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Optimization of Heat Exchanger Network via Pinch Analysis
in Heat Pump-Assisted Textile Industry Wastewater Heat
Recovery System
Yurim Kim 1,2 , Jonghun Lim 1,2 , Jae Yun Shim 3 , Seokil Hong 3 , Heedong Lee 3 and Hyungtae Cho 1, *

1 Green Materials and Processes R&D Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Ulsan 44413, Korea;
kyr0602@kitech.re.kr (Y.K.); ljh94@kitech.re.kr (J.L.)
2 Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea
3 ICT Textile and Apparel R&BD Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Ansan 15588, Korea;
sjaeyun@kitech.re.kr (J.Y.S.); redstone@kitech.re.kr (S.H.); lhd0121@kitech.re.kr (H.L.)
* Correspondence: htcho@kitech.re.kr

Abstract: Reactive dyeing is primarily used in the textile industry to achieve a high level of pro-
ductivity for high-quality products. This method requires heating a large amount of freshwater
for dyeing and cooling for the biological treatment of discharged wastewater. If the heat of the
wastewater discharged from the textile industry is recovered, energy used for heating freshwater
and cooling wastewater can be significantly reduced. However, the energy efficiency of this industry
remains low, owing to the limited use of waste heat. Hence, this study suggested a cost-optimal heat
exchanger network (HEN) in a heat pump-assisted textile industry wastewater heat recovery system
with maximizing energy efficiency simultaneously. A novel two-step approach was suggested to
develop the optimal HEN in heat pump-assisted textile industry wastewater heat recovery system.
In the first step, the system was designed to integrate the heat exchanger and heat pump to recover
Citation: Kim, Y.; Lim, J.; Shim, J.Y.;
waste heat effectively. In the second step, the HEN in the newly developed system was retrofitted
Hong, S.; Lee, H.; Cho, H.
using super-targeted pinch analysis to minimize cost and maximize energy efficiency simultaneously.
Optimization of Heat Exchanger
Network via Pinch Analysis in Heat
As a result, the proposed wastewater heat recovery system reduced the total annualized cost by up to
Pump-Assisted Textile Industry 43.07% as compared to the conventional textile industry lacking a wastewater heat recovery system.
Wastewater Heat Recovery System. These findings may facilitate economic and environmental improvements in the textile industry.
Energies 2022, 15, 3090. https://
doi.org/10.3390/en15093090 Keywords: textile industry; wastewater heat recovery system; heat pump; pinch analysis; heat
exchanger network
Academic Editor: Jose A.

Received: 22 March 2022

Accepted: 18 April 2022 1. Introduction
Published: 23 April 2022
In the textile industry, reactive dyeing is primarily used to produce large quantities of
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral high-quality products. During reactive dyeing, cellulose fibers are immersed in a dissolved
with regard to jurisdictional claims in reactive dye solution; the fibers are then dyed via bonding between the dye and molecules
published maps and institutional affil- on the surface of the fibers. Reactive dyeing requires freshwater to be heated to induce the
iations. reaction of the dye and fibers, as well as wastewater cooling for biological treatment [1]. As
the wastewater discharged by the textile industry contains large amounts of waste heat,
the energy required for heating freshwater could be reduced if wastewater was reclaimed
for heating. The energy required for cooling the wastewater could also be reduced because
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
its baseline temperature would be lowered during the recovering process. However, the
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
limited use of waste heat and generally inefficient use of energy increases textile production
This article is an open access article
costs. Currently, the operating costs for freshwater heating and wastewater cooling account
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
for 16.2% and 6.7% of production costs, respectively, in the textile dyeing plant in South
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
Korea, which does not use the heat of wastewater. Therefore, it is essential to adopt
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ an appropriate wastewater heat recovery system in the textile industry to use energy
4.0/). more effectively.

Energies 2022, 15, 3090. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15093090 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2022, 15, 3090 2 of 16

Currently, the effective and economical utilization of wastewater heat in the textile
industry is being intensively researched. Kandilli and Koclu [2] reduced textile industry
energy consumption by installing a wastewater heat recovery system with an optimized
counter-flow plate heat exchanger (PHE) to recover heat from the dyeing process. To
install the counter-flow PHE, the mass flow rate and inlet temperature of the wastewa-
ter and freshwater were adjusted. As a result, when wastewater and freshwater passed
through the heat exchanger at 10.00 and 7.00 m3 /h and 52.4 ◦ C and 59.5 ◦ C, respectively,
the exergy efficiency increased by up to 1.28 times as compared to the existing recovery
system. Kannoh [3] used a heat pump to recover wastewater heat from 30–50 ◦ C dis-
charged from a textile washing process. When 1.39 × 109 J/h of heat was recovered from
wastewater discharged at a rate of 60 m3 /h, hot water (80 ◦ C) could be obtained at a
rate of 3.48 × 109 J/h. Rakib et al. [4] saved 5716 MWh of energy and USD 47,100/y by
recovering the heat of wastewater discharged from textile dyeing through a heat recovery
system with a counter-flow heat exchanger. Moreover, the payback period for their system
was approximately 11 months, confirming the feasibility of recovery systems with simple
configurations. Elahee [5] reduced the energy used during textile finishing by recovering
the heat of the wastewater discharged from the dyeing process through a shell and tube
heat exchanger. As a result, the fossil fuel consumption of the finishing process was reduced
by up to 10%, and the economic feasibility of this system was confirmed by a short payback
period of only nine months.
Despite the many contributions of wastewater heat recovery systems to increasing
energy efficiency in the textile industry, several challenges remain. First, because all
wastewater discharged from each process in the textile industry contains a considerable
amount of heat, it is essential to recover as much of it as possible to increase the energy
efficiency. However, only the heat of wastewater discharged from one process has been
recovered in most previous studies, rendering a limited heat recovery efficiency. Second, the
heat exchanger networks (HENs) in conventionally developed wastewater heat recovery
systems are not optimally configured, so energy efficiency in the textile industry is not
being maximized. Currently, in other industries, research designing an optimal HEN in
wastewater heat recovery systems through pinch analysis, which retrofits the configuration
to maximize energy efficiency, is actively being conducted. Alhajri et al. modified an
existing HEN using pinch analysis to optimize the crude oil distillation operation in the
petrochemical industries [6]. HEN retrofit scenarios were divided into less modification,
such as re-sequencing and re-piping existing heat exchangers, and more modifications,
such as installing a new heat exchanger and adding a stream split. As a result of the
retrofit scenario with less HEN modifications, it could save about 4 MW of potential energy
compared to the current operation and required a pay-back period of 0.57 years. As a result
of the retrofit scenario with more HEN modifications, about 10.38 MW of energy could
be saved, and a pay-back period of 0.87 years was required. Jeong et al. optimized the
HEN of the dehydration processes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants through pinch
analysis to reduce operating costs and maximize heat conduction of energy plants [7].
When conducting pinch analysis, the differences between the heat exchange temperatures
were reduced by several low-level utilities. The results show that about 61% of the total heat
supply can be replaced with low-pressure steam, and the annual operating costs savings
can be about 17%. Therefore, it is necessary to develop optimally configured HENs via
pinch analysis in wastewater heat recovery system through pinch analysis in the textile
industry like in other industries.
To address these challenges, the development of a wastewater heat recovery system
via pinch analysis with thorough consideration of the operation method of dyeing plants
is crucial in the textile industry. In this study, a two-step approach was used to develop
an optimal HEN in a wastewater heat recovery system to maximize energy efficiency
and minimize cost simultaneously in the textile industry. First, to develop an energy-
efficient wastewater heat recovery system, a process model of the system comprising a heat
exchanger and heat pump was developed. Here, the heat of the high- and low-temperature
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 3 of 16

wastewater was recovered through a heat exchanger and heat pump, respectively. Second,
to maximize the energy efficiency and minimize the cost of the heat recovery system, the
HEN was retrofitted in various configurations using super-targeted pinch analysis. The
most economically retrofitted wastewater heat recovery system was then determined via
economic assessment, and the appropriateness of the proposed system was confirmed.
This study is the first in which an attempt has been made to integrate a heat exchanger
and heat pump in a wastewater heat recovery system to efficiently recover the heat of
wastewater discharged from various processes in the textile industry. The developed
wastewater heat recovery system was retrofitted more efficiently and cost-effectively via
pinch analysis and an economic assessment, thus enabling both economic and environmen-
tal improvements relative to conventional heat recovery systems. This study developed a
wastewater heat recovery system suitable for the textile industry through pinch analysis
while thoroughly considering the complex operation method of dyeing plants for the first
time. By illustrating an efficiently designed wastewater heat recovery system for the textile
industry based on the proposed two-step approach, this study may provide guidance for
the design of wastewater heat recovery systems in the future.

2. Methodology
2.1. Process Description
Pre-treatment, dyeing, and after-treatment processes are currently used in the textile
industry. First, in the pre-treatment process, bleaching, washing, and acidification are
performed first to remove impurities in the fibers that may interfere with dyeing and to
make them white [8]. Second, in the dyeing process, pre-treated fibers are dyed with
reactive dyes (i.e., by molecular bonding). Finally, in the after-treatment process, cold
rinsing, washing, hot rinsing, and finishing are performed to remove the reactive dyes and
residues from the fabric. Table 1 lists the operating time and the temperature and flow rate
of the discharged wastewater in each process [9]. For additional improvements in dyeing
quality, freshwater is heated to 60 ◦ C beforehand, and the temperature is steadily increased
to 96 ◦ C during the dyeing process [10]. Subsequently, the wastewater discharged during
each stage is cooled to 40 ◦ C for biological treatment.

Table 1. Operating time and temperature and flow rate of discharged wastewater in each stage of the
dyeing process.

Stage Process Process Time [min] Temperature [◦ C] Mass Flow Rate [kg/h]
1 Bleaching 30 96 2900
2 Washing 20 96 4350
3 Acidification 10 50 8700
4 Dyeing 60 96 1450
5 Cold rinsing 10 30 8700
6 Washing 20 90 4350
7 Hot rinsing 10 70 8700
8 Finishing 20 40 4350

2.2. Process Model Development

2.2.1. Thermodynamic Model and Underlying Assumptions
The thermodynamics of the developed process model were described using the Peng–
Robinson equation of state [11], which can be used to perform multi-component liquid–
vapor-phase equilibrium calculations and to calculate the thermodynamic properties of a
working fluid. Because various substances are mixed in wastewater, it is suitable to use
the Peng–Robinson equation to develop a wastewater heat recovery system for the textile
industry. This equation is given as follows:

RT a
P= − (1)
V − b V (V + b ) + b (V − b )
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 4 of 16

b= (2)
0.45724R2 Tre 2 α
a= (3)
α = {1 + (0.37464 + 1.54226ω − 0.26992ω 2 )(1 − Tre 0.5 )}2 (4)
Tre = . (5)
where P is the pressure (Pa), R is the gas constant (8.314 J/mol·K), T is the absolute
temperature (K), V is the molar volume (m3 /mol), a and b are fluid-specific constant that
depends on temperature and a fluid-specific constant, the subscripts c and re denote the
critical point and reduced by critical point, respectively, and ω indicates the acentric factor
for the component of interest. The following assumptions were made for modeling of
the wastewater heat recovery system; the related literature was referenced for missing
data [12,13].
1. Multiple textile plants were alternated to operate the heat recovery system in a
steady state;
2. A heat pump compressor was used to isentropically compress the refrigerant;
3. Declines in the efficiency of heat recovery due to substances present in the wastewater
were neglected.

2.2.2. Process Modeling

In this study, the Aspen Plus Process Simulator v. 11.0 (Aspen Technology, Inc.,
Bedford, MA, USA) was used for process simulation. Figure 1 shows the process model of
the wastewater heat recovery system. To recover heat efficiently, a heat pump was used
when the wastewater temperature was <30 ◦ C; otherwise, a heat exchanger was used [14].
Here, for focusing on presenting a wastewater heat recovery system of a new configuration
that integrates a heat exchanger and a heat pump for efficient heat recovery, the heat pump
with the most straightforward configuration was presented in this system, and R134a was
used as a refrigerant in the heat pump. Furthermore, the wastewater discharged from a
previous shift was collected in real-time to preheat the freshwater for the following shift.
Thus, only the wastewater heat from the cold rinsing process was recovered through a
heat pump, while that discharged from bleaching, dyeing, washing, and finishing was
collected in a tank, and the heat was recovered through a heat exchanger. The heat recovery
system developed in this study was then used to heat freshwater before the dyeing process.
Tables 2 and 3 show the specifications of the model of the components used.
The first feed freshwater, represented by the green line in Figure 1, went through
a splitter, and each split parcel of freshwater went through a heat exchanger and heat
pump. The second feed—high-temperature wastewater (red line)—was collected in a
tank. Here, from bleaching to dyeing processes and from washing to finishing processes,
wastewater was collected in another tank. The collected wastewater then passed through a
heat exchanger. The last feed—low-temperature wastewater (blue line)—passed through a
heat pump. After the split freshwater was preheated by the heat exchanger and heat pump,
it was collected in a tank and heated to the target temperature. Meanwhile, the high- and
low-temperature wastewater cooled by the heat exchanger and heat pump was collected in
a tank and cooled to the target temperature.
Energies 2022,15,
of 16

Figure Schematicof
COMP, compressor; CONDS, condenser; EVAP, evaporator; EXP, expansion valve; HX, heat ex-
COMP, compressor; CONDS, condenser; EVAP, evaporator; EXP, expansion valve; HX, heat exchanger;
changer; HEAT, (heater); COOL, (cooler); MIX, mixer; SPLIT, splitter.
HEAT, (heater); COOL, (cooler); MIX, mixer; SPLIT, splitter.
Table Specificationsofofthe
heater, and
and splitter.
Symbol Components
Components Simulation Parameter
Simulation Parameter Value
Value Unit
HX1, HX5
HX1, HX5
Heat exchanger Hot/cold outlet temperature approach
Heat exchanger Hot/cold outlet temperature approach 5
5 ◦ C°C
COOL Cooler
Cooler Outlet temperature
Outlet temperature 40 40 ◦ C°C
HEAT Heater
Heater Outlet temperature
Outlet temperature 60 60 °C
18–21 0.400
18–21 0.400
SPLIT1 Splitter Split fraction 18–23 0.400
SPLIT1 Splitter Split fraction 18–23
18–24 0.400
18–24 0.200
Table 3. Specifications of the heat pump.
Table 3. Specifications of the heat pump.
Symbol Components Simulation Parameter Value Unit
Symbol Components Simulation Parameter Value Unit
Hot stream outlet
outlet vapor
fraction 0 0 - -
CONDS Condenser ◦C
CONDS Condenser Minimum temperature approach 5
Hot streamtemperature
outlet vapor approach
fraction 0 5 - °C
EVAP Evaporator ◦C-
Hot streamtemperature
Minimum outlet vapor fraction
approach 5 0
EVAP Evaporator
COMP Compressor Power required
Minimum temperature approach 32.75 5 kW °C
EXP Expansion valve Outlet pressure 132.7 kPa
COMP Compressor Power required 32.75 kW
FD Flash drum Pressure 132.7 kPa
EXP Expansion valve Outlet pressure 132.7 kPa
FD Flash drum Pressure 132.7 kPa
2.3. Improving the HEN via Pinch Analysis
first feedthe efficiencyrepresented
freshwater, and minimize the green
by the cost ofline
theinwastewater heat through
Figure 1, went recoverya
system, the HEN was retrofitted using super-targeted pinch analysis, which
splitter, and each split parcel of freshwater went through a heat exchanger and heat pump. systematically
The second thefeed—high-temperature
configuration of the recovery process.
wastewater In pinch analysis,
(red line)—was collected the
in aamount of
tank. Here,
bleaching between
to dyeingstreams
processesis first
and determined
from washing to improve theprocesses,
to finishing efficiency wastewater
of the heat
recovery process.
was collected in Here,
higher thecollected
The energy recovery
wastewater fromthenthe heat exchange
passed throughbetween
a heatthe
last were the operating costs due
feed—low-temperature to the lower
wastewater (blueenergy consumption.
line)—passed However,
through a heat
pump. After heattherecovery also increases
split freshwater capital costs
was preheated byby theincreasing the areaand
heat exchanger over which
heat heatit
exchanged; thus, there is a trade-off between capital and operating
collected in a tank and heated to the target temperature. Meanwhile, the high- and costs. Therefore,
in this study’s pinch
low-temperature analysis, cooled
wastewater a super-targeting
by the heatmethod
exchanger thatand
derived a cost-optimal
heat pump heat
was collected
recovery process was used to retrofit the
in a tank and cooled to the target temperature. HEN.
In this study, the retrofit target of a cost-optimized wastewater heat recovery system
was first derived via super-targeted pinch analysis, and the system was retrofitted according
recovery process. Here, the higher the energy recovery from the heat exchange between
the streams, the lower were the operating costs due to the lower energy consumption.
However, improving heat recovery also increases capital costs by increasing the area over
which heat is exchanged; thus, there is a trade-off between capital and operating costs.
Therefore, in this study’s pinch analysis, a super-targeting method that derived a cost-
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 6 of 16
optimal heat recovery process was used to retrofit the HEN.
In this study, the retrofit target of a cost-optimized wastewater heat recovery system
was first derived via super-targeted pinch analysis, and the system was retrofitted accord-
targets byby
targets re-sequencing
re-sequencing and re-piping
and re-piping existing
existingheat exchangers,
heat exchangers,installing a new
installing a
newheat exchanger,
heat exchanger,andandadding a stream
adding split.split.
a stream To derive the retrofit
To derive target,
the retrofit the total
target, the annualized
total an-
cost (TAC)
nualized cost with
(TAC) capital
with and operating
capital costs was
and operating calculated
costs using composite
was calculated curves, a
using composite
graphical representation based on the amount of heat exchanged
curves, a graphical representation based on the amount of heat exchanged between between streams and the
temperature change of streams. Figure 2 shows the hot and cold
streams and the temperature change of streams. Figure 2 shows the hot and cold compo- composite curves of the
HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system. First, in the section where
site curves of the HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system. First, in the section where the hot composite
thecurve and the cold
hot composite composite
curve and thecurve
cold do not overlap,
composite curve external
do notenergy utility
overlap, is required
external energy in
HEN because heat exchange does not occur between hot and cold
utility is required in HEN because heat exchange does not occur between hot and cold streams. Second, in the
section where the composite curves overlap, heat exchange occurs
streams. Second, in the section where the composite curves overlap, heat exchange occursbetween streams, and
between streams, and the heat exchange areas are required in HEN. By the compositethe
the heat exchange areas are required in HEN. By the composite curves analysis results,
curves operating
analysis costs,
results, theand TACoperating
capital, targets ofcosts,
HEN and are acquired.
TAC targets of HEN are acquired.

Figure 2. Hot and cold composite curves of the HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system.
Figure 2. Hot and cold composite curves of the HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system.
The equations for calculating the TAC, capital, and operating cost targets are shown in
The equations
(6)–(13) [15–19]: for calculating the TAC, capital, and operating cost targets are shown
in (6)–(13) [15–19]:


× 𝐶𝐶 + 𝑂𝐶
100 1+ 100
AF =   PL , (7)
1+ 100 −1

where TAC HEN (USD/y) represents the TAC target of the HEN, CC HEN (USD) and OC HEN
(USD/y) represent the capital and operating cost targets of the HEN, and AF, ROR(%), and
PL(y) represent the annualization factor, rate of return, and plant life, respectively.
This study assumed an ROR of 10% and a PL of five years, such that the CC HEN could
be written as follows: "  HEN c #
CC = Nu,min a + b , (8)

where Nu,min and A HEN (m2 ) represent the target of heat exchanger units target and the
total heat exchange area, respectively. Parameters a, b, and c are the cost constants that
vary according to the materials of construction, pressure rating, and type of exchanger.
Specifically, a represents the installation cost, and b and c represent the duty/area-related
cost coefficients of the heat exchanger. For the heat recovery system in this study, a, b, and
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 7 of 16

c were 10,000, 800, and 0.6, respectively [9]. The target of the heat exchanger units, Nu,min ,
was calculated as follows:

Nu,min = ( NA − 1) + ( NB − 1), (9)

where NA and NB represent the number of process and utility streams above/below the
pinch, respectively. The target of the total heat exchange area, A HEN , was calculated
as follows:
n interval
A HEN = ∑ AnHEN (10)
k =1

n 1 1
AnHEN = ( + c) (11)
∆TLM,n hnh hn
∆Tnh − ∆Tnc
∆TLM,n =  h , (12)
ln ∆T n
∆T cn

where AnHEN (m2 ), (kJ/h), ∆TLM,n

n (◦ C), and hn (kJ/h·m2 ◦ C) represent the target area,
amount of exchanged heat, logarithmic mean temperature difference, and heat transfer
coefficient of the stream transferred at each interval, respectively; h and c denote the hot and
cold streams. The operating cost of the HEN, OC HEN , was determined from Equation (13):
h i
OC HEN = ∑ (Chu × Quh,min ) + ∑ (Ccu × Quc,min ) × 24 × 365, (13)

where Chu (USD/kJ) and Ccu (USD/kJ) represent the utility costs for hot and cold utilities,
and Quh,min (kJ/h) and Quc,min (kJ/h) represent the energy targets for the hot and cold
utilities, respectively. Figure 3 shows the grid diagram of the HEN in the wastewater
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW heat
8 of 17
recovery system before retrofitting was completed with an Aspen Energy Analyzer (Aspen
Technology, Inc., Bedford, MA, USA).

Figure 3. Grid diagram of HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system before retrofitting.
Figure 3. Grid diagram of HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system before retrofitting.
2.4. Economic Assessment
2.4. Economic Assessment
An economic assessment was conducted to determine the most economically retrofitted
An economic assessment was conducted to determine the most economically retro-
wastewater heat recovery system and to confirm the feasibility of the proposed system. The
fitted wastewater heat recovery system and to confirm the feasibility of the proposed sys-
TAC of the system was calculated by considering both the capital and operating costs [20]:
tem. The TAC of the system was calculated by considering both the capital and operating
costs [20]: TAC = AF × ∑ CC + OC. (14)

𝑇𝐴𝐶 = 𝐴𝐹 × 𝐶𝐶 + 𝑂𝐶. (14)

2.4.1. Capital Costs

The total capital cost (CC) of the proposed wastewater system consisted of the capital
costs of the HEN and heat pump and was calculated using Equations (15) and (16):
𝐶𝐶 = 𝐶𝐶 + 𝐶𝐶 (15)
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 8 of 16

2.4.1. Capital Costs

The total capital cost (CC) of the proposed wastewater system consisted of the capital
costs of the HEN and heat pump and was calculated using Equations (15) and (16):

CC = CC HEN + CC HP (15)

CC HP = CCcomp
+ CCevap HP
+ CCconds HP
+ CCexp + CC HP
fd (16)

where CC HP (USD) represents the capital cost of the heat pump. Because the heat pump of
the proposed system was composed of a compressor (comp), evaporator (evap), condenser
(conds), expansion valve (exp), and flash drum (fd), the capital cost of the heat pump
was calculated by adding the capital costs of these components. The capital cost of the
compressor was calculated as [21]:
CCcomp = CCcomp,0 ( P/P0 )α , (17)

where CCcomp,0 (USD) is the base capital cost, α represents the cost index, P refers to the
output power density, and CCcomp,0 = USD 1.8 × 103 and α = 0.77 for the compressor. The
capital costs of the evaporator and condenser in the heat pump were calculated using as
follows [15,17]:
CC HX = a + b × ( A HX ) (18)
Q HX 1 1
A HX = ( HX + HX ), (19)
∆TLM hh
HX h c

where CC HX (USD) denotes the capital cost of the heat exchanger. Because the evaporator
and condenser are types of heat exchangers, their capital costs were calculated using the
equation for the heat exchanger. Parameters a, b, and c are the cost constants that vary
according to the materials of construction, pressure rating, and type of exchanger. The
variables a, b, and c of the evaporator and condenser are the same as those of the HEN heat
exchanger. Here, this study assumed that CCexp HP = 0 and CC HP = USD 11,000 [22,23].

2.4.2. Operating Costs

The total operating cost (OC) of the proposed wastewater heat recovery system con-
sisted of the HEN and heat pump capital costs and was calculated using Equations (20)–(22):

OC = OC HEN + OC HP (20)

OC HP = OCcomp
OCcomp = ∑ C elec × W comp , (22)

where OC HP (USD/y) represents the operating cost of the heat pump. As the compressor
was the only piece of equipment that used the operating cost of the heat pump, OC HP
was calculated using the compressor equation, wherein C elec (USD/kJ) and W comp (kW)
represent the cost of electricity and the power required for the compressor, respectively.
Data from the Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (Aspen Technology, Inc., Bedford, MA,
USA) were referenced to determine the value of C elec .

3. Results and Discussion

This section describes the results of retrofitting the HEN in the developed heat pump
assisted-wastewater heat recovery system by pinch analysis. When retrofitting the HEN in
the developed system, the coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump in the system
was unchanged. Herein, the COP of the heat pump was 2.8 because 91,712 kJ/s of heat was
exchanged in the condenser, and 35,750 kW of power was used in the compressor. Then,
this section describes economic evaluation to derive the most economically retrofitted HEN
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 9 of 16

and confirm the appropriateness of the proposed system. Finally, it describes sensitivity
analysis results to verify the stability of the cost-optimal system.

3.1. Improvements to the HEN from Pinch Analysis

Figure 4 shows the cost targets of HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system
according to the minimum allowed temperature difference (∆Tmin ). The capital cost target
increased when ∆Tmin decreased below 21.46 K because of an increase in the heat exchange
area. However, when ∆Tmin increased above 21.46 K, this cost target increased due to the
necessity for an additional heater and cooler. Meanwhile, the operating cost target did not
change when ∆Tmin was less than 21.46 K because no additional hot and cold utilities were
required owing to the sufficient heat exchange between the streams. When ∆Tmin increased
above 21.46 K, the operating cost target increased because new hot and cold utilities were
simultaneously required. The TAC targets of the system were lowest when ∆Tmin = 21.46 K.
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEWTo maximize the efficiency of the wastewater heat recovery system, while also ensuring
10 of 17
some measure of economic improvement, it was retrofitted using the targets derived via
pinch analysis.

Figure 4. Cost targets of the HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system relative to the change in
Figure 4. Cost targets of the HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system relative to the change in
minimum allowed temperature difference (∆Tmin ).
minimum allowed temperature difference (∆Tmin).
The HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system was retrofitted using an Aspen
Energy in thewhich
Analyzer, wastewater
recovery the
system was retrofitted
configuration basedusing
on a an Aspen
algorithm. When retrofitting the HEN, because the degree of freedom will be increasedal-by
Analyzer, which efficiently modified the configuration based on a systematic
gorithm. When retrofitting
several manipulated the HEN,
variables, because
including the degree
unknowns, suchofasfreedom will be
temperature, increased
duties, by
and area,
several manipulated variables, including unknowns, such as temperature,
the HEN can be retrofitted into various configurations. Figure 5 shows grid diagrams of duties, and
area, the HEN can
the retrofitted HENbe retrofitted into various
in the developed configurations.
wastewater Figuresystems
heat recovery 5 showsandgridTable
4 lists
theHENretrofitted HENresults.
retrofitting in the developed wastewater heat recovery systems and Table 4
lists theInHEN
Figureretrofitting results. the collected wastewater from 1–4 stages of the textile
5, ‘80-1’ indicates
industry, ‘1’ indicates the collected wastewater from 6–8 stages of the textile industry, and
Results ofthe
HEN retrofitting.
collected heat exchanged wastewaters through the heat exchanger and
heat pump’. ‘18-4’, ‘18-21’,
Units and ‘18-4’
a indicate the bsplit freshwater.cThe temperature d changes
of streams by heat exchange are shown in the front and backward of the heat exchanger.
𝑄 , kJ/h 3,916,942 3,916,942 3,916,942 3,916,942
𝑄, kJ/h 0 0 0 0
𝐴 m2 28.91 28.49 33.94 31.08
𝑁, - 7 7 5 5
𝐶𝐶 USD 87,415 87,215 68,511 67,253
𝑂𝐶 USD/y 65,236 65,236 65,236 65,236
𝑇𝐴𝐶 USD/y 88,296 88,243 83,978 82,978
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 10 of 16

Table 4. Results of HEN retrofitting.

Units a b c d
Quh,min kJ/h 3,916,942 3,916,942 3,916,942 3,916,942
Quc,min kJ/h 0 0 0 0
A HEN m2 28.91 28.49 33.94 31.08
Nu, min - 7 7 5 5
CC HEN USD 87,415 87,215 68,511 67,253
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 17
OC HEN USD/y 65,236 65,236 65,236 65,236
TAC HEN USD/y 88,296 88,243 83,978 82,978

Figure diagrams ofof the
the retrofitted
retrofitted HEN
HEN in
in the
the wastewater
designc; c;
(d) design
(d) designd.d.

3.2. Economy
In Figureof5,the’80-1’
Proposed Wastewater
indicates Heat Recovery
the collected Systemfrom 1-4 stages of the textile
industry, ‘1’ indicates
To calculate the collected
the TAC wastewater
of the proposed from 6-8 heat
wastewater stages of the textile
recovery industry,
systems, and
the capital
‘W-1’ indicates the
and operating collected
costs of the heatHENexchanged
and heat wastewaters
pump were through
needed. the Theheat exchanger
same and
heat pump
heat were equally
pump‘. ‘18-4’, ’18-21’, applied to allindicate
and ’18-4’ of the systems;
the splittherefore,
freshwater.CCHP The OCHP were
changes total capital
streams by heatcost (USD 163,311)
exchange are shown wasincomposed
the frontofand thebackward
combined of costs
theof the
system components: CCcomp = USD 129,309, CCevap = USD 10,332, CCconds = USD 12,670,
CCexp = $0, and CC f d = USD 11,000. Additionally, OCHP , which is identical to OCcomp , was
3.2. Economy at USD
of the22,431/y because theHeat
Proposed Wastewater power required
Recovery for the compressor (Wcomp ) in all
scenarios was 32.75 kW.
To calculate the TAC of the proposed wastewater heat recovery systems, the capital
The TAC,costs
and operating considering
of the HENthe costs
andof thepump
heat heat pump
wereand HENThe
needed. in the proposed
same wastewater
heat pump spec-
heat recovery systems, is shown in Table 5. The lowest TAC in
ifications were equally applied to all of the systems; therefore, 𝐶𝐶 and 𝑂𝐶 werea retrofitted system derived
by pinch The
identical. analysis
totalwas USDcost
capital 381,302,
(USDand this system
163,311) was able of
was composed to the
reduce the TAC
combined by 43.07%
costs of the
relative to conventional
system components: 𝐶𝐶 textile dyeing processes
= USD 129,309, 𝐶𝐶 lacking a wastewater
= USD 10,332, 𝐶𝐶 heat recovery system.
= USD 12,670,
Based on the results of economic assessment, the significant economic improvement was
𝐶𝐶 = $0, and 𝐶𝐶 = USD 11,000. Additionally, 𝑂𝐶 , which is identical to 𝑂𝐶 ,
confirmed by applying the wastewater heat recovery system developed via a two-step
was constant at USD 22,431/y because the power required for the compressor (𝑊 ) in
all scenarios was 32.75 kW.
The TAC, considering the costs of the heat pump and HEN in the proposed
wastewater heat recovery systems, is shown in Table 5. The lowest TAC in a retrofitted
system derived by pinch analysis was USD 381,302, and this system was able to reduce
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 11 of 16

approach in this study. Figure 6 shows the flow diagram of the final wastewater heat
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
system, and Tables 6 and 7 list its specifications. 12 of 17

Table 5. Capital and operating costs and TAC of the retrofitted wastewater heat recovery systems.
Table 5. Capital and operating costs and TAC of the retrofitted wastewater heat recovery systems.
Units a b c d
CC UnitsUSD a 250,725 b250,525 c
231,821 d
USD/y 250,725
320,480 250,525
320,480 231,821
320,480 230,563
USD/y 320,480
386,621 320,480
386,568 320,480
381,634 302,480
𝑇𝐴𝐶 USD/y 386,621 386,568 381,634 381,302

Figure 6. Flow diagram of

Figure of the
the final
final wastewater

Table 6. Specifications
Specifications of the heat exchanger in the
the final
final wastewater
wastewater heat

Exchanger Name Area [m2Exchanger
] Cold TinArea
[◦ C] Cold
Cold T in
Tout Cold THot
[◦ C] out
Tin Hot
[◦ C] Tin HotHot
Tout T[◦out
C] Recovered/Load
Load [kJ/h]
Name [m2] [°C] [°C] [°C] [°C]
HX1 8.08 23.51 43.01 73.08 48.01 1.535 × 106
HX2 5.37 HX1 37.918.08 23.51
60.00 43.01 73.08 73.08 48.01
48.01 1.535
HX3 9.30 HX2 18.005.37 37.91
40.24 60.00 67.54 73.08 48.01
45.24 4.340 105 6
HX4 2.79 HX3 18.009.30 23.51
18.00 40.24 42.22 67.54 40.00
45.24 1.750 106 5
HEAT1 5.55 HX4 37.912.79 60.00
18.00 23.51 125.0 42.22 124.0
40.00 3.917 × 105 6
4.340 × 10
HEAT1 5.55 37.91 60.00 125.0 124.0 3.917 × 106
Table 7. Specifications of the splitter in the final wastewater heat recovery system.
Table 7. Specifications of the splitter in the final wastewater heat recovery system.
Block Specification Value
Block Specification Value
18–21 0.400
18–21 0.400
SPLIT1 Split fraction 18–23 0.400
SPLIT1 Split fraction 18–2418–23 0.400
18–24 0.200
80–11 0.780
SPLIT-1 Split fraction
SPLIT-1 Split fraction 80–1280–11 0.780
80–12 0.220
18–41 0.100
SPLIT-2 Split fraction
SPLIT-2 Split fraction 18–4218–41 0.100
18–42 0.900
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 17
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 12 of 16

3.3. Sensitivity Analysis

3.3. Sensitivity
In general,Analysis
to verify the stability of the results derived from the study, sensitivity
In general,
analysis to verifyaffecting
on the variables the stability of the results
the results derived
is essential [24].from the study,
Therefore, sensitivity
the sensitivity
analysis was
analysis on the variablestoaffecting
conducted confirm thethe results
essential [24]. Therefore,
the optimal HEN in heat the sensitivity
analysis was conducted to confirm the stability that the optimal HEN
sisted textile industry wastewater heat recovery system had the lowest TAC. In this sec-in heat pump-assisted
tion, theindustry
effect ofwastewater
𝑃𝐿, 𝐶 , andheat𝐶 recovery
, which system had parameter
is the main the lowest of TAC.
TAC, In was
this confirmed.
section, the
of PL,
effectFirst, C u , and C elec , which is the main parameter of TAC, was confirmed.
h analysis of 𝑃𝐿 on TAC was conducted because 𝑃𝐿 could be
changedFirst, sensitivityon
depending analysis of PL on
the situation of TAC was conducted
the textile plant. Thus,because
as shownPL could be changed
in Figure 7, sen-
sitivity analysis of TAC was conducted by changing 𝑃𝐿 to 3 years and 10 years.sensitivity
depending on the situation of the textile plant. Thus, as shown in Figure 7, Figure 7a
analysis ofthe
represents TAC TACwasof conducted
each retrofitted systemPL
by changing astothe
3 years and 10 years.
𝑃𝐿 changes, Figure7b
and Figure 7ashows
the TAC of each retrofitted system as
maximum possible TAC savings as the 𝑃𝐿 changes. the PL changes, and Figure 7b shows the maximum
possible TAC savings as the PL changes.

(a) (b)
Figure 7.
7. Sensitivity
TAC of
of each
each retrofitted
retrofitted wastewater
wastewater heat
heat recovery
system as 𝑃𝐿 changes, (b) Maximum TAC savings as 𝑃𝐿 changes.
system as PL changes, (b) Maximum TAC savings as PL changes.

shownin inFigure
differencein inTAC
betweenthe thefour
heat recovery systems gradually decreased as the 𝑃𝐿
heat recovery systems gradually decreased as the PL increased. ByEquations
increased. By Equations(6) (6)and
as 𝑃𝐿
as increases, AF
PL increases, 𝐴𝐹 decreases,
decreases,sosothetheeffect OC𝑂𝐶
effectofof ononTAC TAC becomes
becomes greater
greater thanthan
thatthat of
of CC.
𝐶𝐶. As shown
As shown in Figure
in Figure 7b,larger
7b, the the larger
the PL, 𝑃𝐿,larger
thethe the larger
the TACthe savings
TAC savings
becausebecause the sig-
the significant
CC of the 𝐶𝐶proposed
of the proposed
wastewater wastewater heat recovery
heat recovery system, whichsystem, which integrates
integrates the heat
the heat exchanger
exchanger and heat pump, gradually reduces the effect
and heat pump, gradually reduces the effect on TAC as the PL becomes longer. on TAC as the 𝑃𝐿 becomes
longer.Second, sensitivity analysis of Chu on TAC was conducted by increasing or decreasing
by 10%, since Chu can fluctuate
sensitivity analysis of 𝐶 on TAC
according was
to the conducted
type by increasing
of fuel used for making or decreas-
the by 10%, since
efficiency 𝐶 boiler,
of the can fluctuate
etc. [24].according
Figure 8atoshows
the type theofTAC
fuel change
used forofmaking utilities,
each retrofitted
the efficiencyheat
wastewater of the boiler,system
recovery etc. [24].
when Chu increases
Figure 8a showsorthe TAC change
decreases by 10%.of Figure
each retrofitted
8b shows
the maximum
wastewater TAC
heat savingssystem
recovery accordingwhen 𝐶 change
to the increasesin Coru.
h decreases by 10%. Figure 8b
u was changed in Figure 8a, the difference in TAC between each retrofitted
Even if
shows the maximumC h TAC savings according to the change in 𝐶 .
wastewater heat recovery system was the same. Since all the proposed retrofitted systems
recover the same amount of heat, all retrofitted systems used the same amount of hot utility
and had the same OC, so the difference in TAC was equal. In Figure 8b, the TAC savings
decreased as Chu decreased because, even though the proposed system reduced a large
amount of energy compared to the conventional textile industry, the energy saving costs
decreased by lowered Chu .
Finally, a sensitivity analysis of C elec on TAC was conducted by increasing or decreas-
ing by 10% because C elec can change every year by fuel cost adjustment fee, climate and
environmental costs, and such [24]. Figure 9a shows the TAC change of each retrofitted
system when C elec increases or decreases by 10%, and Figure 9b shows the maximum TAC
savings according to the change in C elec .
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 13 of 16

Figure 8. Sensitivity analysis of Chu on TAC. (a) TAC of each retrofitted wastewater heat recovery
system as Chu changes, (b) maximum TAC savings as Chu changes.

Figure 9. Sensitivity analysis of C elec on TAC. (a) TAC of each retrofitted wastewater heat recovery
system as C elec changes, (b) maximum TAC savings as C elec changes.

In Figure 9a, the difference in TAC between each retrofitted wastewater heat recovery
system did not change despite the change in C elec because all systems used a heat pump of
the same specification and used the same amount of electricity. In Figure 9b, TAC savings
increased as C elec decreased because, as the C elec decreases, additional electricity costs due
to the use of a heat pump in the system are reduced, allowing more TAC savings compared
to the existing textile industry.

4. Conclusions
In the textile industry, reactive dyeing for producing large volumes of high-quality
products consumes enormous amounts of energy owing to the absence of a proper heat
recovery system. Therefore, this study proposed a cost-optimal HEN in the heat pump-
assisted textile industry wastewater heat recovery system to maximize the energy efficiency
and minimize the cost of the textile industry using a two-step approach. In the first step,
the system was designed to integrate the heat exchanger and heat pump to recover waste
heat effectively considering the operation condition of textile industry. In the second
step, to minimize cost and maximize energy efficiency simultaneously, the HEN in the
developed system was modified using super-targeted pinch analysis. The suggested two-
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 14 of 16

step approach enables the energy-efficient and cost-effective design of wastewater heat
recovery systems, through which significant economic and environmental benefits can be
achieved. The results of an economic assessment suggest that the proposed wastewater
heat recovery system, which was retrofitted via super-targeted pinch analysis, was able
to reduce the TAC by 43.07% compared with the conventional textile industry without
a wastewater heat recovery system. Therefore, this study can serve as a guideline for
the design of future wastewater heat recovery systems offering both environmental and
economic improvements.
This study focused on designing optimal HEN in the wastewater heat recovery system
with a fixed heat pump configuration. However, considering the optimal HEN and the
heat pump configuration with a high coefficient of performance simultaneously, it will
be possible to design a genuinely optimal wastewater heat recovery system. Therefore,
advanced heat pump configuration design in the wastewater heat recovery system will be
significant in future studies.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.K. and J.L.; methodology, Y.K. and J.L.; software,
Y.K.; validation, Y.K., J.L. and H.C.; formal analysis, Y.K. and J.L.; investigation, Y.K.; resources,
J.Y.S., S.H. and H.L.; data curation, J.Y.S., S.H. and H.L.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.K.;
writing—review and editing, H.C.; visualization, Y.K.; supervision, H.C.; project administration, J.Y.S.,
S.H., H.L. and H.C.; funding acquisition, H.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology within the
framework of the following projects: “Development of Global Optimization System for Energy
Process,” grant numbers EM-21-0022, IR-21-0029, and IZ-21-0052] and “Development of Complex
Parameter Smart Analysis Modules for Color Customering,” grant number EH-21-0008.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Variable Description
TAC HEN The total annualized cost (TAC) of HEN (USD/y)
CC HEN The capital cost target of HEN (USD)
OC HEN The operating cost target of HEN (USD/y)
Nu, min The heat exchanger units target (-)
A HEN Target area of heat exchanger network (HEN) (m2 )
NA The number of process and utility streams above the pinch (-)
NB The number of process and utility streams below the pinch (-)
AnHEN Target area of heat exchanger at each interval of the composite curve (m2 )
n amount of exchanged heat at each interval of the composite curve (kJ/h)
The logarithmic mean temperature difference at each interval of the composite
curve (◦ C)
hnh The heat transfer coefficient of the hot stream at each interval (kJ/(h·m2 ·◦ C))
hcn The heat transfer coefficient of the cold stream at each interval (kJ/(h·m2 ·◦ C))
Quh,min The energy target for hot utility (kJ/h)
Quc,min The energy target for cold utility (kJ/h)
CC The total capital cost of the wastewater heat recovery (WWHR) system (USD)
CC HP The capital cost of the heat pump (USD)
CCcomp The capital cost of the compressor in heat pump (USD)
CCevap The capital cost of the evaporator in heat pump (USD)
CCconds The capital cost of the condenser in heat pump (USD)
CCexp The capital cost of the expansion valve in heat pump (USD)
fd The capital cost of the flash drum in heat pump (USD)
CC HX The capital cost of the heat exchanger (USD)
OC HP The operating cost of the heat pump (USD/y)
Energies 2022, 15, 3090 15 of 16

Parameter Description
AF The annualization factor (-)
ROR The rate of return (%)
PL The plant life (y)
a the installation cost of the heat exchanger (-)
b The duty related cost set coefficients of the heat exchanger (-)
c The area related cost set coefficients of the heat exchanger (-)
Chu The utility cost for hot utility (USD/kJ)
Ccu The utility cost for cold utility (USD/kJ)
P The output power density of the compressor (kW)
W comp The power required for the compressor (kW)
C elec The cost for electricity required for the compressor (USD/kJ)

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