Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad (Department of Business Administration) Warning

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(Department of Business Administration)

Course: Production & Operations Semester: Autumn, 2022
Management (8509)
Level: MBA (3½ Years, 2½ Years) / M. Com

Please read the following instructions for writing your assignments.

(AD, BS, BEd, MA/MSc, MEd) (ODL Mode)
1. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks but within a question,
the marks are distributed according to its requirements.
2. Read the question carefully and then answer it according to the
requirements of the question.
3. Avoid irrelevant discussion/information and reproducing from books, study
guide or allied material.
4. Handwritten scanned assignments are not acceptable.
5. Upload your typed (in Word or PDF format) assignments on or before the
due date.
6. Your own analysis and synthesis will be appreciated.
7. Late assignments can’t be uploaded at LMS.
8. The students who attempt their assignments in Urdu/Arabic may upload a
scanned copy of their handwritten assignments (in PDF format) on
University LMS. The size of the file should not exceed 5 MB.

Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50

Note: Attempt all the questions.
Q. 1 Why Production and Operation Management is important in business? Discuss the
responsibility of operations management with examples. (20)

Q. 2 What are the various sources of new product ideas? Discuss and analyze with
examples. (20)
Q. 3 Explain the concept and importance of product design in production management
with examples. (20)

Q. 4 What is quality control? What are the various methods used for Quality Control?
Discuss with examples. (20)

Q. 5 Explain Statistical Quality Control. Discuss the applications of Statistical Quality

Control with examples. (20)

Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50

This assignment is a research-oriented activity. You are required to visit any business or
commercial organization and prepare a paper of about 15-20 pages on the topic allotted to
you. Prepare two copies of this report; submit one copy to your tutor for evaluation and
the other for presentation in the class, which will be held at the end of semester prior to
your final examination. Include following main headings in your report:
i. Introduction to the topic
ii. Important sub-topics
iii. Practical study of the organization with respect to the topic
iv. Review of theoretical and practical situations
v. Merits, demerits, deficiencies or strengths of the organization with respect to topic
under study
vi. Conclusions and recommendations
vii. Annex, if any
You may use transparencies, charts or any other material for effective presentation. You
are required to select one of the following topics according to the last digit of your roll
number. For example, if your roll number is D-3427185 then you will select topic
number 5 (the last digit).

1. Responsibilities of Operations Management
2. Product Development
3. Importance of Quality to a Company
4. Work Measurement
5. Job Specification
6. Effective Capacity
7. Least Square Method
8. Production Order Quantity Model
9. Causes for Component and Equipment Failure
10. Resource Limitation and Work Efficiency

Work Measurement Guide: Objectives, Methods, and Advantages

 Samir Luintel
 July 28, 2022
Are you concerned about how an organization can improve its
productivity? An organization must measure its current productivity
level before making improvements.

Measurement of work is a strategy for improving productivity. An

accurate work measurement reduces project time and cost. Setting
performance standards is facilitated through work measurement. 

Work measurement involves estimating how long a qualified worker

would take to perform a given task at a defined proficiency level.

In work measurement, three key steps are followed:

 Get a better understanding of how the production process works.

 Determine how much time each element takes.
 Specify the standard time when the production process will take

Related Article: Looking for an effective way to maximize

productivity? Check out this time management technique! 📅📅

What is Work Measurement?
A Work Measurement Study is a systematic approach to determining a
task’s work content and completion time using industrial engineering

Work measurement is a way to determine if improvements to a project

are genuine. Work measurement determines how long it will take to
accomplish a task systematically.

Work measurement uncovers non-standardization in the workplace as

well as non-value-adding activities. The following reasons explain why
work should be measured:

 For Identifying and eliminating wasted or ineffective time.

 To establish a standard time for measuring performance.
 A realistic expectation is to be used to measure performance.
 Goals and objectives are set to ensure a successful operation.

Why is Work Measurement Important?
The purpose of the work measurement method is to cover all the work to
be measured.

Work measurement involves estimating the amount of human effort

required to produce a unit of output.

Work measurement refers to measuring the volume of work completed

and the time it took to complete it.

List of Five Reasons Why Work Should Be

Clear and actionable performance measures help clarify and focus
on goal setting and objectives and ensure they are achieved.

Here are five reasons why you should measure your work:

1. Enables your growth and development:

Measurement and management of employee performance are important

since they allow businesses to determine how efficient workers are.

The measurement of work by itself will not enable growth. It can,

however, be combined with continuous feedback to enable employees to
self-assess and improve their skills.

2. Ensure alignment of goals and growth of the company

Employee performance measurement can determine those goals by

identifying areas where someone is doing well and could be stretched
and areas where they are not yet strong.

3. Better understand your company’s performance.

Your company’s performance can be predicted by knowing how well

you perform through work measurement.

4. Create a fair culture of recognition

Equal treatment of employees is ensured by work measurement.

Employees who are good performers and those who are procrastinators
are distinguished, which creates a fair recognition culture. 

5. Identifying and eliminating wasted or ineffective time.

Work measurement eliminates wasted or ineffective time. Measuring

work is concerned with reducing and ultimately removing unproductive
time, i.e., a time when no effective work is being done. 

Bonus Article: Want to about the importance of time management?

You can check it out!⏱⏱

What are the Objectives of Work

As the name implies, work measurement measures the time a task or
series of tasks takes so that ineffective time can be differentiated from

Objectives of work measurement are given below:

 To standardize efficient methods for completing tasks.

 A realistic schedule and workforce requirements can be prepared
by estimating the target time for each job.
 Analyzing alternative methods to compare performance times.
 Preparation of a realistic schedule of work.

 Identifying unnecessary activities related to a career to reduce or
eliminate them.
 Assist in the organization of labor by comparing the actual
performance daily.
 A logical comparison can be made when alternative methods are
compared based on their basic times.
 To standardize the efficient process of performing operations.
 Establish supervisory objectives and measure supervisor
performance based on those objectives.
 Work measurement is used in determining machine effectiveness.

What are the Techniques of Work

Work measurement involves a variety of techniques. Here are 6 lists of
work measurement techniques:

1. Time-Directed Method
The direct time method determines the time needed to carry out a unit of
work. To determine how long each unit of an operation will take,
observation and recording of time are required for each unit of a process.

2. Synthesis Method
Synthesis is a time measurement technique used to build Standard Times
using previous time studies. Thus, conducting a new time study is
unnecessary, so it is economical. 

It provides reliable information about how long it will take to complete
different tasks. Since it is based on many past time studies, it is reliable.

3. Analytical Estimating
Analytical estimating is a structured estimation method often used in
work measurements, which analyzes a task in terms of its basic

It is economical since it uses standard data when calculating each job’s

normal time. Also, it helps in planning and scheduling production

4. Predetermined Motion Type System(PMTS)

Predetermined motion time systems measure how quickly humans can
perform certain manual tasks in a particular environment.

PMTs are frequently used in labor-oriented industries to determine wage

rates, piece rates, and incentive schemes by measuring the time required
to complete certain tasks.

5. Sampling or Ratio Delay Methods

The work sampling technique determines the time workers spend in
different activity categories.

This technique uses random samples of several employees’ work to

determine the overall operation percentage.

6. Historical Data Method

The historical data method is one of the simplest and most inexpensive
ways to measure workplace productivity. 

The use of the historic data method has become one of the standard
tools, serving 3 main purposes:

 The purpose of this study is to determine how past work impacts

current work outcomes.
 Modern economic theories can be tested through the use of unique
natural experiments.
 It is important to use modern economic theories to refine the
understanding of historical events.

This technique is advantageous because it is easy to understand, easier to

estimate, and easier to implement.

Steps Involved in Work Measurement

Work measurement involves analyzing the size of a task, its method of
performance, and production efficiency.

1. Decompose the job into its components.

2. Measure the elapsed time on the various elements using either
time studies, synthesis, analytical estimation, or other methods.
3. To set up elemental time values, take the observed time and
convert it into normal time using the rating factor.
4. Evaluate the amount of relaxation, physical and mental exhaustion
involved in carrying out each element.
5. Count the time allotted for relaxation when arriving at the work
content for each element.
6. Identify the number of times each element occurs in the job,
multiply each element’s work content by its frequency (i.e., how
often it appears in the position), and add all the times together.
7. Contingency allowances should be added if necessary to arrive at
the standard time to complete the work.

Measurement of work helps estimate labor costs. Moreover, it provides

information on the estimation of tenders, the assessment of delivery
schedules, and the fixing of selling prices.

Benefits of Work Measurement 
Organizations determine whether work programs, investments, and
acquisitions achieve their objectives in work measurement.

A good work measurement system has the following benefits. 

 A better understanding of work measurements enables better

control over work methods and processes.
 Evaluate the suitableness of the workforce assigned to an
 A good management system reduces labor costs, increases
productivity, and improves performance appraisal, planning, and
 Work measurement enables the development of realistic work
schedules through an accurate assessment of human work
compared to plant capacity for production and maintenance
 Detailed instructions are provided on how to prepare estimated
selling prices and delivery schedules for tenders.
 The effectiveness of work planning can be determined.
 Prevents backlogs of work.
 Streamline work processes. 
 Simplifies workforce planning through an analysis of actual and
standard time. The cost and labor requirements of the future can
be estimated. The purpose of this is to provide a framework for
estimating and controlling labor costs.

Final Words
For an organization to be effective at planning its productivity,
measuring work is very important.

Work measurement is beneficial for schools, employers, and other

professionals. The approach discussed above on Work measurement

techniques, steps, objectives, and benefits can help you set goals in the
right direction. 


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