Contested Activities With Guidelines
Contested Activities With Guidelines
Contested Activities With Guidelines
(One representative per section)
The theme/topic will be given on the contest proper
The contestants will be given an official paper provided by the English club for the final
Contestants will be given one hour and thirty minutes to construct their piece
Winners will participate for the spoken word poetry event.
1st , 2nd and 3rd placers will be awarded
Outputs will be judged according to the following criteria:
Criteria Percentage
Content (Appropriateness of the language, 40%
comprehensiveness of the language)
Purpose: To serve as a way to share students artistic process and to be able to express their
feelings towards Valentine’s Day through film making.
Purpose: The event provides opportunities for audiences and bands alike. Framing the concert
as a competition between sections allows for a great diversity in musical styles and gives student
performances an equal chance to perform. Performances will all be by students and cover the
genre of love in Valentine’s Day.
(One band per grade level)
Each band will have a maximum of 8 members
Contestants will perform any song that expresses love.
Each band will perform only 1 song of their choice.
There will be no repetition of songs so students must submit their choice of song one day
before the competition.
Winners will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
Criteria Percentage
Voice Quality (Tonality, blending and technique) 50%
Style and Performance (Rendition qualities, discipline, timing 30%
and precision, choreography, delivery, selection of song)
Over-all Appeal (stage appeal, audience impact) 20%
TOTAL 100%
Purpose: To promote the art of making as it allows students to express their creativity through
paper art. Participation in the arts may even assist students with language, motor skills, and
visual learning development.
(1-3 representatives per section)
Each group will have one hour to create their piece
Each section will provide their own materials.
2 Members from the English club will facilitate
Winners will be rewarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
All finished outputs will be displayed in an art exhibit
Participants will have 1 hour to create their masterpiece
Criteria Percentage
Workmanship (Construction method, suited to article design, 60%
applied finish etc.)
Design and Color (Simplicity and the art, pleasing combination 25%
of colors)
General Appearance (Pleasant and attractive, completed output, 15%
worth the time spent)
TOTAL 100%
Judges: TBD
METHOD 20 pts
Individual and team speech structure
Responsiveness to the dynamics of the debate
In cases of a tie, the team with higher speaker points will advance to the next round.
81-83 All of the speeches were relevant to the
debate, the responses were damaging to the
other teams, and the substantiation was quite
rigorous and concretized.
77-80 All of the speeches were relevant to the
debate, the responses were generally strong,
and the substantiation was generally rigorous
and concretized.
74-76 Most of the speech was relevant to the
debate, the responses were sound and
logical, the substantiation was generally
sound and logical.
Criteria Percentage
Originality 10%
Content 40%
Uniqueness 10%
Relevance to the Theme 15%
Design 25%
TOTAL 100%
Judges: TBD