-commercial energy. It include solar energy and wind energy. Renewable and Non Renewable Energy * Renewable energy is energy obtained from sources essential inexhaustible. Examples include solar power, wind energy, hydroelectric power. * Non renewable energy is the conventional fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas which are likely to deplete with time. Conventional and Non-conventional energy * Conventional energy resources which are being traditionally used for many decades and were in common use around oil crisis of 1973 are called conventional energy resources, e.g., fossil fuel, nuclear and hydro resources. * Non-conventional energy resources which are considered for large scale use after oil crisis of 1973. Example solar, wind, biomass etc. Energy Consumption and Standard Of Living: The energy consumption of a nation can be broadly divided into the following areas or sectors depending on energy-related activities. * Domestic sector (houses and offices including commercial buildings) * Transportation sector * Agriculture sector * Industry sector Energy Strategy for the Future * The energy strategy for the future could be classified into immediate, medium-term and long- term strategy. The various components of these strategies are listed below: Immediate-term strategy: Rationalizing the tariff structure of various energy products. * Optimum utilization of existing assets * Efficiency in production systems and reduction in distribution losses, including those in traditional energy sources. * Promoting R&D, transfer and use of technologies and practices for environmentally sound energy systems, including new and renewable energy sources. Medium-term strategy: * Demand management through greater conservation of energy, optimum fuel mix, structural changes in the economy. * There is need to shift to less energy-intensive modes of transport. This would include measures to improve the transport infrastructure viz. roads, better design of vehicles, use of compressed natural gas (CNG) and synthetic fuel, etc. * There is need to move away from non-renewable to renewable energy sources viz. solar, wind, biomass energy, etc. Long-term strategy: * Efficient generation of energy resources * Improving energy infrastructure * Enhancing energy efficiency

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