Appraisal Formats YPCPLsachin

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PERFORMANCE REVIEW Supervisores / Asistants Name Designation Appraiser Review Date Period Plant

Strictly Confidential



Leave taken / entitlement

I Describe his work and mention any special knowledge required to do the job

II Considering the nature of work and your expectation from the job, please check mark () the appropriate box. Poor <50% 1 Output (quantity of work completed) Improvable 50%-70% Good 70%-90% Very Good 90%-100%

2 Accuracy (extent to which there is error-free work)

3 Degree of ownership of work & dependability

4 Timeliness (completing tasks on time)

5 Cleanliness (of tools, equipment, parts etc.)

6 Knowledge of machinery & process

7 Knowledge of 5S and adherence to 5S requirements

8 Skill (ability to do all the things reqd. for his job)


Sections III to V to be written by the employee independently III What do you find most difficult in your job?

Strictly Confidential

IV What do you like & dislike most about your job?

V What can the organization do to help improve your performance?

VI Training (Consider a suitable training that could help the employee improve on his job)


VII Comments by appraisee

Strictly Confidential


VIII Comments by appraiser


IX Comments by reviewer


Final Action Taken:


Strictly Confidential

PERFORMANCE REVIEW Managers, Executives & Officers Name Designation Appraiser Sachin S. Wagh Engineer Review Date Period Plant April-11 to Sep-11 YPCPL Unit-I

Leave taken / entitlement

Sections I to IV to be written by the employee independently I Describe your work and its main responsibilities 1) Monitoring Design Activities. 2) Interaction with Customers, 3) Coordination with internal dept. 4) Drawing study & project Planning. 5) Moral Support & Technical Guideline to Designers. 6) Certifying Drawings before releasing for development. 7) Decision taking against Design Order Note

II What do you find most difficult in your job? 1)A lesser amount of time given for design task

III What do you like & dislike most about your job? 1)New Innovation 2)New Creativity 3)Utilization of knowleage 4)Repetative Work

IV What can the organization do to help improve your performance? Required Training On Product & Tool Design by Expert for better understaning of design parameter so that we can able to design our own product


Strictly Confidential

V Considering the nature of work & the org.'s expectation from the job, please check mark () the appropriate box. Poor <50% 1 Results (did he achieve the results that were given to him) Improvable 50%-70% Good 70%-90% Very Good 90%-100%

2 Planning (how well did he anticipate various scenarios and plan accordingly)

3 Coordination (Coordination with other depts. As well as within the team/dept.)

4 Costs (is the person conscious to control costs)

5 Knowledge of 5S and adherence to 5S requirements

6 Initative (does he come forward to give suggestions and solutions)

7 Ownership of the job and Innovativeness

8 Process orientation (does the person follow processes himself and ensure the same within team)

VI Training (Consider a suitable training that could help the employee improve on his job)


Strictly Confidential

VII Comments by appraisee


VIII Comments by appraiser


IX Comments by reviewer


Final Action Taken:


PERFORMANCE REVIEW Business and Plant Heads Name Designation Appraiser Review Date Period Plant YPCPL Unit-

Strictly Confidential

Describe the level of achivement of the objectives defined for the FY 2008-09. Mention both key achievements and missed I opportunites. Mention these in detail as well as the measures for the achievements








5. QUALITY AUDIT (in terms of NCs)

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II Overall performance (summarize the person's overall performance over the past year and all job responsibilities

III Competencies assessment Competency 1. Business Acumen : It is the understanding of what drives the organization and what are its cause & effect relationships. Understanding of market, industry and legislative conditions under which the organization operates. Familiarity with essential business and financial concepts and its impact on operations. Strength / Further development required (elaborate)

2. Motivating : It involves the ability to enhance others' commitment to their work. It also includes the ability to convey confidence in employees' ability to be successful, especially at challenging new tasks; delegating significant responsibility and authority; allowing employees freedom to decide how they will accomplish their goals and resolve issues.


Strictly Confidential 3. People Development : The ability to convey confidence in subordinates ability to be successful, especially at challenging new tasks, delegating significant responsibility and authority, allowing employees freedom to decide how they will accomplish their goals and resolve issues. It is the orientation to develop employees through continuous coaching, training and motivation.

4. Result orientation : It is defined as the ability to remained focused on the outcome, getting the desired outcome accomplished on time with the required quality. It is the ability to feel challenged by the goal and to have onwership for getting the task done as per or more than the expected contract.

5. Strategizing : It is the ability to identify the companys key factors that are contributing to its successes and failures: to formulate activities based on these on a long-term basis. It also means having knowledge and understanding of competitors, substitutes for the products, existing as well as potential customers, economic conditions, and of in-house existing processes and systems.

IV Other skills and behaviours Strengths

Development Needs


Strictly Confidential V Comments by appraisee


VI Comments by appraiser


Final Action Taken:



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