The Usage of Language in Enhancing Communication Processes: Dr. Radhika Kapur
The Usage of Language in Enhancing Communication Processes: Dr. Radhika Kapur
The Usage of Language in Enhancing Communication Processes: Dr. Radhika Kapur
The need to communicate activates both the occurrence and the development of a
language and this need arises and becomes stronger to a major extent. Society acquires self-
awareness through the contact and communication that takes place between its members. The
meaning and significance of communication between individuals equates the significance of
language. The important factors of communication are respect and courtesy. In other words,
when the individuals are communicating with each other, they need to ensure they are polite,
respectful and courteous. Hence, language is regarded as indispensable for the development
and well-being of the individuals. As a tool of communication among the members of the
community, language is influenced by the society, where it functions. Moreover, being the
most significant tool of communication, one particular language is mastered by individuals,
i.e. Latin, Greek, French, English and so forth. It is mostly used as the determining feature in
encouraging these individuals into the separate group as the individuals, nation and state
(SIRBU, 2015).
Language is regarded as the tool, which is used to convey ideas and perspectives to
others. Furthermore, it is also made use of to receive ideas and viewpoints from others. The
language is made use of in a verbal, non-verbal and written form. The individuals make use
of signs and gestures in communicating. It is different from signs and gestures, as it makes
use of sounds, which are meaningful to the users as well as to the listeners. The sounds of
speech are consciously and normally expressed and are differentiated from the emotional
sounds which are mechanically and purposefully expressed under the influence of pleasure,
annoyance, anxiety and amazement. There are two aspects of language, namely, the inner one
relating to the meaning, one wishes to express and the outer one is related to expression.
When there are occurrence of any types of changes within the community in terms of various
factors, such as, social, cultural, economic, political and so forth, then there are changes
taking place in language as well (Chapter I. Importance of Language in Society, n.d.).
Language is evolutionary and not static. Changes may take place in pronunciation,
grammar and usage of words. Research studies have indicated that in some cases, the
individuals are not fluent with the usage of language. In such cases, it is vital for them to
practice the language, so they are able to develop articulacy. Language is therefore regarded
as the constant state of change. It ceases to bring about transformations, only when it is no
longer made use of. A spoken language is regarded as the system of arbitrary vocal symbols,
by which the human beings communicate and co-operate with one another. In human beings,
speech and vocal sounds are made use of for the articulation of definite sounds, which when
arranged according to the set patterns, form the words of the given language. It is generally
the case that states that there is not any general connection between the linguistic form and its
meaning. The development of ideas, perspectives and principles are regarded as vital in the
development of language (Chapter I. Importance of Language in Society, n.d.).
Language is regarded as the medium through which the individuals are able to work
in collaboration and integration with each other. Through this tool, the individuals are not
only able to exchange ideas and viewpoints, but they make provision of help and assistance to
each other and form amiable terms and relationships with each other. In order to enrich one’s
lives and achieve personal and professional goals, it is vital for the individuals to augment
language. Language dissipates superfluous and nervous energy, which directs the emotions of
both the individuals and human beings (Chapter I. Importance of Language in Society, n.d.).
In some cases, language is regarded as an organized noise, used in social situations. One of
the important factors that needs to be taken into account in the utilization of language are, the
individuals need to make use of it in a decent manner. In other words, they need to inculcate
the traits the morality and ethics.
The individuals put into operation various types of measures and approaches that are
necessary in leading to development of language skills. One of the important approaches is
getting enrolled in educational institutions and training centres and pursuing programs.
Furthermore the individuals need to get engaged in practice exercises. Another approach is,
they are required to make use of the language in order to hone their writing skills. When the
individuals are making use of language in writing, they need to ensure, they take into account
factors such as, grammar, punctuation, spellings, words and so forth. Making use of language
in a verbal manner is regarded as manageable as compared to writing. Language has a
representational character and this itself makes the language subjective. However,
subjectivity does not give the speaker the freedom to use whatever sound or sequence of
sounds, with which the meaning is associated. One of the major limitations is, it is difficult to
provide explanation of the connection between the word, which is sound combination or the
sound itself, i.e. symbol for the sound unit and the thing it stands for (Chapter I. Importance
of Language in Society, n.d.).
Functions of Language
Different from Sign Language – The language, which is made use of to implement the
communication process among individuals is different from sign language. The human
beings, who primarily suffer from speech disabilities and hearing impairments are the ones,
who are communicated with through sign language. Hence, one of the important functions of
language is to ensure that communication through signs, and gestures are different. The
communication processes, therefore have to be between individuals by means of speech and
hearing. The sounds produced by individuals is termed as the social aspect of language and it
facilitates communication. Therefore, when communication takes place through sign
language or verbal or written forms of communication, the individuals are able to recognise
the significance of language. When it is recognized that language is different from sign
language, its functions are acknowledged (Chapter I. Importance of Language in Society,
Augmenting Morality and Ethics – Morality and ethics are regarded as crucial factors,
which the individuals need to inculcate among themselves irrespective of their categories and
backgrounds. Augmenting morality and ethics has proven to be beneficial and favourable to
the individuals in number of ways. These include, maintaining amiable terms and
relationships with others, acquiring promotional opportunities, achieving personal and
professional goals in a well-organized manner, emerging into productive human beings and
enriching one’s overall quality of lives. Through making use of the tool of language, the
individuals are able to generate awareness in terms of the traits of morality and ethics. The
information is acquired through various ways. These include, communicating with other
individuals, technologies, internet, radio, television programs, books and other reading
materials. Furthermore, it is necessary for the individuals to recognize that augmenting
morality and ethics is indispensable in their lives. Therefore, when one understands the
meaning and significance of morality and ethics, they realise that augmenting morality and
ethics is one of the central functions of language.
Creation of Sociable Terms and Relationships with Others – In order to enrich one’s
lives and achieve personal and professional goals, it is necessary for the individuals to create
sociable terms and relationships with others. The others include, family members, relatives,
friends, neighbours, community members, employers, colleagues, instructors, supervisors,
fellow students and so forth. In the creation of sociable terms and relationships with others, it
is vital for the individuals to make use of language skills in an appropriate manner. Language
is regarded as an instrument that would enable the individuals to communicate with each
other in a verbal as well as written form. When the individuals are speaking to each other as
well as communicating through letters, emails, messages, notices and so forth, then they are
able to create sociable terms and relationships with others. It is essential for the individuals to
make use of the tool of language in an efficient and professional manner. Therefore, it is an
important function of language to facilitate the creation of sociable terms and relationships
with others.
Language and communication are regarded as factors, which are different from each
other. One needs the other and at the same time exists separately. Language is regarded as the
communication system, which is made up of a group of written and sound symbols that
individuals, belonging to the same country or region make use of for writing and speaking
(Language and Communication, 2018). On the other hand, in sending as well as receiving
messages as well, it is vital for the individuals to make use of appropriate language. In the
communication processes, the individuals make use of language in exchanging ideas and
perspectives. When the individuals are speaking to each other, in other words, when they are
communicating in an oral manner, they make use of various languages, i.e. English, Hindi,
Punjabi, Bengali and so forth. On the other hand, when they are making use of language to
communicate in a written form, they usually make use of English. In educational institutions
as well as in various types of organizations, the individuals communicate with each other in a
written form, through English language.
In the communication process, the individuals exchange with each other information
and messages through various means. It could be verbally, non-verbally through signs and
gestures, graphical as well as written and sound symbols. The individuals apart from making
use of technologies make use of charts, graphs, images, sounds, symbols, drawings, info-
graphics, or through signals. Language, on the other hand, renders a significant contribution
in the communication process. Individuals not only in India, but in other countries of the
world as well make use of specific language in communicating. This indicates the fact that
language and communication are intertwined. These are related to each other, but these are
regarded as different aspects. In simple words, the individuals make use of language in
promoting communication among the individuals in an appropriate manner. One of the
important factors that need to be taken into consideration are, the language should be
understandable to both the senders and the receivers of information and messages (Language
and Communication, 2018).
It is vital for the individuals to generate awareness and augment one’s understanding
in terms of measures and strategies that are necessary in order to bring about improvements
in the communication processes. One of the important ways is, the individuals need to ensure
they provide factual information, which would be advantageous. Other strategies include,
abiding by norms, values, standards and principles, inculcating the traits of diligence,
resourcefulness and conscientiousness and generating adequate information in terms of job
duties and responsibilities. When the individuals generate awareness in terms of these factors,
they are able to lead to up-gradation of communication skills and the tool of language. The
individuals, belonging to various categories and backgrounds need to pay attention towards
the up-gradation of language and communication skills throughout their lives. These concepts
need to be focused upon throughout the lives of the individuals and are regarded as lifelong
processes. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood that there is close relationship
between language and communication.
Language is regarded as an important tool through which communication is facilitated
among the individuals in a verbal, non-verbal and written form. From the stage of early
childhood, the individuals obtain guidance from family members within homes and teachers
in schools to augment the tool of language. It is regarded as an indispensable tool that is
needed to work towards up-gradation of communication. The need to communicate initiates
both the occurrence and the development of a language. Language is fundamentally a system
of communication, where sound or signs transfers articles, activities, conceptions or thoughts.
The various functions of language are, expressing thoughts, viewpoints and ideas,
communication of information, different from sign language, linguistic and communicative
competence, expressive function, generating awareness in terms of other cultures,
augmenting morality and ethics, augmenting socialization, implementation of tasks and
activities appropriately and creation of sociable terms and relationships with others. Apart
from these functions, one of the major functions of language is to lead to enrichment in the
overall lives of the individuals. There is a close relationship between language and
communication. Finally, it can be stated that up-gradation of language skills are regarded as
fundamental in facilitating the individuals to achieve personal and professional goals and
sustaining one’s living conditions in a well-organized manner.
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