English 3Rd Prelim RVWR English 3Rd Prelim RVWR

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Is a type of poetry that expresses personal emotions or

thoughts of the speaker. The term lyric comes from the ancient

Greek word lyre, an ancient instrument that accompanied the

An adverb phrase is a prepositional phrase. It is

reading of the lyric poem.
used like a single adverb and to modify a verb.
It is usually written in the first-person POV. The emotions or

Single adverb: The nurse spoke softly. thoughts expressed vary, but should be an intense emotional

Adverb phrase: The nurse spoke in a whisper. experience of the poet. It has a musical quality that could be

accompanied by an instrument.
It answers the question, where, when, or how just

as a single adverb does. Occasionally an adverb

phrase answers the question why. the sonnet, elegy, and ode, are some of them.

Where: The Volkers moved to San Francisco.

When: On Monday he begins his new job.
How: Jasmin swam with sure, strong strokes.
Why: He wrote for more information.
An adverb phrase modifies the whole verb phrase.
For three hours the snow has been falling heavily.

Two adverb phrases can modify the same verb. Notice

that an adverb phrase can appear anywhere in a sentence.

Before Friday I must send a letter to my cousin.
We waited by the main entrance for fifteen minutes.

Once in a while, an adjective phrase will modify the object

of the preposition of an adverb phrase.

Ben carelessly dropped his book in a puddle of water.

100 important prepositions list

William Blake (November 28, 1757-

August 12, 1827) was an English

engraver, artist, and author.

He has published several

collections of poetry.
He is regarded as the earliest

Romantic poet.

Among his best known lyrics are “The Lamb,” “The Tyger,”

“London,” and the “Jerusalem” lyric from Milton, which has become a

kind of second national anthem of England.

Blake lived and worked in the teeming metropolis of

London at a time of great social and political change that
profoundly influenced his writing. After the peace was
established in 1762, the British empire seemed secure, but
the storm wave began with the American Revolution in
1775 and the French Revolution in 1789 which changed
forever the way men looked at their relationship with the
state and the established church.
Imagery- helps the reader to visualize a literary text,

In June 1780, riots broke out in London incited by the

anti-Catholic preaching of Lord George Gordon but also creating mental images. It elicits responses from the

by resistance to continued war against the American different senses such as visual, olfactory, tactile,

colonists. Houses, churches, and prisons were burned by gustatory, thermal, and/or auditory.
uncontrollable mobs bent on destruction. On one
evening, whether by design or by accident, Blake found
himself at the front of the mob that burned Newgate
prison. These images of violent destruction and
unbridled revolution gave Blake powerful material for his

Allegory- a device used to express the meaning of a greater,

often abstract concept through an object or idea used in a

literary work.

Symbolism- a literary device that contains several layers of

meaning. It may be represented by an object, a character, or

La Belle Dame sans Merci is an example of a

an element in a prose or poem.
ballad. Ballad is a form of poetry which is

divided into twelve four-line stanzas, called

quatrains. They rhyme according to an ABCB

PATTERN. This type of poetry is usually a

narrative or tells a story.

The poem is a literary ballad and not a folk ballad.

Folk Ballads are anonymous and recount tragic,

comic, or heroic stories with emphasis on a central

dramatic event.
Nobody knows who wrote folk ballads but they are

pass on by word of mouth from one generation to

the next and they are usually easy to set to music. Goodluck !! - irah

Ballads were first created in medieval France, and

the word ballad comes from the French term

chanson balladee, which means “dancing song.”

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