LAN Configuration: CNE - Tutorial Guide

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Faculty of Information Technology

CNE – Tutorial Guide

Week 1
LAN Configuration
(Windows & Linux environment)

I. Configure your real PC in computer lab:

IP range ( -
Network mask (
Gateway (

Start -> Setting -> Network & Internet -> Change adapter options

R Right click on "Ethernet" then choose Properties.

On Windows XP: Click on Network icon in the System Tray  choose Properties
or Start  Control Panel  Network Connections  right click on "Local Area Network"
then choose Properties.
Double click on “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”, fill in information then click OK.

Here I choose for my PC’s IP address. You can choose any IP from the IP
range. However, to avoid IP conflict (because PCs in the same network cannot have the same
IP), you can choose number based on your student ID number, for example: your student ID is
0501040101 so you can choose IP like:

Open cmd (Start  Run  type cmd) and ping your own PC’s IP and then your
friend PC:
For example: ping

II. Work with some Commands.

Open cmd on your PC to work with these commands.

1. ipconfig

Configure IP (internet protocol configuration)


ipconfig /all: Display full configuration information.

ipconfig /release [adapter]: Release the IP address for the specified adapter.
For example: ipconfig /release "Ethernet”
Ipconfig /all

On Windows XP: ipconfig /release “Local Area Connection”

ipconfig /renew [adapter]: Renew the IP address for the specified adapter.
For example: ipconfig /renew "Ethernet"

On Windows XP: ipconfig /renew “Local Area Connection”

More @

2. ping

Ping is used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network or

to self test the network interface card or as a speed test.

It works by sending ICMP echo request packets to the target host and listening
for ICMP echo response replies.

In lab 414C we may not ping so just try pinging other PCs in lab
or gateway. You can practice more at home. IP address of
byte=32: size of ping packet (32 bytes)
times=13ms: round trip times - The elapsed time for transit of a signal over a closed circuit, or
time elapsed for a message to a remote place and back again.
TTL=57: is a limit on the period of time or number of iterations or transmissions in computer and
computer network technology that a unit of data (e.g. a packet) can experience before it should
be discarded.

When the host was down:

When the host was up:

When IP address was out of range:

More @

3. nslookup

DNS (Domain Name System) is an internet system to translate names into IP

addresses and nslookup (Name server lookup) is used to query DNS servers to
find DNS details.
More @
4. netstat

Netstat displays network connections (both incoming and outgoing), routing tables,
and a number of network interface statistics.

For using parameters guide, please see more @

5. tracert

Tracert (similar to traceroute in Linux) allows you to determine the route

packets take through a network to reach a particular host that you specify.
For using parameters guide, type: tracert /?

More @

6. nmap

Download and install nmap for Windows. After installing, read the instruction on
executing Nmap on Windows:

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a security scanner used to discover computers

and services on a computer network.

nmap [ <Scan Type> ...] [ <Options> ] { <target specification> }

Reference Guide for using Nmap:

III. LAN configuration with Packet Tracer

1. What is Package Tracer?

- A standalone, medium-fidelity, simulation-based learning environment

for networking novices to design, configure, and troubleshoot
computer networks at a CCNA-level of complexity.
- Supports student and instructor creation of simulations,
visualizations, and animations of networking phenomena.
2. Download Package Tracer (choose Student
version or 6.x version, with 7.x or 8.x version
you need to have an account):
3mowqpWxHW_G6Z/view?usp=share_link (Packet
Tracer 6.2)
3. Learn how to use Package Tracer:
 Help  Contents… (or press F1): The help files are designed to familiarize
users with the Packet Tracer interface, functions, and features.
 Help  Tutorials (or press F11): The tutorials demonstrate the
basic functions, features, and aspects of Packet Tracer.
4. Tutorial guide:
In this tutorial section, you will use Package Tracer to set up a Local
Area Network (LAN).

Scenario: Using Package Tracer to design a LAN using 1 switch and 1

hub, cross-over cable to connect switch - hub, copper straight-through
cables to connect switch/hub – computer/laptop.
Now you can ping successfully from PC0 to Laptop1:
IV. EXTRA: Network configuration in Linux (Debian)
Login Debian using this account:
User: fit
Password: fit

Using graphic interface: Open network configuration tool in the top bar at System
 Administration  Network

Using command line (recommended): Open terminal tool in the top bar
at Applications  Accessories  Terminal

If you use command line, follow these steps:

+ Switch to root account: type in the terminal this command: su root,
then type the password, which is: fithanu (for example)

+ Open and edit interface file, type this into the terminal:
nano /etc/network/interfaces
+ by default you'll see something like this:
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface - use DHCP to find

our address
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
+ And if you want to fix your IP, modify it to:
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network

interface auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
+ After changes are made, don't forget to restart the networking by running
/etc/init.d/networking restart in the terminal.

To see the IP address of your machine, in the terminal (using root

account) type: ifconfig (in Windows, it is ipconfig, don’t be confused).

Ping from other PC to check your network configuration.

III. Self-study
Try configuring network in some other distributions of Linux.

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