1 People - Counting - Project
1 People - Counting - Project
1 People - Counting - Project
Abhinav A 4NM19IS002
Adithi Bhakta 4NM19IS006
Adithi Putturaya 4NM19IS007
Dr. Bola Sunil Kamath
Assistant Professor Gd – III
Department of ISE
In this python project, we are going to build the Human Detection and
Counting System through video or images. This is an intermediate level
deep learning project on computer vision, which will help us to master the
3. Detect() method:
Video: A video combines a sequence of images to form a moving picture.
We call these images as Frame. So in general we will detect the person in
the frame. And show it one after another that it looks like a video.
That is exactly what our Detect() method will do. It will take a frame to
detect a person in it. Make a box around a person and show the frame and
return the frame with person bounded by a green box.
4. HumanDetector() method
There are two ways of getting Video.
1. Web Camera
2. Path of file stored
In this project, we can take images also. So our method will check if a path
is given then search for the video or image in the given path and operate.
5. DetectByPathVideo() method
This method is very similar to the previous method except we will give a
path to the Video. First, we check if the video on the provided path is found
or not.
6. DetectByPathimage() method
This method is used if a person needs to be detected from an image.
7. Argparse() method
The function argparse() simply parses and returns as a dictionary the
arguments passed through your terminal to our script. There will be Three
arguments within the Parser:
References: https://data-flair.training/blogs/python-project-real-time-