Syllabus Cognitivepsychology

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PSY222- Cognitive Psychology

spring 2023 - Syllabus

Instructor: Ozge Yilmaz, PhD

Mondays at 14:00

Required Textbook
Sternberg & Sternberg (2016) Cognitive Psychology (7th ed.) Cengage Learning
Margaret W. Matlin (2014) Cognitive Psychology (8th ed.) Wiley

Overview and Objectives of this Course

There are two main objectives of this course.
1) Main cognitive phenomena as perception, attention, short-term and long-term
memory will be deeply studied.
2) Executive cognitive functions like problem solving and decision-making will be

Learning Methods
• Copies of the lecture slides will be available online
• Attend the lectures!
• Skim the relevant textbook material

- Midterm: 40%
- Final exam: 60%

Exams: There will be one midterm exam and one final exam at the end of the semester.
The exams will be a mix of multiple-choice, true-or-false, and/or short answer questions.
The midterm exam will be based on only those sections already covered in class by the
time of the exam. The final exam will include all the chapters.

Schedule of Topics
Below is a tentative list of lecture topics with assigned readings from the textbook
and examination and presentation dates. Testable material will come from both
classroom lectures and directly related readings from the textbook.

Course Calendar

Week Topic
1. 27.02.2023 Course admin
2. 06.03.2023 History of cognitive psychology

3. 13.03.2023 Cognitive Neuroscience

4. 20.03.2023 Recognizing visual and auditory stimuli
5. 27.03.2023 Attention
6. 10.04.2023 Memory
7. 17.04.2023 Metacognition
8. 24.04.2023 Language
9. 08.05.2023 Problem solving and creativity
10. 15.05.2023 Reasoning and decision making
11. 22.05.2023 Human intelligence
12. 29.05.2023 Current literature review

Plagiarism, failure to meet deadlines or attend an exam

Plagiarism is a serious offence. It is an instructional offence to use, as one’s own
and idea of another without expressly giving credit to that other person. Plagiarism,
failure to meet deadlines or failure to comply with the procedures as prescribed by the
faculty will result in a mark of 0 for the work in question. For more information see the
University undergraduate programs policy on plagiarism.

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