A Study On The Particle Removal Efficiency and Durability According To The Material of The Ionizer of The Fiber Brush Type Electric Precipitator
A Study On The Particle Removal Efficiency and Durability According To The Material of The Ionizer of The Fiber Brush Type Electric Precipitator
A Study On The Particle Removal Efficiency and Durability According To The Material of The Ionizer of The Fiber Brush Type Electric Precipitator
Abstract—In this study, we investigated the particulate matter To reduce the exposure of PM, various kinds of air cleaning
(PM) removal efficiency and durability of the two-stage electro- technic have been reported. Among them, two-stage electrostatic
static precipitator (ESP) different materials of brush-typed ionizers precipitators (ESPs) are frequently used to remove fine PMs
(non-metal: carbon fiber/metal: stainless steel (SUS) fiber). The PM
removal efficiency was reduced when the average diameter and from interior air as well as in industrial [6], [7], [8]. This kind
number of fibers of the brush-typed ionizer increased due to thin of ESP differs from single-stage ESPs, which charge particles
and multi-edge in a large number of fibers, which decreased the with high voltage before collecting them in the same cham-
average electric field, resulting in lower PM removal efficiencies. In ber on surfaces with the opposite charge. Two-stage ESPs are
contrast with the carbon fiber ionizer, when the SUS fiber ionizer
made up of a charging component that creates ions through a
was used, the PM removal efficiency was maintained for a long
time, due to its lower electrical resistivity (∼6.9 × 10−7 Ω ∗ m) of corona discharge and uses those ions to charge the particles,
the SUS fiber compared with the carbon fiber (∼5 × 10−4 Ω ∗ m), and a collection component that uses a powerful electric field to
which prevents the positive ions to be stacked on the fiber. There- collect negatively (positively) charged particles from negatively
fore, the present research showed the potential use to apply SUS (positively) charged plates [9].
fiber ionizers as two-stage ESPs for a future air pollution control
However, ozone (O3 ) is produced by the usual two-stage ESP
technology with high PM removal efficiency and durability without
ozone emission and additional maintenance. because of the plasma region of corona discharge in the particle
Index Terms—Brush-typed ionizer, durability, electrostatic charging section [10]. Because the high concentration of O3 can
precipitator, Particulate matter, Stainless steel fiber. cause allergies and damage the respiratory system of a person by
its strong oxidizing property [11], [12], it must be used carefully
I. INTRODUCTION in air purifiers for human usage because it is typically used in
HE World Health Organization (WHO) has classified industrial applications [13], [14]. So various studies for reducing
T the air pollutant, particulate matter (PM), as a first-grade
carcinogen [1]. This classification makes it a concern for public
O3 emission of two-stage ESP have been reported [15], [16],
[17], [18], [19]. In previous researches, Yasumoto et al. [20]
health when levels are high because PM exposure has negative found that the generation of O3 from an ESP decreased with
effects on the human body, including respiratory disease [2], decreasing electrode thickness. Moreover, because of their thin
heart failure [3], diabetes [4], temporary memory loss, and diameter of a few micrometers, fiber-brushed type electrodes
depression [5]. (for discharge electrodes) are significantly more effective at
reducing O3 generation in ESPs, according to research by Yehia
Manuscript received 6 February 2022; revised 18 July 2022; accepted 21 and Mizuno [21] on the geometric effect of electrode material on
September 2022. Date of publication 28 October 2022; date of current ver- O3 generation in dc corona discharges. Han et al. [22] developed
sion 19 January 2023. Paper 2022-EPC-0167.R1, presented at the 2021 IEEE
Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct. a carbon fiber-brushed type ionizer which can effectively charge
12, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY fine and ultra-fine particles, with near-zero O3 generation. Kim et
APPLICATIONS by the Electrostatic Processes Committee of the IEEE Industry al. investigated the O3 emission characteristics of brush-typed
Applications Society. This work was supported in part by the Korea Agency
for Infrastructure Technology Advance (KAIA) for the development of subway ionizers that varied in terms of their materials, the number of
air quality control technologies for particulate matter exposure reduction using edges on their electrodes, and the diameters of their high-voltage
artificial intelligence under Grant 22QPPW-C152306-04, and in part by the electrodes. They came to the conclusion that the low-ozone
National Research Foundation of Korea for the low-cost eco-friendly passive
subway ultrafine dust reduction technology development under Grant NRF- performance of the brush-typed ionizer is caused by the im-
2021M3E8A2100031. (Corresponding author: Hak-Joon Kim.) pact of thin and/or multi-edged electrodes [23]. Therefore, the
The authors are with the Department of Sustainable Environment Research, ionizer, which has a thin and large number of brushes, would
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Daejeon 34000, Korea (e-mail:
dhoonpark@kimm.re.kr; kjhg1020@kumoh.ac.kr; kbook95@kimm.re.kr; ha- be effective in charging the PMs with low O3 emission as
neol0616@kimm.re.kr; lyw90@kimm.re.kr; yjkim@kimm.re.kr; bhan@kimm. charging part of the two-stage ESP. However, the PM removal
re.kr; diayolk@kimm.re.kr). efficiency and durability of the two-stage ESP with the brush-
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at
https://doi.org/10.1109/TIA.2022.3217743. typed ionizers differing in terms of their materials have not been
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2022.3217743 reported.
0093-9994 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Taipei Univ. of Technology. Downloaded on March 23,2023 at 06:16:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 1. Schematic of a two-stage ESP. Detailed view of (a) the charging module and (b) the collection module with a collection plate.
In this study, we designed a two-stage ESP system, which brushed-typed ionizers, a field emission scanning electron mi-
includes the different materials of brush-typed ionizers (non- croscope (FESEM; JSM-7610F-Plus, JEOL, Japan) was used
metal: carbon fiber/metal: stainless steel (SUS) fiber). The PM to evaluate the average fiber diameter and number of fibers in
removal performance of the ESP was evaluated according to the bundle of ionizers. The non-metal collection module has a
the different materials of ionizers, and the durability of ionizers height of 600 mm and a width of 600 mm, and the height of each
differing in terms of their materials was investigated under long- collection plate is 520 mm and a width of 100 mm, and the gap
time operating conditions. between the collection plate and the ground is 5 mm (Fig. 1(b),
left). Carbon films with plastic coating, which enables to apply
II. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS on the small device by maximizing the specific surface area
of the collection plate [24]. Negative high-voltage and ground
A. Two-Stage ESP System electrodes were both made out of metal plates (Fig. 1(b), right).
A two-stage ESP system, which consists of two separate Different DC high-voltage supply (up to 30 kV/10 mA; Korea
collection and charging modules, was developed for the PM Switching, Korea) were connected to the charging and collection
removal test in this study. Fig. 1 shows the detailed view of the modules to create a high voltage.
two-stage ESP. The charging module (600 × 600 × 70 mm3 )
consisted of 25 brush-typed ionizers located in the center of 25 B. PM Removal Test
isolated channels at equal spacing (57.5 mm) from the grounded
wall of the channel (Fig. 1(a)), which could be applicable The experimental setup for the single-pass PM removal effi-
scale on industrial technology of atmospheric air purification. ciency test is shown in Fig. 2. In order to assess the effectiveness
In this study, the ‘commercially available’ ionizers (one car- of the two-stage ESP, atmospheric dust was employed as the test
bon fiber ionizer and three stainless steel (SUS) fiber ionizers) PMs. The charging module was located in front of the collection
were selected, which have the average diameter of its fibers in module with a distance of 60 mm. By controlling the fan speed
the range from 5 to 10 μm (the most cost-effective discharge using an inverter with a flow meter (TESTO 480, Testo SE &
electrode option for two-stage ESPs’ reduced O3 generation) Co. KgaA, Germany), the flow velocity of the acrylic duct was
[22], [23], [24], [25] to the charging module of the two-stage adjusted to 2 m/s, an applied voltage to the fiber brush in the
ESP with negative high voltage. In atmospheric conditions, the ionization stage was controlled from 0 to −15 kV, and a voltage
oxygen is relatively abundant compared with indoor conditions, of −8 kV was applied to the collection plate through a high
which makes the negative ions are more likely to occur at that voltage power supply. An optical particle counter (OPC, model
conditions [26], [27]. To obtain high collection efficiency due to 1.109; Grimm, Germany) is placed at the back of the collecting
high charge density from abundant negative ions, the negative stage to monitor the PM concentration in order to compute the
high voltage was used to generate the corona discharge. To PM removal effectiveness (1);
investigate the corona discharge properties of the ionizers, and
during the PM removal and durability tests, we allowed the ηPM = 1 − × 100 (%) (1)
voltage to the ionizer to vary from 0 to −15 kV depending on
the electrode material. We measured the applied voltages and where ηPM denotes the PM removal efficiency, and Coff and
corona currents using digital multimeters (Model 286; Fluke Con indicate the particle number concentrations of downstream
Corp., Tokyo, Japan) with a high-voltage divider probe at a from the two-stage ESP when it is off and operating, respectively.
ratio of 1000:1. And to measure geometric properties of the To evaluate the PM removal performance, a concentration of
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C. Durability Test
Two-staged ESP was operated under actual operating condi-
tions (2 m/s flow rate, −13 kV and −8 kV, respectively, applied
voltages to the charging and collection modules). The measure-
ments have been carried out with the presence of atmospheric
dust which was dispersed in the real atmospheric environment,
for 4 hours and 60 hours (Fig. 2). During the experiment, the
PM removal efficiency of two-stage ESP and corona discharge Fig. 3. Digital photo of the brush-typed ionizers (upper). SEM images of fibers
in the bundle of ionizers (lower). Scale bars, 20 µm.
current were measured simultaneously. The data were measured
every 20 mins and 60 mins for 4 hours and 60 hours test
similar number of fibers compared with the SUS fiber ionizer
(ionizer B; fiber number ratio ∼1.26).
Fig. 4(a) shows the ozone concentrations of the different
Fig. 3 shows digital photo and SEM images of brushed-typed ionizers for 40 mins. The average ozone concentrations of carbon
ionizers. The average fiber of carbon fiber ionizer (ionizer A) and SUS brush for 40 mins were about 0.145 and 0.229 ppb,
was thinner than that of SUS fiber ionizers (ionizer B, C, D). respectively, indicating near-zero O3 generation was achieved
Table I provided detailed information of the brush-typed with brush-typed ionizers regardless of their materials. The
ionizers. The carbon fiber ionizer, number of fibers in the bundle corona discharge currents of the ionizers A and B are shown
of which was about 4.9 × 104 , has about 7.23 μm of average fiber in Fig. 4(b) as the applied voltage increases. The onset voltage
diameter, which is a smaller size than the average fiber diameter of ionizer A was −1.8 kV, indicating a current of 0.0777 mA at
of the SUS fiber ionizers (∼9.63 μm), indicating that the carbon −15 kV, and the onset voltage of ionizer B was −3 kV, indicating
fiber ionizer would be more effective on charging the PMs due to a current of 0.0653 mA at −15 kV. The carbon fiber ionizer has
its thinner fiber, which is effective on generating more ions, with a slightly higher discharge current than the SUS fiber ionizer.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: National Taipei Univ. of Technology. Downloaded on March 23,2023 at 06:16:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 7 shows the durability of the SUS fiber ionizer for 4 hours
and 60 hours. In contrast with the carbon fiber, the results showed
that the corona discharge current and PM removal efficiency
were maintained even for 60 hours, attributing to a much lower
electrical resistivity (∼6.9 × 10−7 Ω ∗ m) of the SUS fiber
compared with the carbon fiber (∼5 × 10−4 Ω ∗ m) which
resulted that the positive ions were not stacked on the fiber.
In this study, we developed the two-stage ESP to confirm
its potential use on commercial technology of atmospheric air
purification on industrial-scale applications. To summarize, we
studied the PM removal efficiency and durability of a two-
stage ESP with various ionizers. We evaluated the PM removal
performance of the two-stage ESP system in which different
materials of brush-typed ionizers (non-metal: carbon fiber /
metal: stainless steel (SUS) fiber) were applied to the charging
module. And the durability of ionizers differing in terms of their
materials was investigated under long-time operating conditions.
By adjusting the applied voltage of the charging module and
the collection module, the PM removal experiment was carried
out. When a voltage of −8 kV was provided to the collection
module, the PM removal efficiency increased from 50.9% to
85.9% and from 32.9% to 84.9% utilizing carbon fiber ionizer
and SUS fiber ionizer, respectively, at a flow velocity of 2 m/s
Fig. 6. Corona discharge currents and PM removal efficiencies of the carbon and applied voltages of −5 to −15 kV to the charging module. It
fiber ionizer for (a) 4 hours [for 1 mins; inset] and (b) 60 hours.
confirmed that the carbon fiber ionizer would be more effective
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