OM-C REV 01 (Downloaded 2023-Feb-15-10 23)
OM-C REV 01 (Downloaded 2023-Feb-15-10 23)
OM-C REV 01 (Downloaded 2023-Feb-15-10 23)
00 14.12.2020.
00.01 10.12.2021
01 31.05.2022.
10 Chapter 10.1 HF Communication introduced
Briefings introduced: 12.1.1 AJACCIO/NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (France) and 12.1.2
Table of Contents
0. GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
JEPPESEN AIRWAY MANUAL VERSUS PART OPS REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................... 6
CHART CHANGE NOTICES............................................................................................................................................................ 7
REVISION SERVICE....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
CHECKLISTS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
CONVERSION TABLES .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
1. MINIMUM FLIGHT LEVEL/ALTITUDE ............................................................................................................................. 8
2. OPERATING MINIMA FOR DEPARTURE, DESTINATION AND ALTERNATE AERODROMES ............................................... 8
3. COMMUNICATION FACILITIES AND NAVIGATION AIDS ................................................................................................. 8
6. COMMUNICATION-FAILURE PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................... 9
7. SEARCH AND RESCUE FACILITIES .................................................................................................................................. 9
8. AERONAUTICAL CHARTS .............................................................................................................................................. 9
AEROPLANES .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
JEPPESEN E-LINK ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
OPERATIONS CONTROL CENTRE (OCC) ..................................................................................................................................... 11
JEPPESEN FLITEDECK PRO ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
9. AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION AND MET SERVICES AVAILABILITY............................................................................. 84
10. EN-ROUTE COMMUNICATION/NAVIGATION PROCEDURES ........................................................................................ 84
10.1. HF Communication...................................................................................................................................................... 84
10.1.3.HF LIMITS .................................................................................................................................................................. 85
10.2. GENERAL HF PHRASEOLOGY AND NAT HLA SPECIFICS ............................................................................................... 87
11. AERODROME/OPERATING SITE CATEGORISATION FOR FLIGHT CREW COMPETENCE .................................................. 92
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 92
CLASSIFICATION OF AERODROMES........................................................................................................................................... 92
12. SPECIAL AERODROME/OPERATING SITE LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................... 94
12.1. SPECIAL AERODROME OPERATIONG PROCEDURES .................................................................................................... 94
13. ISOLATED AERODROMES.......................................................................................................................................... 104
13.1. APPROVED ISOLATED AERODROMES ........................................................................................................................ 104
13.2 SVALBARD – ENSB (LYR) ............................................................................................................................................. 104
14. PLOTTING PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................................... 106
14.1. INTRODUCTION - REASONS FOR PLOTTING .............................................................................................................. 106
14.2. PLOTTING CHARTS .................................................................................................................................................... 106
14.3. PLOTTING PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................................... 106
14.4. MODIFICATION OF PLOTTING CHART IN CASE OF OCEANIC RE-CLEARANCE ............................................................ 107
14.5. VERIFICATION PLOTTING PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................... 108
14.6. PLOTTING CHART PREPARATION IN CASE OF LRNS FAILURE .................................................................................... 109
15. LIST OF CATEGORISED AIRPORTS .............................................................................................................................. 111
ETF Airways will use Jeppesen Flight Deck PRO software and AIP as primary source of aeronautical
Jeppesen Aeronautical Chart Services ordered by ETF Airways are provided as the Standard Airway
Manual Service with weekly revisions.
Each revision is accompanied by a revision letter which indicates the necessary actions to keep the Chart
Service current. The Record of Revisions page in front of the Manual needs to be signed after the
completion of each revision. A consecutive revision numbering assures that all published revisions for
this particular Chart Service are received. The first revision letter in a calendar year also indicates the last
revision for this Chart Service of the past year.
ICAO developed AIRAC (Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control) system (Annex 15, Chapter 6-1
and Doc 8126, Chapter 2-6) assuring that all significant changes are made available prior the effective
date. Governing authorities are required to make defined significant changes effective only on certain
Thursdays in intervals of 28 days, the so-called AIRAC dates. Furthermore, the governing authorities are
required to publish any changes under the AIRAC system with defined lead times allowing the Jeppesen
chart providers to update and distribute maps and data in advance of the effective date.
Not all Aeronautical Chart Services must get regular updates as this also depends on whether there are
charts to be revised per the Jeppesen revision criteria.
Whenever charts cannot be revised, e.g. information not received early enough or clarifications to the
governing authorities must be resolved prior publication, respective information is distributed by the
means of Chart Change Notices which are also available on-line.
Checklists are issued at regular intervals to enable check the up-to-date status and the completeness on
the Airway Manuals. Anytime, an updated copy of the checklist can be requested. Furthermore, on-line
electronic Chart Services are available which can be used to check the paper based Chart Service
For conversion tables see Jeppesen General Airway Manual part Reference Tables.
When flying in controlled airspace, the Minimum Flight Level/Altitude is shown on the JEPPESEN High
and Low Altitude Enroute Chart and the JEPPESEN Airport, Approach, Arrival and Departure Charts.
The chart appropriate to actual phase of flight must be always available and visible to both pilots.
Drift down chart must be prepared for possible emergencies when flying in mountainous area and the
special drift down chart is available (e.g. Jeppesen Alps Drift Down Orientation Chart E-11).
Refer to:
• Jeppesen Airway Manual, Emergency, Section 6 for communication failure procedures.
• Jeppesen Airway Manual, Emergency for State variations.
All maps and charts carried on company aeroplanes are supplied by JEPPESEN. There are specific
Jeppesen sets covering intended operation on the aeroplane. The set is comprising books of airport
procedures, navigation and airport charts, regional supplements. Sets are stored in electronic format
using the Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro X application designated for EFB purposes.
In case that no electronic data is avaivable due to unforeseen reasons, important data can be obtained
by ATC and entered into following form:
It is vitally important that each crewmember performs effective date comparison on each procedure
plate to be used and check the Chart Change Notices in conjunction with latest NOTAMS.
Any discrepancies in charts should be reported through OMS.
The direct link to access the Jeppesen E-Link Online Portal is
Jeppesen Chart Viewer accessible through E-Link access enables you to view and print charts, text,
airport information, terminal chart change notices and revision letters. Jeppesen Chart Viewer online
help is available on E-Link portal.
Getting started
Adjusting FliteDeck Pro X global settings
Getting started
Getting started with FliteDeck Pro X is easy. You set up global settings to fit your and your company’s needs
and then use basic touchscreen gestures to interact with the app.
When Display Ownship or Moving Map are set to ON, you can direct FliteDeck
Pro X to deliver Lock Screen notifications to your iPad.
When set to ON, if your iPad is asleep, or you are using another app, a notification
can light your iPad screen with a notification that enables you to deal with it imme-
diately. For example, FliteDeck Pro X can send notifications alerting you that you
are reaching a boundary line with a prior notification associated with it.
Getting started
Adjusting FliteDeck Pro X global settings
Getting started
Adjusting FliteDeck Pro X global settings
Displaying Weather
Adjust these settings to customize the display of weather:
These settings provide FliteDeck Pro X information and directs FliteDeck Pro X to
connect with other services.
• Version displays the FliteDeck Pro version and build number in use.
• Tailored Enroute Data displays your company name, if your company has
chosen to subscribe to and deliver tailored enroute data to your device. The
setting displays N/A when tailored enroute data is not being received.
NOTE: If you are set up to receive tailored enroute data, when you launch
FliteDeck Pro X you might be prompted to select the fleet for which the
tailored enroute data applies. Later, if needed, you can change the fleet
selection from within the app by tapping Settings > Fleet on the toolbar.
• Tap the Terminal Charts Coverage Codes flyout to display the terminal chart
coverage codes that are on your device. This information may be used as a
reference for technical support.
Getting started
Adjusting FliteDeck Pro X global settings
• Tap the Services flyout to enter credentials required for connecting with other
services. This information is commonly preconfigured by your company.
• The Flight Plans flyout provides fields to enter credentials for importing
flight plan routes.
Accessing Support
These settings provide access to technical support, application information, and
other setting controls.
• Tap the Support flyout to display contact information for technical support.
In addition, there are Send log files via Email and Allow simulated location
options. Both of these options are used by technical support for testing
purposes. Both options are set to OFF by default.
NOTE: To complete the action, after you switch the setting to ON, you must
launch FliteDeck Pro X and confirm that you want to perform the action.
This setting reverts back to OFF after launching FliteDeck Pro X.
• You can switch Deactivate to ON to remove Jeppesen data and clear the
activation information from the iPad.
NOTE: Deactivation removes all Jeppesen data and clears the registration and
coverage code information from the iPad. To reactivate, you will need to
access the registration email on your device sent to you by your EFB
Getting started
About basic touchscreen gestures
You can long tap (touch, hold, and release) any object on the enroute map to view
more information about it. Depending on the type of object, you may also be able
to add it to, or remove it from your route.
When you have zoomed in on a terminal chart or AMM depiction, you can double-
tap to zoom back out to the full extent of the chart or map.
When you have zoomed in on the enroute map, you can double-tap to view the
full extent of your route.
Getting started
Using the toolbar
You access commonly performed tasks from the FliteDeck Pro X toolbar.
Accessing publications
• To open and close a list of available publications, tap the Pubs button.
The Pubs button displays Jeppesen Airway Manuals, any Company Manuals
that may be available to you, and Route Notes (contingency and reference
notes along your route).For more information, see Accessing publications on
page 69.
Performing a search
FliteDeck Pro X displays the Search button on the toolbar when viewing the
enroute map. When you perform a search, FliteDeck Pro X searches across all
enroute map themes and Jeppesen Airway Manuals.
To perform a search:
Getting started
Using the toolbar
2. Enter text in the search field. FliteDeck Pro X performs a predictive search
after two characters are entered and indicates the number of results on the
Search Results button.
3. Tap the Search Results button to display search results filtered by the buttons
on top of the popover: All, Airports, Fixes, and Pubs. The search text in the
search results is highlighted.
4. Tap a search result from the list of search results.
FliteDeck Pro X closes the search results popover, displays the highlighted
object and any details associated with it. The search criteria remains in the
search field until it is cleared.
• Tap X to clear text in the search field.
• Tap the Cancel button next to the search field on the toolbar to clear any text in
the Search field and close the search.
When ownship or Moving Map is set to display, FliteDeck Pro X displays the GPS
Status button on the toolbar.
Ownship position is based on the built-in iPad GPS or an external GPS device
that may be used. FliteDeck Pro X displays GPS source at the bottom of the
GPS Status popover.
• To dismiss the popover, tap away from the popover.
FliteDeck Pro X alerts you when the minimum GPS accuracy requirements are
met by:
Getting started
Using the toolbar
Accessing Settings
• Check and perform data updates. For more information on data updates, see
Performing data updates on page 72.
• Access FliteDeck Pro X Help and the What’s New section.
• Adjust your iPad screen display brightness, including switching the App Theme
from Light to Dark for optimal viewing in low light conditions. For more infor-
mation, see Adjusting display brightness on page 14
• Adjust the Route Corridor width (Default and Oceanic).
• Change Fleet selection, for those receiving Tailored Enroute data.
• Switch Allow Device to Sleep to OFF to prevent your iPad from going into
sleep mode during periods of inactivity.
• Show or Hide the enroute map Terrain legend which automatically appears on
the map when you set Terrain to show.
• Switch Show Taxi (or AMM) on Landing to ON to automatically switch your
chart view upon landing.
• View the version number of the FliteDeck Pro X app in use.
Getting started
Using the toolbar
FliteDeck Pro X performs a predictive search after two characters are entered.
Help topics that contain the search criteria display in the list of search results
3. Tap a topic to view the highlighted search results in that Help topic. You may
need to scroll down the page to view the highlighted search criteria results.
4. To clear the help search field, tap the Cancel button next to the search field.
NOTE: The Tech Support on the Web button provides access to the Jeppesen
Customer Support Portal. From there, with an internet connection, you can
view current product alerts, ask the Jeppesen Support Crew a question,
and access training and documentation solutions.
This setting controls the brightness of your iPad until it goes into sleep mode or
you power it off.
Getting started
Using the toolbar
3. To increase or decrease the route corridor, drag the Route Corridor slider.
If your company provides tailored enroute data, there may be a time when you
need to change the fleet selection for which the tailored enroute data applies.
Getting started
Using the toolbar
NOTE: If your company subscribes to AMM, FliteDeck Pro X will switch to the
AMM depiction instead of the taxi diagram when Set AMM as Default on
Landing is set to ON in FliteDeck Pro X global settings.
Tapping the Display Lock button on the FliteDeck Pro X toolbar enables you to
quickly lock and unlock the display.
NOTE: Starting a new flight removes your current route, airports, and any
associated terminal chart selections.
3. Tap the origin and destination fields and enter airports using the city name,
airport ICAO, or IATA identifier.
4. Tap the route box to enter any route points. You can enter the route by using
the keyboard or by copying and pasting the route into the box. You can also
search for route points using the Search tool.
5. Tap the Alternates field to enter any alternate airports. If you enter multiple
alternates, separate each one with a space.
6. Tap Done on the keyboard.
7. Tap the Flight button to close the drawer.
If you are viewing the enroute map, you see the new route depicted on the
1. Tap the Flight button to open the Flight Drawer, if not already open.
• Tap the SID or STAR button.
• Scroll through the filtered lists and make your selections.
• For procedures with multiple transitions, tap the down chevron and select a
transition - or select No Transition.
• Tap the button at the bottom of the popover to add the procedure to your route.
When you add a SID or STAR to your route, FliteDeck Pro X depicts the transition
points on the enroute map with a dashed line. When you zoom in, a label that
identifies the procedure displays along the dashed line.
NOTE: FliteDeck Pro X depicts SID and STAR transition points on the enroute
map to support situational awareness. Always brief the SID or STAR
terminal procedure.
Depending on the type of object, you can tap a route token to Show on Map
(center the enroute map over the selected route point), set it as a Direct To point,
or Delete it. You can also edit it, or insert a route point before or after it. If the
token represents an airport, you can also navigate to the Airport Diagram for that
The color-coding of tokens enables you to quickly identify specific errors in the
route string.
If there is an error, the route token displays as an amber token. Tap the amber
route token and edit the route point to correct the route.
• NxxWxxx (N37W122)
• Nxx.x Wxxx.x (N37.5 W122.2)
• Nxx xx.x Wxxx xx.x (N37 56.6 W122 21.4)
• Nxx xx.xx Wxxx xx.xx (N37 56.60 W122 21.40)
• N xx xx W xxx xx (N 37 56 W 122 40)
• XXXXN (5275N)
• XXNXX (75N70)
• XXNXXXW (37N122W)
• Tap the Airport Switch button to switch the destination to the origin airport.
NOTE: Using the Airport Switch button to create a new flight removes the active
route and any chart selections.
1. Tap the Flight button to open the Flight Drawer, if it is not already open.
2. With the flight loaded in the Flight Drawer, tap the Save button at the top of the
Flight Drawer.
Each time that you save a new flight, FliteDeck Pro X adds the new flight to
your list of Saved Flights.
1. Tap the Flight button to open the Flight Drawer, if it is not already open.
2. Tap the Saved Flights flyout.
3. Tap the blue text next to Sort By: and make your selection.
Saved Flights can be sorted by Date Saved or Name. Saved flights are named
using the origin-destination airports.
1. Tap the Flight button to open the Flight Drawer, if it is not already open.
2. Tap the Saved Flights flyout.
3. Tap the Edit button at the top of the popover.
4. Tap the saved flight that you want to delete. FliteDeck Pro X places a check
mart next to the selected flight.
5. Tap the Trashcan at the top of the popover.
6. Tap Delete to confirm the action.
• Tap Load Flight to replace the active flight with the flight being shared.
• Tap Save Flight to add the shared flight to your list of Saved Flights without
replacing the active flight.
1. Tap the Flight button to open the Flight Drawer, if it is not already open.
2. Tap the Share button (box with arrow) at the top of the Flight Drawer.
3. From the list of nearby iPads or apps listed, select the app or device with which
you want to send the flight information.
FliteDeck Pro X returns a notification to the sending iPad that the flight info
was either successfully shared or declined.
1. Tap the Flight button to open the Flight Drawer, if it is not already open.
2. Tap the Saved Flights flyout.
3. Tap a saved flight to expand its view.
4. Tap the Share button (box with arrow) at the top of the popover.
5. From the list of nearby iPads, select the iPad with which you want to share.
NOTE: To load a flight plan route, ensure that you have credentials entered in
Services > Flight Plans in FliteDeck Pro X global settings and that an
internet connection is established. Contact your EFB administrator or
Jeppesen account manager to determine whether this option is available.
• Future ETD: Pending flight plans that have an ETD up to six hours into the
• Past ETD: Past flight plans that have an ETD within 24 hours in the past.
FliteDeck Pro X displays the time and date that the list was last updated at the
bottom of the popover.
• Tap the Refresh button at the bottom of the popover to check for any updates.
1. Tap the Flight button to open the Flight Drawer, if it is not already open.
2. Tap the Flight Plans flyout.
3. If not already entered, enter the aircraft call sign and tap Done on the
4. Tap the desired flight plan to select it from the list of retrieved flight plan routes.
5. Tap the Load Flight button.
If the active flight is not saved, FliteDeck Pro X prompts you to Cancel or Load
the flight. You can Cancel and save the active flight or load the flight plan route
and replace the active flight.
1. Tap the Flight button to open the Flight Drawer, if it is not already open.
2. Tap the Flight Plans flyout.
3. If not already entered, enter the aircraft call sign and tap Done on the
4. Tap the desired flight plan to select it from the list of retrieved flight plan routes.
5. Tap the Save Flight button.
FliteDeck Pro X adds the flight plan route to your list of Saved Flights. This
method of saving a flight plan route does not change the active flight.
NOTE: To display recently cleared routes, make sure that Display ATC
Clearances is set to ON in FliteDeck Pro X global settings and that an
internet connection is established.
1. Tap the Flight button to open the Flight Drawer, if it is not already open.
2. Once a city pair is entered as origin and destination, tap the Recently Cleared
FliteDeck Pro X displays the time and date that the list was last updated at the
bottom of the popover.
You can tap the Refresh button at the bottom of the popover to check for any
1. Tap the Flight button to open the Flight Drawer, if it is not already open.
2. Tap the Recently Cleared flyout.
3. Tap the desired recently cleared route.
4. Tap the Save Flight button.
1. Tap an available chart type button (REF, CO, STAR, APP, TAXI, or SID).
FliteDeck Pro X displays a list of those charts for the selected airport.
2. To preview a chart, scroll through the list and tap the chart title to view the chart
3. To select a chart, tap the circle next to the chart title.
FliteDeck Pro X places a check mark next to the selected chart and adds the
number of selected charts below the chart type button.
4. Tap the X at the top of the popover when you have completed your selections.
FliteDeck Pro X places a check mark next to the selected chart and adds the
number of selected charts below the chart type button.
FliteDeck Pro X indicates the number of selected charts for each category under
the chart category button.
Whenever you tap a chart category with a selected chart, FliteDeck Pro X displays
the last viewed, selected chart from that chart category.
Selecting airports
FliteDeck Pro X identifies the selected airport on the Airports button. When you
create a new flight, FliteDeck Pro X automatically selects the origin airport.
To switch between route airports:
NOTE: There might be charts that are available to you that are non-
Jeppesen-sourced charts. In this case, FliteDeck Pro X displays the
text Non-Jepp Chart in the chart list. Ownship position does not
display on non-Jepp charts and the automatic switch to a taxi
diagram does not occur with non-Jepp charts.
FliteDeck Pro X displays the number of charts you select in each category below
the chart category button.
FliteDeck Pro X navigates to the previous or next chart in the list of selected
• Tap Show on Map to center the map over the selected route point.
• Tap Direct To, if available, to make the route point a Direct To point. (This
button is available when minimum GPS requirements are met).
• Tap Delete to remove the point from your route.
• Tap Insert Before or Insert After to insert a point either before or after the
route point that you selected. You can add multiple points.
• Tap Edit to manually edit the route point.
• If the selected token represents an airport, you can also navigate to that
selected airport diagram. If the route token represents a SID or STAR, you
can tap Change Departure or Runway to edit the SID or STAR procedure,
transition, or runway.
Also from the Flight Drawer, you can edit SIDs and STARs by tapping the SID or
STAR selector button.
Tap the route token and complete any of the following actions:
• Tap Show on Map to center the enroute map over the selected route point.
• Tap Direct To, if available, to make a point a Direct To point. (Available only if
minimum GPS requirements are met).
• Tap Delete to remove the point from your route.
• Tap Edit to manually edit the route point.
• Tap Insert After (or Before) to insert a point either before or after the selected
Rubber-band routing
To edit your route with rubber-band routing:
1. Touch and hold a point along the route line. FliteDeck Pro X displays a point
along the route line.
2. Drag the route line with your finger to the point on the map that you to add to
your route and release.
3. Select the action that you want to perform.
FliteDeck Pro X displays permanent user waypoints on the enroute map with a
star symbol. By default, user waypoints are defined as permanent.
Temporary user waypoints are used for a single instance in your route. FliteDeck
Pro X displays temporary user waypoints on the enroute map with a star symbol
inside a box. To set the user waypoint as temporary, you switch Delete when
route is cleared to ON in the popover.
User waypoints that are part of a route can be shared between iPads and are
available in all enroute themes and zoom scales. You can search for user
waypoints by name, radial DME, and latitude/longitude coordinates.
1. Long tap the enroute map at the location where you want to insert a waypoint.
FliteDeck Pro X displays a New Waypoint popover.
2. In the Name field, do one of the following:
• To create a latitude and longitude user waypoint, leave the Name field
• To create a Named user waypoint, enter a name in the Name field.
• To create a radial DME user waypoint, enter the radial DME in the Name
field in this format: NavaidRadial/DME.
NOTE: Radials must be entered using three digits with a forward slash
between the radial and the DME, and must not include any spaces.
For example, for direct to 26 DME on 156 radial off of Falcon VOR, you would
enter: FQF156/26
1. Tap the user waypoint. FliteDeck Pro X displays the Waypoint details.
2. Tap the Remove from Route.
• If it is a permanent user waypoint, FliteDeck Pro X removes the user
waypoint from the route, but it is not deleted from the map.
• If it is a temporary user waypoint, FliteDeck Pro X removes the user
waypoint from the route, and it is no longer available on the map.
1. Tap the user waypoint you want to delete. FliteDeck Pro X displays the
Waypoint details.
2. Tap the Delete Waypoint button.
3. Tap Delete Waypoint to confirm the deletion.
FliteDeck Pro X deletes the permanent user waypoint from the enroute map.
• While viewing the enroute map, tap the Enroute Theme button.
• Tap the desired enroute theme to select it.
You can select to view the enroute map in any of three enroute map themes:
• High IFR: provides aeronautical information to facilitate enroute instrument
navigation, generally above FL180.
• Low IFR: provides aeronautical information to facilitate enroute instrument
navigation, generally below FL180.
• VFR: provides aeronautical information for conducting flight under visual
flight regulations in the United States and parts of Europe.
NOTE: To display the VFR enroute theme, ensure that Display VFR Theme
in FliteDeck Pro X global settings is set to ON.
When viewing terminal charts, tapping the Enroute Theme button switches your
view to the enroute map in the enroute theme indicated on the button.
NOTE: Centering the map over aircraft position and displaying the ownship
symbol on the enroute map are actions designed to improve situational
awareness during enroute flight. These functions are not to be used as the
basis for navigation.
In this case, the map moves along with ownship position, and the Present Position
and Map Orientation buttons are still available - just without the display of
NOTE: When Moving Map is enabled, any action that pans the map stops it from
moving. Tapping the Present Position button on the enroute map resumes
the Moving Map.
Viewing distance
The distance measuring tool displays a set of rings or arcs that you can use to
view distance on the enroute map.
1. Tap the Distance Measuring Tool button to show the range rings or arcs.
2. Pan the map so that the map object in question is in the center of the inner
range ring.
FliteDeck Pro X displays a magenta offset indicator, indicating distance and
direction to your aircraft position. When you switch the range rings off, the
offset indicator no longer appears.
Both distance and heading are indicated on the ruler. When ownship is
present, time at current speed is also displayed.
The Route List, accessed by tapping the Route Info button, dynamically displays navigation objects that are
within the route corridor of your flight.
Key information in the Route List includes operational notes, such as, prior notifications, CPDLC logins, comm
sector frequencies, and compulsory reporting points. These are all presented as they occur along your route -
filtered by direction, applicability to a specific FIR sector, and entry and exit from a given airspace.
Operational notes are numbered when the object to which they are associated
intersects with the route corridor. The numbers start with 1 at the origin and
increment as you progress toward the destination.
You can scroll the list by dragging your finger up and down the list. You can also
set the Route List to scroll along with the Moving Map by enabling Moving Map in
the FliteDeck Pro X global settings.
When the list scrolls, objects within a FIR boundary slide up underneath the FIR
row in the list. When the last object for that FIR scrolls under the FIR, the next FIR
scrolls to the top.
If you modify your route, the Route List refreshes and any numbered notes along
The top of the Route List corresponds with the beginning of your route.
NOTE: FliteDeck Pro X identifies any permanent user waypoints or objects that
intersect with the route corridor that have an operational note associated
with it in the Route List with an Off Route label.
When the corridor is wider, more notes and route-based information appear in the
Route List. When the corridor is more narrow, fewer notes and less route-based
information appear in the Route List.
NOTE: The route corridor is set to change from Default (10 NM each side of the
route) to Oceanic (25 NM each side of the route) at and along FIR/UIR
You can adjust the route corridor with or without an active flight in the Flight
As the ownship position passes over an object in the Route List (such as
waypoints, navaids, etc.), that object slides under the FIR.
When Moving Map and Display Ownship are both set to ON and minimum GPS
accuracy requirements are met, FliteDeck Pro X indicates the next point along
your route with a vertical magenta line when ownship is in the route corridor.
1. While viewing the enroute map, tap the Route Info button to open the Route
2. Tap the Search button.
3. Enter text in the search field to begin a predictive search.
4. FliteDeck Pro X indicates the number of results on the Search Results button
and highlights objects matching the search query in the Route List.
5. Scroll the Route List and tap the highlighted search result, if any, from the
Route List.
Notice that any object or text that meets the search query is highlighted in the
Route List. If text matching the search query is in the body of a note, the
matching text surfaces in the Route List for that note.
6. Tap the X at the top of the details display dismisses the details.
7. Tap the Cancel button to clear any text in the Search field and close the
enroute search.
For all other map objects, FliteDeck Pro X displays map objects according to your
zoom level and the selected enroute theme.
Generally, the closer the zoom level, the more information is available on the
enroute map about an object.
Panning and zooming the map does not deselect the selected object.
Depending on where you tap the map, you may need to select from a list of
objects to view the details..
If Moving Map is enabled, selecting a map object stops the Moving Map.
Tapping the Present Position button displayed on the map resumes Moving
• Show Organized Tracks is selected in the Airways map object filters menu.
NOTE: It is recommended that the first time you switch Display Organized Track
Systems to ON in FliteDeck Pro X global settings, you have an
established internet connection.
You can direct FliteDeck Pro X to display either ARINC or full (latitude and
longitude) coordinate values on OTS track labels.
Tapping an organized track from the enroute map displays additional details
about the track, including the flight level assigned to the track.
From the map, FliteDeck Pro X displays:
• The track identifier.
• The defining waypoint, which can be a named waypoint or a latitude and
longitude waypoint.
• A color-coded track line that indicates directionality.
- West to East set is purple.
- East to West set is orange.
FliteDeck Pro X does not display expired tracks, and will not retain expired OTS
data (track message data). FliteDeck Pro X does not export the Track Data
NOTE: Always check track effectivity time with current ZULU time.
You can also identify whether you are receiving tailored enroute data in the
FliteDeck Pro X global settings where your company name will be listed in the
Account Info >Tailored Enroute Data field if you are receiving tailored enroute
Designating a fleet
The first time you launch FliteDeck Pro X after tailored enroute data has been
downloaded, you may be required to identify the fleet for which the tailored
enroute data will be used. Fleets are defined and named by your company.
FliteDeck Pro X preserves the fleet selection until you change it, or it is removed
from the latest tailored enroute data set.
• From the enroute map, tap the Expand Filters Menu button to open the object
filters menu.
• Tap Reset at the top of the menu.
• Airports
- Min Rwy Length—This filter enables you to limit airports displayed on
the enroute map based on runway length.
- Show Only ETOPs Airports—Switch this setting to ON to filter the map
to show only ETOPs airports. This option is available when your
company provides this tailored enroute data.
- Show Only Company Airports—Filters the map to show only airports
with company services. This option is available only when your
company provides tailored enroute data. You can further filter by
available company services.
- Show Airports at all Scales—If your company has enabled this option,
you can customize your view to show airports at all scales regardless of
the map zoom level.
- In the VFR theme, you can specify whether to show or hide Heliports,
Seaports, and Private airports.
- You can filter to Show Organized Tracks in both IFR themes when
Display Organized Track Systems (OTS) is set to ON in FliteDeck Pro X
global settings. FliteDeck Pro X displays the last time that Organized
Track System data was updated in the menu.
- If you do not select Show Organized Tracks and a track ident is part of
your route, the tracks and information outside of your route are
removed. Your route and route points identifying the track remain on the
- In the VFR theme, you can show or hide Low Altitude Airways, and VFR
Training Routes and Military Training Routes.
- Show Only Oceanic Entry/Exit—In IFR themes, you can filter the map to
show only oceanic entries and exit points.
- Show Waypoints at all Scales—If your company has enabled this
option, you can customize your view to Show Waypoints at all Scales
regardless of the map zoom level.
- In the VFR theme, you can show or hide Low Altitude Waypoints, VFR
Checkpoints, and VFR Waypoints.
- Show Navaids at all Scales—If your company has enabled this option,
you can customize your view to Show Navaids at all Scales regardless
of the map zoom level.
You can customize the display of airspace on the enroute map to show or hide:
- Controlled Airspace
- ATC Sector
- Restricted, Prohibited, Warning, and Danger Areas
- ETOPs Rings, if your company provides this tailored enroute data
- ADIZ, Alert areas, Equipment Boundaries, MOAs, QNE/QNH and
Training Areas
Operation times for airspace, where available, is listed in Zulu and local time with
support for a Daylight Savings Time disclaimer.
Cultural information
The cultural information button is available when you are viewing the VFR
enroute map theme. You can customize cultural information to show or hide
City Names, City Patterns, High Tension Lines, Obstacles, Railroads, and
To perform a search:
1. Tap the Search button while viewing the enroute map.
2. Enter text in the search field to begin a predictive search.
• FliteDeck Pro X begins searching after you enter two to three characters
and refines results as you type.
• FliteDeck Pro X indicates the number of results on the Search Results
button and highlights the objects that meet the search criteria on the map,
in the Route list, and in the Pubs tab.
3. Tap the Search Results button to display the Search Results popover.
• FliteDeck Pro X displays the Search Results popover with the All tab
selected by default - or the last viewed tab.
Text matching the search query in each category is highlighted.
• You might need to tap See All for a category to view all search results in a
specific category.
• They are not limited by the map view. You can pan the map or zoom out to see
search results outside the current map view.
• They appear in the search results list and are ordered by distance either from
the map center or from your aircraft position. You can scroll the list to see the
name and distance of objects that are farther away.
• They are returned across enroute themes (High IFR, Low IFR, and VFR).
• They are not limited to objects filtered on the map.
The Wx button is available when you are viewing the enroute map and have set
Display Enroute Wx to ON in FliteDeck Pro X global settings. For more
information about weather types and update frequencies, see About Enroute
Weather Types on page 53.
NOTE: Radar data over Australia is provided through an agreement with the
Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
Weather data is prioritized to download along your route. Once that prioritized
weather data is downloaded, however, weather data also downloads for the view
that is displayed. If viewing half the globe, for example, that is what is
downloaded. For operators with internet connection during flight, this may signifi-
cantly increase the amount of data downloaded.
The following table provides some representative examples of the size of weather
data downloads by route. The values are for a one-time download of the data.
For more information about weather types and update frequency, see
About Enroute Weather Types on page 53.
3. Tap away from the popover to dismiss it and view the selected weather
overlaid on the enroute map.
• FliteDeck Pro X displays the last time the selected weather type was published
on the weather bar at the bottom of the FliteDeck Pro X display.
Updating Weather
When selected weather data expires, the Weather bar displays an amber expired
(EXP) flag next to the selected weather.
Weather Type FliteDeck Pro X Interaction Coverage Update Frequency
Radar - Displays base • Tap the Play button to animate the CONUS, • New weather update
reflectivity that depicts weather frame by frame. Canada, available every 10 minutes.
precipitation intensity, • Touch and hold the time slider and Alaska, • FliteDeck Pro X automati-
and provides the Hawaii,
drag to left or right to view different cally checks every 2
ability to see different frames. Europe, minutes.
precipitation types. Australia,
(Rain, Mixed, Snow). • Tap the line on either side of the Japan
slider to advance one frame at a
NOTE: Radar data over
Australia is provided
through an agreement with
the Australian Bureau of
Meteorology. http://
Weather Type FliteDeck Pro X Interaction Coverage Update Frequency
Icing - Displays icing • Touch and hold the altitude slider Global • New weather update -
potential forecasts. and drag up or down to view icing model output is updated
Icing potential severity at different altitudes. every 6 hours for forecasts
combines icing • Tap the Play button to animate the from 6 hours to 36 hours at
probability with weather frame by frame. 6-hour time steps.
severity using the • FliteDeck Pro X automati-
following categories: • Touch and hold the time slider and
drag to left or right to view different cally checks every 2
Low, Moderate, High.
frames in the forecast. minutes.
Icing forecasts are
• Tap the line on either side of the
provided for the
following flight levels: slider to advance one frame at a
010, 020, 030, 050, time.
060, 080, 100, 120,
140, 160, 180, 210
and 240.
Turbulence - Displays • Touch and hold the altitude slider Global • New weather update -
turbulence intensity and drag up or down to view model output is updated
forecasts using the turbulence severity at different every 6 hours, for forecasts
following categories: altitudes. from 6 hours to 36 hours at
Light, Light to • Tap the Play button to animate the 6-hour time steps.
Moderate, Moderate, weather frame by frame. • FliteDeck Pro X automati-
and Moderate to cally checks every 2
Severe. • Touch and hold the time slider and
drag to left or right to view different minutes.
Turbulence forecasts frames in the forecast.
are provided for the
following flight levels: • Tap the line on either side of the
slider to advance one frame at a
110, 130, 150, 180,
210, 240, 270, 300, time.
340, 390 and 430.
Echo Tops - Displays • Tap the Play button to animate the CONUS • New weather update
the maximum height weather frame by frame. only available every 10 minutes.
where ground-based
• Touch and hold the time slider and • FliteDeck Pro X automati-
radar detects precipi- drag to left or right to view different cally checks every 2
tation. Legend
frames in the forecast. minutes.
provides 5000 ft
increments 5000– • Tap the line on either side of the
75,000 ft MSL. slider to advance one frame at a
Weather Type FliteDeck Pro X Interaction Coverage Update Frequency
Winds & Temps Aloft • Touch and hold the altitude slider Global • New weather update -
- Displays forecast and drag up or down to view model output is updated
winds and tempera- forecast winds at different altitudes. every 6 hours, for forecasts
tures aloft for the • Tap a winds barb to view forecast from 6 hours to 36 hours at
following flight levels: wind speed, direction, and 6-hour time steps.
030, 060, 090, 120, temperature at the specified • FliteDeck Pro X automati-
150, 180, 210, 240, altitude. Valid time is indicated, as cally checks every 10
270, 300, 330, 360,
well. minutes.
390, 420, 450, 480,
480, 510 and 540.
Viewing NOTAMs
You can display NOTAMs associated with the selected airport by tapping the Info/Wx button. You can also
display NOTAMS for the selected chart by tapping the NOTAMs button at the bottom of the chart display.
FliteDeck Pro X displays NOTAMs received from the following sources: FAA, NAV Canada, and EuroControl
over AFTN. NOTAMs are updated every 30 minutes on the server.
Last updated time and date display at the bottom of the popover. Tap the
Refresh button to update the list.
2. When done, tap away from the popover, or tap the X at the top of the popover
to dismiss it.
Last updated time and date display at the bottom of the popover. Tap the
Refresh button to update the list.
3. When done, tap away from the popover, or tap the X at the top of the popover
to dismiss it.
FliteDeck Pro X organizes NOTAMs into the following time categories based on
the NOTAM effectivity date, and in the order listed:
• Future
• Today
• Last 7 days
• Last 30 days
• Older
When displaying NOTAMs for the selected airport, you can filter NOTAMs into the
following categories.
Adding annotations
To make annotations on a terminal chart or AMM:
In addition to deleting any annotations that you have made, you can:
NOTE: Highlights persist until you remove them or update the chart. Highlights do
not accompany the terminal chart when you share flight information with
another iPad running FliteDeck Pro X.
Rotating a chart
To rotate a chart, tap the Rotate button. Each time that you tap the Rotate button,
the chart turns 90 degrees clockwise.
NOTE: When you share flight information with another iPad running FliteDeck
Pro X, the rotated view does not accompany the chart.
Printing a chart
To print the displayed chart to an AirPrint-enabled printer:
FliteDeck Pro X automatically switches to the taxi chart upon landing when:
• Show Taxi on Landing is set to ON from the Settings button on the FliteDeck
Pro X toolbar.
• Your aircraft speed is less than the speed specified in Taxi on Landing Speed
Threshold in FliteDeck Pro X global settings.
NOTE: Always brief selected terminal charts, including a review of effectivity dates, as part of your briefing.
Whenever revisions exist for a chart at an airport in your route, FliteDeck Pro
displays an effectivity badge on the Airport button and in the Route Airports list.
• Tap Cancel to dismiss the Airport Revision Selector and continue viewing the
current chart version.
• Tap the date to use a chart with a different effectivity date, and then tap Done.
AMM displays depictions of gates, center lines, hot spots, and other enhanced
details that further enhances your situational awareness on the ground.
F FliteDeck Pro X switches to Airport Moving Map, if available, when you tap the
AMM button at the bottom of the taxi chart display. To return to the taxi chart, tap
the Chart button.
If you navigate away from AMM and then return, the map orientation, zoom level,
and pan location remains in the same state as when you left.
You highlight and annotate AMM in the same way you annotate your terminal
NOTE: Airport Moving Map is a supplement to the airport diagram and not to be
used as a replacement for the taxi chart. Airport Moving Map is not
available for all airports and each operator can subscribe to as many or
few airports as required for their operation.
• Display Ownship on Taxi Charts & AMM in FliteDeck Pro X global settings is
set to ON.
• GPS accuracy is better than 45 meters.
• Your aircraft speed is less than the value set in Taxi on Landing Speed
Threshold in FliteDeck Pro X global settings.
• Show Taxi On Landing is set to ON from the Settings button on the FliteDeck
Pro X toolbar.
• Set AMM as Default on Landing is set to ON in FliteDeck Pro X global
• Your aircraft is moving no faster than the speed specified in the Taxi on
Landing Speed Threshold field in FliteDeck Pro X global settings.
To recenter the Airport Moving Map over ownship position after you have panned
away, and GPS requirements are being met, tap the Present Position button
from the map.
When you pan away from the airport depiction while GPS requirements are not
being met, tapping the Present Position button repositions the airport map so that
the airport reference point is at the center of your view.
NOTE: When Moving Map is enabled, any action that pans the map stops it from
moving. Tapping the Present Position button on the enroute map resumes
the Moving Map.
To change the Airport Moving Map orientation, tap the North Up or Track Up
button on the enroute map to switch between orientations.
Accessing publications
Viewing Jeppesen Airway Manuals
Accessing publications
FliteDeck Pro X provides easy access to your publications. From the Pubs button, you have access to
Jeppesen Airway Manuals, and any Company Manuals that may be available to you. The Route Notes flyout
displays contingency and reference notes along your route.
Accessing publications
Viewing Jeppesen Airway Manuals
3. Scroll through the list of Airway Manual topics, and tap the desired flyout.
FliteDeck Pro X opens the content viewer and displays the content.
• You can zoom and scroll the content, or you can tap the Expand Content
button to expand the content viewer to full screen.
• You can swipe the handle up and back down from the bottom of the content
viewer to view the information and the map.
• To close the content viewer, tap the X at the top of the display.
• For longer notes, you can scroll the note, or you can tap the Expand
Content button to expand the content viewer to full screen.
• You can also swipe the handle up and back down from the bottom of the
content viewer to view the note and the map.
• To close the content viewer, tap the X at the top of the display.
Accessing publications
Viewing Jeppesen Airway Manuals
Accessing publications
Viewing Company Manuals
Searching publications
When you perform a search, FliteDeck Pro X searches the map, the Route List,
and Jeppesen Airway Manual text. FliteDeck Pro X does not search Company
To search publications:
1. Tap the Search button from the FliteDeck Pro X toolbar while viewing the
enroute map.
2. Enter text in the search field to begin a predictive search.
FliteDeck Pro X begins searching after you enter two to three characters and
refines results as you type.
FliteDeck Pro X indicates the number of results on the Search Results button
and highlights the objects that meet the search criteria on the map, in the
Route List, and under the Pubs tab.
Accessing publications
Searching publications
FliteDeck Pro X indicates the number of results on the Search Results button,
places a magenta dot next to any publication containing the search query, and
highlights the text contained in any note that matches the search query.
FliteDeck Pro X displays the search result text in the content viewer.
If the search query text is contained in an Airway Manual, you may have to
select from manual topics and then subtopics to display the content in the
content viewer.
• You can scroll the content, or you can tap the Expand Content button to
expand the content viewer to full screen.
• You can swipe the handle up and back down from the bottom of the content
viewer to view the information and the map.
• To close the content viewer, tap the X at the top of the display.
5. Tap the Cancel button to clear any text in the Search field and close the
enroute search.
NOTE: The time necessary to download and perform updates depends on the
speed of the internet connection and the size of the data coverage area.
Always ensure that you have the necessary time and bandwidth to
perform the complete update before commencing an update.
• At any time during an update, you can pause the download by tapping the
Pause button on the status line.
• To resume downloading after pausing an update, tap the Resume button.
Background updates
There are two ways to perform a background update:
1. Tap X at the top of the Updates screen while data updates are in progress. The
Updates screen closes and the update process continues in the background.
2. Put FliteDeck Pro X in the background while data updates are in progress and
the update process continues.
If the update is not complete after approximately ten minutes, iOS auto-
matically stops the update process.
When two sets of data are available, the bar color codes are:
• Light green: Current data is in use.
• Dark green: Data is available but not in use.
• Light red: Data is not current.
• Dark red: Next update has not been downloaded.
To manually change enroute database versions when more than one version is
1. Tap the Settings button.
2. Tap Updates.
3. Tap the Switch Back to Data Expiring [date] to view that database.
4. To return to the current database, tap Switch to Data Effective [date].
The primary source of meteorological information in ETF Airways are the services provided by AVIATOR
Other list of approved sources of meteorological information and NOTAMs are published in OM A 2.3.
10.1. HF Communication
10.1.1.WHAT IS HF?
High frequency (HF) radio is perhaps the oldest form of airborne radio communications. It was the
standard means of enroute communications in the continental United States until approximately 1960.
Since that time, however, VHF has completely replaced HF for routine communications in most of
countries. If you fly outside the contiguous states and regions, or if you just want an additional
communications link for company purposes, consider HF radio. Today, HF is also use to send and receive
digitized messages using ACARS system.
HF is specifically defined as those radio frequencies from 2000 to 29999.9999 kHz, sometimes expressed
as 2.0 to 29.9999 MHz. This band starts just above the medium-frequency (MF) band, which includes the
commercial AM radio spectrum. It, in turn, is just above the low-frequency (LF) band used for "non-
directional" navigational locators and beacons. HF's single greatest value is its ability to provide reliable
long-range transmission and reception.
Actually, HF signals are propagated in two ways : 1) The so-called "ground wave" travels downward from
the antenna and is rapidly attenuated by the ground. Ground-wave signals from a typical HF transmitter
may travel 100 miles or less. 2) The "sky-wave" radiates at an upward angle from the antenna. If the
frequency used is correct for the time of day, this sky wave will strike the ionosphere at an oblique angle
that allows it to be HF radio is an reflected back to Earth. This reflection is what causes HF signals to
travel thousands of miles. Sky-wave propagation is however, greatly dependent on the time of day and
the frequency selected. In general, higher frequencies work better during daylight and lower frequencies
better at night, but you will notice that HF radio operators use any of several different frequencies during
a 24-hour period as they search for the best one under prevailing conditions.
10.1.3.HF LIMITS
HF radio propagation is highly dependent on the multi-layered ionosphere for reflection. Since the
ionosphere is formed primarily by the action of the sun's ultraviolet radiation, it’s effectiveness as a
reflector changes in relation to the amount of sunlight passing through it.
Communications with these and like facilities are limited to "flight safety" messages, those which involve
ATC or weather communication.
When cleared through one of these areas, you will be assigned both a primary and a secondary
frequency to assure radio contact even when one frequency fades or distorts. It is recommended to
initiate a radio check on both frequencies and always have two usable frequencies. If your airplane is
equipped with selective calling (SELCAL), get a positive check on both frequencies whenever possible, but
you must have a check of at least one unless you plan to monitor the frequency.
oceanic CTA. If the communications instructions are not issued at this stage, the crew should assume
that the frequencies to use prior or upon entering the next CTA will be delivered at a later time by
CPDLC or voice.
Example of HF communication (Initial contact from an northbound flight entering GANDER Oceanic)
If the flight will exit from an oceanic CTA into continental airspace or surveillance airspace, on initial
contact with the oceanic CTA, the flight crew should:
- not include a position report;
- after the radio operator responds, request a SELCAL check.
Example (Initial contact from an eastbound flight about to enter SHANWICK Oceanic)
The ACARS LOGON page must be properly filled. The following messages are used
(Bodo logon address – ENOB):
- RCL – request (downlink)
- CLX – clearance (uplink)
- CLA – read-back (downlink)
Requesting Clearance
Flight crews should send an RCL preferably via ACARS. ATC cannot reply to an RCL with any message
other than a CLX.
The RCL should contain the following information:
- An appropriate OEP (Oceanic Entry Point)
- An accurate ETA for the OEP
- The requested Mach Number
- The requested Flight Level
- The highest acceptable Flight Level which can be attained at the OEP; provide the highest acceptable
altitude as MAX (enter free text e.g. MAX F380)
The crew shall check that the call sign in the RCL matches the call sign from the ATC FPL otherwise the
RCL shall be rejected and the crew must request the oceanic clearance via voice.
A significant delay or complete failure to send the RCL will result in the flight not receiving a datalink
clearance. The oceanic clearance will then have to be requested via voice.
The following message indicates that the RCL has been received:
31.05.2022. Rev. 01 Page 88 of 126
“The flight level contained in the ACARS data link oceanic clearance IS NOT a clearance to climb. Flight
crews must request ALL level changes with ATC and not change flight level upon the receipt of the
oceanic clearances.”
A typical example of a pilot voice request for the ATC Oceanic Clearance for a random route is as follows:
Two flight crew members shall listen to and record the ATC clearance and both must agree that their
recording is correct. The ATC Oceanic clearance must include:
- Clearance limit (usually the airport of destination)
- Cleared route of flight
- Cleared flight level
- Cleared air speed (Mach number)
After obtaining of the Oceanic Clearance and before the NAT- entry waypoint, check the cleared route
co-ordinates against the cleared route in the OFP.
Maintain a listening watch for receipt of the Oceanic Clearance. If successful SELCAL check has been
completed with the appropriate station, a SELCAL watch should be maintained.
Standard Message Types
Standard air/ground message types and formats are used within the NAT Region and are published in
State AIPs and Atlantic Orientation charts. To enable ground stations to process messages in the shortest
possible time, pilots should observe the following rules:
- use the correct type of message applicable to the data transmitted;
- state the message type in the contact call to the ground station or at the start of the message;
- adhere strictly to the sequence of information for the type of message;
- all times in any of the messages should be expressed in hours and minutes UTC.
The message types are shown below with examples:
Unless otherwise requested by ATC, position reports from flights on routes which are not defined by
designated reporting points shall be made at the significant points listed in the flight plan.
ATC may require any flight to report its position at any intermediate waypoints when deemed necessary.
In requiring aircraft to report their position at intermediate points, ATC is guided by the requirement to
have positional information at approximately hourly intervals and also by the need to accommodate
varying types of aircraft and varying traffic and MET conditions.
Unless providing position reports via ADS-C, if the estimated time for the ‘next position’, as last reported
to ATC, has changed by three minutes or more, a revised estimate must be transmitted to the ATS unit
concerned as soon as possible.
Flight crews must always report to ATC as soon as possible on reaching any new cruising level.
For flights outside domestic ATS route networks, position should be expressed in terms of latitude and
longitude except when flying over named reporting points. Except in those areas defined in State AIPs
where operators meeting specified requirements can flight plan their user-preferred trajectories, flights
whose tracks are predominantly east or west, latitude should be expressed in degrees and minutes,
longitude in degrees only. For flights whose tracks are predominantly north or south, latitude should be
expressed in degrees only, longitude in degrees and minutes. However, it should be noted that when
such minutes are zero then the position report may refer solely to degrees.
All times should be expressed in four digits giving both the hour and the minutes UTC.
Radio operators may simultaneously monitor and operate more than one frequency. Therefore, when
initiating an HF voice contact it is helpful if the flight crew include advice on the frequency being used
(see examples below).
When “operations normal” reports are transmitted by flight crews, they should consist of the prescribed
call followed by the words “OPERATIONS NORMAL”.
Standard air/ground message types and formats are used within the NAT region and are published in
State AIPs and Atlantic Orientation charts. To enable ground stations to process messages in the shortest
possible time, flight crew should observe the following rules:
a) use the correct type of message applicable to the data transmitted;
b) state the message type in the contact call to the ground station or at the start of the message;
c) adhere strictly to the sequence of information for the type of message;
d) all times in any of the messages should be expressed in hours and minutes UTC.
020 WEST AT 1310, NEXT 56 NORTH 030 WEST”
Example: “EZZ123, FLOSI at 0626, Flight level 360, Estimating 64 North 030 West at 0636, 64 North
040 West Next. Able Flight Level 370 at 0640, Able Flight Level 380 at 0731, Able Flight Level 390 at
Note: Information thus provided of the aircraft’s future altitude “ability” will not automatically be
interpreted by ATC as an advance “request” for a climb. It will be used as previously indicated to assist
ATC in planning airspace utilisation. However, should the flight crew wish to register a request for one
or more future climbs, this may be incorporated in the WAH report by appropriately substituting the
word “Request” for the word “Able”.
Although optimal use of the WAH reports is in conjunction with a Position Report, a WAH report can be
made or updated separately at any time:
Example: “EZZ123, Able Flight Level 370 at 0630, Able Flight Level 380 at 0721, Able Flight Level 390 at
CAUTION: Acknowledgment of a WAH report (and any included requests) is NOT a clearance to change
Aerodrome categorisation for flight crew competence qualification is specified in general in the
Operations Manual Part A, Chapter 8.1, Section 8.1.2.
It is a mandatory requirement that Commanders will have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
operator that they have adequate knowledge of the routes over which they will fly and the airfields into
which they will operate, including in particular, their knowledge of terrain, seasonal meteorological
conditions, navigational facilities, communications, search and rescue facilities and procedures, etc.
Category A
All airports that are not Category B or C can be considered to be Category A.
Category B & C
See “List of categorised airports” in chapter 12.
For the purpose of categorization all category C airports, “ETF Aerodrome qualification
competence form” will be used:
Country: France Time zone: UTC + 1:00, DST Airspace class: C
Coordinates: AD Elevation: RFFS:
N 41° 55.4' E 19 ft CAT 6-7 0530-2230, CAT 5 2230-0530.
008° 48.2'
Single performance limited runway with high terrain in the West sectors. ATC has tendency to keep you
high, so it is necessary to have a good energy management and be very proactive with ATC.
- Airspace class E below FL 115
31.05.2022. Rev. 01 Page 94 of 126
Speed (GS) Radius for 25° turn in NM Radius for 15° turn in NM
150 0,71 1,23
155 0,76 1,31
160 0,81 1,40
165 0,86 1,49
170 0,91 1,58
175 0,96 1,67
180 1,02 1,77
185 1,08 1,87
190 1,14 1,97
195 1,20 2,08
200 1,26 2,19
CAUTION: Take-off RWY 02 Prior submission of documents to DSAC/SE detailing general operating
instructions, flight path definition of take off with all engines running and one engine out, operational
limitations and associated meteorological conditions is required for operators of aircraft with more than
30 seats.
- All SID’s max climb gradient up to 420ft, Omnidirectional DEP max gradient up to 1200ft
- Do not use TWY H (B738), MAX wingspan 24m!
RWY02- SPECIAL, CLIMB AT V2 via H038 reaching D1.7 AC or D10.3 AJO, LT H290
RWY20- EFP, 1019ft RT H260
- Expect turbulence / windshear's generated by terrain
- Haze
- Crosswinds (wet RWY limitation)
- MAP CG % MLGW limited RWY02
- Performance MTOW extremely affected by obstacles for RWY02 and tailwinds for RWY20
- Wet RWY crosswind limited to 20kt
Conservative performance calculation. Early stabilized app. Terrain awareness. Early GA decision in case
of unstable APP. Prepared balked landing procedure.
31.05.2022. Rev. 01 Page 97 of 126
Country: Norway Time zone: UTC + 1:00, DST Airspace class: D
Coordinates: AD Elevation: RFFS:
N69 40.9 E018 55.1 32 ft 7
Tromso Airport, Norway (IATA: TOS, ICAO: ENTC; Norwegian: Tromso Lufhavn) Tromsø - Langnes airport
is situated on an island western shore of the island Tromsoya surrounded by high mountains in the artic
region of northern Norway.
The airport is close to the sea, so temperatures often hovers around 0°C, with wet contaminants on the
runway as a result. Polar night prevails NOV – FEB, during which there is little bit more than four hours of
twilight between the periods of darkness.
RWY 36
- Descent on GS below 5000ft is not permitted until passing D11.7 TC.
- Descent angle 4°.
- Missed approach climb gradient up to 5.0%.
- High MSA (7100ft).
• Steep approach, configure early to have speed under control during decent, FLAP 40 Mandatory.
• AUTOBRAKE selection MIN 3 / MAX recommended RWY 18 depending on LDR, deployment
reverse mandatory.
• A firm touchdown, maximum braking and max reverse thrust is recommended if conditions are
marginal or uncertain.
• On marginal or uncertain condition (OPT LDR near LDA), LTDP (Latest Touchdown Point) required
on touchdown markers otherwise GA is MANDATORY
Due to NAT HLA restrictions, flight shall only be performed using aircraft with approval to fly within NAT
HLA/BODO Oceanic-
Prior the flight crew shall verify:
• that ENSB airport is within the approved area of operation (on aircraft operation specification).
• any MEL restricting operations to ENSB
It is not recommended to Align IRS at ENSB airport unless necessary – respect the aircraft limitation
stating: ADIRU alignment must not be attempted at latitudes greater than 78 degrees 15 minutes.
Due to uncontrolled airspace TCAS shall be operational. Apply the following steps within the
uncontrolled airspace:
• limit KIAS to 250;
• LDG lights ON;
• PM mandatory look out (max one FC head down at a time);
• Comply with the procedures and communication required for uncontrolled airspace (see the note
below for the most important steps).
- Before moving onto the take-off surface, report the pilot-in-command’s departure intentions on the
appropriate frequency.
- Before takeoff, ascertain by both radio and by visual observation that there is no likelihood of collision
with another aircraft or a vehicle during takeoff.
- After takeoff, report departing from the aerodrome traffic circuit, and maintain a listening watch on
the appropriate frequency until clear of the area.
- Before entering the aerodrome area during arrival (at least five minutes before entering the area),
report the aircraft’s position, altitude and estimated time of landing and the pilot-in-command’s
arrival procedure intentions on the appropriate frequency.
- Report when joining the aerodrome traffic circuit, giving the aircraft’s position(s) in the circuit.
- Report when clear of the runway on which the aircraft has landed.
The fuel provider staff shall measure the freezing point of the uplifted fuel and provide it to the crew.
The prepared plotting chart shall be crosschecked by the other flight crew member.
Special attention and care must be paid to plotting technique during degradation of LRNS.
If necessary (e.g. change of routing by ATC), a new plotting chart may be used to plot the new track.
Both pilots must check the actual airplane’s position at each of the planned waypoints. The airplane’s
position indicated by the FMS must be compared with the planned waypoint position.
The PM must perform plotting verification 10 minutes after crossing each waypoint. At this time, the
plotting verification will uncover any possible navigation errors. For a generally east-west flight, this 10-
minute point will be approximately 2 degrees of longitude beyond the waypoint. Therefore, it may
actually be simpler to plot the actual position 2 degrees of longitude after each 10-degree waypoint.
There might be circumstances (e.g. when – due to equipment failure – only one LRNS remains
serviceable) in which additional plots mid-way between each waypoint may be justified.
The PM shall:
- Find the average true track value at the midpoint of each track segment (leg between two waypoints)
and record the value on the plotting chart (see below).
- Correct this value for magnetic variation at the midpoint of the given track segment. The resulting
value is the average magnetic track.
- Record this value in the plotting chart below the average true track value that has been recorded in
the previous step.
- Measure and record the distance between the two waypoints of the given track segment.