Suxamethonium Apnoea (Succinlycholine or Scoline Apnoea) (SA)

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Suxamethonium Apnoea (Succinlycholine

or Scoline Apnoea) (SA)
What is it? Suxamethonium (succinylcholine) is a Treatment: all anaesthetists have training to
drug used in anaesthesia to produce relaxation recognise SA. This means that in the unlikely
of the muscles (paralysis). It is normally broken event that a patient develops SA, the anaesthetist
down very rapidly in the body by a substance will use a machine (a ventilator) to help the
in the blood, an enzyme called plasma patient’s breathing until the drug wears off. The
cholinesterase. The effects of suxamethonium patient is sedated during this time to keep them
normally wear off within a few minutes. comfortable. Sometimes they may be looked after
SA occurs when there are abnormalities in this in the intensive care unit until it is safe to wake
enzyme and the body has difficulties in breaking them up. There should be no long-lasting effects
down this drug. This means the muscles will stay once the patient has fully recovered.
relaxed (paralysed) for longer than expected. Testing: anyone who knows of cases of SA in
This drug is not often used for planned surgery their family should have a blood test to check
nowadays, but it is still commonly used in their enzyme levels. GPs can organise this test
emergency surgery. and it usually takes just a few weeks to get the
results. It is important to test for the condition
Another relaxant drug called mivacurium can so that the anaesthetist can then avoid using the
also lead to these problems in affected people. drugs that cause SA if you have it. You should
How common is it? SA usually runs in families. also let other family members know if you have
There are different types of the abnormal been shown to have SA.
enzymes. 4 percent of people have a mildly Anaesthetic management: if you are found to
abnormal enzyme, which usually only takes a have or to be at risk of SA, your anaesthetist will
little longer than normal to break down the drug. only use suxamethonium if they consider it to
Other types can take up to four hours to stop the be essential (and will make plans to keep you
drug working, but these are rare. anaesthetised until it wears off). Usually they will
Symptoms: while you are still anaesthetised, a choose an alternative drug to relax your muscles
machine called a nerve stimulator is used to test during surgery.
for muscle paralysis. If it shows that the patient’s It is important that you tell your anaesthetist if you
muscles are still paralysed, the patient will not be or anyone in your family is at risk of SA before
able to breathe on their own when the anaesthetic any operation. We advise that you keep an SA
is ended. The effect of the drug usually lasts three warning card in your wallet or purse (an example
to four minutes in patients without the condition. can be found on our website:
In patients who have SA, the effect can last for patientinfo/factsheets) and wear a warning disc
anything up to four hours. or bracelet in case you are brought into hospital
unconscious after an accident, or through illness.
Further information is also available in the
following article:  |  1
Suxamethonium Apnoea (Succinlycholine or Scoline Apnoea) (SA)

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Royal College of Anaesthetists

Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4SG
020 7092 1500  |  |

First Edition 2018

This leaflet will be reviewed within five years of the date of publication.

© Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA)

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