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SIT, © ignou Wawa oT THE PEOPLES fereafererreser UNIVERSITY INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Assignment Submission for Term-End Exam _9b24% ENROLLMENT NUMBER [av Ie I NAME OF THE STUDENT : SaoXat yoMaeTt STUDENT ADDRESS SQrw QETT TAY WW: CHEM PARAN PROGRAMMETITLE& CODE =: _ANONTIow of WETe oNS POLI TICAL SCLENCE? BAPSH COURSE TITLE E S QCHALLEN HES COURSE CODE Ad REGIONAL CENTRE NAME & CODE : OAT MALDS STUDY CENTRENAME& CODE: ANUNAM WARAYAN COLE IE QoL ROAD +0924, MOBILE NUMBER : ARR DR PRD EMAILID + Mnushunishentino @ ganail comin DATE OF SUBMISSION: | (SIGNATURE OF THE STUDENT) BPAC-172:; GOVERNANCE: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES Tutor Marked Assignments CourseCude:BPAG- 17 2Aesignment Code: ASST ‘TMA /July2022& January 2023 ‘Total Marks: 100 Assignment A Answer the following in about 500 words each. 1. Explain the concept of eivil society and analyse the relationship between globalisation and civil society. 20 marks 2.Make an appraisal of functioning of panchayat raj institutions in India 20 marks Assignment B Answer the following questions in about 250 words each. 3. Discuss govemance indicators across six dimensions, 10 marks 4.Examine the factors responsible for changing role of bureaucracy. 10 marks §,Write a note in brief on the theories of development. 10 marks Assignment C Answer the following questions in about 100 words each, 6. Describe the various forms of stakeholder involvement in governance. technology. 6 marks 7, Bring out the key challenges of information and communication technology in governance. 6 marks 8. What do you understand by democracy and identify its features. 6 marks 9. Explain the need for transparency and accountability in governance. 6 marks 6 marks 10. What is corporate social responsibility” ua: Be ‘ bad é ii j — x “oA sergnraent -N SG aplain toe concept of cit sovitty ana anvalyse tne rlahiewtip Dnprrarer rr and civil aoutty ? Aue concept of Crd Surly - i Crit Socety wt also ene auch Aphete of aocial fife aud net mM c way, hel. thee Ano ore clyfinahen of of vit aocithy | enat hat ber card sin tuatovy, 14 nar evelvedt ‘itty toe contert aud pood an ¢ F vuct ae prec Ane canted clasascol | EE af Mae Cen cabs weit civil aduehy as ueuty mek nvud une “aulnovity of of ta Tyfehn 1 locke anil Hat cvvil aotity emuigee againié Pot state, of abu — maintain eveltt arc stobrity avd vecluct potevtrct confit fn Haas veqandl, Civil a0U tly war nel acprrake fre te political [apace Of tnt stoke, Civil Society vi reg ar eet wan s fare _| pat of douely a aud, Hue fore , ab th chavocteuaner furl hulp lipentate it form te state avd undesending AL . ¢ | & function Latioitup bduuen gtobaliaahon and civil a0cithy + dt [Ane ernegennet of civil doutty in ih veveus for, wie be [beer geen eice the early 49905, 1a foadnating cemponent | of He charge te World ur unelugaing today, sore wnae improthcratly rallecl qlebabaahen . Civil aocety 4a _becovve lan smpertant player in qlbal prowuu, Meir coicencee. Criheal vef ection tue voice of Wt eactuded , ancl a apucee af ooed alternatives. han qtoremeus yeheuor of arqaniaahoun | [ancl commiunitienr, (eon be dyyned negabiely by bdengrnrg | nuinet $0 He aphure of He atate ev fo track of He rakupet | and ai anh, haviv ug enfoveeel a neu by pe of ana- pobticet | tracing ulieh eats uth te nee to rncorpnrate ut aa tat || Hatred bilan af tne gtebal ayaens , along arcle tre maker anck _ te palieal ayshin represented by national stakes auecuced in (tex tne (ere hug cetader, vil aoucty | poole Ovganraation - u/TO - (1 geottte; a [putting on hold tet Huth lateral agreriunt on Investrert- MAL; blocking the annual gereial mechig of He woth pwning trough a ban en land mines ; « propesing a veut form of qtebal WaH and finance av chute - chu in-fort Alegre, Brarit, . a - fignting Jor povudy alleviation; s giving help to Mose utho have reveled Lt : lenclon's Hycle Fark. sand producing meclia apectact ouch o1 lia- snd én = i | Civil Soudy relucles guna in te jung len of Chapa, Mead armed wiih mitrinet ace, andl sha fgeds with multinarenal corpevations, the indlepemelonce of evil docith via (ucliaperiable (n axon where affrcial cliveteprnent aict eouieus of cir nouetty via “fel spurt abte . on) HLA CuLbhente Yfivel cleveleprren€ of tne gtebal avprr penis ampoual cravings. tt ur move [arb and ath fart Man state Kfruc- tes antl cles nat elepeinrd on revenue generation bike pe privode ateter oles, 4¢ har become te sought-after partjex aud an iicantohen among the inlernational organiaahent tun addreut At oa aowrte of information 4 Lyttimacy | (mpaiud by decades of irreviitive plebal polities, | Ta a peut snrelep atte nat from bate Hr chate aud Ciuit acUthy maintains a poumanent dyvanue relahoni #0 o 4 hem usin takes ov inet freed ranging prom aupport and y 7 cove tt. Gur atudy he bere te ust ¢ pour & protect Hae oO z uk have 4un dwung one zecepation L [has ben tu toud- dpeaking opponent af Me pio ibid 5 | Lonemuc decrine, _ propagatect by tat sntexna kona: eLovre bvaanisaheny ane cerbral tanks of Munch COUVITE tool -for qtebal etononuc reform. tt Mian Hus chpoaton Fo | bberalisahion and te wining ton Cemmienius tet has Ww Tma aivists te ‘avti- glebelat! label Crit souty, 6 s0uak movements, Church, nev-gevein m10~ ntal evgauiaahon, unions, fourdapeut , and lecsely ergan. tt cated groups called 'gvanrect: haue beceme a glebal ~ | prenornenon suit Lhe Ne Denials. One can hirolly pietoee [uu moclirn gtobabiaedl tutricl withouk a broucl vavipe of | players falling into ten category of civil aocithy Uthat vis wabre, Cuil abutly can) be ator of Hee Crucial Key b0 | clecoding Hu wrmplex jlebat favgle . Petit Sovely vit capable of: Creating agence and coming up with newt aocied (anues, negatiohng yeaulh, ren foruvg ar wndlecraining He legitimaty of otter playeu , yideling veaulh in cies, Civil douety un tre Merulorts Society ’ WO DP POF ODOR OO 6 eTPPT Ty | Civil Souchy auunalt counter form Lane each ahempel | at ca fegeriaring ul as necetauly an amely ficat aint ficat- torr andl mein funchiovrality . Gvil aouery Organiaations can be dlivieledd tte yypes _ a + sewice providing erganiaahor , ancl + Organinanow Haak try a) achret social @ pi changes by geniating preutt en tat pelivical vepreren- touion er by metlla publicahen of Apurfe Teun chvieus Phat out > tae above raenbionedl fows format of infUnnee of WtrO4, (ne cantitn eype deals precleminantly with tmpamenting vaults. Durelupment avcl humanitarian agenets ploy o vigut vol in giving help wore -cu'ele, ancl a” $992, a for xample :- te funds diab buke by Mee WMui0s Wen about 8 troumiandl miller dollou, amneunting t0 137 of He total ceveluprrent aidch and move tuan Hu UNV diabibubed. | = Mane an appro“sal of fuet toning af panchayaht vou | tarhitunons tn Jnelia’? bane hayate Kaj - cnet ions aa Aypiem of geveenraent “n ui ait ba nengals ae te baatc uniter Y focal adminsat- vation. fhe Ayal har Maret ye levels: » Cram Mavithyat (Village tue : Panehyat Arriti (block level) «Zi Favenyatk ( Diahrict Level) = a ; - : - a 4 uo ferrmaliced i 1992 by the 15°74 annndment to be trelian Cosh table. The Conshijuhen LW N0Ger or eavicliy obs bh functor an initiation of ey -governmaint aud prepwre plaw avel imp lunent acres for econenut cleveleprunt _ aud aoual fushiee Ghetovelivrigty, Hiniaty of Lanelyal Raf auss (0 mate | pancuyali Kaj hubkiuhous an effeenue, efficient ariel | rampavent veoicke for Local severnanee, soual cnanige andl public aewill atbiievy Mechanism mechirg He aapiroheus o local peputaken dorough policy (nbervenhert, advoraty , capacity building, puuaiion and finaneal — Suppore. The pamelyabs vecuive funds from parte gowees — local body granti,a1 recommended by the Grbrol finance Com mien 2| funds for implumenri(aion of wntrally apornered achevnes, 3 |funeds releand by tae alaede government on He recorvnend- aheus of tae atak finance chomnimien ea ree taken by boost Pawcliayal Goj Weatitubions — (Fe atveng thin, nchoving of PRIa atvors bs cwounky, HoPR Lhe launched eluam sara 0 wir privvdly uub bane | portal, utuce ain bt bring in biter trowupareney sv tat I cleterrbraliaeel planning , progrea reportivg , financial | work. bared attounting and chiteuts of ares | iene — furtarr, Jor exnvning tinaely auclit of Fanchayat accouih : he neeph and upurelhous of Grant Fancvag ah, flo PA 6 OT har veludl out an entne ofp eaten - Audit Onbint vitrittr _ SO | neh onty fowitiaks Me aucliting of Ganchayat account bub | a also provicler for rnaintaiving of audit vecords, = Inia op plication Akeambnu Mat prow Jov autht (rguiies. | drole local auulit report, dvale audit -povar ele. ave |onprove prom parency and attountobrtfy, Ow proper riaintnantl o atcourh by Fancnay ¢ MoPR has bun providing programmatic auppore Jor aberigyn- ening of PRis antl capacity building of Clietedd Kypeienfatiees and duncheniait! of PR/s to improve thin qunchoving and offechiverons andl make tun 4elf reliant. Trane proqranns ant specifically fowued an adetreming te critical gop mat tombain the Jurchouig of Pancvroy at fowttehig clivocraht planning avd dicinion mating myovgn peopl parhtipahen, avid aherghieaviag pie Coveeddiy tnatifubiovial abuchwu of Favcnayads, Hadad 7 Hele 280 (3) (bb) of He Cont uhen proviten fer Mee mane emminion 1 rate rtearamindatou veqaiding birrneasures neeeleel to fo auigmneré: he Covcdicledect fund ofa atele 40 aupple- of Wat Panchey yah to bu stake ani the hears of ene relerninunclahent 1 rade by be e finance Covarni or") [ef te A Hat Steute, _ . | che erdingty, to tmprove Hu puvitnonir ( Pavchay ate Kaj | bbtutious uncltr Ws tue finance Qurninuen Aauarch, Qrownh fo tuo tune of Fs. 1.80,437 crore uote yeleasedl for Ce _ even panrenayots in 26 xtedes fev ta peruocl 2015 to 2020, for tne c period FY 2040-21, the 15 france Comminion hor | autavelecl Grant of Ki. 60.750 core. Jor Ruval local Godies in | 28 otele uulith bon bun te Wehut aunual fivance Gmrminion allowaten jor te RLB1 a0 far. MoPR ton been taking neal Akps #0 abeng ten de Gaucroyabi Kaj lahtuhons in We atiks and Unien Fovurones corerea uncle Font IY of He Cust’ ution tor ngh proviatoning of financial and technical ausstante, | Ant voxieun materi taken jntlucle jnenPieig Hat eleder uw, ~ howe devolved move furichou , funds avel. fucrbioviouey to fanenay ott, = provicliig pinanccat aud feelrrv'cal aunrtaparrice Jor copatity building o Gravcnayah (0 able Hau to eee bese cub gel edad preform Hen cavolved further ey/tehrely 4 enpivengey, ~— ~ = Se déesic nme aa . Actas evernanee tclreators atvons ain dimmemions 7 Ane lloriel uuiele cravernariee tnelicators (oil) ae a org - | steading + vese 2 prospect to develop cvor- country fuclrca- | tos of gevewn the wei! wovniat of § Sin covapaaite NAL casoys of broad ¢ nqerratouis @f JavenMianel Covexiinrg aver 280 Counhits ancl 4996 2 =~ - ~ Voice andl decountabsti = = POU eal stabiity ane Aosnce of violence [fe Origen, : ee frovexnment Effectivene, _ _ ~ ~Keguledory Quatity = —_ ~~ - Rule of laut, out Z = | Se = Courhret of Corruption _ : » u — — - AMaust inelicatoys wee basecl on sveral prundrea vourables al obtained 51 differnt dala a0wttel , Caplwing governance “> perceptions ws veported by aurrey veapondenb | nen govern ~s8 niuted ergauizahens, commertial buaine inforeahen PCO CC eeb a - _| prowetera, and public sector Oraanhanoun worlduucle aie and Becountabrity (vA) - a | Coptuuing perup tions of Hat eatent to uttich a country 4 | crizens art able to Potheipare in Aelvcting Het goveunment [a1 wcll arfreecton of exprenion,, fredom of audsahen, 4 a_ ven mecha, ; [Feu nad gtobiihy 4 elbsence of Viele [foviwrjsm (Pv) — Coping peruptons of tht Liclihaod thar We gorunmen | wu ll be listebbiricl or over thrown by untewbhnenal or : Gt viedend nreans, fuduaiig padincally- mietivatect roleviee ariel 4 lerworism 3, _Yorennene 3 aectvenert (Orb f- . ic aprewmg percep retry of we guiatity of public ACME, bE quacity Of Hee Cieit tenures arial dae alegree of OH Preleperrelence fem "Political pres mes, AE gual 4 ce jets ariel | tcalonticur i gavtinnent A he vupece ci Cher aria eae akile fer tne fritituberet (iat oven Leeorrenut 4 acegal tintevachore! aieng enew, Mule. of Caue (41 /— oo Coptuxirrg pertephews of ne erent chien ao. || Covrfrelenee in andl abrele by be vueles af aouthy, errel a - | Particular H He gquatity of conbacl ersferenunt, property o | won, We polite. andl pat Cowdr, 1 Uaell at tee L& eGhood : [eof ine anel violeec, _ "4. enkel of Covrup tien (cc) — = — : Coptuxing perteprort of He akut do uit puble pewer , w1_exviciate ger priveke gain, trekucling bet petey arrel gravicl for of corverphon, ar Wel ar “ caphine “ of ene | . Stobe by thiles aviel private (atest, | . 1 oe ee. E- eee | ce 10 wy Fxanrive ere factors seipornlble for larigtag volt of burcaucvaey ? eae iPuncauc raty ur alifined aaa management opproach that Lomphaszcd a atrudutel ogenteatien to vabicl poattiows 4 Lauitarity at aefincel according to fovvaal yules, Hak weber i864-1920) _ Guseaucraty an institutional metrod por opp greg general ruler to specific cases nwaby maging tht achew Of | evexnnnnt fair audl preelictable, _ factors responsible Jer changing rolt of bureaucrat) — aardlity = Ruler and regulations ane vou vigil auicl Mnflenibte I __wnpteyens aw ancowegel with vigicl complauet of ruly ancl requiatous, Cusy cetiston us talon aftr having oe tauleel unelty buveaucraty, dhe pastiaive aud eveatvity Of a — disuuue) wit many pores. thine ols carne Qe e995 66 vecoveledl un @ number of dowmenh , 3,| D\usplacenet of ' (woah - - ain organination han ber divicleel dw various varites he; aub- uvit, ht objeehive of fub- Uae wt _atio framed by the top managument. A peviert utho un in clay of 4 6ub- unit may by fh achiwe sh objective ry wering tne ovexall objueh'ves of He Oroavunahen in auth cane, te manraguvient fines it voy cliffult to achiwe Hu pals of +e eyganiahon, f ——_———— eeeeee. “e | Hm ATT _| because of tmpeienal yah of wore _ Impevrenal Nature of work — | Leuvite with kevotion vit nol expectect from tet uviptoges, 1 clees nec daated in thew a Ati of be longingned. tau ermplogens do not cane about Me uitll- being of Me evganinahon Hau wt Jaidevne of (0-4, opewation ion and to- ordination — i Organisational ralu aud veguiahev ane given priority 4 “aul Babe. Jobs axe poyyormedt according to novens g procclures | dt hawrpens He free flow Of uLorg. So, taia vent Me 3 aaa, fle ~ “eat fio geting He mrudual tO- opotation and to- or No mutual Undeutonding - | Feucnal feclings . vieiu, neds avd opinions at net gia any tmportance or comrdeiahon under burtaucracy, Covbract- | ual obbgations axt given much empertance even human || relaheuu, Feoeogoocode | | Meenanical trrotment— Inibative aul creahive tringing of av eiploye au not recoqniaed. Employer ae trealect Cie machine ainel not Like | inclividuals , | Empire Gul Wdivg Evvuy aupetor hin t inevense the number ef fui auborelinake fhe vias ws Mat Me maximum number Of subordinates 1 coniiclereel a aymbot of pour anrel prestige. in other wovres, 6 power wank fr have a number of fJollouwe Wlule walking ona voad. Hees U jv vaduilica naval and Bepevieloney teuory” | dat on Hntories veel bey Mae clis uptine of Soue 094 of. Doce toprvent it Tae Hat Uuavier of uvrclen ole ving ment anel ole perathecty Mar enres, | fttnclying due even - ie rea 1g Joep buen rith anel poor Lccunbies remain Hae piimmary Jowws, Migration 4 _| eynanves in olivel went, duminist pevopeenie & loots at Devuctoprnent, Mn quminat poutapeetive vs closely Lindgeel with ch velopment al dey analyze varius initituhout auch ar danuly, wWiovs place. _ mauriag , aa, qndut, de. fo ace how Hus Ku0 Leineide, {| | Mawigee steely” | ctucelying the maxiet eonomy us ent of tht focal points of ctevelop- mented aneler ff in He aoval actors who ultimately eldexnuine | | dif ene commump hen potivs ancl supply dunanel chains. | gaciy at tage us made up of tne aouial actors. fu, rir aofe to aay biter tne rrianttl in Aocially dtterrnivedl, ariel Mar Coe _wotteuns atl praeats of migration connrbube legely 0 ifjecent tury tds atuclieel by acholanu of tha cbrcpone, “Stratification avicl legualety ” a bu lopment cannot bea Uinta ova hemegjencas pou 4 aliuays cone ata prite. who us getting tae benefit, who v7.60 tnchavge of Me ekuelepment, wuho clas th harm, ancl wang more guuhows Live Hw ane aeixted fin tre counse, Ee i oy U"Madernization theory” _ Slecleaniaation tacory becamt prominent in tat 1950 « ane 1980s tonetning uncle neliiag teonvrorie. ariel aneral clevelop- i iu and aahing pelt te cuniat ttonomc § antral | branartons tn poorer counties, (falortd System theory” : a : e | alovidl -aystenuy theory vponds to tne cvineysint Lepenctney theory oltvelopeel by tvmanuel Luall stein 1999) «ft 01 pauls elaupUnay epproath to worl nistory and aoial charge _ sunich umphasize tne Worle

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