Waste Management

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Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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Energy Conversion and Management

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Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative

to landfill
Federica Cucchiella, Idiano D’Adamo ⇑, Massimo Gastaldi
Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics, University of L’Aquila, Via G. Gronchi 18, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The management of municipal solid waste (MSW) has been identified as one of the global challenges that
Received 17 June 2016 must be carefully faced in order to achieve sustainability goals. European Union (EU) has defined as
Received in revised form 3 November 2016 Waste to Energy (WTE) technology is able to create synergies with EU energy and climate policy, without
Accepted 5 November 2016
compromising the achievement of higher reuse and recycling rates. The methodology used in this paper
Available online xxxx
is based on two levels. A strategy analysis defines the amount of waste to incinerate with energy recovery
considering different approaches based on unsorted waste, landfilled waste and separated collection rate,
respectively. Consequently, it is evaluated the sustainability of a WTE plant as an alternative to landfill for
Environmental analysis
Financial analysis
a specific area. Two indicators are used: the Reduction of the Emissions of equivalent Carbon Dioxide
Social analysis (ERCO2eq) and Financial Net Present Value (FNPV). Furthermore, a social analysis is conducted through
Sustainability interviews to identify the most critical elements determining the aversion toward the WTE realization.
Waste to energy The obtained results show the opportunity to realize a 150 kt plant in the only electrical configuration.
In fact, the cogenerative configuration reaches better environmental performances, but it is not profitable
for this size. Profits are equal to 25.4 € per kiloton of treated waste and 370 kgCO2eq per ton of treated
waste are avoided using a WTE plant as an alternative to landfill. In this way, the percentage of energy
recovery ranges from 21% to 25% in examined scenarios and disposal waste is minimised in order to pre-
serve resources for the future.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction site of a closed loop system [9,10]. The opportunity to valorise, as

materials (Waste to Product (WTP)) and/or as energy (WTE), cer-
Sustainability is a cross-disciplinary topic that is analysed by tain waste streams is strategic for public health and environmental
researchers, policy makers and community members. Protection protection [11,12].
of people and the environment and conservation of resources are Several methods have been proposed to evaluate SWM, e.g.
the goals of waste management [1–3]. In the context of sustainable exergy analysis, life cycle assessment (LCA), exergetic life cycle
waste management (SWM), sustainability is defined the assess- assessment (ELCA), analytical hierarchical process (AHP), life cycle
ment of environmental, economic, and social impacts of available costing (LCC) and discounted cash flow (DCF) [13,14]. Many works
waste treatment options [4]. SWM is tangible when the generation have reviewed the sustainability of WTE technologies. They defined
of waste and harmful substances is minimised, the reused (using it as an opportunity for a sustainable production of energy [15], giv-
materials repeatedly), recycled (using materials to make new prod- ing a contribution for supplying renewable energy [16] and for tack-
ucts) or recovered (producing energy from waste) materials are ling climate change [17]. Consequently, WTE plant provides a
maximised, and disposal waste is minimised in order to preserve method of simultaneously addressing the problems of energy
resources for the future [5–7]. demand, waste management and greenhouse (GHG) emissions [18].
The European Commission adopted a Circular Economy Pack- Energy, economic and environmental (3E) impacts of WTE for
age, in which the proposed actions can contribute to closing loop MSW management are evaluated by [19], considering several
of product lifecycles [8]. Several works have defined that the mate- WTE technologies including the landfill gas recovery system, incin-
rials in informal waste dumps or in structured landfills is the oppo- eration, anaerobic digestion (AD) and gasification. The 3E results
indicate incineration as the best solution, when combined heat
⇑ Corresponding author.
and power (CHP) is considered. Instead, AD is more favourable,
E-mail addresses: federica.cucchiella@univaq.it (F. Cucchiella), idiano.dadamo@
when only electricity is produced. Other comparisons are proposed
univaq.it (I. D’Adamo), massimo.gastaldi@univaq.it (M. Gastaldi). in literature: e.g. WTE present the best performing technology in

0196-8904/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
2 F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

comparison to mechanical biological treatment (anaerobic and aer- organic substances, recovering energy and materials, and saving
obic) in according to environmental, economic and social criteria landfill space [25].
[20] and WTE plants present economic and financial benefits, Non-combustible materials, e.g. glass, metals, inert waste and
new employment opportunities and the reduction of GHG emis- the organic fraction of waste (e.g. food waste, agricultural) are
sions as alternative to landfill use [21]. basically eliminated before proceeding to incineration [27]. It trea-
The literature review reveals that a work that analyses together ted several types of waste such as solid, liquid (e.g. domestic sew-
environmental, economic, and social impacts of WTE plant in a age) and gaseous (e.g. refinery gases). However, municipal solid
specific area as an alternative to landfill use is absent in literature. waste (MSW) represents the most common application [28]. Six
This paper attempts to fill this gap by evaluating the sustainability categories of MSW are examined by [29]. This work has shown that
of this technology. A case study of an Italian region (called the best practice is to recycle paper, wood, and plastics, to anaero-
Abruzzo) is conducted. A strategic analysis is proposed as the ini- bically digest food and yard waste, and to incinerate textile.
tial step of a decision-making process. It defines the amount of Environmental impacts of MSW management have been stud-
waste to send to incineration based on energy recovery. Three dif- ied extensively, including a number of LCA studies [30]. The dis-
ferent approaches based on unsorted waste, landfilled waste and posal of waste in landfills presents serious and dangerous effects
separated collection rate are used to define the amount of recov- on the ecosystem [31] and incineration with energy recovery
ered waste and furthermore, two kinds of energy recovery (CHP achieved better environmental performances than recovery of bio-
and only electrical configuration) are analysed to evaluate environ- gas from landfill across all impact categories, except for human
mental and economic performances. toxicity [32]. Environmental improvements concerning the com-
The remainder paper is organized as follows: initially, the liter- bustion WTE unit can be achieved sending a larger percentage of
ature preview is described in Section 2 and data and methods of bottom ashes to an up-to-date process for recovery of materials
waste management in Europe and Italy are presented in Section 3. [33]. WTE plants are able to destroy completely hazardous organic
Subsequently, methodology and input data are illustrated in Sec- materials, to reduce risks due to pathogenic microorganisms and
tion 4. Obtained results are subdivided into two parts: a strategy viruses and to concentrate valuable as well as toxic metals in cer-
analysis is presented in Section 5 and financial, environmental tain fractions [34]. A comparison between two kinds of energy
and social assessments are proposed in Section 6. Conclusions recovery is proposed by [35]: the environmental convenience cor-
and some general considerations are presented in Section 7. responds to the cogenerative configuration, while the economic
advantages are linked to the only electrical one.
2. Literature review Some successful aspects of applying WTE techniques are: (i)
green fuel pellets utilized for heating supply; (ii) paper and pulping
The EU waste hierarchy Directive 2008/98/EC defines the prior- industry wastes utilized for CHP plant; (iii) animal residues utilized
ities in waste management: it gives preference to waste prevention for biogas production and (iv) MSW/wastewater treatment plant
and minimization, then to reuse and recycling, then to energy utilized as a district energy supply centre [18]. Furthermore, the
recovery and finally to disposal (landfill) – Fig. 1. presence of a low share of biowaste in mixed MSW decreases the
A WTE technology is a treatment process of recovering energy moisture content of the waste, increasing the heating value.
in a form of heat, electricity or transport fuels from a waste source Besides of this, authors have highlighted as a high share of plastic
[23]. Mass-burn incineration (MBI) is the most commonly used increases the heating value and the non-renewable share of energy
WTE technology. This type of incineration includes large-scale in the waste material. Also, an high presence of paper and card-
combustion of waste in a single-stage chamber unit where com- board produce the same effect, although they are characterized
plete combustion or oxidation occurs, characterized by high oper- by a lower heating value [36].
ating temperatures [26]. The last generation of WTE plant is WTE can play a key-role in SWM, without compromising
characterized by an improvement concerning the performance of the achievement of higher reuse and recycling rates [37]. In
the chemical conversion process, but also by advanced technolo- fact, this technology is able to create synergies with EU energy
gies for pollution control systems [24]. Consequently, today it and climate policy [38] guided by the principles of the EU waste
can be seen as efficient industrial unit for destroying hazardous hierarchy [8].

Fig. 1. Waste management hierarchy [22].

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

3. Current status in Europe composting activities have been launched, while energy recovery
is not used. The principle of territorial self-sufficiency, which rep-
The latest data available in Eurostat database highlight that the resents a key-element of EU waste policy, cannot be reached due to
municipal wastes are treated in different ways in the EU 28 in 2014 waste that are conferred into landfills. In this direction, Govern-
[39]: 28.2% are recycled, 16.1% are composted (Eurostat shows it as ment has proposed the installation of a WTE plant in Abruzzo.
biological treatment), 27.3% are incinerated (total incineration
including energy recovery) and 28.4% are landfilled. Furthermore,
4. Materials and methods
treatment methods differ substantially among the member states:
on one hand, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands
The methodology used in this paper is based on two levels. In
and Austria have a share of landfilled waste below 4% and, on
the first one, a strategic analysis is proposed (Section 4.1), while
the other hand, it is greater than 50% in thirteen countries – Fig. 2.
in the second, input data useful to a sustainable analysis are
As can be seen from Fig. 2, the Italian situation requires urgent
described (in Sections 4.2–4.4). The definition of the amount of
actions because 34% of MSW was conferred into landfills in 2014
waste valorisation with energy recovery for a specific area is nec-
and recently the Government has proposed to develop an inte-
essary to quantify the plant size, in order to evaluate environmen-
grated system of WTE plants. Based on ISPRA data [40], Italian
tal, economic (and/or financial) and social performance.
waste generation amounted to 29,655 kt in 2014 (+0.3% compared
with 2013) and separated collection rate was equal to 45.2% (+2.9%
compared with 2013), reaching the target set by the legislation for 4.1. The amount of waste valorisation
2008 after six years.
Consequently, this value is very far from the European target of The amount of waste, that cannot be recycled or composted, has
65% fixed for 2012, only Veneto (67.6%) and Trentino Alto Adige two options: (i) energy recovery or (ii) landfill. Several papers cited
(67.0%) have reached this goal – Fig. 3. Eleven regions have a value in Sections 1 and 2, indicated WTE plants as preferable over land-
greater than Italian average and three regions (Piemonte, Valle filling. The proposed strategic analysis quantifies the amount of
d’Aosta and Sicilia) present a reduction of separated collection rate waste to be incinerated with energy recovery. This value depends
in 2014 than the previous year. In Italy, there are regional differ- on two sets of data: (1) the generated waste amount and (2) the
ences in the waste management approaches adopted. A sustainable MSW strategy adopted by decision-maker [41]. It can be calculated
approach is followed by Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige and Friuli through several approaches depending on the following reference
Venezia Giulia, that recycle great quantities of MSW, and by Lom- variables:
bardia, that, as well as several virtuous European Countries (Fig. 2),
minimizes the quantities of MSW conferred into landfills, by using  Unsorted waste.
both recycling and energy recovery [22].  Landfilled waste.
The amount of waste recovered by WTE plants has increased  Separated collection rate.
from 5815 kt to 6279 kt (+8%) in 2013–2014 period. It depends
on the amount of special waste (+558 kt), whereas the quantities There is a clear relationship among these three variables and
of urban waste have decreased from 5396 kt to 5302 kt. The per- this paper evaluates the final choice. For example, a strategy anal-
centage distribution is in 2014: unsorted waste (43%), dry fraction ysis is proposed in Fig. 5 considering values proposed in Fig. 4. It is
from mechanical biological treatment (27%), secondary solid fuels based on four steps: (1) inputs are defined in according to statisti-
(14%) and special waste (16%). A great amount of waste is treated cal data of the specific area and (2) flows of waste are calculated
in the northern regions (e.g. Lombardia 39%, Emilia Romagna 17%, considering these values. The amount of treated waste is not
Piemonte 11%) and a portion of waste is conferred into foreign directly comparable with those on waste generation due to
WTE plants (e.g. Germany) with related costs [40]. imported and/or exported waste. For this reason, this work
In this paper Abruzzo, an Italian region located in the centre of hypothesizes that these values are the same. The amount of sorted
the Country, is proposed as case study – Fig. 4. Recycling and waste is obtained multiplying separated collection rate and the

Recycled (%) Composted (%) Incinerated (%) Landfilled (%)

1 1 1 1 1 4 8
17 18
26 28 28
35 34
39 42
44 48 38 49 53
50 55 56 59 60
56 35 74 75 76
81 82 83
17 50 35 27 27 21 12 88 92
21 32
16 21 15 12
17 27 6
18 17 16 18 6 19 10 9
17 6 10 2
15 49 11 17 3
47 14 2
34 33 34 12 12 4 2
27 24 26 31 28
28 28 28 23 25 21 23 2
21 11
18 16 16 13 6 16 15 4 5
6 5 8 3

Fig. 2. Municipal waste treated in 2014 in the EU 28 [39].

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
4 F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Year 2014 (%) Year 2013 (%)

70 67.6 67.0
60 57.6 56.3
55.2 54.3
48.9 47.6
50 46.1 45.2 44.3
40 34.6 32.7

30 27.6 25.9

Fig. 3. Separated waste collection rate in the Italian regions [40].

Generated waste (kt) Sorted waste (%)

662 42.9 46.1

627 33.0
600 593

2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014

Unsorted waste (kt) Landfilled waste (kt)

387 342 319
93 78

2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014

Fig. 4. Statistical data in Abruzzo [40].

Base Scenario - Separated collection rate

Extra Scenario - Separated collection rate

Base Scenario - Landfilled waste

Extra Scenario - Landfilled waste

Base Scenario - Unsorted waste

Extra Scenario - Unsorted waste

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Fig. 5. The amount of waste to incinerate with energy recovery (kt) – an example.

amount of treated waste and consequently, the remaining amount recovery. Subsequently, (3) decision-makers can choose to use as
is called unsorted waste. Landfilled waste is typically a share of variable of reference or the amount of unsorted waste, or the
unsorted waste, that it is not sent to incineration based on energy amount of landfilled waste, or the level of separated collection rate.

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

For each variable of reference, two levels of analysis (Base and amount of the emissions of carbon dioxide equivalent released by a
Extra) are proposed and the criteria used for each scenario is func- WTE plant and QW is the amount of treated waste.
tional to the goal to be achieved (minimise the landfill use). For Literature values (see Sections 1 and 2), Directive 2008/98/EC
example, the amount of treated waste in a WTE plant can be and the experience of several European countries (see Fig. 2) high-
choose equal to the maximum amount of reference variable in light as energy recovery can contribute a significant reduction of
Extra scenario, while it is equal to the half of previous value in Base pollutant emissions in comparison to landfill use. The CO2 emis-
one. Considering, the value in landfill equal to 78 kt (see Fig. 4) the sions derive from the landfilling option mainly due to the combus-
valorised amount is equal to 78 kt and 39 kt in Extra and Base sce- tion of methane, while the amount emitted by a WTE plant result
narios, respectively. Finally, (4) decision-makers choose the from the combustion of plastics [49].
amount of waste to incinerate with energy recovery in according From one side, emissions from WTE plant and from the other
to values previously obtained that range from 39 kt to 319 kt. side, avoided emissions from landfill elimination also from substi-
Given the amount of waste to be incinerated with energy recov- tuted thermal and electric plants, are characterized by a high
ery, future scenarios can be evaluated considering (1) the gener- uncertain due to specific operative conditions. In fact, concerning
ated waste amount that ranges during the years and (2) the the landfill there are several configurations as (i) open dumpsites,
target to reach in terms of mix of MSW management. Furthermore, (ii) sanitary landfill with no provision for landfill gas capture, (iii)
it is possible to analyse: (i) the comparison between centralized or effective landfill gas collection and flaring and (iv) production of
decentralized solution and (ii) the plant size. The choice concerns biogas and its utilization for electricity production. The value of
the decision to locate one (centralized solution) or more (decen- emissions (ECO2eq(LND)unit) varies in a wide range from 0.09 to
tralized solution) WTE plants in a given geographical area (e.g. 1.2 tCO2eq per ton of waste [50]. Concerning WTE plant, the emis-
regional or provincial) is strictly linked to the overall quantities sions (ECO2eq(WTE)unit) released depends on: (i) waste feed compo-
of waste to treat and it also depends on political intentions. In fact, sition and different waste collection schemes (189–598 kg fossil
the principle of territorial self-sufficiency can be applied specifi- CO2 per ton of waste) [51], and (ii) the characteristics of the com-
cally to provincial or regional areas. However, it is appropriate to bustion process (359–769 kgCO2eq per ton of waste) [52].
satisfy the principle of proximity, under which waste should be Given the uncertain of operative conditions of both WTE plant
disposed as close as possible to their source of production. The and landfill, in this paper is chosen to follow the approach used
plant size is a direct consequence of the centralized or decentral- in other works. It is based directly on the unitary amount of
ized solution [42]. avoided emissions by a WTE plant as an alternative to landfill. In
particular, these values are referred as cogenerative configuration:
4.2. Environmental inputs
 ERCO2eq-unit between 430 and 480 kgCO2eq per ton of waste in
WTE plants, as several industrial activities characterized by a function of national energetic mix [53].
combustion process, produce emissions and consequently there  ERCO2eq-unit between 360 and 500 kgCO2eq per ton of waste in
are health risks for the population living nearby and the deteriora- function of characteristics of landfill [54].
tion of air quality in the zone near the plant [43]. For this reason,  A review on this topic has fixed an average ERCO2eq-unit equal to
the localization of plants should be far from the urban context. 500 kgCO2eq/t waste [21].
There are studies, in which is demonstrated that these risks can
be minimised [44] and remarkable external benefits can be This paper evaluates two configurations of WTE plant (cogener-
obtained [45]. ative and electrical) in according to study proposed by [55]. Envi-
The technological development has permitted to construct ronmental performances for a plant that treated 421,000 t/y are
modern WTE plants with a significantly better environmental proposed in Fig. 6. From one side there is an increase in CO2 and
impact than those in the past [46]. Modern multi-stage filter sys- SOX as a consequence of the activation of the plant and from the
tems do not only eliminate the bulk of the fly ash, but they are also other side there is a decrease in NOX and dust (PM10).
capable of removing fine particulates. As consequence, the fly ash
content of flue gas was continuously reduced from >150 mg/N m3 4.3. Financial inputs
to <5 mg/N m3. Furthermore, there is more than thousand fold
decrease in emissions of lead and cadmium [34]. Air pollution con- Economic assessments are evaluated in terms of sustainability
trol systems conducted in WTE units confirm the production of in waste sector considering the development of new enterprises
toxic and hazardous flue gases after the high-temperature inciner- and new jobs, affordable access to energy with low level of carbon,
ation [47]. Consequently, each existing plant requires efficient and the gain of economic value from materials otherwise considered
rigorous controls [48]. waste, and cost savings minimising the amount of residual waste
Environmental assessments are evaluated in terms of sustain- [5].
ability in waste sector considering the land, waterways or air pol- The main purpose of the financial analysis is to use the project
lution and the GHG emissions capture [5]. This paper does not cash flow forecasts, whereas the economic analysis is based on
propose a new LCA, but it is based on literature values. The goal accounting the prices that allow to modify market price distortions
is to quantify the emissions of kg of CO2eq avoided by incinerating and to consider the externalities which are able to generate social
a ton of waste with energy recovery instead of placing it in a land- costs and benefits [56]. The relationship between profitability and
fill. The indicator used is ERCO2eq (also known as ERcd): plant size is verified in several works presented below.
Economic Net Present Value (ENPV) is positive also for small
ERCO2equnit ¼ ECO2eq ðLNDÞunit  ECO2eq ðWTEÞunit ð1Þ plants and economic results have higher values than financial ones
due to two aspects: (i) the conversion factors have a direct impact
ERCO2eq ¼ ERCO2equnit  Q W ð2Þ especially on the investment items, determining a reduction of
their weight and (ii) the positive value of social cost of carbon, that
where ERCO2eq-unit is the unitary reduction of the emissions of carbon is the estimated price of the economic damages caused by each
dioxide equivalent using a WTE plant as an alternative to landfill; addition ton of pollutant emissions released into the atmosphere
ECO2eq(LND)unit is the unitary amount of the emissions of carbon diox- [21]. Instead, financial results define as: (i) the minimum sizing
ide equivalent released by a landfill; ECO2eq(WTE)unit is the unitary for a positive FNPV is 300 kt; (ii) the profitability is strictly linked

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
6 F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Cogenerative configuration Electrical configuration



25 20 -20 -140 -110 -180


Fig. 6. Emissions released in a WTE plant (t/y) [55].

to the subsidies; (iii) larger plants are characterized by very consis- RuSHE;tþ1 ¼ RuSHE;t  ð1 þ rHE Þ ð18Þ
tent profits; (iv) a low reduction in the degree of saturation of the
plant can cause relevant losses and (v) investment costs produce CLCS;t ¼ CINV =Ndebt 8t ¼ 0::ndebt  1 ð19Þ
the most significant changes among all critical variables [57]. Other
works highlight as the profitability of WTE plants can be verified CLIS;t ¼ ðCINV  CLCS;t Þ  rD 8t ¼ 0::ndebt  1 ð20Þ
also for 270 kt plant under specific operative conditions [58] and
the discount rate influences significantly Net Present Value (NPV) CLS;t ¼ CuLS;t  Q W quLS 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð21Þ
between 2.1 million $ and 7.4 million $ [59].
In this paper DCF methodology is used and FNPV, Financial Rate CuLS;tþ1 ¼ CuLS;t  ð1 þ rL Þ ð22Þ
of Return (FRR) and Financial Discounted Payback Period (FDPP)
are selected as reference indexes. The financial model is reported  
CLNS;t ¼ CuLNS;t  Q W =quLNS 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð23Þ
below [57]:
CuLNS;tþ1 ¼ CuLNS;t  ð1 þ rL Þ ð24Þ
FNPV ¼ ðIt  Ot Þ=ð1 þ rÞt ð3Þ
CGA;t ¼ CuGA;t  Q W 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð25Þ
ðIt  Ot Þ=ð1 þ rÞ ¼ 0 ð4Þ
t¼0 CuGA;tþ1 ¼ CuGA;t  ð1 þ rGA Þ ð26Þ

ðIt  Ot Þ=ð1 þ FRRÞt ð5Þ CEN;t ¼ CuEN;t  Q W 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð27Þ
CuEN;tþ1 ¼ CuEN;t  ð1 þ rEN Þ ð28Þ
It ¼ RUW;t þ ROW;t þ RS;t þ RSPE;t þ RSHE;t ð6Þ
CWA;t ¼ CuWA;t  Q W 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð29Þ
Ot ¼ CLCS;t þ CLIS;t þ CLS;t þ CLNS;t þ CGA;t þ CEN;t þ CWA;t þ CRW;t
þ CISG;t þ CEASW;t þ CR;t þ CRD;t  RV;t  Ctax;t ð7Þ CuWA;tþ1 ¼ CuWA;t  ð1 þ rWA Þ ð30Þ

Q W ¼ Q UW  pUW þ Q OW  pOW ð8Þ CRW;t ¼ CuRW;t  Q W 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð31Þ

RUW;t ¼ RuUW;t  Q UW 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð9Þ CuRW;tþ1 ¼ CuRW;t  ð1 þ infÞ ð32Þ

RuUW;tþ1 ¼ RuUW;t  ð1 þ rW Þ ð10Þ CISG;t ¼ CuISG;t  Q W 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð33Þ

ROW;t ¼ RuOW;t  Q OW 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð11Þ CuISG;tþ1 ¼ CuISG;t  ð1 þ infÞ ð34Þ

RuOW;tþ1 ¼ RuOW;t  ð1 þ rW Þ ð12Þ CEASW;t ¼ CuEASW;t  Q W 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð35Þ

RS;t ¼ RuGC  Q W  pEL  pBF 8t ¼ ncons ::ncons þ nsub  1 ð13Þ CuEASW;tþ1 ¼ CuEASW;t  ð1 þ infÞ ð36Þ

RSPE;t ¼ RuSPE;t  Q W  pEL  pNBF 8t ¼ ncons ::ncons þ nsub  1 ð14Þ CR;t ¼ pR  CE;t 8t ¼ ncons þ nr ð37Þ

RSPE;t ¼ RuSPE;t  Q W  pEL 8t ¼ ncons þ nsub ::n  1 ð15Þ CE;t ¼ pE  CINV ð38Þ

RuSPE;tþ1 ¼ RuSPE;t  ð1 þ rEL Þ ð16Þ CRD;t ¼ pRD  CINV 8t ¼ n  1 ð39Þ

RSHE;t ¼ RuSHE  Q W  pHE 8t ¼ ncons ::n  1 ð17Þ RV;t ¼ pLLP  ðCINV  0:5  CE;t Þ þ pSLP  CE;t 8t ¼ n  1 ð40Þ

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7

Ctax;t ¼ putax  ebt with ebt > 0 8t ¼ 0::n  1 ð41Þ nsub period of subsidies RuSHE unitary price of heat
Ot discounted cash RuSPE unitary price of
Economic nomenclature outflows electricity selling
CE equipment cost pEL % of produced pBF % of biodegradable RuUW unitary revenue of
electricity fraction urban waste
CEASW cost of elimination of pHE % of produced heat treatment
ash and slag waste pE % of equipment cost t time of the cash flow
CEN consumed electricity pLLP % of long life parts
CGA consumed gas cost pNBF % of non Economic and technical inputs data used in this analysis are defined
biodegradable in Table 1. Plant size ranges from 50 kt to 300 kt. This choice
fraction depends by: (i) the minimum sizing for a positive FNPV in CHP con-
CINV investment cost pOW % of other waste figuration is equal to 300 kt [57]; (ii) the economic result in the only
CISG cost of intermediate pR % of replacement cost electric configuration is greater than CHP one [35] and (iii) multi-
services and goods plies of 50 kt are chosen in according to the approach used by [21].
CLCS loan capital share cost pRD % of remediation & Given the FNPV obtained in cogenerative configuration in a pre-
decontamination cost vious work [57], this model is used to calculate financial results in
CLIS loan interest share cost pSLP % of short life parts the only electrical configuration (Fig. 7). It is assumed that there
CLS labour cost (skilled) pUW % of urban waste are no variations of investment costs [35], but however this limit
CLNS labour cost (unskilled) putax % of taxes cost will be exceeded in sensitivity analysis. The minimum sizing for
CR replacement cost QW quantities of waste a positive FNPV become about 150 kt.
CRD remediation and Q OW quantities of other
decontamination cost waste 4.4. Social inputs
CRW raw materials cost Q UW quantities of urban
waste This topic is rarely analysed in literature [60]. The social accep-
Ctax taxes cost quLS quantity of waste for tance of WTE plant requires the involvement of all stakeholders in
employee (skilled) order to reduce phenomena that hinder their realization, as Not-In-
CWA consumed water cost quLNS quantity of waste for My-Back-Yard (NIMBY) and Not-In-My-Term-of-Office (NIMTO)
employee (unskilled) [61]. They have caused intense debates among public opinion,
CLCS loan capital share cost r opportunity cost environmental associations and political groups. Their objections
CuEASW unitary cost of rD interest rate on loan towards these projects have led to major delays or also to their
elimination of ash & withdrawal [62].
slag waste Three ‘‘assumptions” are typically used against the realization
CuEN unitary cost of rEL electricity growth of the project: (i) the emissions released by the combustion pro-
consumed electricity rate cess of a WTE plant are more pollutant in comparison to the
CuGA unitary cost of rEN consumed electricity methane and other harmful substances released by a landfill; (ii)
consumed gas growth rate
CuISG unitary cost of rHE heat growth rate
intermediate services & Table 1
Input definition [22,57].
CuLS unitary cost of labour rGA consumed gas Variable Value Variable Value
(skilled) growth rate CuEASW 8.99 €/t pR 25%
CuLNS unitary cost of labour rL labour cost growth CuEN 1.43 €/t pRD 17.14%
(unskilled) rate CuGA 0.62 €/t pSLP 1.7%
CuRW unitary cost of raw rW waste treatment CINV 38 k€ (50 kt); 58 k€ (100 kt); 80 k€ (150 kt); 94 k€ (200 kt);
118 k€ (250 kt); 144 k€ (300 kt)
materials decreasing real rate
CuISG 4.33 €/t pUW 95%
CuWA unitary cost of rWA consumed water
36,000 €/y
CuLS putax 36%
consumed water growth rate CuLNS 21,600 €/y quLS 25,000 t/employee
ebt earnings before taxes ROW revenues by other CuRW;t 0.87 €/t quLNS 5000 t/employee
waste treatment CuWA 0.02 €/t r 5%
It discounted cash RS revenues by inf 1.5% rD 3%
inflows subsidies n 30 y rEL 1%
inf rate of inflation RSHE revenues by heat ndebt 15 y rEN 0.9%
ncons 3y rGA 1.1%
selling nr 15 y rHE 1%
n lifetime of investment RSPE revenues by nsub 15 y rL 0.4%
electricity selling pBF 51% rW 0.5%
ndebt period of loan RUW revenues by urban pE 55% rWA 0.5%
pEL 60% RuOW 18 €/t
waste treatment
pHE 40% u
RGC 86 €/t
ncons period of construction RuGC unitary revenue by
pLLP 3.1% RuSHE 30 €/t
green certificates pNBF 49% RuSPE 37 €/t
nr period of replacement RuOW unitary revenue by pOW 5% RuUW 12 €/t
other waste QW 50 kt; 100 kt; 150 kt; 200 kt; 250 kt; 300 kt

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
8 F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Cogenerative configuration Electrical configuration

1202 39,532

50kt 100kt 150kt 200kt 250kt 300kt

-13,371 50kt 100kt 150kt 200kt 250kt 300kt
-14,875 -14,895 -15,414 -8584

Fig. 7. FNPV (k€) based on the plant size [57] and self-made analysis.

a WTE plant reduces recycling activities and it is not seen, instead,  Landfilled waste is equal to about 25% of the unsorted waste.
as an alternative to the landfill and (iii) a WTE plant is able to pro- Historical data highlight its decrease during the last three years
duce energy, that is also partially renewable, and consequently (from 248 kt in 2011 to 78 kt in 2014). Considering that 50 kt is
there is a great difference with the incinerator [63]. It is opportune a lower value than 78 kt, this size must be discarded. Conse-
to highlight that when a project is useful to citizens and it is prof- quently, 100 kt (Base WTE – Landfilled waste) and 150 kt (Extra
itable, its delay causes economic losses [64]. WTE – Landfilled waste) are proposed in this work. Also, Italian
Social assessments are evaluated in terms of sustainability in Government has proposed for Abruzzo region a plant size that
waste sector considering that minimum social conditions are varies from 100 kt to 150 kt.
met, such as safe working conditions for employees and also the  Separated collection rate is equal to 46.1% in 2014, but European
health and safety levels for the community [5]. This paper proposes target of 65% was fixed for 2012. Considering this last input, the
the results of a simple questionnaire where are defined the most generated waste equal to 593 kt and an up-bottom approach, it
critical issues that determining the aversion towards a WTE plant is obtained a value equal to 200 kt (Extra WTE – Separated col-
construction in a specific area. Face-to-face interviews are used lection rate). If the separated collection rate increases to 70%
and this method is preferred to telephone interviews, mailed and or 80%, consequently new values are obtained and they are equal
web-based questionnaires [65]. The questionnaire was submitted to 180 kt and 120 kt, respectively. Their intermediate value is
to people of all ages and levels of education. Five hundred valid 150 kt (Base WTE – Separated collection rate).
replies were collected by using the stratified sampling method
and interviews were carried out in universities, public parks, Values varies from 100 kt to 250 kt and consequently, the
squares and shopping centres. cogenerative configuration is discarded. In fact, financial results
proposed in Fig. 5 indicate that the minimum size with positive
5. A strategic analysis FNPV is the 300 kt plant considering CHP configuration, while it
is equal to 150 kt plant considering the only electrical configura-
The aim of this section is to compute the quantity of waste val- tion. Furthermore, the assessment of single values highlights that:
orisation in according to approach defined in Section 4.1 consider-
ing values proposed in Fig. 4. Three different approaches are used  100 kt plant is unprofitable.
in this paper – Fig. 8.  150 kt plant is the same result of Base WTE – Unsorted waste,
Extra WTE – Landfilled waste and Base WTE – Separated collec-
 A previous work has considered several levels of WTE strategy tion rate scenarios.
basing on bottom-up approach considering unsorted waste  200 kt is not ambitious, considering that the separated collec-
[22]. The values obtained were equal to 400 kt, 250 kt (Extra tion rate has already exceeded the 65% in Veneto and Trentino
WTE - Unsorted waste) and 150 kt (Base WTE - Unsorted Alto Adige. For the same reason, also 250 kt cannot be consid-
waste). The amount of waste has considerably decreased over ered an adequate solution.
the past three years (from 440 kt in 2011 to 319 kt in 2014).
Consequently, 400 kt scenario is not realistic, because it can Results of this analysis define that the plant size is 150 kt in the
reduce the recycling activities. only electrical configuration. This paper proposes for Abruzzo
region a centralized solution, in which a single facility provides
the service to the whole region. Given this value, the percentage
of energy recovery within the mix of MSW can be calculated
Base WTE Scenario Extra WTE Scenario (Fig. 9). For this goal, two variables are defined as follows:
250 kt
 The amount of generated waste. It is equal to 590 kt in the year
200 kt
2014 (Fig. 4). In recent years there has been a decline not only
150 kt 150 kt 150 kt due to consumers’ good habits, but also to economic crisis.
100 kt However, waste generated in Italy in 2014 (29,655 kt) has
marked a turnaround with an increase than 2013 (29,573 kt).
So, also the value of 620 kt (obtained as the average of what
generated in the 2011–2014 period, and higher than 30 kt
Unsorted waste Landfilled waste Separated collection rate compared to that of 2014) have been proposed together with
a reduction of the same value, thus obtaining a generated
Fig. 8. A strategic analysis – plant size. quantity equal to 560 kt.

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 9

Special waste = 5% Total Special waste = 15% Total The only electrical configuration produces an amount of emissions
greater of 14% than cogenerative one. Considering this input data
and given the initial value of 430 kgCO2eq per ton of waste treated
24% in CHP configuration, the unitary value of environmental savings
23% 23% (ERCO2eq-unit) is equal to 370 kgCO2eq/t waste (obtained by multi-
22% plying 430 by 0.86 – Scenario ERavg) in the only electrical configura-
21% tion. ERCO2eq is equal to 55,500 tCO2eq per year considering a 150 kt
plant in the only electrical configuration. While, it would have
amounted to 64,500 tCO2eq per year in CHP configuration –
Fig. 10. The cogenerative configuration leads to lower impact on
560 kt 590 kt 620 kt the local air quality, lower contribution to GHG formation and fur-
thermore, another environmental advantage is obtained by the
Fig. 9. Percentage of energy recovery in municipal waste treatment considering a
domestic boilers that are turned off.
150 kt plant.
In order to give solidity to results obtained, alternative scenar-
ios can be evaluated (Fig. 10). ERCO2eq-unit ranges from 310
 The amount of special waste to treated in the WTE plant. It (obtained by multiplying 360 by 0.86 – Scenario ERlow) to 430
ranges from 7% to 16% in the 2011–2014 period. Consequently, kgCO2eq per ton of treated waste (obtained by multiplying 500
two percentage weights equal to 5% and 15% are analysed. In by 0.86 - Scenario ERhigh) in the only electrical configuration.
this way, the amount of treated municipal waste is equal to
142.5 kt and 127.5 kt respectively (considering a 150 kt plant).
6.2. Financial results
For example, the weight of energy recovery is equal to 24% in
The results obtained in this part of the work are based on the
MSW mix considering a production of waste equal to 590 kt with
input data proposed in Section 4.3. Also in this case it is proposed
a share of special waste equal to 5%. It is obtained dividing
a comparison between two configurations, but it is not analysed
142.5 kt by 590 kt.
the same size. In fact, 150 kt plant in CHP configuration has a neg-
The share of the energy recovery varies from 21% to 25% and it
ative FNPV (Fig. 7). The profitability of 150 kt plant in electrical
is an ambitious goal. In fact, virtuous European countries present
configuration is greater than one obtained by a 300 kt plant in
the following values (Fig. 2): Germany 35%, Austria 38%, Belgium
cogenerative configuration (Fig. 11). The difference is very signifi-
44%, Netherlands 48%, Sweden 50% and Denmark 54%.
cant: the first plant reaches a FNPV equal to 25.4 € per kiloton of
treated waste, while the second is only 4.0 € per kiloton of treated
6. Sustainability analysis
waste. FRR and FDPP provide results that are coherent with FNPV:
the first is slightly higher (6.3% and 5.2%, respectively) than the risk
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the sustainability of a WTE
free value (5%, see Table 1) and the second is lower (22 y and 26 y,
plant as an alternative to landfill. It is referred to the assessment of
respectively) than the period lifetime (30 y, see Table 1).
environmental (Section 6.1), financial (Section 6.2), and social (Sec-
Subsidies are the variable that most affects the distribution of
tion 6.3) impacts.
revenues, followed by the sale of electricity. On the side of the cash
outflows, investment costs have a percentage weight greater than
6.1. Environmental results
50% and the treatment of ash and slag waste are the main operative
costs (Fig. 12).
The results of this sub-section are based on the data in the lit-
In order to give solidity to results obtained a sensitivity analysis
erature proposed in Section 4.2 that show how the construction
is proposed (Fig. 13). The critical variables are been defined in a
of a WTE plant collides with the waste hierarchy, if it is realized
previous work [57]: selling price of electricity, subsidies, invest-
in place of the recycling and composting activities. When, instead,
ment cost, cost of ash and slag waste elimination, degree of satura-
the energy recovery is an alternative to landfills, an environmental
tion, risk free and lower heating value.
damage is avoided. However, WTE plant can be not defined as a
The profitability is verified in baseline scenario, while FNPV is
complete alternative to the landfill due to its final residues.
positive only in 48% of scenarios evaluated in sensitivity analysis.
In order to calculate ERCO2eq, it is necessary to multiply the vol-
The maximum value is obtained considering a reduction of 20%
ume of the treated waste for the unit value of environmental sav-
of investment costs (19,638 k€), while the minimum value is veri-
ings (Eq. (2)). This method is based on the assumption that all
fied with a degree of saturation equal to 80% (12,793 k€). The
waste covered in this plant would have otherwise been sent in
reduction of the grade of saturation and the decrease of subsidies
landfill. Values found in the literature have proposed a range of
cause the unprofitability of project. From one side, WTE plant is
360–500 kgCO2eq per ton of waste treated in CHP configuration.
Its average value, equal to 430 kgCO2eq/t waste, can be used as ref-
erence value. Cogenerative configuration Electrical configuration
The comparison between CHP and electrical configuration is
analysed. It is possible to calculate GHG emissions released by a
64,500 64,500
WTE plant in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent. The corrective
54,000 55,500
coefficients (1 for CO2 and 310 for NOX), proposed by the IPCC Sec- 46,500
ond Assessment Report, are used. This tool not analyses SOX and
PM10 emissions, but the role of CO2 in these plants is determinant
[66]. It is calculated as follows:
90; 000  1  20  310 ¼ 83; 800 t=y in CHP configuration ð42Þ

140; 000  1  140  310 ¼ 96; 600 t=y in electrical configuration ERlow ERavg ERhigh
ð43Þ Fig. 10. Environmental results (tCO2eq avoided per year) for a 150 kt plant.

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
10 F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

FNPV (k€) FRR (%) FDPP (y)

3803 6.3 26

1202 22

300 kt - 150 kt - 300 kt - 150 kt - 300 kt - 150 kt -

Cogenerative Electrical Cogenerative Electrical Cogenerative Electrical
configuration configuration configuration configuration configuration configuration

Fig. 11. Financial results.

Discounted cash inflows Discounted cash outflows

Subsidies Selling electricity

Investment Treatment of ash & slag waste Other costs
Selling heat Other revenues

18 16
28 31
23 40 18 16
44 54 53

300 kt - Cogenerative 150 kt - Electrical 300 kt - Cogenerative 150 kt - Electrical

configuration configuration configuration configuration

Fig. 12. Distribution of cash flows (in percentage).

able to reduce the amount of waste conferred in landfill. However, The people’s concern does not stem from reasons related to a
when an oversized plant is chosen, there is the risk of not having non-confidence with this technology, but it is connected to lack
enough waste to treat and/or the reduction of recycling and com- of control. In fact, in a scenario characterized by a release of emis-
posting activities. From the other side, the decrease of subsidies sions higher than legal limits, there is the feeling that this would
is been applied to renewables during the last years. not be pursued. This aspect is, also, coupled with the common con-
sideration that the emissions from combustion process can be
much more harmful to those emitted by landfills (question 7). A
further important finding is related to the contribution of WTE
6.3. Social results plant to sustainability. This concept is present only in a third of
the interviewed people. They see as the first impact the emissions
On the basis of Section 4.4, the results obtained from the admin- released by a WTE plant on local population (question 8).
istered questionnaire in the Abruzzo region are reported below People are responsible for waste production, but they could
(Table 2). play a relevant role with good practices, as an adequate separate
The results of this analysis show that more than half of the peo- collection. Unlike what occurs, this effect should be detectable in
ple being interviewed believe that recycling cannot be the only bills. On the contrary, 90% of the interviewed people have noticed
method of waste treatment. Despite that, as shown by the waste an excessive cost growth (question 9). So, it is therefore necessary:
hierarchy, landfill and WTE are placed on the same level (question
1). A role is played by the NIMBY phenomenon: the majority of cit-  to identify more direct communication, for example, how many
izens support the construction of a WTE plant if the plant is built kilograms of plastic and glass have been recovered from the
within the region. When, instead, WTE plant site selection falls recycling and what was done subsequently with these
within their city, a landfill is preferred (questions 2 and 3). materials.
There is still an unclear perception of what makes a WTE plant.  to reduce costs sustained by people, when performance results
In fact, only half of the interviewed people know it as a technology, are achieved.
in which the combustion process is followed by the energy produc-
tion (question 4). The reduction of emissions is the main critical Half of the interviewed people have defined as a project must be
factor in the original design of a WTE plant, but also the opportu- realized not only to contrast the climatic change, but also to pro-
nity to handle a variety of waste is defined interesting (question 5). duce profits (question 10). A slight majority of adverse answers
Concerning this last aspect, it is widely considered as unsorted is obtained considering the question of whether they agree or
waste and secondary solid fuels are the potential inputs of a WTE not with the construction of a WTE plant in a region. However,
plant. Instead, the recovery of both special waste and residues of people in favour do not support this choice because can be sustain-
other treatment methods are not taken into consideration able, but only to reduce the electrical and thermal energy costs
(question 6).

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 11

Selling price of electricity (37 €/t) Subsidies (86 €/t)

12,970 706

68.8 €/t 73.1 €/t 77.4 €/t 81.7 €/t


29.6 €/t 33.3 €/t 40.7 €/t 44.4 €/t

-780 -5488


Investment cost (80 k€) Cost of elimination of ash & slage waste (9 €/t)


11,721 5718


96 k€ 88 k€ 72 k€ 64 k€

-4114 10.8 €/t 9.9 €/t 8.1 €/t 7.2 €/t


Degree of saturation (100 %) Risk free (5%) Lower heating value (10.4 MJ/kg)
80% 85% 90% 95% 11,614
-346 5081
7% 6% 4% 3%
- -1679
9.2 MJ/kg 10.9 MJ/kg 12.6 MJ/kg

Fig. 13. Sensitivity analysis – FNPV (k€).

(question 11). Delays in the development of these technologies are countries is not an optimal solution; on the contrary, it is neces-
due mainly to political reluctance (such as NIMTO or aversion for sary to encourage the short chain and the disposal of waste as
long-term choices), but other aspects that affect these choices are close as possible to the place of production. The opportunity to
the lack of information (for example, that a landfill is more pollu- valorise it, as materials and/or as energy, is applied by several
tant than a WTE plant), the defence of ecosystems and the capacity countries.
of local authorities to protect their territories from projects This paper proposes a comparison between WTE plant and
believed unsuitable (question 12). landfill. There is a tendency to hinder the construction of a WTE
plant based on the argument that it produces pollution. A share
7. Conclusions of consumed products cannot be separated and also, this amount
of waste must be treated in a sustainable way. The results of this
Waste management is a topic characterized by intense public work, in line with the others proposed by both European Commis-
debate, in which fear of pollution is very high. Information regard- sion and literature, confirm that WTE plant is a reasonable and sus-
ing the waste stream is not always known and often is not clear at tainable alternative technology to landfill without compromising
the final destination. The transfer of waste products towards other reuse and recycling rates.

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
12 F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Statistical analysis of survey results.

1. Which of these treatment methods is correct?

Recycling 25%
Recycling + Waste to energy 35%
Recycling + landfill 30%
Waste to energy 2%
Landfill 5%
Indifferent 3%
2. Do you prefer a Waste to energy plant or a landfill in your town?
Waste to energy plant 40%
Landfill 60%
3. Do you prefer a Waste to energy plant or a landfill in your region?
Waste to energy plant 65%
Landfill 35%
4. What is a Waste to energy plant?
A combustion process of waste with energy recovery 50%
A combustion process of waste 45%
I do not know about 5%
5. What factors do you consider most critical in the original design of a WTE plant?
Ability to manage more waste 26%
Ability to produce more energy 14%
Emissions of air pollutants 54%
Aesthetic of plant 2%
Local traffic burden 2%
Job creation 2%
6. What are the inputs of a WTE plant? You can choose one or more answers.
Unsorted waste 97%
Dry fraction from mechanical biological treatment 44%
Secondary solid fuels 76%
Special waste 25%
I do not know about 2%
7. How safe do you feel with the technological development of a WTE plant?
Not at all, since controls will be weak 25%
Not at all, since technologies will be not adequate 3%
Enough, if heavy fines will be imposed 21%
Not at all, for reasons of corruption in the control phase 30%
Enough, if monitoring will be intense 18%
I feel very safe 3%
8. The emissions released by a WTE facility affect . . .
Present generations 8%
Present and future generations 30%
Local population 58%
National population 4%
9. What is the effect of waste treatment (separate collection, recycling, WTE) on bill’s cost?
Substantial reduction 3%
Minimum reduction 5%
Minimum increase 40%
Substantial increase 52%
10. In your opinion a WTE plant must be realized if . . .
It is profitable 32%
It is green and also profitable 48%
It is green, but is not profitable 5%
Its benefits are greater than its costs 15%
11. Are you agree or disagree, if a WTE plant is built in your region?
I agree since electricity and heating costs are reduced 43%
I agree because it is a sustainable choice 4%
I disagree since it degrades the aesthetic 14%
I disagree because it is dangerous to local public health 28%
I disagree because there are other sustainable strategies 11%
12. What are the main reasons for delays in the development of WTE plants? You can choose more answers
Incomplete legal framework 5%
Political reluctance 31%
Lack of information 24%
Local authorities strong 19%
Opposition of public opinion 12%
Increased costs 6%
Increased environmental burden 22%
Technological constraints 3%

Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012
F. Cucchiella et al. / Energy Conversion and Management xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 13

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Please cite this article in press as: Cucchiella F et al. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Convers
Manage (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.012

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