Low Flow Sys - How

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How Low-Flow Systems Can Help You

providing insights for todays HVAC system designer

Give Your Customers What They Want

Throughput fast-paced downsized. Weve all heard these terms and we know all too well their impact on our workload: theres more to do and less time to do it! The following table characterizes the daily dilemma that confronts us as we juggle many projects, i.e. what were forced to do versus what wed like to or should do. Does it strike a little too close to home?
Forced To But Would Like To

each customer better. To get that extra bit of time means showing the customer that theres a sound business reason for making that investment. That shouldnt be difficult. After all, what are our customers really looking for? Lower installed costs and lower operating costs. This newsletter describes an approach used successfully by some system designers to buy a little more time and better serve their customers. But first, a little history n

norm? Were not sure. But it worked, it became the standard test condition, and its been that way ever since. Yesterday In the years that followed, chiller efficiency increased more than 75 percent: coefficient-of-performance (COP) ratings that were once 4.1 climbed to 7.2! However, that same period saw little improvement in the efficiency of cooling towers and pumps. Despite the significant improvement in chiller efficiency, 3 gpm/ton remained the normal condenser flow rate for chilled water plant designs. With that brief history lesson, lets see how a small investment of time can help us do a better job of giving customers what they want. Today We can reduce system operating costs, sometimes dramatically, just by changing the amount of water

s Do it close

s Do it right
technology when appropriate

s Use rules of thumb s Use new

s Do it like I did the s Reengineer

last time

A Paradigm Shift
25 Years Ago Many chilled water systems used a condenser flow rate of 3 gpm/ton. This yielded a temperature differential of approximately 10 F. Why did 3 gpm/ton and 10 F become the

s Mundane work

s Solve problems
and have some FUN!

s Get off the job

s Serve the customer

The last point is perhaps the toughest to swallow because it suggests that were allowing time constraints to compromise the service we render our customers. Given a lot more time per project, we could conduct an exhaustive analysis and arrive at a system design that optimizes the entire building. But investing even a little more time would enable us to serve

Figure 1 Centrifugal Chiller Performance History

k W /to n 0 .9 0

0 .8 0

0 .7 0

0 .6 0

0 .5 0 Y e a r 1 9 7 0 1 9 7 5 1 9 8 0 1 9 8 5 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 5 2 0 0 0

American Standard Inc. 1997

Volume 26, No. 2

August 1997 s

flowing through the condenser. To demonstrate, lets compare a 450-ton chilled water system designed with traditional flow rates to one designed with lower-than-normal condenser water flow. Traditional base design assumptions s 78 F wet bulb (normal for many humid climates)
s 85 F entering condenser water s 2.4 gpm/ton evaporator flow rate

Table 1 compares the operating conditions and resulting full-load energy consumption of the system. Notice that simply reducing the condenser water flow rate from 3 gpm/ton to 2 gpm/ton with the same chiller lowers the combined power consumption of the chiller, cooling tower and condenser water pump by nearly 2 percent! (As well discuss later, 2 gpm/ton isnt magic; but from a system standpoint, it often yields good performance.) Another look at Table 1 reveals a second benefit of the low-flow design: it accommodates a smaller (less expensive) cooling tower and condenser water pump. What do our customers want? Lower installed costs and lower operating cost. The low-flow design delivers both. Knowing that HVAC systems often operate at non-design conditions, lets see how the low-flow design fares at part load. Our example cooling tower and condenser water pump are constant-flow devices, so their power consumption remains unchanged. Table 2 indicates the example chillers ARI-certified performance at several part-load conditions. Notice that chiller kW actually increases with the low-flow design.

(10 F T)
s 3.0 gpm/ton condenser flow rate

(~10 F T)
s 30-foot pressure drop through

But as Figure 2 (facing page) reveals, the low-flow system design costs less to operate at all load points. It also suggests that even if theres no savings at design conditions, the many hours spent operating at part load can still yield a significant cost savings. Your challenge is to buy enough time to explore this option on your next chilled water job. How much is enough? It shouldnt be more than 30 minutesjust long enough to select a chiller (ask the manufacturer), tower (ask the manufacturer) and pumps (ask the manufacturer); then add them up. The payoff is value-added service for your customer and the likelihood of repeat business for you. Table 2 Chiller Power At Various Loads
Load 100% 75% 50% 25% Base Design 256.0 kW 181.5 kW 125.0 kW 74.5 kW Low-Flow Design 275.0 kW 193.5 kW 132.0 kW 79.0 kW

condenser water piping

s 93-percent efficiency for pump and

tower motors
s 75-percent pump efficiency

Low-flow design assumptions s 2.0 gpm/ton condenser flow rate (~15 F T)

s same condenser water piping as base

s same chiller as base design s all other assumptions match those of

System Considerations
Low-flow designs are appropriate for both new and existing systems. Applications with long piping runs offer the greatest potential installed and operating cost savings. While our example was based on a fairly humid climate, many designers achieve comparable savings with low-flow applications in dry climates. Note: In existing systems, be sure to determine the minimum water flow rate needed to maintain efficient heat transfer at the cooling tower.

the base design

Table 1 Comparison Of System Design Conditions And Power Requirementsa

System Component Base Design Power consumption Condenser pressure drop 256.0 kW (0.569 kW/ton) 19.9 ft 30 hp (24.1 kW) 19.1 ft 30 ft 31.4 hp (25.2 kW) 305.2 kW Low-Flow Design 275.0 kW b (0.611 kW/ton) 9.6 ft 20 hp (16.0 kW) 12.6 ft 13.3 ftc 10.8 hp (8.7 kW)

s Chiller

s Cooling tower Fan horsepower

Static head

s Condenser
water (CW) circuit Piping pressure drop Pump power

Chiller + Tower + CW Pump Power

299.7 kW

Additional Design Options

Evaluating the options associated with an untraditional design concept such as low flow requires an additional investment of time. As system designers, we need to make sure that were

The chilled water pump was omitted to simplify this comparison since its power requirement is identical in both example systems. Yes, the chiller draws more power but the meter is on the building. Pressure drop through a pipe changes with the square of the flow: 30 (2/3)2 = 13.3.

b c

s 2

Trane Engineers Newsletter Vol. 26, No. 2


Figure 2 System Energy Consumption Comparison

3 5 0 B a s e D e s ig n 3 0 0 2 5 0 2 0 0 1 5 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 L o w - F lo w D e s ig n

Our job, as system designers, is to present our customers with Option 1 and Option 2, and allow them to make the business decision between installed costs and operating costs. Option 3. If sufficient, use the installed cost savings from the downsized pumps, towers and/or piping to purchase an even more efficient chiller. Theres simply no substitute for raw efficiency. n

E n e r g y C o n s u m p t io n , k W

1 6 .2 % S a v in g s

1 0 .0 % S a v in g s

5 .4 % S a v in g s

1 .8 % S a v in g s

All our customers really want are lower installed and operating costs.

2 5 %

5 0 % S y ste m L o a d

7 5 %

1 0 0 %

s Low-flow systems allow you to offer

your customer both lower installed and operating costs. compensated for the value (i.e. reduced first costs and/or operating costs) we add when we make that investment. Here are several options to consider as you evaluate the benefits a low-flow design can give the customer of your next chilled water plant project. Option 1. The condenser water flow rate that yields the greatest operating cost savings isnt necessarily 2 gpm/ton. It depends on a number of variables and must be calculated for each job. Determining the optimum rate is an iterative task that can take hours if done manually. With the help of a PC-based tool like System Analyzer, Tranes HVAC energy and economic analysis software, a preliminary examination should take just 30 to 60 minutes. Note: Significant operating cost savings are often achieved by reducing the condenser water flow rate. However, additional cost savings may be possible if you reduce the chilled water flow rate as well. Dont overlook this possibility when making your analysis. Option 2. Is a pipe size reduction practical? If so (and thats often the case, though it wasnt warranted for our example), you can also reduce the size of the valves. Both reductions lower the systems installed cost. The potential savings can be particularly substantial in applications with long piping runs (e.g. chiller in the basement, cooling tower on the roof). One caveat: Reducing the pipe size increases pipe friction, so operating costs will increase.
s It doesnt take long to examine the

benefits of a low-flow system.

s Always remember: the meter is on

the building. Armed with this knowledge, lets shake off the forced to mentality and do what wed like to: do it right take advantage of new technology reengineer solve problems (having fun while we do) and really serve our customers. s By Mick Schwedler PE, applications engineer, and Brenda Bradley, information designer, The Trane Company. If youd like to comment on this article, send a note to The Trane Company, Engineers Newsletter Editor, 3600 Pammel Creek Road, La Crosse WI 54601, or to http://www.trane.com.

With rare exception, the electrical meter measures building consumption. If you really want your design to add value, dont let anyone convince you or your customer to ignore any part of the system.

providing insights for todays HVAC system designer

3 s

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