Pharmaceutical UAV
Pharmaceutical UAV
Pharmaceutical UAV
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Pharmaceutical UAV
Vadipina Amarnadh (Assistant Professor)
Anuroop Chennabatny
K. Karthik
S. Kalyan Raj
Y. Uday Rushi
Department of CSE, Anurag Group of Institutions
Abstract:- Delivery drones have developed into a consumer and the dispatcher to track the package's real-
potentially feasible option for a multitude of industries time whereabouts.
and uses, such as e-commerce, logistics, and emergency
services. The primary objective of employing delivery Drawbacks:
drones is to automate the delivery process in order to The existing system design does not have temperature
increase efficiency and save expenses. The ability of monitoring feature and authentication for customer order
delivery drones to avoid gridlock and get at the location verification.
quickly is a significant advantage. In particular for
remote or difficult-to-reach places, this can Proposed System:
considerably cut down on delivery time and expense. The proposed technology accomplishes the delivery
Last but not least, delivery drones can be employed in using quadcopter drones. A web application is used to set
emergency services to swiftly and effectively bring the destination. The DHT11 sensor and Raspberry Pi Cam
medical supplies, gear, and personnel to disaster areas will be used by the management to monitor the temperature
or other emergency circumstances. The idea would and surroundings, respectively. When a user registers to
include creating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that open an account, they must authenticate themselves. The
could fly to a certain place, deliver packages, and then proposed drone, in contrast to the AR Drone 2.0, can
fly back to a warehouse or distribution center. support up to 150 grammes of weight. GPS (Global
Positioning System) is necessary for unmanned aerial
I. INTRODUCTION vehicles in order for the pilot to be able to operate them
remotely and for autonomous flight without a pilot.
Pharmaceutical UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles),
often known as medical drones, are unmanned aircraft Advantages:
designed and equipped to transport medical supplies, It can monitor the temperature of medicines which need
pharmaceuticals, and other healthcare-related items to to kept at certain temperature.
remote or challenging-to-reach regions. These UAVs are Live stream video from Pi cam for surveillance.
becoming more and more well-liked because they provide The system design has both website and customer order
life-saving medical supplies quickly and efficiently, (OTP) authentication.
especially in emergency situations where access to medical
facilities is limited. Pharmaceutical UAVs are equipped
with cutting-edge technology, including as GPS, sensors,
and cameras, allowing them to easily reach remote sites and
manoeuvre through difficult terrain. Also, they are designed
to maintain a suitable temperature for the delivery of
medical supplies that require a specific temperature,
including blood and vaccines.
Existing System:
Drone delivery systems will keep track of the
consumer's current location and guarantee that the right
person and place will receive the package. GPS A drone
delivery system will use GPS to find the customer, identify
their current location, and deliver the package properly and
on-time, according to the delivery date. The drone will have
built-in GPS, and a live tracking device will locate the
user's device. The drone will pick up the package from the
warehouse that is closest to the delivery area; there will be
a main warehouse and some sub-warehouses. It will Fig 1 Architecture of the Proposed System
function like any home delivery app, allowing both the
User logs in through his account and orders the required medicines which will be sent to the admin page and stored in the
Admin views the orders and inputs the coordinates into the drone along with medicines.
Monitoring the drone through the camera and making sure the temperature is adequate for the medicines using DHT11
When the drone reaches the location, it asks for customer authentication to deliver the package.
Fig 6 Drone
Drone starts flying at a certain altitude when the coordinates are given in the website.
IV. CONCLUSION [6]. Ollero and K. Kondak, “10 years in the cooperation
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