PIV Measurements On A Kaplan Turbine and Comparison With Scale-Adaptive Numerical Analysis
PIV Measurements On A Kaplan Turbine and Comparison With Scale-Adaptive Numerical Analysis
PIV Measurements On A Kaplan Turbine and Comparison With Scale-Adaptive Numerical Analysis
Kaplan turbines build a mainstay of the hydro power generation as they offer best efficiency
even for high flow conditions. A double regulating approach facilitates a high degree of flexibility
but yields to be a sophisticated turbine type. Typical phenomena like gap flow and flow
separation are challenges in simulation and complicate reliable predictions. To get a better
understanding of flow physics elaborate numerical simulations by means of Computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) are conducted as well as experimental flow investigation using the non-intrusive
optical measurement technique Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Measurements are taken at
the spiral case inlet, the draft tube cone and the diffuser giving instantaneous or phase-locked
time averaged vector fields of flow velocity in a plane. Depending on the optical access it
is possible to gather the in-plane velocity components or all three velocity components using
Stereoscopic PIV. The obtained measurement results are then taken as reference on the one
hand side for a definition of realistic inlet boundary condition and on the other hand side for
assessment of the chosen numerical approach for predicting flow phenomena in Kaplan turbines.
In this particular case the focus is on the interaction of runner and draft tube. Results of
unsteady simulations with standard two equation and advanced hybrid RANS-LES turbulence
models are compared to measurement data.
1. Introduction
CFD simulations act as the main important tool for the development of hydraulic machines,
which is why there are strong ambitions to improve flow predictions in both industrial and
academic environment. In order to achieve this goal detailed CFD simulations are conducted
along with experimental flow measurements for reasons of validation. The focus of this work is
on the preparation, conduction and evaluation of the measurements on a model machine test rig.
Limited optical access of the machines often leads to restrictions in the choice of measurement
setup (Planar PIV[1] or Stereo PIV[1]), the measurable area and the evaluability of data. The
boundary conditions of the measurement location and it’s handling of challenges as well as the
results of the intake and draft tube cone are shown in the following. In the last sections a
short overview of the performed simulations and a first comparison between measurement and
simulations are given.
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IAHR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 405 (2019) 012024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/405/1/012024
2. Measurement
2.1. Overview measurement locations
Experiments are conducted at several locations in the model machine which are shown in
Figure 1. The main measurement location is positioned in the draft tube cone to observe
the runner outflow. The measurement data build the basis of comparison to CFD. Another
area of interest is the flow behavior in the diffuser where temporal and spatial flow variation are
assumed due to gap flow and flow separation. Additionally, a third measurement at the intake
was carried out, to support a realistic modeling of the inflow conditions for the given semi spiral
Figure 1: Left: measurement positions overview. Measurements are conducted at the intake of
the semi spiral case, at the draft tube cone and at the diffuser. Right: Measured
operating points in a characteristic diagram. CFD simulations are based on OP1.
IAHR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 405 (2019) 012024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/405/1/012024
Figure 2: Inlet Measurement: CAD pictures show PIV setup and measurement locations of one
illuminated plane, the first photograph show the aluminium frame in front of the inlet,
the second one shows one of the point patterns, as well as short information about the
measurement at the right side.
Figure 3 shows an extract of measurement results of operating point 1, which are used to
set up meaningful boundary conditions for the simulation (see chapter 3). The vector fields
shown, are stitched together by 12 individual measurements (three planes, four windows).
Each measurement gives a time-averaged vector field of the in-plane velocity, based on 2000
instantaneous vector fields, recorded at 6Hz.
IAHR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 405 (2019) 012024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/405/1/012024
Figure 3: Inlet Measurement: time-averaged vector field of inflow at OP1 (CFD), whereby the
in-plane velocity, normalized by the mean inflow velocity, is shown by color code.
Figure 4: Cone measurement: CAD pictures show PIV setup and measurement locations, the
photograph shows the two plane calibration target, as well as short information about
the measurement at the right side.
IAHR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 405 (2019) 012024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/405/1/012024
The basic idea is, to do reduce the strong distortions in the calibration pictures as well as in
the particle recordings - called ”pre-dewarping” - and handle all these preprocessed recordings
as they would have been measured that way already. On base of the pre-dewarped images, the
standard calibration model of the PIV software was sufficient.
The dewarping itself was performed by the PIV software, but needed to be fed by a
”deformation”-vectorfield, describing the displacements dx and dy for each pixel, which are
needed to come from the distorted to a dewarped image. The main task was to create this
vector field. Figure 5 shows the individual steps. First the raw calibration image is needed and
the positions of the markers on it. After destination points, beeing the real world coordinates,
are defined, some more points get extrapolated to ensure good dewarping even for the gaps
between calibration target and wall, where no points are available. Then for each pair of points,
raw and destination points, a vector with dx and dy is calculated. Finally these vectors are
needed at each discrete pixel location, wherefore inter-/extrapolation is applied. For all inter-
and extrapolations the geostatistical ”Kriging” method is used.
Figure 5: Image Dewarping: first two pictures show in- and outcome of the dewarping. The
illustration on the right shows the individual steps of the dewarping algorithm.
3. Numerical setup
Two simulations with different turbulence models were conducted in ANSYS CFX 19.1 on the
same block structured mesh consisting of around 20 million hexahedral elements. Turbulence
is modeled either with the standard two equation Shear Stress Transport (SST) Model or by a
hybrid RANS-LES Stress-Blended Eddy Simulation (SBES) with the SST model in the RANS
region and the WALE model in the LES region [4].
The computational domain starts at the three intake channels leading to the semi spiral
casing and ends downstream of the tail water tank of the test rig. Due to the rectangular shape
and short length of the intake channels, the assumption of a developed pipe flow is not correct
as inlet boundary condition. Because of that, the experimental data shown in section 2.5 were
used to set physical valid boundary conditions. A preceding unsteady simulation of the head
water tank including the semi spiral casing was performed. The results were validated with
the experimental data at the spiral case inlet (cf. figure 3). Afterwards time averaged three
dimensional distributions of the preceding simulation for the velocity components and turbulent
properties were used as inlet boundary condition when simulating the whole turbine.
Between stationary and rotating subdomains a full 360◦ transient rotor stator interface with
all five runner blades modelled is used. Time step size for the unsteady SST simulation is equal
to 2◦ runner rotation. The simulation was initialized with a steady state solution. After a
build up time of 20 revolutions, the phase and time averaged data was obtained for additional
30 revolutions. The final time step size of the SBES simulation corresponds to 0.25◦ runner
rotation. This is necessary to reach an average CFL number smaller than 1 in the LES region to
avoid excessive damping of the turbulence [5]. The simulation was initialized with the unsteady
IAHR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 405 (2019) 012024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/405/1/012024
SST simulation and a time step size of 2◦ . After 5 revolutions the time step size was ramp downed
over the course of 100 iterations to the final size of 0.25◦ . Following 5 additional revolutions,
the phase and time averaging was carried out for about 15 revolutions.
Figure 6: Circumferential average of the velocity for one phase angle in the draft tube cone.
Vertical bars depict variance. Left: axial velocity, Right: circumferential velocity.
Figure 7 shows the normalized circumferential velocity. Even though the averaged velocities
of the simulations shown in figure 6 are quite similar to a large extent, the results differ when
looking at the whole measurement plane. While the main features of the runner outflow are
captured by both simulations, the results of the SST simulation are much smoother than the
ones obtained by the SBES simulation. The SBES simulation leads to a more detailed flow field
with higher spatial variation. This is in better agreement with the measurement. Furthermore,
the downstream influence of the guide vanes on the velocity in the outer region of the cone is
only visible in the SBES simulation and measurement, albeit overestimated by the simulation.
To investigate if the differences between the simulations are solely an effect of the turbulence
model or also influenced by the different time step sizes, further simulations with the same time
step size are necessary. Furthermore, a more detailed evaluation and comparison of the results
IAHR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 405 (2019) 012024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/405/1/012024
between the simulations and on the measurement planes in the draft tube cone and the two
diffusers is to be performed.
Figure 7: Normalized circumferential velocity for one phase angle in the draft tube cone. Left:
SST simulation, middle: SBES simulation, right: measurement.
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