CSTP 2 - Evidence
CSTP 2 - Evidence
CSTP 2 - Evidence
• Students and I talk often of treating others with kindness and using positive language
toward ourselves and others
• We discuss Life Skills of the month and let the whole class know when teacher
observes students displaying that life skill
• Cultural awareness in the classroom is often reflected through the use of art, stories,
and whole class discussions
• We regularly hold classroom discussions regarding environmental awareness and what
it means to be a good citizen in a community
• Student jobs are posted on a classroom wall. We rotate jobs once per month to ensure
• Hanging up the completed art of every student
• My school has speci.ic Life Skills that we teach in the classroom each month. I talk
about behavior expectations during Morning Meetings.
• I have an hour in the morning, and all recesses in which I am required to look
after students in my class and so I .ind I am always involved in resolving con.lict
and teaching students how to be respectful to each other.
• This year instead of supplying the rules, students came up with our rules together. We
all cut out a tracing of our hand, colored it, signed it, and then attached it to our social
contract in the classroom.
• I have a very well established routine in my classroom. Students know to look at the
daily schedule to see what comes next in the day. I often call out the people who I see
getting ready and praise them in front of the class to encourage others to have the same
• Students must take responsibility when they break a classroom rule. I have gotten much
more comfortable this year holding students accountable for how they behave in the
classroom. I’ve also gotten better about rewarding those who deserve it as well.
• My school uses think sheets and I did not use them as much as I should have last year.
This year I’m using the sheets to help solve problems between students as well as for
addressing individual behaviors.
• I use equity sticks when picking names for groups or to answer a problem. They know
it is random and so do not get upset if their name is called. I’ve found it quite effective
for picking partners because it ensures that students always work with a different
person other than their friends.
• I put the results of Math Scoop Quizzes up on the wall. Students are able to track their
progress and encourage each other to reach the top
• Teacher follows a lesson plan that ensures there is enough time to complete the lesson
Teacher is flexible and able to pivot a different way as needed during a lesson
• Smooth transitions help ensure less wasted time between lessons
• Off topic conversation is quickly minimized by jumping back to topic and calling on a
different student
• I’ve gotten much better at identifying how long all the elements within a lesson
should take.
• I am .lexible during lessons and can add more time if needed and vice versa.
• I usually have an additional back up activity to add to the lesson for early .inishers.
• Using a timer and keeping a student in charge of setting it has really helped to get rid of
the “how much time left?” questions. I use it constantly throughout the day to keep
students accountable for their work time.
• I’ve tried to optimize learning by cutting down on transition times. I’ve tried different
strategies and feel that having students keep their WIP folder in their own desk instead
of a crate across the room has saved about ten minutes throughout the day
• I call students by rows so that they don’t all go rushing at once. It’s a great way to get
them to settle down too because they always want their row called first
• I quickly squash any off topic discussions and interruptions
• I always make sure that students will have enough to time to complete a lesson. I don’t
like them feeling rushed because so many of them work at different paces.
• For early finishers, I’ve started offering additional extension work for them to do
• We just started a Native American project and I have gone over the time line from
beginning to end so that they know that in four weeks their project will be due. I tell
them exactly how many class sessions we will have to work on it.