Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of II Year B.E. (Information Technology)
Engineering & Technology (Full Time)
Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours Credits
per Week
Duration of Theory
Paper:3 Hours
Learning Objectives:
• To understand the need of databases, its architecture and schemas.
• To familiarize students with representing domains using entity-relationship modelling.
• How to design a normalized schema in the relational data model.
• Develop skills in students to implement schema and query using SQL.
• Develop ability to develop database applications based on the requirements.
Prerequisites: Knowledge of Data Structures and Computer Programming and some topics of
operating systems.
Introduction: Database Environment: Basic Concepts, Advantages of Database approach,
Comparison with Traditional file systems, DBMS Architecture, Database Users, Data Models and
Schemas, Database languages and Interfaces; Database development process: Development Lifecycle,
Types of Application.
Database Analysis & Modeling: Introduction to Data Analysis and Modeling, Modeling the rules,
Entity Relationship Model, ER Model Constructs- Attributes, Relationship etc., Enhanced ER Model
and Business Rules, Modeling Enhanced relationships – Specialization and Generalization, Union
Types. Binary and Ternary relationship Issues.
Database Design: Introduction to Logical Database Design, Relational Data Model – Codd’s Rules,
Relational Algebra etc.; Integrity Constraints, Transforming ER diagrams into relations, Functional
Dependencies, Normalization – 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF and 4NF etc..
System Implementation & Transaction Processing: Introduction to SQL – Inserting , Updating,
and Deleting data, Processing Single Tables, Processing Multiple Tables, PL/SQL Constructs
Views, Triggers, Cursors etc; Transaction Processing – Properties, Schedules and Serializability
Issues. Concurrency Control – Introduction, Locking etc.
Institute of Engineering & Technology, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, (M.P.), India.
(Scheme Effective from July 2022)
Advance Topics: File Organization and Indexes, Hashing Techniques, B-trees, B+ Trees etc;
Database Recovery, Database Security, Introduction to Data Warehousing and Data Mining,
Emerging Database Technologies and Applications etc., Overview of MySQL.
Learning Outcomes:
Books Recommended:
List of Assignments:
During the learning of course, students need to do assignments:
1. Designing an E-R model.
2. Solving basic SQL assignments.
3. Solving intermediate SQL assignments involving Nested and Join queries.
4. Using PL/SQL constructs involving procedures, triggers, views etc.
5. Exploring how transaction processing is handled by MySQL.
6. Minor Project on developing a database application.