Scheme and Syllabus of B.Tech. (2018 Batch Onwards)
Scheme and Syllabus of B.Tech. (2018 Batch Onwards)
Scheme and Syllabus of B.Tech. (2018 Batch Onwards)
Programme: B.Tech.(CSE) L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
Semester: 5th Teaching Hours: 38
Theory/Practical: Theory Credits: 3
Internal Marks: 40 Percentage of Numerical/Design/Programming Problems: 60%
External Marks: 60 Duration of End Semester Exam (ESE): 3 hours
Total Marks: 100 Course Status: Compulsory
Prerequisites: Knowledge of problem solving using different algorithms and basic programming.
Additional Material Allowed in ESE: [NIL]
On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:
Detailed Contents:
Part A
Introduction: Intelligence, Foundations of artificial intelligence (AI). History of AI, Agents and
Environments, Rationality of Agents, Nature and Structure of Agents, Communication among Agents.
[3 Hours]
Problem Formulation and solution: Problem types, States and operators, State space, Uninformed
Search Strategies, Informed Search Strategies– Best first search, A* algorithm, Heuristic functions,
Iterative deepening A*(IDA), Small memory A*(SMA).
[5 Hours]
Game playing: Perfect Information game, Imperfect Information game, Evaluation function, Minimax
algorithm, Alpha-beta pruning. [3 Hours]
Scheme and syllabus of B.Tech. (2018 batch onwards)
Logical Reasoning: Inference in Propositional logic and First order Predicate logic, Resolution, Logical
reasoning, Forward chaining, Backward chaining; Knowledge representation techniques: semantic
networks, Frames. [7 Hours]
Part B
Planning: Basic representation of plans, Partial order planning, Planning in the blocks world,
Hierarchical planning, Conditional planning, Representation of time, schedule and resource constraints,
Measures, temporal constraints. [5 Hours]
Uncertainty: Basic probability, Bayes rule and its use, Belief networks, Default reasoning, Fuzzy sets
and fuzzy logic; Decision making– Utility theory, Utility functions, Decision theoretic expert systems.
[5 Hours]
Inductive learning: Decision trees, Rule based learning, Current-best-hypothesis search, Least
commitment search, Neural networks, Reinforcement learning, Genetic algorithms.
[6 Hours]
Applications: Areas of AI, Natural language processing, Case study of existing expert systems. [4
Text Books
1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Prentice Hall.
2. Saroj Kaushik, “Artificial Intelligence”, Cengage Learning India.
Reference Books
1. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Trivedi, M.C., “A Classical Approach to Artifical Intelligence”, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi.
3. David Poole and Alan Mackworth, “Artificial Intelligence: Foundations for Computational Agents”,
Cambridge University.
E-Books and online learning material
1. HandBook of Artificial Intelligence Edited by Avron Barr and Edward A. Feigenbaum, Computer
Science Department, Stanford University.
Online Courses and Video Lectures
Accessed on May 20,2020.
2. Accessed on May20,2020.
3. Accessed on May20,2020.
4. Accessed on May 20,2020.
5. Accessed on May20,2020.
Scheme and syllabus of B.Tech. (2018 batch onwards)
Binary relational operations, DIVISION operation and additional relational operations. Relational
Calculus – Tuple relational calculus and Domain relational calculus, Queries related to Relational Algebra
and Relational Calculus. [7 Hours]
SQL: SQL Data Definition and data types, specifying constraints in SQL, Schema change statements,
Basic queries in SQL, Set operations, Aggregate functions and views, Complex queries in SQL,
Additional features of SQL. [7 Hours]
Relational Database Design: Informal design guidelines for Relational Schemas, Functional
dependencies, Inference rules for functional dependencies, Equivalence of set of functional dependencies,
2QMinimal cover, Normal forms based on primary keys– (1stNF, 2ndNF, 3rdNF, 4thNF and 5thNF)
Decomposition into normalized relations. Physical Database Design – File structures (Sequential files,
Indexing, B tree). [6 Hours]
Transaction Management and Concurrency Control: Introduction to Transaction Processing,
Transaction and System Concepts, need of concurrency control, ACID properties, Schedules,
Characterizing schedules based on recoverability and serializability, Two - phase locking techniques for
concurrency control. [4 Hours]
Database Recovery and Security: Need of recovery, Recovery concepts, Recovery techniques Deferred
update, Immediate update, Shadow paging. Database security – Threats to databases, Control measures,
Database security and DBA, Discretionary access control based on granting and revoking privileges,
Mandatory access control, Introduction to Statistical Database Security, Encryption and decryption.
[7 Hours]
Text Books
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, "Database System Concepts", McGraw Hill Education.
2. RamezElmasri, Shamkant B Navathe, "Fundamentals of Database Systems", Pearson Education.
3. Connolly, "Specifications of Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and
Management", Pearson India.
4. Alexis Leon, Mathews Leon, "Database Management Systems" Leon Press.
5. S.K. Singh, "Database Systems Concepts, Design and Applications, Pearson Education.
6. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", Tata McGrawHill.
Reference Books
1. SQL,PL/SQL ,The programming language of oracle, Ivan Bayross BPB Publication
2. An introduction to database system by C.J.Date (Addison Welsey, Publishing house).
3. An introduction to Database Systems by Bipin C. Desai, Galgotia publications.
4. Prateek Bhatia, Database Management system, Kalayani Publishers
Scheme and syllabus of B.Tech. (2018 batch onwards)
On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:
CO# Course Outcomes
1 Apply the knowledge of mathematics and statistics to solve complex engineering problems
related to automata theory.
2 Identify, formulate and analyze uses and Constraints of various computational models used
in engineering practice.
3 Make use of research-based knowledge to abstract the models of computing and their powers
to recognize the grammars.
4 Design and evaluate abstract machines that demonstrate the properties of physical machines
and be able to specify the possible inputs, processes and outputs of these machines.
5 Compare and analyze different computational models including prediction and modeling to
complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6 Recognize and comprehend formal reasoning about machines and languages to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Detailed Contents:
Finite Automata: Deterministic Finite Automata, Acceptance by Finite Automata, Transition systems,
Non-Deterministic Finite Automata, Equivalence of DFA and NDFA, Moore and Mealy machines,
Equivalence of Moore and Mealy machine, Minimization of Finite Automata, Applications and
limitations of Finite Automata. [6 Hours]
Scheme and syllabus of B.Tech. (2018 batch onwards)
Formal Languages: Basics of strings, Alphabets, grammar, Formal language, Chomsky classification
of languages, Languages and their relation, Operations on languages, Closure properties of language
classes. [4 Hours]
Regular Grammar: Regular grammars, Regular expressions, Algebraic method using Arden’s
theorem, Equivalence of Finite Automata and Regular expressions, Properties of regular languages,
Pumping lemma. [5 Hours]
Context Free Language: Derivation, Ambiguity, Simplification of context free grammar, normal
forms– Chomsky Normal Form, Greibach Normal Form, Pumping lemma. [5 Hours]
Push Down Automata: Description and definition, Acceptance by Push Down Automata, Equivalence
of Push Down Automata and context free grammars and languages. [6 Hours]
Turing Machine: Definition and Model, Representation of Turing Machine, Design of Turing
Machine, Variants of Turing Machine, Decidability and recursively enumerable languages, Halting
problem, Post correspondence problem. [6 Hours]
Context Sensitive Language: Context sensitive language, Model of linear bounded automata,
Relation between linear bounded automata and context sensitive language. [5 Hours]
Text Books
1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages and Computation”, Pearson Education.
2. K.L.P. Mishra and N. Chandrasekaran, “Theory of Computer Science”, Third Edition, PHI
Learning Private Limited.
3. K.V.N. Sunitha, N. Kalyani, “Formal Languages and Automata Theory”, McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books
1. Daniel, A.Cohen, “Introduction to Computer Theory”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
2. M. Sipser, “Introduction to the Theory of Computation”, Second Edition, Cengage Learning.
3. M. A. Harrison, “Introduction to Formal Language Theory”, Addison-Wesley
4. Peter Linz, “An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata”, Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Detailed Contents:
Introduction: Algorithms, Algorithm Specification, Performance Analysis: Space complexity,Time
complexity, Asymptotic Notations- Big-Oh notation (O), Omega notation (Ω), Theta notation (Θ),
and Little-oh notation (o), Mathematical analysis of Non-Recursive and recursive Algorithms with
Examples. [4 Hours]
Divide and Conquer: General method, solving recurrences using recurrence trees, repeated
substitution, statement of Master Theorem, applications – Binary search, Merge sort, Quick
sort, Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication, Finding the maximum and minimum. [5 Hours]
Greedy Algorithms: Greedy choice, optimal substructure property, minimum spanning trees-Prims
and Kruskals, Dijkstra shortest path using arrays and heaps, fractional knapsack, Travelling
salesperson problem and Huffman coding. [5 Hours]
Scheme and syllabus of B.Tech. (2018 batch onwards)
Backtracking: General method, N-Queens problem, Sum of subsets problem, Graph coloring,
Hamiltonian cycles. [4 Hours]
Application of Graph Traversal Techniques: Representation of graphs, BFS (as a method for SSSP
on unweighted graphs), DFS, connected components, topological sorting of DAGs, biconnected
components, and strongly connected components in directed graphs. [5 Hours]
String Matching: Introduction, Brute Force algorithm, Rabin-Karp algorithm, KMP algorithm,
Boyer-Moore algorithm. [5 Hours]
Text Books:
1. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and S. Rajasekharan, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms,
Universities Press.
2. P. H. Dave, H. B. Dave, “Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
1. M. T. Goodrich and R. Tomassia, “Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and Internet
examples”, John Wiley and sons.
2. S. Sridhar, “Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Oxford Univ. Press
3. Aho, Ullman and Hopcroft, “Design and Analysis of algorithms”, Pearson Education.
4. R. Neapolitan and K. Naimipour, “Foundations of Algorithms”, 4th edition, Jones and
Bartlett Student edition.
5. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd
Edition”, PHI
E-Books and online learning material:
1. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and S. Rajasekharan, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, 2nd
Edition”, Universities Press.
Online Courses and Video Lectures:
Scheme and syllabus of B.Tech. (2018 batch onwards)
Scheme and syllabus of B.Tech. (2018 batch onwards)
Programme: B.Tech.(CSE) L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:
CO # Course Outcomes
1. Understand the core ideas of networks thoroughly with network architecture and
performance metrics for network designing.
2. Apply the knowledge of various modes of communication to solve problems of data
communication over different medium using various technologies.
3. Understand and utilize various communication protocols that provide reliable, ordered,
and error-checked delivery of a stream of octets.
4. Design and implement various algorithms of network to ease the communication
problems over different geographical areas.
5. Compare different routing protocols and propose the optimal solution concerning
different structures of networks.
6. Design and implementation of routing and transport layer protocols for advanced multi
hop networks for smooth flow of data over different networks.
Detailed Contents:
gigabit Ethernet, Ethernet cabling-straight-through, crossover and rolled cable, Data encapsulation.
Ethernet at data link layer: CSMA, CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA. [4 Hours]
Wireless LANs: Introduction: architecture comparison, characteristics, access control. IEEE 802.11:
architecture, MAC Sublayer, Physical layer. Bluetooth: architecture and its layers. [3 Hours]
Switching: Switching andbridging: datagrams, virtual circuit switching, source routing, Switches:
Basics, its function, types of switches, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Virtual LANs (VLANs): purpose,
memberships, configuration, connection between switches, advantages, types of VLANs: static and
dynamic. [5 Hours]
TCP Protocols: Internet Protocol (IP): service model, global addresses, datagram forwarding in IP,
subnetting and classless addressing, Address Translation (ARP), Host Configuration (DHCP), Error
reporting (ICMP). ` [5 Hours]
Routing: Network as a graph, Distance Vector (RIP), Link state (OSPF), metrics. Inter-domain routing:
routing policies, routing protocols (BGP), Intra-domain routing: routing policies, routing protocols
(DVMRP). [5 Hours]
Transport Service and Protocols: User Datagram Protocol (UDP): header format, services, and
applications, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): transport service characteristics; transport protocol:
features, segment, TCP connection. [3 Hours]
Wireless Ad hoc Networks: Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs): features, advantages, routing in
MANETs, applications of MANETs, Recent trends in networks: green networking, social networks,
software data networks and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). [3 Hours]
Text Books: