Surge Protective Devices
Surge Protective Devices
Surge Protective Devices
What is a surge? they can add up over time, weakening the sensitive
A power surge or transient is a subcycle disturbance in circuitry in today’s electronic devices. External
the ac waveform that is evidenced by a sharp, brief disturbances, like surges from utility line switching or
discontinuity of the waveform[2]. In the United States, lightning, occur approximately 20 percent of the time,
standard voltage for residential and commercial but their strength can be devastating [4].
structures is 120 and 240 volts [3]. When the voltage
deviates from these levels, damage can occur to Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) help prevent damage
connected equipment. to electrical equipment, electronic devices, or
appliances. They also play a critical role during an
Electrical surges can cause disruptions in computer emergency or for the proper operation of the
signals and microprocessors, degradation of electrical grid. Knowing and specifying the correct
component junctions that cause random, delayed type of SPD for the applications or using the right
failure, or instant damage to electrical components. methods to test SPDs is critical.
Emergency systems surge protection
SPDs are designed to relieve pressure-sensitive the protection and reliability of power infrastruc-
valves, diverting this extra current to ground. ture for critical operations power systems (COPS)
located inside critical facilities. COPS areas are
At the heart of many SPDs are metal oxide varistors identified by government agencies and autorities
(MOVs) that have an internal crystalline structure, having jurisdiction (AHJs) and designated by spe-
containing zinc oxide. When exposed to over- cific codes listed within Section 708.
voltage, or a transient surge, the varistors switch
from a nearly open state to a clamping state. This One can have a designated critical operations area
is enough to bridge the gaps within the crystalline (DCOS) or COPS within a critical facility. Critical
structure, and the MOV becomes an active part of facilities include any entity that, if damaged, might
the circuit, providing an attractive path to ground disrupt national security, the economy, public
to protect the equipment downstream. health or safety. Obvious critical facilities include:
• Law enforcement
Turn-on voltage: This is the level at which the MOV • Fire departments
begins to activate. • Military installations
• Hospitals, doctors’ offices
Clamping voltage (also referred to as “let-through • Financial institutions
voltage”): This specifies the voltage that will be • Water and wastewater treatment
seen by the downstream (connected) equipment. • Airports and air traffic control
Clamping voltages vary and they also are directly • Traffic light systems
influenced even more so by the quality of the SPD • Other government agencies
installation . According to the UL 1449 4th Edition
VPR (voltage protective rating) surge value of 6 Both the NEC and National Electrical Manufacturers
kV/3 kA, a good clamping voltage for a 120 V Association (NEMA) specify that SPDs must be used
system would be 700 or 800 volts. A lower clamping for each voltage level of the facility’s service
voltage indicates better protection. entrance and distribution panels:
• NEC Article 708.20 (D): Surge protection
Critical operations power systems devices shall be provided at all facility
NEC guidelines have been established to increase distribution voltage levels[5].
W H I T E PA P E R 3
Types of surge protection devices
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W H I T E PA P E R 5
Ensuring proper function
Surge protection devices are available in a range To help provide confidence that the SPD will
of ratings to accomodate the level of protection perform at its stated strength and redundancy, it is
needed. Higher surge current ratings provide a level recommended that independent laboratory tests
of protection with greater redundancy that be conducted for any project requiring surge
intended to extend the useful life especially for protective devices.
installations where stronger and more frequent
surge activity will occur. However, much like any Additional resources
insurance policy, better protection comes at a The following links are additional resources on the
higher cost. NEC guidelines for surge protection in emergency
facilities and renewable energy applications:
Surge current ratings used to classify SPDs can be
determined in two ways: Electrical Safety Foundation International.
• Calculated: The surge current rating is the sum of
all the MOVs in a given mode or phase; three 50 kA devices-626
MOVs A-N are equal to 150 kA per mode. However,
there are elements that may reduce the ability of The NEMA Surge Protection Institute (NSPI) is
the SPD to successfully address a surge current of an educational outreach effort initiated by the
this calculated size. Design and assembly factors low voltage surge protective devices section
such as internal wiring, overcurrent protection of the National Electrical Manufacturers
devices and overall component quality can Association (NEMA).
diminish the SPD's ability to perform as
• Independently verified: An independent testing A listing of each state and the status
laboratory tests the SPD to measure the surge of NEC adoption.
current rating. This ensures the SPD has
successfully passed surge current testing that use/NEC-adoption-maps
meets or exceeds the SPD's surge current rating.
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6 R E G U L AT O R Y A N D I N D U S T R Y U P D AT E S F O R S U R G E P R O T E C T I V E D E V I C E S ( S P D S )
AC voltage SPD applications and location guide
Line side requires Type 1 SPD
per NEC 242 and UL 1449.
IEEE C62.41.2 Category C
• IEEE: Category C — Service entrance exposure Type 1 SPD
• NEC 242 and NRTL: SPD Type 1, 2 or equivalent
Type 4 Line side
• N and G are bonded (i.e., L-N and L-G are same)
Load side
• Higher available fault currents require
appropriate SCCR ratings Service
• Historical kA ratings:
- Per phase: 400 kA to 200 kA per phase
- Per mode: 200 kA to 100 kA per mode Surge current kA ratings for Type 1 UL 96A lightning protection
all categories are subjective. or 2 SPD system SPDs at service
(Per phase generally considered sum of L-N plus L-G) Consult SPD manufacturer entrances require 20 kA
for specific recommendations. L-N and UL mark.
Images depicted herein are for demonstration purposes. Each facility is different and user
needs may vary. Adjust accordingly, based on equipment value and/or downtime expenses.
W H I T E PA P E R 7
Type 1
or 2 SPD
Type 1
or 2 SPD
Indoor Branch
Equipment installed outside of the building could increase exposure level to Category C. Series or two-port SPDs may disconnect
Consider effects of ground potential rises from direct lightning strikes to earth. downstream loads at end of life.
ESFI: 2020 National Electrical Code Major [5]
National electrical code handbook, 2014. (2014).
Changes." ESFI. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection.
(accessed August 4, 2020). [6]
National electrical code handbook, 2020.
(2020). Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
IEEE 1100™ - 2005, - IEEE Recommended Association.
Practice for Powering and Ground Electronic
Equipment (the Emerald Book). [7]
Surge Protective Device Type Application
Considerations. NEMA. https://www.
Electrical Voltages. Electrical101. http://www. SPD-Type-Application-Considerations-Rev-
(Accessed August 05, 2020). Date-01-31-2013.pdf. (accessed August 4, 2020).
The Need for Surge Protection Devices . NEMA
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