Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad (Department of Business Administration) Warning
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad (Department of Business Administration) Warning
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad (Department of Business Administration) Warning
Q. 2 What are the various sources of new product ideas? Discuss and analyze with
examples. (20)
Q. 3 Explain the concept and importance of product design in production management
with examples. (20)
Q. 4 What is quality control? What are the various methods used for Quality Control?
Discuss with examples. (20)
Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50
This assignment is a research-oriented activity. You are required to visit any business or
commercial organization and prepare a paper of about 15-20 pages on the topic allotted to
you. Prepare two copies of this report; submit one copy to your tutor for evaluation and
the other for presentation in the class, which will be held at the end of semester prior to
your final examination. Include following main headings in your report:
i. Introduction to the topic
ii. Important sub-topics
iii. Practical study of the organization with respect to the topic
iv. Review of theoretical and practical situations
v. Merits, demerits, deficiencies or strengths of the organization with respect to topic
under study
vi. Conclusions and recommendations
vii. Annex, if any
You may use transparencies, charts or any other material for effective presentation. You
are required to select one of the following topics according to the last digit of your roll
number. For example, if your roll number is D-3427185 then you will select topic
number 5 (the last digit).
1. Responsibilities of Operations Management
2. Product Development
3. Importance of Quality to a Company
4. Work Measurement
5. Job Specification
6. Effective Capacity
7. Least Square Method
8. Production Order Quantity Model
9. Causes for Component and Equipment Failure
10. Resource Limitation and Work Efficiency
Work Measurement Guide: Objectives, Methods, and Advantages
Samir Luintel
July 28, 2022
Are you concerned about how an organization can improve its
productivity? An organization must measure its current productivity
level before making improvements.
What is Work Measurement?
A Work Measurement Study is a systematic approach to determining a
task’s work content and completion time using industrial engineering
Why is Work Measurement Important?
The purpose of the work measurement method is to cover all the work to
be measured.
Here are five reasons why you should measure your work:
3. Better understand your company’s performance.
Identifying unnecessary activities related to a career to reduce or
eliminate them.
Assist in the organization of labor by comparing the actual
performance daily.
A logical comparison can be made when alternative methods are
compared based on their basic times.
To standardize the efficient process of performing operations.
Establish supervisory objectives and measure supervisor
performance based on those objectives.
Work measurement is used in determining machine effectiveness.
1. Time-Directed Method
The direct time method determines the time needed to carry out a unit of
work. To determine how long each unit of an operation will take,
observation and recording of time are required for each unit of a process.
2. Synthesis Method
Synthesis is a time measurement technique used to build Standard Times
using previous time studies. Thus, conducting a new time study is
unnecessary, so it is economical.
It provides reliable information about how long it will take to complete
different tasks. Since it is based on many past time studies, it is reliable.
3. Analytical Estimating
Analytical estimating is a structured estimation method often used in
work measurements, which analyzes a task in terms of its basic
The use of the historic data method has become one of the standard
tools, serving 3 main purposes:
Benefits of Work Measurement
Organizations determine whether work programs, investments, and
acquisitions achieve their objectives in work measurement.
Final Words
For an organization to be effective at planning its productivity,
measuring work is very important.
techniques, steps, objectives, and benefits can help you set goals in the
right direction.