Lenormand Cards Keywords

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Key words

General: The main entry gives you the approach and flavor of each card, speaking about how it behaves in a
reading, and the kinds of people or occupations associated with it. It also offers comparisons and contrasting
themes so that you understand the nuance of each card.
Effect: Cards are often interpreted as either challenging, fortunate, or neutral. Remember that a challenging
card can have a positive effect and vice versa. For instance, Mountain + Mice indicates that an obstacle is
diminished, while Stars + Garden can refer to public exposure.
Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, an d Adverbs: These parts of speech give the linguistic keywords for each card so
that you can find ways of creating statements and sentences. Please add your own findings here as your
vocabulary builds. These words are not exhaustive, merely a selection of the usual meanings rendered into
convenient forms.
People: Some occupations and the kinds of people associated with the card are given here.
Timing: This refers to when you can expect a prediction to occur.
See chapter 12 for more on timing.
Lenorm and Universe: A nontraditional, mythic title that has arisen from my own practice. See chapter 8 for
more on the Lenormand Universe.

        01 – Rider (aka Horseman, Cavalier)

Effect: Fortunate. Rider generally brings good things.
Nouns: News; message; visitor; haste; act; delivery; progress; invitation; mail; parcel.
Adjectives: Speedy; versatile; athletic; active; updated; progressive; informal.
Verbs: Arrive; witness; inform; send; announce; ride; initiate; approach; invite; run.
Adverbs: Speedily; athletically; actively; hastily; progressively.
People: Equestrian; go-between; courier; agent; eligible young man; initiator; forerunner.
Timing: Rider is speedy in effect and denotes soon.
Lenorm and Universe: Deliverer of Destiny.

        02 – Clover
Effect: Fortunate, but remember Clover’s fortune is brief!
Nouns: Luck; small gain; ease; humor; good-luck charm; game; lottery; gambit; fun.
Adjectives: Fortunate; opportune; spontaneous; carefree; happy-go lucky; easy; light; play; ephemeral; brief.
Verbs: Risk; gamble; win; chance.
Adverbs: Fortunately; fleetingly; easily; humorously; opportunistically.
People: A chancer; a single person; a gamer; gambler; opportunist; clown; stand-up comedian.
Timing: Now or immediately.
Lenormand Universe: Luck.

        03 – Ship
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Overseas; journey; voyage; transfer; soul; motivation; trade; away; over; trip; vehicle; wish.
Adjectives: Foreign; wandering; strange; international; transient; distant.
Verbs: Travel; translate; yearn; navigate; pilot; export; go; transact; motivate.
Adverbs: Yearningly; movingly; distantly; strangely.
People: Stranger; foreigner; sailor; marine; traveler; immigrant; emigrant; rover; travel agent; exporter.
Timing: Within months.
Lenormand Universe: Foreign Service.

        04 – House
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Home; household; comfort; headquarters; foundation; nuclear family; brand.
Adjectives: Domestic; familial; internal; in-house; local; inside;
Verbs: Dwell; reside; shelter; inhabit; found; settle; base.
Adverbs: Residentially; domestically; comfortably.
People: Resident; householder; homeowner; homing pigeon; realtor; landlord.
Timing: December; morning.
Lenormand Universe: Hearth of Destiny.
        05 – Tree
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Patience; DNA; well-being; blueprint; time; ancestral memory; network; life; system; ancestors.
Adjectives: Slowly; boring; long-lasting; healthy; genetic; living.
Verbs: Grow; slow down; endure; heal; extend; bear; systematize.
Adverbs: Healthfully; lastingly; patiently; memorably; systemically.
People: Patient; doctor; therapist; tree specialist; extended family; ancestors.
Timing: Very slowly.
Lenormand Universe: Destined Connections.

        06 – Clouds
Effect: Challenging on its dark side. Improving on its sunny side.
Nouns: Confusion; intransigence; head-trip; thoughts; suspicion.
Adjectives: Overcast; depressed; ambiguous; cloudy; cerebral; crazy; troubled.
Verbs: Avoid; hide; question; doubt; muddle; suspect.
Adverbs: Madly; confusedly; doubtingly; ambiguously.
People: Moody or ambiguous person; eccentric; depressive; theorist; pessimist; suspect; widower.
Tim ing: November.
Lenormand Universe: Fateful Confusion.

        07 – Snake
Effect: Challenging.
Nouns: Difficult woman; rivalry; treachery; betrayal; envy; upset; hypocrisy; pride; complexity.
Adjectives: Jealous; complex; sophisticated; exclusive; shrewd; clever; exotic; devious; impressive.
Verbs: Complicate; meander; twist; poison; fascinate; tempt; manipulate.
Adverbs: Jealously; treacherously; venomously; exclusively; cleverly.
People: A rival; siren; mistress; iconic bitch; divorcee; widow; separated woman; the other woman; a
sophisticated, intelligent, or career woman.
Tim ing: February.
Lenormand Universe: Consequences of Fate.

        08 – Coffin
Effect: Challenging.
Nouns: Bankruptcy; nothing; death; funeral; finality; deadline; silence; misfortune; rest; musical instrument.
Adjectives: Mortal; completed; sick; depletion; redundant; final; numb; deadened; lugubrious; void; ill;
unlucky; closed; stale; boxed; empty; deaf.
Verbs: End; discontinue; decline; forget; block-out; extinguish; refuse; stagnate; excavate; silence.
Adverbs: Deathly; forgetfully; depletedly; declining; sickeningly; silently.
People: Archaeologist; ghost; undertaker; coroner; someone from your past.
Timing: Midnight; a few months off.
Lenormand Universe: Unluckiness.

        09 – Bouquet (aka Flowers)

Effect: Fortunate. Bouquet brings us nice or pleasurable things.
Nouns: Gift; selection; enjoyment; palette; deeds; aptitude; talent; repertoire; perfume; color; fashion; self-
Adjectives: Surprising; skilled; various; artistic; pictorial; illustrated; delightful; pleasurable.
Verbs: Give; design; enjoy; charm; invite; do; make; beautify; decorate.
Adverbs: Skillfully; pleasurably; invitingly; charmingly; colorfully.
People: Designer; model; beautician; interior decorator; florist; makeup artist.
Timing: Spring.
Lenormand Universe: Gift of Service.

        10 – Scythe
Effect: Challenging.
Nouns: Break; accident; surgery; operation; rupture; wound; scar; disconnection; division.
Adjectives: Curtailed; sudden; sharp; succinct; concise; irrevocable; dangerous; risky; decisive; resolute;
Verbs: Cut; sever; divide; reap; gather; harvest; rake; sort; collect; remove.
Adverbs: Dividedly; quickly; accidentally; collectedly; dangerously.
People: Surgeon; dentist; risk assessor; farmer; tailor; dressmaker; war victim; amputee; soldier.
Timing: Sudden; autumn.
Lenormand Universe: Dangerous risk.

        11 – Whip (aka Rod, Broom)

Effect: Challenging.
Nouns: Dispute; argument; research; sexuality; a physical workout; discipline; violence; assault; aggression;
conversation; questions; coercion; rhetoric.
Adjectives: Repeating; sexy; abusive; rough; investigate; persuasive; active.
Verbs: Discuss; argue; exercise; practice; punish; run; vilify; criticize; strike; dance.
Adverbs: Sweepingly; repeatedly; abusively; violently; argumentatively.
People: Critic; canvasser; sex worker; whistle-blower; troublemaker; repeater; lawyer; advocate.
Timing: September; over and over.
Lenormand Universe: Fateful Discrimination.

        12 – Birds
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Gossip; phone call; anxiety; disquiet; busyness; announcement of pregnancy; rumor.
Adjectives: Talkative; nervous; curious; garrulous; stressful; hectic; vocal; oral.
Verbs: Excite; spout; chatter; phone; state.
Adverbs: Excitedly; anxiously; restlessly; curiously; orally.
People: Recording engineer; talk-show host; telephone operator; siblings.
Timing: Currently; now; twilight.
Lenormand Universe: Speculating Luck.
        13 – Child
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Novelty; beginning; innocence; wonder; faux pas; debut; small.
Adjectives: Young; new; immature; naive; simple; asexual; inexperienced; vulnerable; fragile; little;
Verbs: Start; wonder; trust; begin; infantilize.
Adverbs: Trustingly; innocently; naively.
People: Small person; student; learner; rookie; newbie; a minor; simpleton; debutant or beginner; a child or
Timing: August.
Lenormand Universe: Simplicity of service.
        14 – Fox
Effect: Challenging.
Nouns: Trickery; theft; stealth; self-employment; lie; scam; larceny; mistake.
Adjectives: Wrong; cunning; guilty; clever; underhanded; deceitful; fraudulent; predatory; vigilant; streetwise.
Verbs: Survive; cheat; steal; manipulate; take advantage of; dodge; outsmart.
Adverbs: Trickily; cunningly; manipulatively; fraudulently.
People: Imposter; con artist; trickster; predator; detective; black sheep; cheat; vigilante.
Timing: Noon; a few months off.
Lenormand Universe: Fateful Survival.
        15 – Bear
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Strength; power; force; benefits; capital; affluence.
Adjectives: Strong; overwhelming; big; large; fat; uxorious; dominant; obese; well-built.
Verbs: Protect; empower; resource; accumulate.
Adverbs: Strongly; overwhelmingly; resourcefully.
People: Director; patron or matron; benefactor; boss; mother; grand mother; lawyer; judge; entrepreneur;
older woman.
Timing: Not for a long time.
Lenormand Universe: Force of Fate.

        16 – Star
Effect: Fortunate. Stars indicate things that are clear, clean, and blessed in their intent.
Nouns: Inspiration; wishes; precision; science; direction; hopes; harmony; good judgment; universe; prophecy;
dreams; potential; exposure; divine providence; creative intelligence; electricity.
Adjectives: Clarity; northern; antiseptic; clean; wireless; celestial; psychic; metaphysical; innovative; tolerant;
equitable; visionary; idealistic.
Verbs: Guide; show; bless; clarify; improve; aspire; align; divine; envision; expose.
Adverbs: Blessedly; clearly; hopefully; electrifyingly; inspirationally; intelligently.
Timing: Night; forever.
Lenormand Universe: Destiny.

        17 – Stork
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Migrant; alteration; birth; nurture; season.
Adjectives: Changeable; moving; improving; restless.
Verbs: Alter; relocate; return; ameliorate; transfer; care; nurse.
Adverbs: Periodically; seasonally; restlessly.
People: Nurse; foster parent; midwife; migrant; immigrant; nomad.
Timing: March.
Lenormand Universe: Destined Movement.

        18 – Dog
Effect: Fortunate. Dog is well disposed and helpful to cards near it.
Nouns: Friendship; trust; help; loyalty; instinct; smell; follower; senses.
Adjectives: Faithful; trustworthy; warm; dogged; dependable; patient; familiar.
Verbs: Keep faith; support; comply; obey; acquaint; guard.
Adverbs: Friendly; obediently; helpfully; supportively; instinctively.
People: Friend; intimate; brother; stalker; pet; peer; companion; confidant; police; chaperone.
Timing: Not soon.
Lenormand Universe: Loyal to Destiny.

        19 – Tower
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Institution; office; firm; business; institutional building; policy; conventions; tradition; law; ambition;
state; government.
Adjectives: High; lofty; tall; official; ruling; proud; legal; lonely; political; alone.
Verbs: Promote; retain; rule; certify; authorize; strive; aim; control; oversee; serve.
Adverbs: Institutionally; traditionally; officially; ambitiously.
People: Lawyer; official; mayor; legislator; executive.
Timing: Coming soon.
Lenormand Universe: Tradition of service.
        20 – Garden
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Event; community; the world; venue; marketplace; group; teamwork.
Adjectives: Public; sociable; obvious; communal; accessible; mutual.
Verbs: Open; gather; party; celebrate.
Adverbs: Openly; publicly; inclusively; obviously; commonly.
People: Gardener; party animal; groupie; socialite.
Timing: Afternoon; in the coming month.
Lenormand Universe: Community Service.

        21 – Mountain
Effect: Challenging.
Nouns: Obstacle: estrangement; boundary; limit; enemy; weight; introversion; distance.
Adjectives: Remote; hermetic; inimical; heavy; national; inland; sequestered; impassive.
Verbs: Separate; remove; block; delay; alienate; rusticate; border; concentrate.
Adverbs: Remotely; limitedly; boundaried; distantly.
People: Hermit; explorer; mountain climber; skier; solitary; recluse.
Timing: Delayed; far off.
Lenormand Universe: Fateful delay.

        22 – Crossroad (aka Path, Road)

Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Way; choice; option; trail; road; division; map; method; means; route; freedom; unconfined;
Adjectives: Planning; specialized; decisive; unfaithful; doubledealing; unconventional; versatile.
Verbs: Choose; go; decide; approach; drift; wander; walk; track; explore; substitute.
Adverbs: Alternatively; indecisively; freely.
People: Tourist; tracker; roadie; life coach; hiker; multitasker; alternative person; understudy.
Timing: April.
Lenormand Universe: Luck of Choice.

        23 – Mice
Effect: Challenging.
Nouns: Loss; theft; decrease; wear; piecemeal; decay; sabotage; the group mind; mess.
Adjectives: Burgled; dirty; filthy; insanitary; infectious; worn-out; stolen; diminished.
Verbs: Lessen; reduce; undercut; consume; spoil; infest; disempower.
Adverbs: Reductively; decreasingly; infectiously.
People: Thief; depreciation inspector; loss assessor; economist; looter; saboteur.
Timing: Right now; shortly.
Lenormand Universe: Fateful Loss.

        24 – Heart
Effect: Fortunate.
Nouns: Love; enthusiasm; attraction; affiliation; fan; empathy; passion.
Adjectives: Affectionate; lovesome; emotional; favorite; romantic.
Verbs: Flirt; be passionate about; attract; desire; emote; favor.
Adverbs: Lovingly; enthusiastically; attractively; emotionally.
People: Lover; fan; supporter of a group; romantic; heart specialist; matchmaker.
Timing: October.
Lenormand Universe: Loving Destiny.

        25 – Ring
Effect: Fortunate.
Nouns: Contract; bond; union; connection; agreement; engagement; circle; phase; oath; vow.
Adjectives: Cyclic; bound; enclosed; chained; linked; inclusive; round and round.
Verbs: Commit; unite; enclose; ring-fence; encircle; include; swear an oath; promise.
Adverbs: Cyclically; connectedly; bindingly; inclusively.
People: Engaged person; contract worker; cyclist; contractor.
Timing: june.
Lenormand Universe: Contract with Fate.

        26 – Book
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Secret; knowledge; expertise; studies; diary; tome; memory; oracle cards.
Adjectives: Wise; revealing; unknown; learned; informed; secret.
Verbs: Educate; hide; obfuscate; study; know; remember.
Adverbs: Wisely; secretly; knowingly; revealingly; expertly.
People: Teacher; educator; librarian; writer; bookkeeper; historian; curator; editor; researcher.
Timing: Slow; not for a long time.
Lenormand Universe: Mysterious Luck.

        27 – Letter
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Message; manifesto; newspaper; poster; note; letter; card; information; schedule; diploma; evidence;
missive; agenda; communique.
Adjectives: Recorded; written; emailed; leafleted; listed.
Verbs: Document; send; relate; advertise; communicate; contact.
Adverbs: Informationally; advisedly; evidently.
Timing: Shortly.
Lenormand Universe: Manifesto of Service.

        28 – Man (aka Gentleman)

Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Male person; potency; yourself; himself; everyman.
Adjectives: Male; masculine; proactive.
Verbs: Generate; activate.
Adverbs: Manfully; proactively.
Timing: july.
Lenormand Universe: Son of Destiny.

        29 – Woman (aka Lady)

Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Female person; fertility; yourself; herself; every woman.
Female; feminine; sensitive.
Verbs: Feminize; conceive.
Adverbs: Womanly; sensitively.
Timing: May.
Lenormand Universe: Daughter of Service.

        30 – Lily
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Peace; calm; old age; winter; ice; constancy; discretion; maturity; retirement.
Adjectives: Cold; restrained; serene; discreet; veteran; antique; ancient; virtuous.
Verbs: Age; bring peace; protect; overwinter; snow.
Adverbs: Peacefully; calmly; constantly; serenely; maturely; coldly.
People: Elder; divorce; grandfather; father; veteran; social worker; retired person; mentor.
Timing: Winter.
Lenormand Universe: Mature Service.

        31 – Sun
Effect: Fortunate. Sun warms things up and brings happiness.
Nouns: Warmth; light; day; confidence; summer; relief; electricity; conscious; holiday; goodwill; idealism;
Adjectives: Cheerful; sunny; ambitious; south; bright; everyday; propitious.
Verbs: Enlighten; gain; warm; electrify; recreate; heat; sheer; mitigate.
Adverbs: Cheerfully; warmly; daily; confidently.
People: Optimist; electrician; comedian; charismatic person.
Timing: Summer.
Lenormand Universe: Luck of Life.

        32 – Moon
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Reputation; job; talent; vocation; creativity; emotional satisfaction; career; intuition; celebrity.
Adjectives: Famous; working; moonlighting; nightly; dreamy; renowned.
Verbs: Work; honor; recognize; acknowledge; intuit; manifest;influence.
Adverbs: Nightly; monthly; honorably; reputedly; famously.
People: Celebrity; famous person; worker; dreamer.
Timing: Evening; within the month.
Lenormand Universe: Honor of Destiny.

        33 – Key
Effect: Fortunate. Key opens things up.
Nouns: Solution; answer; breakthrough; door; discovery; password; in tune; assent; freedom; consent;
original; source; importance.
Adjectives: Chief; notable; expert; pivotal; important; impregnable; subtle; paramount; preeminent; subtle.
Verbs: Open; reveal; access; unlock; lock; brainstorm; plan; diagnose; release.
Adverbs: Openly; revelatory; certainly; accessibly; subtly; importantly.
People: Locksmith; janitor; decoder; switchboard operator; diagnostician.
Timing: In the coming month.
Lenormand Universe: Revelation of Luck.

        34 – Fish
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Money; means; cash; flow; business; depths; prosperity; flux; liquidity; currency.
Adjectives: Financial; fiscal; watery; alcoholic; fluid; abundant; liquid; commercial.
Verb: Earn; exchange; swim; trade; gush; transact; circulate; stream.
Adverbs: Financially; fluidly; abundantly; prosperously; swimmingly.
People: Investor; fisherman; alcoholic; bon viveur; depth analyst; accountant.
Timing: January.
Lenormand Universe: Financial Luck.

        35 – Anchor
Effect: Neutral.
Nouns: Stability; maintenance; standards; permanence; safety; standards; hope; livelihood; routine.
Adjectives: Stable; keeping; unchanging; reliable; serious; hard working; coastal.
Verbs: Secure; ground; rely; anchor; persevere; make safe; settle.
Adverbs: Securely; dependably; reliably; permanently; hopefully.
People: Settler; founder; maintenance workers; security person; news anchor; pedant; safety officer.
Timing: In the next few months; very slowly.
Lenormand Universe: Secure Service.
        36 – Cross
Effect: Challenging.
Nouns: Crisis; transition; test; necessity; fate; trial; burden; difficulty; challenge.
Adjectives: Critical; testing; venerable; holy; sacred; spiritual; fateful.
Verbs: Cross; challenge; consecrate; ordain; facing up to.
Adverbs: Critically; spiritually; testingly; sacredly.
People: Priest; minister; examiner; inquisitor; initiate.
Timing: Sooner than you’d like.
Lenormand Universe: Implacable Fate.

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