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Effective Utilization of daylight

AbstractOver a few decades, daylighting has been perceived to possess good potential for energy conservation. In this perspective, there have been significant advances in research methodologies and technologies for optimizing energy consumption through daylight harvesting in commercial buildings. In light of this, a thorough understanding of the application of available technology is very important for daylighting practices for building energy management. The objective of this paper is to examine the status of published research on three key building parameters: window-glazing area, dynamic shading devices, and daylighting controls playing a rule on energy conservation. This article may serve as a coherent literature survey that would provide better understanding of the subjacent issues and possibly rejuvenate research interest in this immensely potential field of energy engineering Introduction
Nowadays, increase in energy consumption particularly in commercial buildings and their likely impacts on the environment is a topic of discussion. Literature reports claim that, in commercial buildings air-conditioning and artificial lighting accounts for majority of total energy consumption. An important measure to trim down artificial lighting and airconditioning load and augment savings is to create provision for daylight. From past two decades, quest to light buildings with daylight is enjoying interest from building owners and architects alike. The recent surge in interest is attributed to three major developments: recent discoveries of the impact of light on human health, the growing influence of Green Building Rating Schemes, progress in integrated lighting control technologies for visual comfort and energy saving Daylighting is not only an energy efficiency technology but also an architectural discipline. Even now in most of the commercial buildings sidelit windows are the only means of transporting daylight and warmth into the buildings. Daylighting in a building requires careful planning to balance heat gain and loss depending on climatic conditions, control glare, illuminance uniformity and adjustment for variation in daylight availability. For this reason, efficient daylighting techniques require study of proper orientation of building particular to that climate, type of window glazing, lighting controls integrated with artificial light dimming and window shading systems. This strategy requires proper coordination between structural, mechanical, and electrical systems. The intervention of these systems in a building admits daylight without excessive heat gain or glare. This daylighting and thermal aspects for optimum cooling,heating and lighting energy balance. Recent advancements in information technology, fenestration technologies, and electric lighting control options reflect the trends of making buildings more intelligent and energy conserving. All these developments are accredited to the commendable work reported in scientific literature. Although many studies report the benefits of daylighting on health, environment and ene rgy conservation, the daylighting in buildings are still in their preliminary stages throughout the world. The lack of information on the suitability of daylighting, system design, and its potential to save energy is the main reason for such an unenthusiastic response to daylighting designs. It is envisaged that this literature survey would reinforce the importance of strategies adopted for reducing energy consumption in daylit commercial buildings. The intention of the present paper is to summarize the procedures proposed in scientific literature on how the afore mentioned three building parameters can be tuned for effective daylight utilization and energy saving in commercial buildings. The paper is a review of impact of the window size, orientation and influence of the glazed area on energy consumption for commercial buildings. For compromising between light transmission along with heat rejection to cut down the electricity bills on lighting and cooling.



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t il i l it l l i i i t ll l i i t i t l t t li t i t i t i C t il l i i t it t ti l T t l l i i i il U l ll l t i i i t (#H C) i l i ii l t itt (T i) Hi t ii l t itt l i i ill t l t t ti i t il i i t i H t i i t it li t l t t li ilit i li ti iti t i i l t i l t i li ti li / ti l i t i i t i i j ti it li ti iti t l lit i i t t ti l i t t t i i t (1) l t (2) il t i l t i i l i l ti i t t t i l T l t l t i l t i t l i t li l ti t l i i t O t t il t t il t ti ll V ti li t l i i t li t l t i ti t t i Whil the cont seasonal management demands onl infrequent effort on the part of the user, hence savings are more li el to be reali ed than with dail management For a given glazing t pe, the critical factor determining the daylight entering a building is the window area. The prime requisite for optimum window area specification depends on (i) its ability to provide adequate daylight into the space and (ii) its influence on peak heating/cooling and artificial lighting energy consumption. In addition to this, several other factors such as glare, occupants comfort or aesthetics should be evaluated at a second step, when shading devices are also considered in the integrated design process. Moreover the recommendations for energy efficiency and daylighting do not always agree, making it difficult for the architects to choose which window area would be most appropriate. Several researchers have documented the most favourable window orientation, window area and glazing types for enhancing the daylight performance in commercial buildings.




1. Insulated ( ouble glazed, triple glazed) Insulated glazing refers to glazing units consisting of 2 or more panes of glass. This can be double or triple glazed. The glass panes are spaced apart and sealed to form a single-glazed unit with an air space between each pane of the glass. The glass layers and the air spaces resist heat flow. As a result, insulating glazing lowers the Ufactor and solar gain coefficient .

2. Gas filled glazing To improve the thermal performance of glazing, the space between the glass panes is filled with inert gas. Because the gases have higher resistance to heat flow than air, they are sealed between the windowpanes to decrease the glazings U-factor. Gas filling can bring down the U-value by 0.2-0.3 W/m2K. The most common types of gas used include argon and krypton.

3. Heat absorbing tints Tinted glass absorbs a large fraction of the incoming solar radiation and glare thus reducing the solar heat gain coefficient. However they also reduce the visible light transmittance. Greyand bronze- tinted glazing reduce the penetration of the both heat and light. Blue- and green- tinted windows offer grater penetration of visible light and slightly reduced heat transfer compared with other colors of tinted glass

4. Low emissivity (Low-E) coating Low Emissivity coating are microscopically thin, virtually invisible, metal or metallic oxide layers deposited on a window on a window or skylight glazing surface primarily to reduce the u factor by suppressing radiative heat flow. Designed for long wave radiation.

5. Spectrally sensitive glass They block long wave radiation. They have another important function, the multiple layers of silver in the coating allow the glass to selectively transmit and reject certain wavelengths of solar radiation.

6. Reflective coating Reflective coatings usually consist of thin, metallic layers, which come in a variety of colors including silver, gold, and bronze. Reflective coatings are applied on the outer surface of glazing i.e. he surface exposed to rain. They reduce the transmission of solar radiation, there by blocking heat. However theyalso reduce a windows visible light transmittance

Typi l val

of hi h p formance glass
Range 0.1-0.4 W/m2 deg K 1.7-3 W/m2 deg K 40-60%

Property Shading Coefficient U-value Visual light transmittance

Concl sion The present paper covered the up-to-date overview of those current design methods reported in scientific literature for effective daylight utilization. Hitherto, there are many attempts of researchers in reducing the energy consumption by daylight harvesting. The review primarily focused on optimizing energy consumption by tuning of one building parameter: window glazing area. However, the relative importance of this factor varies enormously from one installation to other depending on aesthetics and performance needs of the building and the occupants. We have attempted to describe the background and the objectives, and we would emphasize the need for creative design. The recent studies and research described above indicate that the use of artificial intelligence for building automation can elevate energy saving besides optimizing visual and thermal comfort.

The integration of intelligent services in building automation industry is still poor and users are not yet convinced of the system reliability. These new developments could be disseminated by formation of network between manufacturers, building professionals, and energy researchers. Joint effort could be made to determine solutions to common problem areas.

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QP SR I G H F D E C B @ A 9 8 6 7

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