Meet The Poets

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Middletown Thrall Library’s Ref erence Department Invites You to

Meet the Poets!

A Selection of Famous Poets & Poetry to Explore…

Maya Angelou Matsuo Basho

(1929 - 2014) African-American poet / (1644 - 1694) Japanese poet. Among the
writer / essayist / dramatist / civil rights greatest / most influential haiku poets. He
activist. Often an inspirational poet/writer. also wrote in other poetic forms.
Poetry Collections: Poetry Collections:
The Complete Collected Poems Basho: The Complete Haiku
Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems The Essential Haiku: Versions…
Celebrating Women
Popular poems:
Popular Poems: Don't Imitate Me
Caged Bird Even in Kyoto
On the Pulse of Morning The Old Pond (his famous “frog poem”)
Still I Rise
Touched by an Angel See also his famous travel diary written in
See also her autobiographies, including: the “haibun” form (prose + haiku):
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings The Narrow Road to the North

Elizabeth Barrett Browning Billy Collins

(1806-1861) English (Victorian) poet / (1941-) American poet. U.S. Poet Laureate
translator / scholar (able to read Greek, Latin, (2001-2003) and NYS Laureate (2004-2006).
Hebrew). Wife of poet Robert Browning. Easy to read, also fun, profound, moving.

Poetry Collections: Poetry Collections:

Complete Collected Poems Aimless Love
* Sonnets from the Portuguese Sailing Alone Around the Room
The Trouble with Poetry
Popular poems:
Aurora Leigh (a novel in verse) Popular poems:
The Cry of the Children Forgetfulness
A Musical Instrument Introduction to Poetry
* Sonnet 43 ("How Do I Love Thee?”) Today
Also explore her / Robert’s letters (online See also his “poem-a-day” anthology:
at: Poetry 180: A Turning Back to poetry

E. E. Cummings Emily Dickinson

(1894-1962) American poet / dramatist / (1830-1886). American poet celebrated
artist. Famous for inventive placement and today for her many brief and witty poems.
use of words / punctuation in poems. While reclusive in later years, her letters
reveal a lively and fascinating personality.
Poetry Collections:
Complete Poems Poetry Collection:
Essential E. E. Cummings (audio CD) Complete Poems
Famous poems:
Famous poems:
After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling
anyone lived in a pretty how town Comes
somewhere i have never travelled I’m Nobody! Who Are You?
spring is like a perhaps hand Hope Is the Thing with Feathers
The Poets Light But Lamps
See also his autobiographical work:
The Enormous Room Also explore her various collections of letters.

T. S. Eliot Robert Frost
(1888 - 1865). American/British poet / critic / (1874 - 1963). American poet. Popular for
dramatist / essayist. One of the most using plain diction, nature/rural themes, and
influential poets / critics of the 20 Century. realism. Won the Pulitzer Prize four times.
Poetry collections: Poetry Collection:
Collected Poems (1909 – 1962) The Poetry of Robert Frost
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats Famous poems:
Famous poems: Acquainted with the Night
Four Quartets Fire and Ice
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Mending Wall
The Waste Land The Road Not Taken
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Also explore his essay collections: The
Sacred Wood, The Use of Poetry… Also explore his plays and letters.

Langston Hughes Edna St. Vincent Millay

(1902 - 1967). African-American poet. (1892 - 1940). American poet / dramatist.
One of the most influential writers in the
Harlem Renaissance literary period. Won the Pulitzer Prize for her poetry.

Poetry collection: Poetry collections:

Collected Poems of Langston Hughes Collected Sonnets
Renascence, and Other Poems
Famous poems:
Democracy Famous poems:
Dreams Apostrophe to Man
Harlem (his famous “dream deferred” poem) Conscientious Objector
I Too Sing America Dirge Without Music
Love Is Not All
Also explore his plays, essays, novels, Renascence
short stories, and children’s books. The Spring and the Fall

Pablo Neruda Rumi (Jalal al-Din Rumi)

(1904 - 1973) Chilean poet. Winner of the (1207-1273) Persian poet and mystic. One
Nobel Prize for Literature. Neruda wrote of the oldest and popular poets in the world
mostly in Spanish, but many translations of (for the past several centuries), Rumi is
his numerous poetry collections exist. celebrated for his ecstatic verses meditating
Poetry collections / translations: on life, love, joy, and more. His poetry has
been translated into English.
The Essential Neruda - includes:
Veinte poemas de amor y una
Poetry collections / translations:
canción desesperada (Twenty Love
Poems and a Song of Despair) The Essential Rumi
Odas elementales (Elemental Odes) The Illuminated Rumi
The Poetry of Pablo Neruda - includes: Rumi: The Book of Love – Poems
Cien sonetos de amor (100 Love Sonnets) of Ecstasy and Longing

William Shakespeare Walt Whitman

(1564 - 1616) English dramatist / poet. (1819 - 1892). American poet. Lyrical to
He wrote plays mostly in “blank verse” epic and beyond, Whitman’s verse changed
(unrhymed lines with five beats) and some of poetry forever, ushering in new era of truly
the most beautiful sonnets of all time. liberated, inspired, and inspiring expression.
Famous poems: Poetry collections:
Sonnets (He wrote over 150 sonnets!) Complete Poems
Venus and Adonis Leaves of Grass
See also his plays: Hamlet, King Lear, Famous poems:
Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, O Captain! My Captain!
Othello, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest… Song of Myself
Also explore video or audio performances Song of the Open Road
as well as criticism of his plays and poems. When I Heard the Learned Astronomer

For more poets and poetic possibilities to explore, please visit our Reference Department or see these websites:

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