Social Media Marketing: by Vivek Kateliya
Social Media Marketing: by Vivek Kateliya
Social Media Marketing: by Vivek Kateliya
Practice Assignment
What is Social Media Marketing?
• Social media platforms also provide aluable data and insights into consumer
behavior and preferences, which can inform marketing strategies and improve
business decisions.
AD Language: English
More ads Details:
- Active campaign
- Started running on Mar15, 2023
- Platforms: Facebook and Instagram
- One unique identifier for this specific ad.
Finding about Gucci #Jackie1961 / India
• Gucci promotes for its Jackie 1961 in India through out a campaign.
• Gucci uses Influencer Marketing(celebrity Dakota Johnson) to promote for its
• Social platforms: Facebook and Instagram
• Call to action of the campaign is Learn More
• The Landing page of Jackie 1961 is Gucci website, with a home page where Gucci
presents the video campaign of Jackie1961 & the landing page of Learn More
button is Gucci facebook Page where Gucci uses as a cover photo an image of the
same campaign.
• Customers can see all different variations of Jackie 1961 women handbag from
Gucci international website Jackie1961/India
• Language used for this campaign is English.
• The price is not mentioned on the international website for Jackie1961.
Gucci uses celebrity Dakota Johnson to promote for #Jackie1961
which helps in achieving high engagement with audience.
Landing Page is the homepage of the International Gucci Website
Cucci promotes its Jackie 1961
on its international Website.
The Price is not directly shown in the international
website. Product details are mentioned.
Gucci #Jackie1961
Location Italy
Campaign Language: Italian
Facebook Ads Library for Gucci
Location Italy
Location Italy
Ad details
- Campaign: Active
- Started running: Mar3,2023
- Platform: Instagram, facebook
- 3 ads use this similar creative
& text for each campaign
because Cucci is targeting
based on location, and
Library ads/Italy #Jackie1961
- They are mainly posting on a monthly basis for this campaign - No clickable button on this ad to go to Gucci
- They started posting on Facebook for the #Jackie1961 from facebook page or Gucci instagram page
the beginning of Jan. 2023 throughout the icons of Fb & Instagram.
- The primary text of the posts are short, related to the brand.
- The use jackie1961 as a cover page on facebook. - The target audience is very specific ( high
- They posted many different images, videos for Jackie1961 price of the Jackie1961)
promoted by the celebrity Dakota Johnson on FB & Insta.
- The posts format aligned for each platform. - Campaign related posts are shown on
- The length of the video is short. separate Instagram profile: #Jackie1961
- The video is showing Gucci classic and
timeless design of the Jackie bag 1961. - On Gucci international website the prices are
- They show different variations of Jackie1961 on their site. not mentioned directly on any of the
- Use of sounds effect “music”. Jackie1961 variation.
Why like the ad #GucciJackie1961
The potential audience for this campaign includes individuals who value luxury
fashion, particularly those who appreciate classic designs and quality
The campaign may appeal to women in their 20s and above, who have a higher
disposable income and are interested in investing in high-end accessories.
The campaign may also attract fashion enthusiasts and influencers who are
looking to incorporate iconic pieces into their wardrobes.
The campaign may target collectors and aficionados of Gucci accessories who
appreciate the heritage and history behind the brand’s iconic pieces.
The main goal of #GucciJackie1961
- To promote the Gucci Jackie 1961 bag and increase its sales.
- To reinforce the Gucci brand’s heritage and identity and reputation.
- To emphasizes the history and legacy of the Jackie bag.
- To highlight the timeless elegance of the Jackie bag.
- Aims to appeal to fashion-conscious individuals who appreciate luxury
accessories and are willing to invest in timeless piesec by showcasing the bag’s
classic design and high-quality craftsmanship
CTA: Shop now
• Ad is active
• Start running on March
• Platforms: Facebook &
• One unique identifier for this
specific ad
• Friends of people who have engaged with the brand and spring collection related to this ad on H&M
facebook page, or those with whom the H&M existing customers and audience on facebook page have
shared such related ad with.
• Who visited H&M Instagram page and are interested on H&M as a brand and the quality, price of the product.
• Who has visited H&M website and have been interested about their products.
• Female whose challanges is not to stick to routine life, face problems of uncomfortable clothes while trying
to go out, move, ejoy or accomplish work in a quick way.
• Females with a goal to support and lead the change, because they believe that the only constant is change,
in fair, equality and has an interest in circular and positive fashion.
The main goal of this particular ad is:
• Increase H&M ROI by increasing the number of sales of this new arrivals crafted for timeless spring style.
• H&M also tries to target a wide segment of potential audience because of high quality products and
affordable price for large segment of its potential and existing customers.
H&M is trying to increase audience engagement through its facebook page, and is trying to increase
sales by letting the audince land on H&M website where they can find many categories, each of different
products, forms, colours, sizes, and price.
• H&M ad resonates the brand’s mission "to make fashion accessible and enjoyable for all."
Task 2
MacDonalds should start recieving orders on their website. To do this MacDonalds should start
running a campaign on social media platform (Facebook) with an objective of getting more reach,
engagement and then more Traffic on their website.
MacDonalds should give incentive to let their audience take an action(order).
It is vey important to include the right attractive keywords in the primary text
because it is the first thing anyone will read on the ad. Select a good image
which is relevant to the ad, and also good relevant words for the headline and
MacDonalds should make sure that everyone click on the call to action button on
Facebook ads. will be directed to MacDonalds Website where cutomers could
order their meals in a very simple, easy and quick way.
Campaign objective is Traffic
Conversion Location
MacDonalds main
Gender: Male, Female Target Audience
for this specific ad
Primary text
Call to Action
Carousel cards Seven Images
Carousel cards Seven Images
Carousel cards Seven Images