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RAPTURE: a Remotely Accessible Platform of Testbeds for UAS

Research and Education

Justin S. Lee∗ , Nicholas Palmer† , Junfei Xie‡ , Yan Wan§ , Kejie Lu¶ , Shengli Fu‖

The development of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) is a highly cross-disciplinary subject,

demanding a broad range of expertise to construct complete systems from scratch. Open and
standardized hardware testbeds have the potential to accelerate UAS development and mitigate
the barrier to entry in this rapidly growing field. In this paper, we aim to develop an open
platform that offers users remote access to a shared network of UAS testbeds, thereby making
UAS development more accessible for both research and educational use.

I. Introduction
n recent years, we have witnessed rapid progress and increasing interest in unmanned aerial systems (UAS) within
I both industry and academia. UAS have been successfully applied to wildfire management[1], package delivery [2],
crop monitoring[3], search and rescue[4], and plenty of other niche uses. Recent advances in automation, computer
vision, and artificial intelligence offer computationally complex solutions to solve problems in these applications.
Within the advanced computing context of many new UAS applications, much of the research is focused on
developing software solutions [5, 6] instead of enhancing the hardware design of the UAS. For example, a user
developing aerial photogrammetry may only need a generic drone to get their system airborne along with a generic set of
sensors and computing resources to support their application. To evaluate the proposed software solutions, many existing
studies in the field of UAS have predominantly relied on simulations, largely attributed to the difficulties and expenses
in building a UAS hardware testbed from scratch and the restrictions posed by FAA regulations on conducting flight
tests. Nonetheless, hardware testing is crucial for thorough validation. This transition from simulations to hardware
testing remains a major hurdle in UAS development. Surmounting this hurdle could involve creating an open multi-UAS
hardware testbed that offers public remote access, allowing users to test diverse software solutions on it. Yet, there have
been limited endeavors in this direction. One related initiative is the FIT IoT-Lab[7], which is an open hardware platform
geared toward research in wireless communications technologies. The platform hosts thousands of nodes in various
hardware configurations that users can execute experiments on. However, the FIT IoT-Lab concentrates on RF validation
through embedded systems, and is not tailored for UAS applications. In our previous studies [8–12], we developed a
flexible and extensible networked airborne computing platform that consists of multiple UAS with full functionality.
Each UAS comprises four core units to enable control, communication, and computing functionalities, including (1) a
quadcopter unit for lifting and mobility; (2) a control unit for mobility control of UAS; (3) a communication unit for
ground-to-air/air-to-ground and air-to-air communications, and (4) a computing and storage unit for onboard processing
and data storage. In this paper, we aim to enable remote access to our hardware platform, allowing users around the
world to test their UAS software solutions on realistic hardware testbeds. This will greatly lower the barrier to entry
for participating in UAS development, by eliminating the necessity for developers to invest in or construct their own
To make our networked airborne computing platform remotely and easily accessible, containerization is a promising
technique. Containerization in the cloud computing infrastructure has become an integral factor in the trend toward
portable micro-service oriented computing and is beginning to be adopted in more edge-centric areas like UAS both
in industry and among the research community. The "tactical cloudlets" introduced in [13] exemplifies this trend.
These mobile cloud computing resources, situated near the edge, are designed to support computation offloading and
data staging from handheld devices, demonstrating enhanced overall performance, energy efficiency, and availability.
More recently in [14], Red Hat describes their collaboration with Lockheed Martin utilizing the MicroShift Kubernetes
∗ Undergraduate Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, San Diego State University, AIAA Student Member
† Undergraduate Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, San Diego State University, AIAA Student Member
‡ Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, San Diego State University, AIAA Senior Member, Corresponding

Author, email: jxie4@sdsu.edu

§ Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas at Arlington, AIAA Associate Fellow
¶ Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
‖ Professor and Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of North Texas

platform to handle AI computer vision workloads on-board the small Stalker military UAS platform. Recognizing
the capability of containerization to facilitate robust and concurrent execution of software applications in UAS,
this paper introduces RAPTURE, a Remotely Accessible Platform of Testbeds for UAS Research and Education.
RAPTURE incorporates containerization within our networked airborne computing platform. Utilizing Kubernetes
[15], a state-of-the-art container orchestration software, RAPTURE efficiently isolates user applications, simplifies and
streamlines their deployment, and facilitates generic hardware abstractions for users. Through a user-friendly public web
portal, RAPTURE allows users to upload their software solutions, conduct remote testing on our networked airborne
computing platform, and seamlessly gather experimental results.
In the rest of the paper, we first present the system design for RAPTURE and the preliminary results we have
obtained so far in Section II. The results to be included in the final paper are then discussed in Section III.

II. System Design

In this section, we begin with an overview of the proposed system. We then delve into the details of how Kubernetes
is utilized for managing user applications, along with its application architecture. Finally, we

A. Overview of the Proposed System

Fig. 1 depicts the architecture of the proposed system. Users first connect to our platform through a web portal,
where they can remotely submit experiments to be run on our UAS network and access experiment results. For our initial
design, our platform will only support Python applications for submission. We deemed this appropriate as Python brings
support for rich libraries in UAS development such as PyTorch for machine learning, SciPy for computing, or ROS[16]
for robot applications. Kubernetes is unable to run applications directly and instead needs them to be packaged into a
container image. Automatically building these container images can be enabled by requiring users to provide Python
applications with a consistent entry point and a list of Python module dependencies. This allows users to utilize the full
suite of Python libraries, develop their applications with limited change to software architecture, and avoids requiring
users to build container images themselves. Overall, the user needs to provide the following for each application:
1) The source files.
2) A requirements.txt file listing Python module dependencies.

Fig. 1 Block diagram of the proposed system.

3) Network ports to be forwarded.
4) Specifications for how the application should be allocated within the UAS testbeds.
It is important for users to be able to specify how their application is allocated within the UAS network. This is
particularly true in a network with heterogeneous testbed hardware, which can be expected as this project is scaled and
developed further. If a user application requires a camera module for example, we need to verify the UAS it is allocated
to actually possesses that capability. Likewise if the user wants two applications to run on the same UAS, or separate
UAS for that matter. Kubernetes supports this functionality through a feature called "selectors." We will tag each robot
in the network to be distinguishable via Kubernetes selectors and allow users to specify these allocation requirements in
the web portal.
A central server known as the server node within the Kubernetes cluster manages deployment of user applications
across the UAS testbeds. Each UAS testbed acts as an agent within the Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes’ core functionality
of container orchestration makes it trivial to instantiate applications in the cluster. The primary challenge lies in adapting
the cloud computing paradigm, characterized by numerous redundant containers focused on software services, to our
use case that involves single instances of applications that frequently interface with device hardware. We plan to resolve
this with a helper application running in a non-virtualized environment. This helper application will act as an interface
through which containers can access underlying hardware resources that are otherwise inaccessible. Additionally, we
plan to include a Python module that user application can import. This module will provide functions that allow users
to more easily communicate with the web portal to report experimental results back, as well as to control hardware
resources through the non-virtualized helper application.

B. Kubernetes Distribution Selection

A major aspects of our project is the use of Kubernetes to manage applications within the UAS network, so it is
important a suitable choice is made for our Kubernetes distribution. There are many distributions available tailored to
different applications; the four distributions we considered for this project are K8s, MicroK8s, MicroShift, and K3s.
K8s, or Kubernetes, is the standard upstream distribution of Kubernetes. K8s is commonly used in industry for cloud
computing. However, standard K8s it isn’t targeted at a resource-constrained environment like a UAS, so we looked into
more lightweight options. All of the other distributions we examine are purpose-built to be lightweight and used in edge
devices. MicroK8s is backed by Canonical[17], the company behind Ubuntu, and is available as a snap package for
Linux environments. MicroShift is backed by Red Hat[18] and is targeted toward enterprise applications with edge
devices. MicroShift is relatively new, so it is less mature than the other options and doesn’t have support for as many
CPU architectures. The final distribution we examined was K3s[19], which is an open-source distribution and the most
popular of the lightweight options we considered. It allows for single-command installation and cluster initialization, is
packaged into a single binary, and uses a more lightweight database than the other options.
After evaluating each Kubernetes distribution, we settled on K3s. We found the most valuable benefit of K3s to be
its ease of use—with installation and cluster initialization able to be executed in a single command on a fresh device.
This ease of use can aid future growth of the platform when more UAS testbeds are added to the network or if others
want to recreate similar systems. Additionally, K3s’s use of a more lightweight database has been found to result in
nearly an order of magnitude lower disk utilization compared to K8s and MicroK8s [20].

C. Kubernetes Application Architecture

Kubernetes is certainly the most integral component in our management of applications within the UAS network.
We are primarily employing two Kubernetes object types in our system: Deployments and Services. To understand
what each of these objects are, we will examine the use case of a client-server interaction between two applications
managed by Kubernetes. Each of the client application and server application would have its own Deployment, which
itself is composed of a Pod that runs a container image for the application. This hierarchy is depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Hierarchy between Deployment, Pod, and Container within Kubernetes.

Deployments allow us to run the individual applications on our testbeds, but they are isolated with no way to
communicate with each other. Kubernetes Services enable inter-process communication by forwarding network ports to
the intended Pod. A complete diagram of the basic client-server system using Services can be seen in Fig. 3. It is noted
that a single Kubernetes Deployment can have multiple redundant Pods running the server application container; and
these Pods may be hosted on separate cluster nodes or devices within the network. In this case, the Service would split
incoming requests between the redundant Pods—multiple robots. In the context of a UAS network where consistent
communication with individual agents is desirable, this behavior should be circumvented. Therefore, our Deployments
will be structured to contain only one Pod, which houses one Container. This configuration ensures that each Service
corresponds to only one application instance and thus only one UAS.

Fig. 3 Communication between containerized applications using Kubernetes Service.

D. Preliminary Results

1. Cluster of Singe-board Computers

A significant portion of efforts we have made so far has been dedicated to developing the underlying Kubernetes
system. We have created a K3s cluster of multiple Raspberry Pi devices and used it to arrive at the system architecture
described in Section II.A. Additionally, we have written scripts for building container images from Python application
source files and automatically deploying them to the cluster.

2. Prototype Web Interface

Fig. 4 Screenshot of an early prototype of the web interface for uploading experiments.

Fig. 4 shows a mock-up of the web interface that allows users to upload code files and experiment configuration. Our
next step is to integrate the web portal experiment submission and the scripts for automatic container image building
and deployment described earlier to enable running applications on the cluster fully remotely.

III. Future Results to be Included in Final Paper

The following section provides a brief outline of results to be included in the final paper.

A. Implementation of Proposed System

We will implement our proposed system and make it available for use on a public web portal. The primary areas that
need to be worked on still for this are: (1) developing the non-virtualized helper application for interfacing containerized
applications with hardware resources; (2) developing the Python module for communicating with the non-virtualized
helper application and the web portal from the containerized user applications; and (3) expanding the web portal user
interface to give a more cohesive experience in the platform.

B. Demo Projects Utilizing our Platform

Difficulties are to be expected when integrating any new system to a project development workflow, and we especially
expect this to be the case with our platform due to its nature of remote access. To aid in understanding how to use
our platform and its features, we will include a set of demo projects utilizing our platform. These demo projects will
demonstrate how our platform can be used in an actual project and will be packaged with comprehensive documentation.
Our demo projects will cover examples in navigation, cooperative computing, and computer vision.

C. Analysis of Platform Overhead
Kubernetes can be resource intensive especially for resource-limited environments like UAS. We hope to partially
mitigate this issue by using the lightweight edge-designed K3s implementation of Kubernetes. To evaluate our overhead,
we will run a series of stress tests with our platform versus without our platform. Key performance metrics will include:
latency, bandwidth, CPU utilization, memory usage, and disk utilization.

We would like to thank the National Science Foundation under Grants CAREER-2048266 and CCRI-2235157/2235158
/2235159/2235160 for the support of this work.

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