Negative Inspiratory Pressure As A Predictor of Weaning Mechanical Ventilation

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Mini Review J Anest & Inten Care Med

Volume 3 Issue 1 - June 2017

DOI: 10.19080/JAICM.2017.03.555602 Copyright © All rights are reserved by Edgar Cortés R

Negative Inspiratory Pressure as a Predictor of

Weaning Mechanical Ventilation
Edgar Cortés R1*, Katherine Parrado B2 and Ferrán Arango A2
Department of Human Body Movement and Institute of Clinical Research, National University of Colombia, Colombia
Department of Medicine, National university of Colombia, Colombia
Submission: February 04, 2017; Published: June 01, 2017
*Corresponding author: Edgar Cortés R, Department of Human Body Movement and Institute of Clinical Research, National University of
Colombia, Colombia, Email:

instability, respiratory pump failure and psychological
Mechanical ventilation (MV) is a widely used resource within
dependence on the ventilator [12]. This fact occurs in many
intensive care units (ICUs) for the maintenance of the lives of
cases because weaning is based on clinical judgments and
critically ill patients. However, its prolongation is associated
individualized styles, behaviors that favor the prolongation
with several complications, such as pneumonia, hemodynamic
of MV time [13]. Herein lies the importance of establishing a
disorders, lung injury and diaphragmatic dysfunction; the
protocol of weaning and extubation systematically, integrally
latter defined as the set of structural and functional alterations
and preferably universal within the ICUs.
produced by the inactivity of the diaphragm muscle during MV
[1,2]. However, most of these criteria are not always statistically
reliable because they present low sensitivity and specificity,
Several investigations developed since the 1990s on the
and may give rise to the appearance of false positives and false
impact of MV have been able to show changes in the diaphragm
negatives. In summary, precise parameters included within the
as a consequence of the prolonged use of positive pressure in
weaning protocol do not always exist to predict the success or
the airway [2-5]. These changes reduce and modify the correct
failure of weaning and extubation [11].
diaphragmatic functioning, making the weaning process more
complicated and delayed due to the difficulty for the patient to One of the predictors that has been contemplated in recent
spontaneously assume ventilatory work [2,3]. This translates years to estimate the success of weaning is the maximum
into an increase in the number of hospital stay days, and inspiratory pressure, commonly known as PIM, defined as
consequently, costs in health services [6,7]. maximum pressure that can be generated against an occluded
airway for 20 seconds from the capacity Functional residual; In
For all of the above, early ventilatory weaning is established
this sense, can be considered as a direct marker of inspiratory
as one of the main objectives in the management of the critical
muscle function, and in particular, of diaphragmatic force [14].
patient and its initiation should be considered from the moment
the cause of the use of ventilatory support improves [8]. The The first time we talked about IMP measurement in critically
success of weaning is defined as the maintenance of spontaneous ventilated patients was in 1973, when Sahn and included
breathing for at least 48 hours after discontinuation of MV. If the within the extubation criteria, along with the value of minute
need to return to artificial ventilation arises during this period, it ventilation and maximum voluntary ventilation. The research
may be thought that weaning has failed [9]. It is considered that concluded that patients with values >30cm H20 are able to
approximately 55% of the patients manage to pass this process maintain their mechanical ventilation spontaneously [15].
without difficulties [10]; However, between 20 and 30% of the On the other hand, in 1975 Feeley et al. [16] reported that the
patients who are weaned from the ventilator present respiratory inspiratory force should be ≥20cm H20 to interrupt assisted
complications after extubation, requiring the reinstatement of ventilation.
the artificial airway [11].
In 1993, Strickland and Hasson developed an automatic
Weaning failure can be due to several factors, summarized weaning stool system for postoperative patients. Within the
in four groups: alterations in gas exchange, hemodynamic inclusion criteria to begin weaning, they added the Negative

J Anest & Inten Care Med 3(1): JAICM.MS.ID.555602 (2017) 001

Journal of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine

Inspiratory Force (NIF) denomination that until then had not dysfunction in the diaphragm. New England journal 358: 1327-1335.
been handled to refer to maximal inspiratory pressure [17]. 5. Powers S, Wiggs M, Sollanek K, Smude A (2013) Ventilator - induced
diaphragm dysfunction: cause and effect. Am J Physiol Regul Integr
Yang and Tobin performed a prospective study where they Comp Physiol 305(5): 464-477.
established the predictive indexes of the results of ventilatory
6. Dasta J, McLaughlin T, Mody S, Piech C (2005) Daily cost of an intensive
weaning, taking NIF as one of them. In their research, they care unit day; The contribution of mechanical ventilation. Crit Care
determined that inspiratory pressure is a better predictor of Med 33(6): 1266-1271.
failure than of weaning success [18]. In contrast, Ebeid and Cols. 7. Moerer O, Plock E, Mgbor U, Schmid A (2007) A German national
Deduced in 2013 that NIF is a good predictor of weaning success prevalence study on the cost of intensive care: an evaluation from 51
[19]. intensive care units. Crit Care 11(3): R69.
8. Fruit F, Eteban A (2012) Weaning from mechanical ventilation: Why
It has been established that a NIF ≥-20 or -25cm H2O is are we still looking for alternative methods. Intensive medicine 37(9):
adequate to initiate ventilatory weaning; With a NIF>-30cm 605-617.
H2O, there is a 93% chance of successful weaning [20,21], and
9. Vallverdú L, Calaf N, Subirana M, Net A, Benito S, et al. (1998) Clinical
on the contrary, with a NIF of >-15 or >-10cm H2O, patients are characteristics functional respiratory parameters, and outcome
unable to breathe on their own (twenty-one). Parallel to this, of a two-hour T-piece trial in Patients weaning from mechanical
ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 158(6): 1855-1862.
values of -33cm H20 with a 50% mortality decrease -28cm H20
with 42% and -26cm H20 with 32% respectively have been 10. Peñuelas O, Frutos-Vivar F, Fernández C, Anzueto A, Epstein SK, et al.
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Recently, we conducted a study with Colombian population, Med 184(4): 430-437.
considering the measurement of NIF as a parameter of evaluation 11. Castro S, Castro D, Vera S (2008) Destete ventilatory: physical therapy
of diaphragmatic dysfunction in MV, which is being submitted or approach. Movement cinetífico 2(1).
for publication, considering that its use in patients submitted 12. Montaño E, Jimenez N, Vargas G, Rubio M, Ledesma A Utility as a
to MV is possible thanks to its Incorporation into state-of-the- prognostic index CROP successful extubation. Internal Medicine of
Mexico 31(2): 164-173.
art mechanical fans. The measurement is done by an invasive
technique, simple and well tolerated by the patients. Thus, the 13. Destete R (2007) Goldwasser and interruptions mechanical ventilated.
J Bras Pneumol 33(2).
value of NIF is presented as an effective alternative to take into
consideration, both to assess the degree of diaphragmatic injury, 14. Eskandar N, Apostolakos M (2007) Weaning from mechanical
ventilator. Crit Care Clin 23(2): 263-274.
to initiate weaning and to perform extubation.
15. Sahn S, Lakshminurayan S (1973) bedside criteria for discontinuation
Although NIF seems to be the most adequate measure to of mechanical ventilation. Chest 63(6): 1002-1005.
quantify the degree of pulmonary dysfunction in patients with 16. Feely T, Hedley J (1975) Weaning from Controlled Ventilation and
ventilatory support, depending on the probability of success Supplemental Oxygen. N Engl J Med 292(17): 903-906.
or failure of weaning, the information that can be found on its
17. Strickland JH, Hasson JH (1991) Computer controlled ventilator
application within critical care remains limited and discordant, weaning system. Chest 1991 (100): 1096-1099.
Which makes it necessary to carry out more research in which
18. Yang KL (1991) A prospective study of indexes predicting the outcome
NIF is considered as a parameter of evaluation for respiratory of trials of weaning from mechanical ventilation. N Engl J Med 324(21):
dysfunction within a structured battery or as a potential 1445-1450.
extubation criterion. 19. FranCa A, Ebeid A, Formento C, Loza C (2013) Destete en una UCI
polivalente. Incidencia y factores de riesgo de fracaso. Valoración de
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How to cite this article: Edgar C R, Katherine PB & Ferrán AA. Negative Inspiratory Pressure as a Predictor of Weaning Mechanical Ventilation. J Anest
& Intern Care Med. 2017; 3(1) : 555602. DOI:10.19080/JAICM.2017.03.555602
Journal of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine

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How to cite this article: Edgar C R, Katherine PB & Ferrán AA. Negative Inspiratory Pressure as a Predictor of Weaning Mechanical Ventilation. J Anest
& Intern Care Med. 2017; 3(1) : 555602. DOI:10.19080/JAICM.2017.03.555602

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