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Korea University Business School

BUSS252 (02) Professor Shijin Yoo

Marketing Research Fall 2022

Class hours: Monday & Wednesday Period 6 (15:30 – 16:45)

Classroom: LP208
Office: LP403
Office hours: Monday & Wednesday, 09:00 – 12:00 or by email appointments
Phone: 3290-2827
E-mail: shijinyoo@korea.ac.kr
Course assistant: TBA

Course Objective

This course focuses on understanding the process and output of Marketing Research (MR)
as well as its applications. After taking this course, students will be able to implement a
complete cycle of MR including problem formulation, research design, data collection,
data analysis, interpretation, and results reporting. This course emphasizes an applied
approach with practical applications of marketing research in management.

Required Text

Burns, Alvin C. and Ann Veeck (2020), Marketing Research, 9th edition, Pearson
Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ. (8th edition also works)

Other reading materials will be posted on KU Blackboard (kulms.korea.ac.kr)

Course Evaluation

Exams 40 %
Group Assignments 40 %
Class Participation 20 %

Total 100 %

as of 15JUL2022 1

1. Exam (40%)

Mid-term (20%) and final exam (20%) will be conducted to check students’ understanding
on class topics. Students are expected to carefully read textbook chapters and other
assigned materials.

• Mid-term exam: Ch. 1 & Ch. 3 - 10

• Final exam: Ch. 1 & Ch. 3 - 10, Ch. 12 - 15

2. Group Assignments (40%)

Two group assignments will be given to check students’ comprehensive understanding of

class materials. Details will be announced.

3. Class Participation (20%)

Various kinds of class discussion / activity sessions will be conducted. Students are
expected to actively participate in these in-class exercises. Since most of the activities will
be based on group discussion, students should form a group, a size of FOUR or FIVE
members. Each group should upload its one-page profile on KU Blackboard (BB) >
Discussion Board by SEP19. The profile should at least include (1) group name, (2)
member list, and (3) group slogan.

Each group’s performance and contribution will be evaluated by the instructor while each
member’s contribution to group works will be evaluated by peers at the end of the

Each student should submit one-page self introduction (with a recent portrait photo) on
BB > Assignments by SEP14. This will be counted for a participation score.

as of 15JUL2022 2

Class Schedule

Date Topics Reading Remarks

SEP05 Introduction Ch. 1
SEP07 Markeitng Research Process Ch. 3
SEP12 No class (Chuseok holiday)
SEP14 Research Design Ch. 4 Due: Self Introduction
SEP19 Secondary Data Ch. 5 Due: Group Profile
SEP21 Qualitative Research Ch. 6
SEP26 Survey I Ch. 7
SEP28 Survey II Ch. 8
OCT03 No class (Gaechunjeol holiday)
OCT05 EX01: Questionnaire Development
OCT10 Experimentation Ch. 4
OCT12 EX02: Experiments Design
OCT17 SPSS Introduction TBA
OCT19 Sampling I Ch. 9
Due: Group
OCT24 Sampling II Ch. 10 Assignment II
OCT26 Mid-term Exam
OCT31 EX03: Sampling Exercise
NOV02 Descriptive Statistics Ch. 12
NOV07 EX04: Data Management Using SPSS
NOV09 Statistical Inference Ch. 12
NOV14 EX05: Hypothesis Development and Research Design
Differences Ch. 13
NOV23 EX06: Finding and Interpreting Differences
NOV28 Relationships Ch. 14
NOV30 EX07: Finding and Interepreting Relationships
DEC05 Regression I Ch. 15
DEC07 Regresion II Ch. 15
DEC12 EX08: Regression Applications
Group Assignment II presentation Due: Group
DEC19 Assignment II
DEC21 Final Exam
Note: This syllabus is subject to change with advance notice during the semester.

as of 15JUL2022 3

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