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Hewes -S- Uh lUhlUh TFT TSE CCCP HH o a SIT. : Feaferoreser UNIVERSITY INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Assignment Submission for Term-End Exam 902% — ENROLLMENT NUMBER NAME OF THE STUDENT > Sythe ——§— STUDENT ADDRESS : BRETT IAN 7 We CUAMPARAN 38) POLT- PROGRAMME TITLE & CODE " TEAL CCTENCE 1 RNP - ERTS, COURSE TITLE AND DEBATES ‘COURSE CODE : “Reagent REGIONAL CENTRE NAME & cope: _OQWNA SOS STUDY CENTRENAME& CODE : WNUGALY HARB AN Cole oie BORTN ROAD 10924 MOBILE NUMBER : fle To Tete R234 E-MAIL ID 2 hu shinriehawhih 114 qmail Corn eee OF THE STUDENT) DATE OF SUBMISSI rene wpe ge ttre \ey ignou Tone dton Tome 5) Ee allan lar aidan Gort how Deb» 110068 remnant ar 72577765 1 pocese oe PATNA memes BASH: Bachelor of Ars Hone) Potitiest Popes Seance — vorusia KUMARI 225: Frese SHASHI BHUSHAN MISHEA (Conmral City, Srinagar, Bath, West Champaran AA 3: POLITICAL THEORY ~ CONCEPTS AND DEBATES, (TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT) Assignment Code: BPSC-103/ASST/TM (2022-23 > Marks: 100 2 There are three Sections in the Assignment. You have to answer all questions in the au Sections. Assignment “ Answer the following in about 500 words each. i 1 Examine the notion of liberty 20 2. Discuss Sir Isaiah Berlin's Two Concepts of hberty 20 Assignment I Answer the following questions in about 250 words each. 1. Elaborate upon the problems of Alienation 10 Examine the concept of equality of opportunity 10 3. Write a note on equality of capability 0 Assigament - IIL 7 Answer the following questions in about 100 words each. - 1. Differential treatment 6 2. Distributive Justice 6 — 3. Some arguments agains the concept of desert 6 #2 4. Global Justice 6 _ 5. Late 20" century Liberals. 6 Broadly opeak ing — but ba_tAL ability Co - P.O aid ome pleated Or a tight ar Cernmtins Wty enjoyed sy pecan nad Eboe: i : ec _priilege)~ Levit a dyotnyym par the od ye —. preectem . fhe wad tk an og nay a hoattan flo cei i tebntas and Leterte. Liber meant “gree” A »__ + peteple ane acetteattomscd Co_eise precoder» — But beth the _ueerd mean same tA. a dutits and even % thal cosatrs oisaduantags to kom that dhoutld be Toterated: Lt 44 ——— eecacusc the tcbaty cp one t4 statrrclisn te this and wire Versa aatially %f- one LOCs— aot _tetaate athenk actewms + the peuple —_— +—Conrnbt hae eherty $o_uwe Can Say that —_—— help Caco iet be Separated pyro telesatiimn — —— ,tn_Lecent ylans we custines 4 — 1 th2_emuigence— oh another word whieh (a a VasetaLiun og ebuty ~ dt 4s thnalm: cal Ce werdiu ‘debuatiom movement’ arr. vay — a 8b dtd —esthen a natiumn is undu parer.gn— clugenilions of labia ty of pacec.arn: fp bu clay ™ b= day speech_or Cumitirg aun & te, cose. tbe — | Grim f mean _absents of tsndtrointy oe a emitatums obstacles usthin we purd that _ pa an badluniclat. és pr/ee Ch clo as Ao tres cee (Ube oble ty blourtsh thes gaol ae . »- ee ura erp ——— + | auther of pur ather pooks ! "kant Marx” C1939), Te age of enkg hlunment * C1956), * foun Lex on Ltd. (29690 1% weo ancl sere ee é tly fe ntagus of the nivrth 4 Hamam and the _O1igent of stodun Lrr ater -alism " C1992) tin tek ht fsb lubatisD op Lhe Hardy __teteetiomns, cin fsarerh had been An Osten eda Loman _usno tathet much burt _uaete utlle and — ee ee fash por not __— eet Map Or Bprtdd+ Sur Téalahr had tegen ee » gem analytic philosophy tpuandts tht Aatory— yh tales ot the time 04 his seelinn Lo ___ academic ipl th onporad agler cae cecona weld. 1 atentat lo the _uthate_cerr0a 046 Ar Adstar op ean = and 26 thels énplunse. wrising thhetugh lipe has becoming samiddan cutlth tro Werk Of the +twsscan poop end sevelutionoany Aberandor Mer2er Herzen’ udsiting abatut the history 26 4 hacial end political (hea onade oo tremendcdeccs | einpiision on Lsatah berdin ond he increasingly | beveled humieth dn pan-suaching selatid cludits. - 8p Weel srman,utho uitole tho An tid dactian to sir Liasahris safe baek. forwonal impridacons.” Oblarutd - — ° Metody in aur tims nas anrvtated het wth tuth pouanatty - guen Ahern a Cetpersoak shape and buattid ug toto (ner mere han Lash Grins and he Suecacahs an. . deing So because $ §dta bor him asu net mate ohn tretlonb Joey late 2 un the nana LA bole Ln the oenicling ¢mpertance of clears uthen (dia are neglcled by these utho ornprt . tp etlend Ww then --- that 16 % Say, Aheae whe have boon aired tu think cletieally about . $dtas-- shay spam acquire an uncheckod a + omemintum and an tscaceti bls pocvoen over muuliiduidts o min hat may grou feo Malet to bc appicthd by sratienal ticcam. he wrrele in * Two Cemcepts 6 Uberly.” He added: “ gue a Aunased years ago. the Leaman peet Hent warned Tht Foeneh nat to under. _ ectimate the pair of id2Ods: pasimephicar tomcopts muinrtuned tn the sthlnoss 26 On prwp toss study could elustroy a Kvilisalion« + th prepernbys Can tumtly wield 4A palal power, may ut net pe that orty other prroptsmsers, at. at leaet , athpa thinkers Cand nél government ox beng ttsslenat aaa bur. philedephens.Sooms oddly unauanrs ese .elouaslaling epgtcls of ther actuertets A Starch aduscats bf pluralism tia. C0 UNng— a ushich tetaltanrians and utoptans classed Lille te the ome, dangle tryth_Sir— Ztaiah Constainred Ahe—— 7 ak change. tle was also a. tte og tht Lomnipat — 05 tnonto eat totale bilig exis ag- a —‘ehatenendat ~Adt rites selalcan Of. hima CG Gasre oe “Petracipally » —dymplOms o¢ clenatum wt egten sugecd r~e ~ levec oes or cecity - phoy may also £Aaeor 3 ~ fecting © dislanct and ertrangement. wneluding ~— fern LACM eutn_emrolions - = -- —___tt — Aden alien. “co Laremplect —_—_|| ya Pr tenditiom + £43 60h seccvlagtc al ane plychelogeal and Can applet aus health, — and aggravalt eculing ne adtéat lrnctiteen -— Treatment envelies dliagn ering the COMMAS Of = ~ alien atum, and getlouring trough us th. treatment a — —— Ba Can hace monty Cartas, prem _piycholegical dserdis We ceccot eee —bealfh = 4eelaied CaiAce . Alienation Can be the stosiurt+ oe a mental. : Or _phytical concl(tiomn -Pesible health rolaled Cates 0f alienation retucle 1 = =| H+ Alectal health cliserclir, dich ads aneioty » Buyer 20% ay aacanace dl eatery kdaenaTaar? Ghat mwas weet Cate. cAey cocdl tubieaiiy be StALY o ¥ fewest Sev mere ANAM 2 Serv weocker A> wees Loncenrent Aad Afadcta” Sere femis Lays. OR. Botart ang tempos - Wee -xetated Caused SA Bie RELOT acces utnan a Acruen goede cufranged grem aint Ary prcoluce ch AC cesVaalece BAL Auconuc en may (aure dedtete RX 2 HLedy Sh Rhenaten srem. Shards ; * ay Sih nat to wt PARC, Cer ker’ su Ae erecrenane Kw 7 Thesranie dees oe se ~ Pastental Causes _ - fasetintal Te Cote yr Fen = pigoetet.alincling BEAAutOrs dAinplayod by Q panctcnt.wuhAe 2720f being Prcacnt, famcatal cdicnaelion Lyodsveme aincrwhts a psychtatree discret un SAcdiyen, Ailiailaky Lene ee Cengttect og duet. semelimes 22 Cn bo an Ja planalin fOr CALLAS sie pesatl fo Maer a. a panes = 4 Reece _96 Pree ns elif Lt — pact - Fhe Gn wiciicleenteractums gr1om _, Atth poral and flings ot amend ft chad 4h ry a| Gramint the lonept ag equality a pe mu ase dnd a (AE ucgnits thal pact thal thust cctat special : 42 Posts cn the c5ocelty which Longur Crtarr special benegcts on the people Sccrtpyig- inert posts Tht st2asen fer the eacstane2 —&% hussorthits Can be bielogecat, sectatl CY. | petiderag. BRL the example ef a parliamentary Olen OCLOe 4. which $M has Special prises bagospreporr hts — 1%. penal equality of eppertunthy cr absplute— Sent cosule day thal anywne Should bo elygtble— —Co_tentess por the post &f Prt utho (6 a. membtr = Qvedivste: || ae - _ end Azwe car Sami sual Sepertusrty. brett ci tf a7 4s 4h peed bed onan: ao Ac. —seccitdy ¢ best 2st in meathoalcot erasteds ran faa latel ecementick - ae ome wort nent Fis prmcsple se 2 sdaleday ocecushiacc tag Dir splecpe ations 4s. leneepis si iusclioning has porter lar —_—— dan th 2 sii sedation fa Asst humonherngs Mee ee net yet ele Be chee ete Wiel newer ee le te aah teme Aasticcrdar Charts. er utho ee eet this asclity shreigh aduanecd cdemeatr oe Seas _bratn damage utncthis or net these —___ pensets Lan decide fe fe well nesinihed ana hscalthep a as _gentratly pela that we bout the merat —__ —_sbdigation_m premele or preted thoes pm ana Aiality sere bienteg 2 henry 2b pusliet need, —___ fe explain om _usnal pasts Se paid ec posnciple, | Se RGN —E a | ue 1° Ans an Assugnment ae Oippeential watment Cre tr ctAdeA abadpurere Cen e avr Lory Thtas. ario serne Arsntmendt at yar. wah a caused Crample. HK your Canployer Wecaty spare because o% your gab Alipormaiace Chal 4 ROO Cakrwepced Employers ane cutter to teed cporWert aespuendly basco On wtherr redid rl / 1 feb pergermance aad Gan it cop Cent ant dtoer thor ctiphtruntly based on that ff ce cadto fo veer oun net undarrepul ger an emplayer employer aippuenthy kcal 0% persone ccly the errpolayee might third nat pArohtidcled dimply diahhs Alig hrrencl cshnile thot at ungacr cf cr Asem enatleen ger an emplayer to werkt as lng ca th celts es | Atcause of Ais cor Act protected slxter: Treatment that th arscrmminas CA malursk ushen yaur employer tnerls ar kts egperen tly because O¢ thers protect a chararcteviater. the AMscrLarmsurrorge & a arset palgprential featment & » cllegahl Some a che protected Chararcferca bes yi tneludo the pollausing | Lt Age ' Genk wt Matumal errigco aMud. Burmbutiue Tate? Pr Qtarresucteur Tustece Concuns Lhe sacsaltly a pect arlecationm + cgden lristrasted custth guot proces utAteh vs toncernod usith the _aalmtnds- _tretiem of Law. aiatrcedele gist lorcentrates om _eusremes-prca fubpect has be0n Geen tonsidirable attentusm tn prilerephy ond —the Secial Serenees. nich .buleour jpusttc ts concurs — the fair Cotlectium Of 2s OUrcet amin g AW PAs — y memaborns Of A. community che pruretple Bays thay every perten Shaul hour 6% hOwt— : ec tdd Lo apprextm ately CAs dame Lewel tf _maluial geod and comtets. an _tonsraat Crs— - principle 06 clin process ashich os Lencerrtd — « __ustth the eguat _oamencatraten pipers - and substantive law, dehrbutice puatie 2 focus eon eget t0ectal and economic euteemes ~The SN pane pte of detributius giolice ts mest —___ —__| Lommonly ¢uslipi2 d onthe _graund that poeple ee esmally gual nd that equality Cp material —9badsand Arruccees ts tho beot way Lo. rwalire tA mera t_ideat: df might 2 €asin ta think — Oh a tacbediwe geteee as “yrist diatrisutim? tai bullied yustice Concerns the parr and oe guits sl dat bute of suserrte and — burdens essuag hot On a Sect 16 guts Some angumuents agacnts thr lancept 6 — — fms Diaant 2 a rarmatiace cmnespt that 1d usec —— | 8 day ty = clay ide amaoy bale thee being treated o1 one cleaved —lo be — tb as na then 0b geistece, petinasd PAGAL 1 a aued ms Global Jusleer Gt bal yladiee ta (At bMardir @ schoal Of Lomopolitania™ + WAU pectiata 077 LAL benporlaret tho Ondiicidests as appeatr ty the dlote, Lomone or Cadturt. Cornvoprdidans (akl (Ad Proteveclerad cts ther Adartirg pont bLicatisa thoy bedierce thal aie hacmion beret Aad equ! moral avoath And -thsrarpere Aawe Ae sch Co agacod rreorek (rntidration sn thes Case, cucn tf Coamepelt ONS altarpiece an Row Co endsnrs that andlor a theory that eatat wslheon at are LAP Sabyect om equal momal Contun. the fects gh Lhial t1pArruery utp preaacte ad the Valier yh 0 Indawidsial + ttobal pustecek Seholare have Wntubuled to wulening the seeps CG CA theory. by thiphing (ho gocus to Inaaueduals, ono p/Anctarng coal, and bhinsiby agprivachirg problims p global Chabstatem wn a now coay pet aespite hugn o% pugress in attdemia. atates deems Le be mew fered on moriiyging Gnplicl, » distuat and aaodn than on snatching aletat agreements and treating one anelan 4 for thot suason, glabat pa tece a4 an ssicw Aas been Unde cuprimentidin potcy and alebal gustier Seholauhif pas nat yct suach rd HAs Lane PULTURENES Qs MN asnd/ELQAIM (A thepnties futh ad pualim or Liberalism ’

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