English 3Rd Prelim RVWR English 3Rd Prelim RVWR
English 3Rd Prelim RVWR English 3Rd Prelim RVWR
English 3Rd Prelim RVWR English 3Rd Prelim RVWR
thoughts of the speaker. The term lyric comes from the ancient
Greek word lyre, an ancient instrument that accompanied the
Single adverb: The nurse spoke softly. thoughts expressed vary, but should be an intense emotional
Adverb phrase: The nurse spoke in a whisper. experience of the poet. It has a musical quality that could be
accompanied by an instrument.
It answers the question, where, when, or how just
collections of poetry.
He is regarded as the earliest
Romantic poet.
Among his best known lyrics are “The Lamb,” “The Tyger,”
“London,” and the “Jerusalem” lyric from Milton, which has become a
by resistance to continued war against the American different senses such as visual, olfactory, tactile,
colonists. Houses, churches, and prisons were burned by gustatory, thermal, and/or auditory.
uncontrollable mobs bent on destruction. On one
evening, whether by design or by accident, Blake found
himself at the front of the mob that burned Newgate
prison. These images of violent destruction and
unbridled revolution gave Blake powerful material for his
literary work.
dramatic event.
Nobody knows who wrote folk ballads but they are
the next and they are usually easy to set to music. Goodluck !! - irah