Tpack Template Creating Fall20
Tpack Template Creating Fall20
Tpack Template Creating Fall20
Learning Objective VUS.7 - The student will apply social science skills to
The objective of the lesson is what students
will be able to do as they finish the activity.
understand the Civil War and Reconstruction eras and
For this objective, use the Standards of their significance as major turning points in American
Learning (SOL) to say what you want to focus
on. history by
You can find the SOLs at a) describing major events and the roles of key look on
the right of the screen for the subjects and leaders of the Civil War era, with emphasis on
go from there. Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E.
Lee, and Frederick Douglass
Pedagogy Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:
In this activity, my students are going to use Twitter/ Tweet Generator to create an
online Twitter fight between Union Leaders and confederate leaders .
Pedagogy Activity Describe what the learning
activity will be. What will the students and
the teacher be doing? (This includes what
This assignment would come at the end of the Civil
they are doing with the technology). Many War Unit to act as a sort of final
people tend to find this part easier if they
number the action in order and think of this 1. Get students into randomly selected pairs and
from the view of a substitute teacher. This
lesson was left on the desk, can you follow it and randomly assign sides (Union and
and teach the class today? Add numbers as
you need to describe your class/activity for confederate)
the day.
2. Students research their perspective sides and
understand the stances and platforms that
each army was based on. This research could
draw from:
a. Class notes/lessons throughout the
b. Reliable Online Research
c. Classroom textbooks
3. Students would decide whether or not they
would like to take on roles of just average
soldiers or famous historical figures (ex:
Ulysses S. Grant, Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson
Davis, Robert E. Lee, etc.)
Mobile App Option 1. If on mobile devices, students could use the regular
Twitter app by creating Twitter accounts for strictly