Course 3 - Collaboration - Trainer Guide
Course 3 - Collaboration - Trainer Guide
Course 3 - Collaboration - Trainer Guide
Learn course: Practice collaborative skills with the 21CLD Collaboration dimension
21CLD OneNote Notebook
Preparation for this module
Target audience
K-12 educators
Day of training
Arrive early to set up for the presentation and test Internet, projection, and sound
Arrange the room for small group discussions. Organize educators by grade, division, or content area, or mix them
as you see fit
Invitation email
SUBJECT: Practice collaborative skills with the 21CLD Knowledge Construction dimension
Hi, educators!
I’m so excited for our next 21st century learning design session focused on the Collaboration dimension. This time, we’ll be:
If possible, please arrive approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled start time
Bring your lesson plan book and/or the learning activity plans you selected at our first session
Have questions about this professional development opportunity? Don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Reminder email
SUBJECT: Practice collaborative skills with the 21CLD Knowledge collaboration dimension
Hi, educators!
This is just a friendly reminder that our 21st century learning design session on Collaboration is coming up!
I look forward to exploring with you how we can use 21st century learning design to incorporate the Collaboration
dimension into a learning activity!
If possible, please arrive approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled start time
Bring your lesson plan book and/or the learning activity plans you selected at our first session
Have questions about this training session? Don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
videos quickly.
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
Today, we’ll be exploring the Collaboration rubric. This
rubric helps learners practice collaborative skills.
Let's start with a quick check-in. How would you Give participants time to respond to the prompt.
describe collaboration?
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
Work respectfully,
Communicate clearly,
common goal.
1 min Say:
Conflict resolution,
Distribution of tasks,
1 min Say:
Share responsibility,
Now, I will play the overview video for the Play the Introduction to collaboration video.
Collaboration dimension.
(Play the Introduction to collaboration video.)
1 min Say:
Let’s all go to the OneNote notebook and review the Give participants time to access the 21CLD notebook and
Collaboration rubric together. locate the Collaboration rubric page.
To get to the notebook, open your web browser and
type into the address bar.
2 mins Say:
or groups.
shared responsibility.
Now, let’s switch over to the Collaboration Decision Give participants a minute to locate the collaboration
2 mins Say:
Let’s pause to check in. Does anyone have questions Answer any questions that arise.
1 min Say:
Discuss an issue,
1 min Say:
Learners from other classes,
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
A product,
Design, or
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
decisions together?
Process, or
Product of the learners' work.
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
substantive decisions:
1 min Say:
the team.
The work must be structured in a way that requires
learners to plan together and consider the
1 min Say:
of interdependent work:
1 min Say:
interdependent work:
Now that we’ve discussed the rubric and decision tree, Give participants a minute to find the learning activity in
Now, I’ll give you 15 minutes to review this lesson. Use As participants review the learning activity, mill around the
either the collaboration rubric or decision tree and room to help or answer questions.
Okay! I loved listening to your conversations! Foster a collegial conversation about the anchor lesson.
Let’s discuss as a large group what you all observed in Encourage educators to explain why they decided on a
coding this lesson. specific code.
(Play the Collaboration anchor lesson video.) Play the Collaboration anchor lesson video.
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
1 min Say:
(Play the Microsoft tools for collaboration video.) (Play the Microsoft tools for collaboration video.)
Now, let’s talk about how you can take what you have
1 min Say:
design of the activity.
Sharing your activity, its current code, and your goals Mill around the room and answer questions or help
with others is a great way to start the re-design educators in need.
1 min Say:
Before we close today, does anyone have any Answer participants' questions.
free to share them. Share the link to the Collaboration course online and show