Crew Handbook (Appendix B) Fatigue Risk Guidance For Crew
Crew Handbook (Appendix B) Fatigue Risk Guidance For Crew
Crew Handbook (Appendix B) Fatigue Risk Guidance For Crew
Appendix B:
Fatigue Risk Guidance for Crew
TCX Flight Operations
Appendix Editor:
TCX Sarah Cashmore
Revision 1, 0DU
Manual Editor
Andy Thorington
TOC Contents
0 General Information .................................................................................................. 0–1
FRM Chap. 0
General Information
Page 1
FRM Guidance Date DEC 2018
0.1 Introduction
This manual is issued in accordance with current ICAO guidance on Fatigue Risk Management
The manual is for the use and guidance for all Thomas Cook Group Airline employees. Divided
into two sections, its purpose is to:
Section 1 – Document the policy, responsibilities, structure and processes that are used to
manage the fatigue risks associated with Thomas Cook Group Airlines as part of the organisation
wide Safety Management System.
Section 2 – Provide a comprehensive reference about fatigue, sleep and circadian basics,
together with strategies to help you mitigate and reduce the effects of fatigue.
0.2 Correspondence
Correspondence concerning the contents of this manual should be sent to:
The FTL rules and regulations as laid down in the Airline’s Operations Manual (OMA Chapter 7)
and applicable in-house scheduling agreements must be observed at all times whether or not they
are specifically referred to in this manual. Should conflict occur, this document will be regarded as
0.4 Abbreviations
The Thomas Cook Group of Airlines consists of Condor (CFG), Thomas Cook Airlines Balearics
(TCAB), Thomas Cook Airlines Scandinavia (TCAS) and Thomas Cook Airlines United Kingdom
The Safety, Compliance, Security and Fatigue Policy is a written statement signed by each of the
airlines’ Accountable Managers and is endorsed by us, the Thomas Cook Group Aviation
Segment Chief Executive Officers. It outlines the commitment of senior management to creating
a positive safety culture throughout the organisation and is produced in consultation with
Managers and the Safety & Compliance Review Boards (SCRB).
Christoph Debus
Group Head of Air Travel
Policy Statement
The full Policy Statement can be found in the TCGA Management System & Policy Manual
(Safety, Compliance, Security & Fatigue).
Both the company and the individual employee have a shared responsibility to minimise the risk
of fatigue. FRM is a multi-layered approach and ensures that reporting procedures for fatigue
related hazards are in place. Procedures for the evaluation and subsequent actions to be taken
are also defined and documented. FRM highlights the responsibilities of all employees in
managing the risk of fatigue. Fatigue proofing strategies are communicated to employees and
where necessary training in fatigue risk management and fatigue countermeasures are given.
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Fatigue Risk Management (FRM)
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FRM Policy and Documentation
FRM Guidance Date DEC 2018
The success of FRM will rely upon a positive safety culture which promotes open reporting
through “just-culture” policies and through the development of an informed, learning and flexible
FRMSManager TCGA Safety & Compliance Review Board and TCG Safety & Compliance Action
Responsibilities as detailed in the TCGA SMM. Accountabilities
Safety Management accountabilities for Senior Managers are detailed in OM A Chapter 1.
The FRM Manager is responsible for the day to day oversight of FRM procedures.
• Ensure systems are in place to identify, risk assess and record any fatigue risks within the
Airline. Agree mitigations and escalate risk where appropriate.
• Ensure appropriate fatigue awareness training is delivered to all key personnel – as detailed in
Section 1.3.2.
• Monitor data for trends on routes, work patterns or causes of fatigue and recommend action to
mitigate fatigue risk recurrences where appropriate.
• Review & monitor feedback from scheduling committees and working groups within the
respective Airline.
• FRM Manager
• Collate relevant information in a ‘high level’ summary report with accompanying detail to
support, together with any possible reactive mitigations to control identified risks. This should
include a summary of latest Fatigue Working Group activities and concerns.
• As appropriate, to review changes to flying program in order to identify FRM threats and
possible mitigations predictively.
• To drive FRM enhancements that protect crew from fatigue whilst ensuring optimum crew
utilisation efficiencies.
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Fatigue Risk Management – Processes
FRM Guidance Date MAR 2019
• FRM Manager
• FRM Specialist
• Highlighting and reporting any fatigue risks or failures of existing fatigue risk control measures.
• Taking personal responsibility for making themselves aware of FRM information and
procedures. Adhering to those procedures at all times and understanding their contribution
towards FRM.
• Planning and using rest periods properly in order to minimise the effects of fatigue.
All Crew members shall not perform duties on an aircraft if he knows or suspects that he is
suffering from fatigue or feels otherwise unfit to the extent that the flight may be endangered.
Proactive and predictive processes for the management of fatigue throughout the entire crew
scheduling process are detailed in the Crew Planning Procedures Manual (departmental
This details the measures in place to identify duties with an increased risk of fatigue and the
processes in place to ensure that crew remain sufficiently free from fatigue for the operating duty.
Reactive processes currently in place include the company's Crew Fatigue Report for Pilots and
Cabin Crew.
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Fatigue Risk Management (FRM)
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Fatigue Risk Management – Processes
FRM Guidance Date DEC 2018
The Crew Fatigue Report has been designed to effectively capture information relating to fatigue
to assist in risk assessment, trend analysis and decision making. All forms are submitted to the
Safety Department of the relevant airline and entered onto the Company’s Safety Data Base – to
allow for trends on routes, work patterns or causes of fatigue to be monitored.
If you have a concern over in-flight or post-flight fatigue, the details should be submitted on
a CFR following the duty. This is inclusive of fatigue experienced during duty hours,
commuting, positioning and on rest days both down-route and at your home base that has
had an impact on your ability to operate.
If you are unable to operate a duty due to fatigue, you must advise Crewing and the relevant
Manager (Cabin Crew – Cabin Base Supervisor / Pilots – Pilot Welfare Manager via the
dedicated number as detailed in the Sickness Process).
This contact should normally be within a reasonable time before the beginning of the duty (to
allow the opportunity for the company to re-crew flights if required), when you foresee that
there has been insufficient time and/or opportunity to be adequately rested to perform duties
on board of an aircraft.
A CFR must be submitted within 48 hours and your previous roster activity (including any
changes, swaps, etc.) may be analysed and the information will be passed to your relevant
manager as detailed above for their review and appropriate action. The prime reason for this
activity is to understand the root cause(s) of the possible fatigue.
If you have a concern over possible fatigue on a future roster this should be raised with your
line manager or the FRM team ( for review.
If you have experienced an event (ASR, CSR, FDM or other) where you consider fatigue a
contributory factor you must submit a CFR following the duty.
If you request additional hotac or a taxi to your home address following a duty as a result of
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Fatigue Risk Management (FRM)
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Fatigue Risk Management – Processes
FRM Guidance Date MAR 2019
As per OMA Section 7.1.7 a fatigue report shall be filed in cases where an FDP is reduced
or a rest period is extended.
If this is not possible there are two alternatives until an electronic way of submitting a report is
established for Cabin Crew:
Safety Department,
Thomas Cook Airlines,
Hangar One,
Western Maintenance Area,
Runger Lane,
Manchester Airport,
M90 5FL
Fax: +44 (0) 161 498 4466
The review will determine a risk assessment (as detailed in Section and any mitigation
required to reduce the risk of fatigue to as low as reasonably practicable.
Trends for specific routes and/or causes of fatigue together with all forms with a risk rating of
moderate or high will be reviewed further at the FWG (the form will be anonymous at this point).
The FRM Manager is responsible for ensuring that all Crew Fatigue Reports are investigated and
that the details are recorded within the safety occurrence database.
The CFR review team are responsible for reviewing all Crew Fatigue Reports; the review will
include analysis of previous roster activity including swaps and overtime and may include analysis
through fatigue modelling software.
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Fatigue Risk Management (FRM)
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FRM Promotion Processes
FRM Guidance Date MAR 2019
• FRM Manager
• FRM Specialist
All personal details contained on the Fatigue Report are kept confidential within the Safety
Department and the CFR Review Teams. Any reports escalated/fed back to the Fatigue Working
Group or other areas of the business are anonymous – they do not include your name or
employee number.
All Fatigue Reports are recorded within the safety occurrence database (Q-Pulse).
b. Risk assessment of fatigue risks identified – by the FMSG, reviewed by FWG and accepted
by Flt Ops SCAG
c. Risk assessments relating to new or revised operational activity – by the FMSG, reviewed by
FWG and accepted by Flt Ops SCAG
a. Communication.
1.3.1 Communication
The Airlines Fatigue Working Group will ensure that an effective FRM communication plan is in
place to explain FRM policies, procedures and responsibilities to all relevant stakeholders and to
disseminate FRM-related information.
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FRM Promotion Processes
FRM Guidance Date DEC 2018
1.3.2 Training
ORO.FTL.250 and related AMCs/GM.
Organisation Requirements for Air Operations Subpart FTL (Flight and Duty Time Limitations and
Rest Requirements) and related Acceptable Means of Compliance/Guidance Material.
a. Crew members
c. Employees who have a role defined within the FRM – Accountable Managers, Safety &
Compliance Review Board, Safety & Compliance Action Groups, Fatigue Working Group
The training syllabus for initial and recurrent training for Crew Planning staff will be detailed in the
Crew Planning Procedures Manual.
FRM course attendance for Crew Planning staff will be stored in T:\A\Airline Shares\Crew
FRM Chap. 2
Alertness Management Guide
Page 1
Fatigue Basics
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
Safety and reliability of flight operations require each Crew Member to be well rested upon
commencement of flight duty. The rest time each Crew Member is entitled to serves the purpose
of recovering from the exertions of the preceding flight. All activities counteracting this purpose
shall be refrained from.
“A physiological state of reduced mental or physical performance capability resulting from sleep
loss or extended wakefulness, circadian phase, or workload (mental and/or physical activity) that
can impair a crew member’s alertness and ability to safely operate an aircraft or perform safety
related duties”.
For most people, the major cause of fatigue is not having obtained adequate rest or recovery from
previous activities. In simple terms, fatigue largely results from inadequate quantity or quality of
sleep. This is because the quantity (how much) and the quality (how good) of sleep are important
for recovery from fatigue and maintaining normal alertness and performance.
Inadequate sleep (quality or quantity) over a series of nights causes asleep debt, which results in
increased fatigue (referred to as cumulative fatigue) that is worse than a single night of inadequate
sleep (referred to as transient fatigue). A sleep debt can only be repaid with adequate recovery
Working outside the Monday-to-Friday 9-to-5 routine can limit the opportunity for sleep and
recovery in each 24-hour period. It can reduce the amount of sleep you get between one and three
hours sleep per day. This is because these hours of work:
• Disrupt the body clock, which is programmed for activity during the day and sleep at night.
In addition to sleeping less, people who work shift work/irregular shift work can obtain sleep of a
lower quality. (Irregular shift work is classed as schedules where the duration and timing of work
periods are highly variable.) There are a number of reasons why workers don’t obtain the quality
and quantity of sleep that they need to be adequately rested for their duties – these are both work
and non-work related.
FRM Chap. 2
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Fatigue Basics
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
Workload can contribute to an individual’s level of fatigue. Three dimensions of workload are
commonly identified:
• The nature and amount of work to be done (including time on task, task difficulty and
complexity, and work intensity).
• Time constraints (including whether timing is driven by task demands, external forces, or by the
crew member).
• Factors relating to the performance capacity of the crew member (for example experiences and
skill level, sleep history, and circadian phase).
It is widely accepted that workload increases with the number of sectors in a flight duty period,
reflected in the EASA FTL maximum daily FDP limits which are shorter for duties with more
There is no “test” to determine fatigue; however, there are signs or symptoms that can be used as
a gauge to indicate that you might be experiencing some level of fatigue-related impairment or
reduced alertness.
Fatigue related symptoms can be divided into three main categories (note that fatigue is not the
only cause of these symptoms):
Physical Signs:
• Rubbing eyes
• Repeated yawning
• Frequent/long blinks
• Head nodding
Cognitive Signs:
• Impaired attention
• Negative mood
• Reduced communication
Emotional Signs:
• Lacking in energy
As part of the information requested on the Fatigue Report, you are required to select one
statement that describes how sleepy you feel. This information is based on the widely recognised
Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS):
1. Extremely alert
2. Very alert
3. Alert
4. Rather alert
This scale asks you to rate how sleepy you are feeling at the time.
In this case, fatigue may be more accurately defined as mental fatigue although it certainly affects
physical performance as well – especially tasks that require mental-physical interaction like hand-
eye coordination, reaction time and fine motor skills. Other skills that are impaired by fatigue
include attention, vigilance, concentration, ability to communicate information clearly and
accurately, and decision-making.
A fatigued individual is often impaired and may not be able to continue to perform tasks safely or
efficiently. Being fatigued can have an effect on many aspects of your life – both at work and at
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Fatigue Basics
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
• Increased sleepiness
• Decreased motivation
• Decreased productivity
• Decreased morale
• Deterioration of performance
• Low points in the body’s circadian rhythm that govern alertness and performance (The exact
times are subject to individual variability):
– Early shift starts (before 5am) – early start times can shorten the sleep obtained the night
before. This is because the “evening wake maintenance zone”/“forbidden zone”*1 can make
it difficult to go to sleep earlier and you may be “clock watching” if you are anxious about
getting up on time.
– Late night shifts – which start before midnight and require you to work throughout the
circadian low point finishing after 5 am.
• Length of duty – long duty hours may accumulate fatigue if you have not had a break for a
number of hours.
“evening wake maintenance zone”/“forbidden zone” – as detailed in Section 2.4.1 Circadian
Clock and Circadian Rhythms.
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Alertness Management Guide
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Strategies to Alleviate Fatigue
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
Safety critical operations often involve conditions which can lead to fatigue, disruption of sleep and
circadian rhythms, and degradation of alertness and performance. These factors can affect the
safety of the operation. By acknowledging and managing these physiological challenges, we
promote safety performance at all times; while ignoring them will increase the potential for errors,
incidents and accidents. Fortunately, a wide range of strategies is currently available to effectively
manage fatigue in safety critical operations.
There is no single approach or countermeasure that will eliminate fatigue from flight operations.
Operational demands, human physiology and individual differences are too complex for a simple
mechanistic approach. Since there is no simple solution, the challenge for all employees is to
effectively manage their own fatigue, using multiple strategies and tailoring them to individual
The following section provides basic information on personal alertness strategies, including both
preventive and operational fatigue countermeasures. By learning about the issues involved and
using personal strategies to maximise alertness and performance, employees can contribute
positively to a safer operation.
Preventive strategies are those used before work and during rest periods – designed to minimise
sleep loss and circadian disruption caused by work demands. They are aimed at the physiological
cause of fatigue.
Operational strategies are those used on-the-job – designed to minimise the impact of sleep loss
and circadian disruption on one's alertness performance. They can temporarily relieve the
symptoms of fatigue, thus helping you to perform as safely and efficiently as possible.
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Strategies to Alleviate Fatigue
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
On nights before and between duty days, try to get at least as much sleep as you get on normal
off-duty nights. If your duty schedule prevents you from getting that much sleep in a single sleep
period, try to sleep more than once (i.e. morning and evening) or take naps.
• Take advantage of times in the circadian cycle when it is easy to fall asleep – hours of darkness
and afternoon nap window (usually 3–5 pm).
• Conversely, because it is impossible to force sleep, don't depend on getting sleep during peaks
in the circadian cycle when you would usually be awake.
(For more detailed information on the circadian cycle and times where sleep is promoted and
opposed, see Section 2.4.1 Circadian Clock and Circadian Rhythms). Naps
Naps can acutely improve alertness and performance, and even short naps can provide benefits.
However, the duration of a nap is important because if you enter deep sleep, you may experience
sleep inertia when you wake up. Sleep inertia is a feeling of grogginess, sleepiness and
disorientation that can last for up to 40 minutes or longer, the main effect being over in 15 to 20
(For more detail further information on types of sleep and sleep inertia, refer to Section 2.3).
Therefore, if you have a short nap opportunity just before going to work, or if you are likely to be
interrupted by a duty call, you should limit naps to 40 minutes duration or less. Short naps should
be timed as close to the start of your work period as possible to reap the most benefit.
At other times, longer naps can be beneficial, and two hours will normally allow for a complete
cycle through the different states and stages of sleep. Generally, performance improves, even
when people do not report feeling refreshed on awakening.
A nap reduces the duration of continuous wakefulness before a work period, and can be
particularly beneficial before a period of night work, when the challenge of working through the
circadian low point is also a factor. Getting some sleep is always better than getting none.
Be careful – naps need to be planned, make sure you set your alarm to avoid oversleeping which
may result in interfering with your regular sleep structure.
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Strategies to Alleviate Fatigue
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
• Use a short nap (10 to 40 minutes) to increase your alertness when tired.
Bedtime Routine
By practising a regular pre-sleep routine, you can teach your body and mind that certain activities
mean that it is time to sleep. It separates the physiological stressors of the day from the sleep
period. Once this set of sleep cues is established, it can be used anywhere and anytime.
A regular bedtime routine may include such things as:
• Having a light snack such as a glass of milk and a biscuit or a bowl of cereal.
• Get into bed and read or listen to soft, soothing music for 15 minutes before ‘lights out’ (make
sure the music is on a timer to avoid you having to get out of bed to switch the music player off).
• Learning physical and mental relaxation techniques (these skills must be developed and
practised before they will provide any benefit).
• Not lying awake trying to get to sleep any longer than 30 minutes. If you are still awake after 30
minutes get up and do something quiet and non-stimulating, when you feel tired again, go back
to bed.
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Strategies to Alleviate Fatigue
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
• Making sure you are organised for the following day – write ‘to do’ lists to stop you worrying
about what needs doing in your head.
Make sleep time a priority – keep it as free as possible from other commitments and activities by
• Activities that might make you mentally active or anxious (internet, paying bills, playing
computer games).
• Reading in bed should avoid using devices that emit light in the blue spectra.
• Alcohol (whilst it can help you to “wind down” and get to sleep, moderate to excessive alcohol
intake can reduce the overall quality of your sleep).
• Caffeine & nicotine – for at least 2–4 hours before going to bed.
• High-aerobic exercise for at least 2 hours before bed (this has a stimulating effect on your body
and increases your metabolism).
Sleep Environment
Sleep quality can be affected by a number of factors, primary ones being noise, light, temperature
and comfort.
• Use “white noise” (such as a fan or humidifier) to block out other sounds.
• Wear ear plugs (make sure these don’t block out an alarm/wake-up call).
• Turn the phone off or to silent with an answering machine service (house and mobile phone).
• If sleeping during the day, can you move to a quieter part of the house?
• Soundproof bedroom where possible – double glazing, heavy curtains, thick carpet.
• Move or block the light from an illuminated clock face (this also helps reduce “alarm clock
anxiety” and clock watching).
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Strategies to Alleviate Fatigue
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
• Keep the bedroom cool – a room temperature of approx. 18 degrees C will give the best sleep
• Ensure your mattress is not lumpy or worn and provides the support you need.
• Do you sleep alone? If not make sure there is sufficient room for you and your sleep partner not
to disturb each other.
• Your pillow can affect the way you sleep depending on what position you sleep in – make sure
it’s right for you.
• Familiarise yourself with your surroundings before going to bed, find out where & when
breakfast is served, check what time you need to check-out – minor worries or anxieties can
disturb your sleep.
• Request a wake-up call in addition to setting an alarm – to minimise worries about oversleeping.
Eating well includes keeping a regular schedule for meals and eating appropriately for the time of
day. Avoid heavy meals at night/before going to sleep – the body’s biological clock influences
digestion and slows down at “night”.
Healthy eating habits improve your resistance to disease and increase overall energy levels. A
good diet with help maintain weight reducing the risk of sleep apnoea (For further information on
common sleep disorders, refer to Section 2.3.8).
Drink plenty of water during the day – staying hydrated helps keep you healthy and alert.
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Strategies to Alleviate Fatigue
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, generally taking effect 15 to 30 minutes after ingestion
and remaining active for three to four hours (up to ten hours in some individuals). The effects of
caffeine depend on a number of factors, including habitual usage, body mass and previous intake.
However, regardless of how much caffeine someone habitually takes, caffeine before sleep can
lead to lighter sleep with more awakenings and reduced total sleep time. Consider eliminating or
minimising caffeine intake at least three hours before bedtime. Individuals sensitive to caffeine
effects should consider avoiding caffeine as much as six hours before bedtime. Nicotine has much
the same effect as caffeine on nocturnal sleep and subsequent daytime sleepiness and
performance. As with caffeine, avoid nicotine in any form (tobacco, gum or patch) for several
hours before the time you want to fall asleep.
Alcohol is reported as the most commonly used sleep aid. It can promote relaxation and thereby
help a person to fall asleep. However, with moderate to excessive alcohol intake, sleep is easily
disrupted. Alcohol suppresses Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep in the first half of the night,
leading to REM rebound and withdrawal affects in the second half of the night. Therefore, avoid
drinking even moderate amounts of alcohol for two to three hours before sleeping. Also,
individuals with breathing disorders during sleep such as sleep apnoea should keep in mind that
alcohol worsens these conditions and reduces oxygen levels during sleep. (For more information
on the different stages of sleep, refer to Section 2.3.2 Sleep Cycle).
Exercise can benefit your health and can also improve your sleep. Regular exercise can help
relieve stress and be an effective aid for sleeping by enhancing deep sleep later that day. You can
stay fit by getting 30 minutes of exercise at least three times a week – walking, jogging and going
to a gym could easily fit into an irregular schedule of work.
Exercise will also help you maintain an optimal weight which in return will reduce the risk of sleep
Light exercise in the evening can help you relax. Try gentle stretching, breathing exercises, yoga
or a walk round the block.
Avoid strenuous exercise shortly before sleep because exercise can disturb your sleep due to a
body temperature rise.
Reductions in alertness during a long haul flight occur most frequently during the monotonous part
of the cruise.
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Strategies to Alleviate Fatigue
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
This is the general disorientation that some of us feel when passing through several time zones
and fatigue is one of the symptoms of jetlag. When we travel east across time zones, we advance
time and when we travel west across time zones, we experience a delay in time. The effects of
jetlag are usually worse when travelling Eastbound.
Crew on a long-haul layover are faced with a choice of attempting to adjust to local-time or
attempting to remain on home base-time during their time down-route. The decision is primarily
based on the number of time zones crosses and the length of time down-route. Generally the
longer the time away the more adjustment to local time is favoured and the higher the time zones
crossed the more remaining on base time is favoured. However this is subjective to people’s own
rate of adaption to new time zones.
To acclimatise to local time – light has been identified as the most important external alertness
cue; however mealtimes, alcohol and caffeine also play a part. After a westward flight, it is
important to stay awake during daylight hours at the new destination and sleep only after it gets
dark. After an eastward flight, it is important to remain awake in the morning but to avoid bright
morning light. It is also recommended to be outdoors as much as possible in the afternoon at the
new destination. Moderate exercise and careful attention to meal times may hasten
acclimatisation. It is recommended that alcohol and caffeine be used sparingly, at least until full
acclimatisation is achieved.
To remain acclimatised to home time zone – attempt to eat and sleep at home time zone times.
Minimise light exposure at ‘sleep’ times and attempt to get bright light exposure and moderate
exercise at non-sleep times. Travelling/Commute
Travelling time, from home to place of work, if long distances are involved, is a factor influencing
any subsequent onset of fatigue.
For operational crew, if the journey time from home to normal departure airfield is usually in
excess of 1½ hours, crew members should make arrangements for temporary accommodation
nearer to base.
Try to exercise during breaks – take a walk, climb the stairs instead of using the lift. For pilots and
cabin crew, some stretching and isometric exercises can be done in the cockpit and cabin jump
seats. Caffeine
You can use the alerting effects of caffeine to help you stay awake during circadian low points or
other times during operations when you struggle to maintain wakefulness (remember: on average,
caffeine takes about 15 to 30 minutes to take effect, lasting three to four hours). To optimise
caffeine as an operational strategy, avoid or minimise its use when you are already alert, such as
at the beginning of a daytime work period, or just after a nap. Start consuming caffeine about an
hour before the expected times of decreased alertness (i.e. 03:00 to 05:00).
People differ widely in their sensitivity to caffeine. People who are sensitive to caffeine may find
that one cup of coffee improves their alertness and they need to avoid caffeine anytime in the
afternoon if they are to sleep well. Those less sensitive to caffeine may need a couple of cups of
coffee before their alertness is improved and can drink coffee before bed and still fall asleep
without a problem.
Be careful – Consider your planned bedtime, and try to stop caffeine consumption at least three
hours before to avoid its disruptive effects on sleep. In some situations these requirements may
be conflicting. For example using caffeine to help work through this circadian low point at the end
of a night flight can result in problems trying to fall asleep after coming off duty in the morning. In
that case, consider the benefits and drawbacks in light of the overall operational demands.
Be careful – Caffeine is a diuretic, which can cause further dehydration for crew who are already
vulnerable to low humidity in the aircraft environment. Another consideration when using caffeine
is that in high doses, caffeine can lead to anxiety, irritability, “shakiness” and insomnia. Diet
Candy or other energy boosters can produce a transient increase in alertness (i.e. “sugar highs”),
but this is frequently followed by a decrease in alertness (sometimes suddenly) as blood glucose
levels fall. Stomach (gastrointestinal) upsets can be destructive to sleep, and maintaining a
balanced diet is important. Duty schedules can make it difficult to maintain a regular pattern of
well- balanced meals, so plan ahead and bring nutritious snacks foods with you for long duties.
Drink plenty of water when you fly. The dryness of the aircraft environment can require up to
double the normal rate of hydration in many individuals. If you are using caffeine to assist in
alertness, you should also increase your water intake to counteract the diuretic effects of the
FRM Chap. 2
Alertness Management Guide
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Sleep Basics
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
Napping is the only operational countermeasure that addresses one of the major physiological
causes of fatigue – the need for sleep – and reverses it. While other operational countermeasures
will primarily mask fatigue, naps will actually reduce it.
A joint study undertaken by NASA and the FAA examined the effectiveness of a planned cockpit
rest period to improve subsequent performance and alertness in commercial flight operations.
Crewmembers who were allowed to take planned naps showed better performance (34%) and
higher physiological alertness (100%) during the last 90 minutes of a flight than did the control
group of crewmembers who had not taken a nap. The significant results of this NASA/FAA study
and other scientific research have demonstrated that naps can be extremely beneficial.
Full company procedures and further information about the practice of controlled rest can be
found in the Operations Manual A (OM A) and Crew Handbook:
Sleep is a vital physical need – like food water and air, sleep is required by the body for survival.
Sleep is a critical requirement for alertness and performance. We cannot reduce the amount of
sleep time without adverse consequences. Without sufficient sleep our alertness and performance
degrades and we can become vulnerable to illness, errors and accidents. Conversely, with
adequate rest, alertness and performance can be optimised.
NREM (non-REM) sleep generally involves restoring the body; while REM (rapid eye movement)
sleep generally involves restoring the mind. NREM sleep is divided into four stages, with stages
3 and 4 being the deepest sleep.
Each cycle lasts between 90 and 120 minutes and is composed of five sleep stages which follow
each other in a continuous cycle (the 4 stages of NREM sleep and REM sleep).
• Stage 1 is where you fall asleep. During this stage you may occasionally experience muscle
twitches or starts (this stage doesn’t occur in each sleep cycle unless you have been awake
during your sleep). If someone wakes you during this stage of sleep you will often deny being
• Stage 2 is a light sleep stage, when you are easily awakened. This stage is normally reached
after about 5–10 minutes and is considered the first real period of sleep.
• Stage 3 and 4 are deep sleep stages. These stages are considered to be those where the body
regenerates. People are difficult to waken during these stages and if awakened you may feel
groggy, disoriented and your performance may be impaired, a condition called sleep inertia.
• After about 80–90 minutes of sleep there is a shift out of deep sleep, moving briefly back
through Stage 2 sleep and into Stage 5 known as REM sleep. This is the stage of sleep when
we dream. During this stage your brain is very active but your body is paralysed.
Very brief periods of Stage 1 sleep (20 to 30 seconds) during your time awake are known as
micro-sleeps. These micro sleeps are often not remembered therefore you can be asleep without
really knowing it.
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Early in the night, we spend more time in stages 3 and 4 of each sleep cycle. As the night
progresses, we spend more time in REM sleep. Whenever we are sleep deprived, our body will
try first to catch up on deep sleep (stages 3 and 4) and then REM sleep. A person who is sleep-
deprived will quickly fall asleep, and move rapidly from light sleep (stages 1 and 2) to deep
slumber (stages 3 and 4). Sleep structure varies with age. Babies have more REM like sleep than
We all require a certain amount of sleep to achieve full alertness and an effortless level of
functioning during waking hours. Most adults require approximately 7.5 hours sleep, though there
is a range of individual sleep needs (approx. 6 to 10 hours).
Even if we have good quality sleep, the quantity of sleep is very important for restoring our waking
function. The effects of restricting sleep night after night accumulate, so that you become
progressively less alert and less functional day after day. This is known is accumulating a sleep
Some of the most significant changes to sleep occur as a natural function of age. While younger
people sleep longer and more soundly, as people age, they tend to get less sleep during the night
(although they still need the same amount). As we age, we also get less “deep sleep”, and we
have more awakenings.
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Sleep also changes with alcohol consumption. Although many people use alcohol to “wind down”
and foster sleep, it can actually reduce overall quality and quantity of sleep. Alcohol can reduce
the amount of REM sleep that is achieved in the first half of the night, and then it disturbs one’s
ability to get any sleep in the second half of the night.
Sleep also changes with alcohol consumption. Although many people use alcohol to “wind down”
and foster sleep, it can actually reduce overall quality and quantity of sleep. Alcohol can reduce
the amount of REM sleep that is achieved in the first half of the night, and then it disturbs one’s
ability to get any sleep in the second half of the night.
Several physiological disorders can also disturb the quality of sleep, and subsequently can
degrade waking performance and alertness. Although about one-third of adults report
experiencing occasional sleep disturbances of some type, this figure is generally accepted as
conservative, considering that many sufferers are unaware of these sleep disturbances. (For
further information about common sleep disorders, refer Section 2.3.8.
These are only a temporary fix, no matter how effective they are – at some point, sleep must be
obtained for physical and mental recovery to occur.
Sleep is most valuable if obtained in a single block. However split sleep, or a number of short
sleeps, is still better than not getting any at all.
If sleep loss occurs in an isolated burst, recovery can occur relatively quickly. Sleep periods may
be somewhat longer during recovery, but lost sleep doesn’t need to be “made-up” on an hour-for-
hour basis.
• On the first recovery night, there is more slow-wave sleep (NREM Stages 3 and 4) than usual.
• On the second recovery night there is often more REM sleep, and
• By the third recovery sleep the non-REM/REM cycle is usually back to normal.
If a sleep debt is accumulated over a number of nights full recovery may take longer than two
This state is known as ‘sleep inertia’ and generally lasts between 5 and 20 minutes, however it
can be longer. The length and severity of sleep inertia is all dependent on how long you have been
asleep, the efficiency of your sleep and what stage of sleep you were at when you woke up.
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You should minimise safety critical activities such as driving during this period.
Physiological sleepiness is the result of sleep loss: if you lose sleep, you get tired. Sleep loss will
be accompanied by increased physiological sleepiness that will drive an individual to sleep in
order to meet their physiological need for sleep.
Subjective sleepiness is an individual's introspective self-report of how tired they feel. Subjective
reports of sleepiness can be affected by many factors, such as physical activity or a particularly
stimulating environment (i.e. an interesting conversation, or a busy flight deck), which tend to
mask or conceal physiological sleepiness and lead people to overestimate their own level of
alertness. Subjective reports of sleepiness often differ significantly from physiological
measurements; individuals will generally report greater alertness than indicated by their actual
physiological state. Applying this fact to operations means that an employee who reports being
alert, may in fact be close to falling asleep.
Insomnia is the most common sleep problem among people who work irregular shifts. It usually
involves difficulty falling asleep, sleeping lightly and restlessly, waking often, lying awake in the
middle of the night, waking early and being unable to get back to sleep.
Insomnia can be a short-term problem, lasting for a few nights or weeks. Long term insomnia
(chronic insomnia) can be caused by depression, anxiety or stress, medical problems, poor sleep
habits or irregular sleep/wake schedules. One of the solutions to insomnia is to practice good
sleep habits.
Sensations mostly commonly occur in the calf area, but can be felt anywhere in the legs, feet,
arms or hands. Sufferers have an almost uncontrollable urge to alleviate their symptoms by
moving their legs or getting up. Consequently RLS can delay or interrupt the process of going to
sleep and is commonly associated with sleep loss.
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Circadian Basics
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These movements can happen as often as every 20 to 40 seconds and can range from small
twitches to flailing of the arms and legs, disrupting sleep and causing fatigue.
Sleep Apnoea
There are several types of sleep apnoea, the most common being obstructive sleep apnoea:
characterised by breathing pauses during sleep that cause the sleeper to awaken repeatedly to
resume breathing. Primary symptoms are loud snoring (although there are other causes for
snoring) and excessive daytime sleepiness.
Sleep apnoea is more common in people who are overweight. The sleeper wakes up suddenly
choking or gasping to take a breath and falls back to sleep immediately and this scenario repeats
itself over and over (sometimes hundreds of times per night). As a result, people who suffer from
sleep apnoea are unaware of it because the awakening is very brief.
Located in the brain, this body clock is set to the appropriate time of day by external time cues
called zeitbeigers. The strongest one being daylight which explains our natural preference for
sleeping at night, other zeitbeigers include meals and work/rest schedules.
Circadian rhythms are natural oscillations controlled by our circadian clock which have a peak and
low point during every day/night cycle. They include sleep/wake, digestion, and body temperature
and hormone secretion. Circadian rhythms are important in determining sleep patterns. The
body’s master clock controls the production of melatonin, a hormone that makes you sleepy.
There are certain “windows” in our circadian clock when sleep is promoted (a time when it is hard
to stay awake) and when sleep is opposed (a time when it is difficult to fall asleep). It is important
that these are considered when planning your rest effectively:
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Sleep Promotion:
• Window of Circadian Low (WOCL)
A peak in the early hours of the morning which occurs around 3–5 am for most people, occurring
1.5 to 2 hours before the usual wake time when the core body temperature is at its daily low
EASA FTL definition of WOCL is the period between 02:00 and 05:59 hours in the time zone to
which a crew member is acclimatised.
A less dramatic dip in the early afternoon which occurs around 3–5 pm for most people. This is
a good time to try and nap and it is also a time when it is more difficult to stay awake: especially
if recent sleep has been restricted (some cultures take advantage of this by having a siesta).
Restricted sleep at night, or disturbed sleep makes it harder to stay awake during the next
afternoon nap window.
Sleep Opposition:
• Evening wake maintenance zone (also known as the forbidden time zone for sleep)
A period of a few hours in the circadian clock cycle, just before usual bedtime, when it is very
difficult to fall asleep. Consequently, going to bed extra early usually results in taking a longer
time to fall asleep, rather than getting extra sleep. This can cause restricted sleep and increased
fatigue risk with early duty start times because the majority of people are unable to fall asleep
early enough.
A time in the circadian body clock cycle when there is a very strong drive for waking and it is
difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Occurs about 6 hours after the window of circadian low in
the late morning to early afternoon and can cause restricted sleep and increased fatigue after
a night duty.
There is individual variability in the exact timings of these windows (usually within a couple of
hours), the precise timing is different in people who are:
• Morning types – “larks” – whose circadian rhythms and preferred sleep times are earlier than
average, and
• Evening types – “owls” – whose circadian rhythms and preferred sleep times are later than
Jet lag, resulting from flying to a new time zone, produces a different challenge to the circadian
clock. The time cues in the new time zone provide consistent information to the circadian clock,
but it can take several days for the clock to get into step with the new local time. In addition,
circadian rhythms in different body functions do not all adjust at the same rate and therefore may
be out of step with each other for an extended period of time.
There are a number of factors that can affect the rate of adaption to a new time zone:
• The number of time zones crossed – adaption generally takes long when more time zones are
• The direction of travel – adaption is usually faster after westward travel than after eastward
• Beginning a trip with a sleep debt can increase the duration and severity of jet lag symptoms.
• Adaption is faster when the circadian clock is more exposed to the time cues that it needs to
lock it into the new time zone (this relates to the extent to which people adopt the pattern of
sleep, eating etc. in the new time zone and the amount of time that they spend outdoors in the
first few days).
• Health and fitness – generally speaking it is easier to adapt the healthier you are.
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FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
The content of this manual is based on various guides as published and made available via the
internet. With particular reference to:
FRM App. A
Crew Fatigue Report
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FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018
FRM App. A
Crew Fatigue Report
Page 2
FRM Guidance Date JAN 2018