Commitment To The Heavenly Vision: 2023 Deeper Life Easter Retreat Evangelism Seminar (Youths)

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Acts 26:15-19; 9:10; Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20

The vision for world evangelization has been handed over to all believers in
Christ as a mandate to be carried out. This cannot be carried out successfully
till there is a passion to communicate saving faith to the lost. The lost is in
need of “sight”, being blind to the kingdom of God, the benefits and liberating
power of the blood of Jesus shed on the cross of Calvary (2 Corinthians 4:3-
6; Isaiah 42:19-20). Yet the blind cannot lead the blind or else both will fall
into the ditch (Matthew 15:14). Without vision, the people perish (Proverbs
29:18). Our Lord Jesus Christ devoted His life, time and everything to making
sure that humanity was saved. He embarked on aggressive evangelism and
eventually went to the cross to sacrifice His life for man’s redemption. After
His resurrection and before He ascended to heaven, He gave the great
mandate to all believers to carry out the great commission.

This mandate is without ambiguity or obscurity and as such it is incumbent

on every Christian youth to humbly submit him or her to it without
procrastination. Paul the apostle said “... I was not disobedient unto the
heavenly vision.” Acts 26:19. In obedience to the great command of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus, Christian youths must rise and go out everywhere to
rescue sinful youths from perishing. Jesus commands us to go and preach
the gospel to every creature. The Gospel is the good news of salvation through
Jesus. The message of the gospel of Christ is about the Kingdom of God and
repentance (Mark 1:14-15). As Christian youths we should penetrate the
world with the gospel message, telling the lost youths that God loves them but
hates their sins. God does not want any sinner to perish, so He commands all
to repent because He has appointed a day whereby, He will judge the world
in righteousness (Acts 17:30-31).

1. Priority and Content of the Heavenly Vision

Acts 26:19; Matthew 6:33; Luke 19:10; Romans 9:1-3; 10:1-3

The command of Christ to every saved youth is; “occupy till I come”, the task
of carrying out the great commission is urgent and demanding because:

• The time is very short as the coming of the Lord is nearer than ever
• Thousands of youths are dying every day without Christ.
• Youth population is growing at geometric progression.
• The harvest is plenteous with few labourers in the field.
• The high rate of involvement of youths in anti-social activities (eg
smoking, cultism, rebellion, drug addiction, prostitution etc) is
disturbing and alarming
• The activities of false teachers and false prophets are on the increase.

Reaching the lost for Christ (Ps. 2:8) is mandatory as God will require their
blood from our hands if we fail to do it. The human soul is so precious that it
required the death of the Son of God to be redeemed (Mark 8:36). We must
therefore have passion for souls, develop prayer burden for the lost (Romans
9:1-3; Acts 1:14; 13:1-5; 4:31-32), spend and be spent for the gospel (2
Corinthians 12:15) and demonstrate undying love for souls and the brethren
(John 13:34-35; Galatians 5:13; 6:23; 1 John 3:16).

2. Practical Commitment to the Heavenly Vision

Acts 26:19; Mark 16:15-20; Acts 8:4-8; Jeremiah 48:10; Romans 1:14-
16; 15:19, 20; 1Corinthians 9:16; Psalms 68:9-11

The scripture emphasises the importance of commitment to the h e a v e n l y

vision in season and out of season (2 Timothy 4:1-4). Our Lord and Saviour
personifies passion, zeal and commitment to the redemption of souls during
His earthly ministry. He declared: “… my meat is to do the will of him that sent
me, and to finish his work.” “I must work the works of him that sent me, while
it is day, the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 4:34; 9:4). The early
disciples were also like their Master, they went everywhere preaching the
gospel (Acts 8:4). The early apostles from Peter to the rest of them after the
day of Pentecost (Acts 2:37-47; 3:1-9); Philip the evangelist in Acts 8:1-8; 35-
40; Paul in Acts 13 to Acts 28; Timothy, Priscilla and Aquila and others were
all committed to the heavenly vision. Paul’s motto was “... I was not
disobedient unto the heavenly vision.” (Acts 26:19). They demonstrated Christ-
like disposition, passion, zeal, devotion and consecration and they were said
to have turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6). The truly victorious youth
of this generation must take up the baton and be zealous for the Lord. Every
youth must get involved in this task of evangelizing fellow youths. There must
be an intensive and extensive practical, personal, positive and corporate
evangelistic outreach programmes consciously pursued to reach the youth
world for Christ. Christian youths, workers and leaders are well positioned
today to reach more youths due to advancement in information and
communication Technology. Text messages (SMS), Facebook, e-mail,
Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp and other social media platforms can be used
to reach the teeming youths with the gospel of Christ. Like Paul, we should
be passionate and self-sacrificing (I Corinthians 9:16); we should be ready to
condescend (I Corinthians 9:19); and be flexible and adaptable (I Corinthian
9: 22) and endure persecution (Acts 16:25).
3. Precious Crowns for Obedience to the Heavenly Vision
Psalm 126:5, 6; 2 Timothy 4:6-8,18; Revelation 22 11-12; 1 Thessalonians
2:19; 20; Philippians 4:1; 1 Corinthians 15:5, 58; Hebrews 6:10; James 1:12;
1 Peter 5:4; Luke 10:17-20

The commendation and rewards of our service to God will be determined by

our commitment to the task He has given to us. “And behold, I come
quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his
work shall be” (Revelation 22:12). God rewards His faithful servants.
Therefore, every youth must be faithful, consecrated and committed to the
task of evangelism so that he or she can receive a reward from God. There is
a crown awaiting a faithful servant, who is fully committed to the heavenly
vision. “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and not
to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing” (2 Timothy

Evangelism is a spiritual warfare that needs the entire spiritual armoury to

be able to rescue the captive sinner from the devil. For we do not wrestle
against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, demons and wicked
spirits. But in all these, “we are more than conquerors” in Christ Jesus.
Uncommon challenges may confront us but, “they that sow in tears shall
reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall
doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him.” No
faithful soul winners will be without stars in their crowns and commendation
from the Lord at the end of our labour here on earth. ”And they that be wise
shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many
to righteousness as the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3). We should
go, stand and preach no matter the price, pains and stress we may feel and
face. The Lord will reward us abundantly, there is the joy of seeing a sinner
rescued from hell and there is the endless joy in the presence of God forever
and ever with stars in our crowns. What an endless bliss.

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