Acr122U NFC Reader: Peer To Peer Demo Manual

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Peer to Peer Demo Manual
Subject to change without prior notice
Table of Contents
1.0. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
2.0. Overview .................................................................................................................... 4
3.0. Demo Application Requirements............................................................................. 5
3.1. Database Set-up....................................................................................................................5
3.2. Install MySQL .NET Connector ...........................................................................................10
3.3. Creating a User in the Database .........................................................................................12
3.4. Enable PCSC Escape Command........................................................................................13
4.0. Multi-Application Components .............................................................................. 15
4.1. NFC Device Application.......................................................................................................15
4.2. Smart Poster Application .....................................................................................................16
4.3. Cinema Entrance Application ..............................................................................................18
5.0. Using the Demo Application .................................................................................. 20
5.1. Smart Poster Application .....................................................................................................20
5.2. Cinema Entrance Application ..............................................................................................26

Figure 1: ACR122U Smart Poster Demo.......................................................................................... 3
Figure 2: ACR122U Cinema Entrance Demo................................................................................... 3
Figure 3: Application Flow Chart ...................................................................................................... 4
Figure 4: Initialization...................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 5: NFC Device ..................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 6: Smart Poster.................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 7: Cinema Entrance Program.............................................................................................. 18

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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Version 1.9
1.0. Introduction
The ACR122U NFC Reader can be used in a wide range of applications and this demonstration
program simulates a Smart Poster/NFC Device setting. The application shows conventional functions
such as gathering information from a Smart Poster and purchasing Cinema tickets by just placing the
device near the poster. This application highlights the NFC capabilities of the ACR122U NFC Reader.

Figure 1: ACR122U Smart Poster Demo

Figure 2: ACR122U Cinema Entrance Demo

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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2.0. Overview
The program flow of the Multi-Application Demo can be summarized by the figure below:

Figure 3: Application Flow Chart

This demonstration program is divided into two main parts, the Advertisement module, where the
Smart Poster will send information about a certain product to the NFC device and the Movie Ticketing
module, where the Smart Poster will send information about a certain movie to the NFC device and
will ask the user if he wants to buy a ticket of the movie.
Since the ACR122U NFC Reader does not have a built-in memory, a contactless card will be used as
a memory card where the data will be stored in. This application can use a MiFare 1K, MiFare 4K and
a Topaz contactless card for the memory storage. (Note: For Topaz cards, the transactions done with
the card may take up a longer time, as compared with the MiFare cards.)

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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3.0. Demo Application Requirements
Once the SDK Components have been successfully installed, you need the following to properly run
the Demonstration Application.

3.1. Database Set-up

1. Install the MySQL Server. Click on

Note: You can download the MySql

Server Installer as well as the
Installation guide from

2. Choose Detailed Configuration.

Click on “Next”.

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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3. Choose Developer Machine. Click
on “Next”.

4. Choose Multi-Functional Database.

Click on “Next”.

5. Specify the Installation Path. Click on


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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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Version 1.9
6. Choose Decision Support. Click on

7. Leave the default Port Number which

is 3306. Click on “Next”.

8. Check which Character Set Support

you prefer. Click on “Next”.

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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9. Click on Install as Windows
Service. Click on “Next”.

10. Input a password. You will use the

password in creating the database.
Click on “Next”.

11. Click on “Execute” to continue the


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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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12. Click on “Finish”.

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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3.2. Install MySQL .NET Connector
1. You can download this from

Click on “Next”.

2. Choose Complete Install.

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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3. Click on “Install” to continue with the

4. Click on “Finish”.

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3.3. Creating a User in the Database
1. Run the MySQL Server from the Start Menu to create a database. Input the Root Password.

Path: Start Æ Programs Æ MySQL Æ MySQL Server 5.0 Æ MySQL Command Line Client

Run the MySql Script,

ACR122UDemoApp_DB.sql, which can be found from the installation folder
e.g. C:\Program Files\Advanced Card Systems Ltd\ACR122U Demo Application\

From MySql shell command key in:

source [InstallationFolder]\ACR122UDemoApp_DB.sql

2. Type: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '<user>'@'localhost'

e.g. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'user1'@'localhost'

3. Afterwards, type: IDENTIFIED BY '<passwd>' WITH GRANT OPTION;


4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more users in the database. Click on close to exit the MySQL

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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Version 1.9
3.4. Enable PCSC Escape Command
1. Execute the RegEdit in the Run
Command Menu of Windows

2. Add a DWORD
“EscapeCommandEnable” under
200\Device Parameters

3. Look for: VID_072F&PID_2200

Then expand the node. This will list the
USB port where you have plugged the
two readers. Choose one port. Look
under Device Parameters.

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Version 1.9
4. Create a DWORD entry (32-bit) with
the name:

5. To Modify the value of the

EscapeCommandEnable, double click
on the entry and input 1 in the Value
data with the base set in Hexadecimal.

6. Repeat Steps 3-5 for the other USB


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Version 1.9
4.0. Multi-Application Components
All three components have the Initialize Option which initializes the program and connects it to a
specific reader.

Figure 4: Initialization

4.1. NFC Device Application

The figure below shows the GUI of the NFC Device application.

Figure 5: NFC Device

Different Commands and Options in the Application:

Starts the operation of the program

This option shows and hides the logs of the application.

Clears the log

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Saves the log to NFCDeviceLogs.txt which is saved to where the
application is located

Resets the application for a new operation

4.2. Smart Poster Application

The figure below shows the GUI of the Smart Poster application

Figure 6: Smart Poster

Different Commands and Options in the Application:

This option begins the operation of the program. The program

behavior is determined by the radio button selected for the
program. It can act as a Smart Ad program, in which the
program can send advertisements to the NFC device, or it can
act as a Cinema Ad program that allows the user to purchase
tickets for a movie. The radio button options are located on the
topmost part of the application.

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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The data to be sent to the NFC reader can be placed here (for
Smart Ad application only).

This option shows and hides the logs of the application.

This option saves the log to SmartPosterLogs.txt which is saved

to where the application is located.

This option clears the log.

Clicking this option restarts the application for a new operation.

The exit button is found at the topmost right side of the GUI.
This option closes the application.

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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Version 1.9
4.3. Cinema Entrance Application
The figure below shows the GUI of the Cinema Entrance Application

Figure 7: Cinema Entrance Program

Different Commands and Options in the Application:

Clicking this begins the operation of the program. The program

will check the receipt numbers of the tickets that have been
purchased with the contactless card (MiFare 1K, MiFare 4K, or
Topaz cards can be used).

This option shows and hides the logs of the application.

This option saves the log to CinemaEntranceLogs.txt which is

saved to where the application is located.

This option clears the log.

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Clicking this option restarts the application for a new operation.

The exit button is found at the topmost right side of the GUI. This
option closes the application.

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Version 1.9
5.0. Using the Demo Application
To start the Demo Application, two ACR122U readers are needed. Also, the requirements for the
Demo Application (MySql Setup, Regedit Setup) must be performed first and set up correctly for the
programs to run properly. (See 3.0 Demo Application Requirements)

5.1. Smart Poster Application

1. Plug in the first ACR122U in your
computer. Run the Smart Poster
Application.Exe then choose the
reader that will be used for the Smart
Poster. Click on “Initialize” button.

2. You will then be directed to the

screen shown on the right.

3. Plug in the second ACR122U in

your computer.

Run the NFC Device.Exe then choose

the second reader. Click on
“Initialize” button.

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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Version 1.9
4. Put a MiFare card on top of the
reader. This will serve as the memory
of the NFC device since there is no
built-in memory for the ACR122U.

Note: MiFare or Topaz cards may be

utilized in this demonstration but
Topaz cards, when used, will have a
slower processing time.

3. Choose Smart Ad as the

Operation Type in the Smart Poster

Input the data to be sent in the Smart

Poster text box. Data is needed to be
placed here for the application to
initialize and work with the NFC
device application.

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Version 1.9
4. Click “Activate Smart Poster"

button on the Smart Poster


Quickly place the NFC Device (with

the contactless card) on top of the
Smart Poster Device then click on
“Activate” button on the NFC
Device Application.

Note: You need to click on “Reset”

before beginning a new operation.

5. Click on “Show Log” to view the


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Version 1.9
6. The received data will be displayed
in the text box of the NFC device

7. Remove the NFC Device. Click on

“Reset” for both Smart Poster and
NFC Device to begin another

8. Choose Cinema Ad as the next

operation for the Smart Poster

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Version 1.9
8. Click “Activate Smart Poster”
button on the Smart Poster

Quickly place the NFC Device (with

the contactless card) on top of the
Smart Poster Device then click on
“Activate” button on the NFC
Device Application.

Note: You need to click on “Reset”

before beginning a new operation.

9. Input the username and password

(use the corresponding username and
password used in the MySql
program). Fill up the remaining details

Click the “OK” button once finished.

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10. A new screen will appear
confirming the transaction with the

11. Remove the NFC device then

click on the “Reset” button to perform
another transaction.

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5.2. Cinema Entrance Application
1. Initialize both Cinema
Entrance and NFC Device
programs. You can use the slot
for the Smart Poster used

NFC Device is initialized using

the same USB slot earlier and
make sure that the MiFare
card used earlier is placed on
top of the NFC Device.

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Version 1.9
2. Click “Activate Terminal”
button on the Smart Poster

Quickly place the NFC Device

(with the contactless card) on
top of the Smart Poster Device
then click on “Activate” button
on the NFC Device

Note: You need to click on

“Reset” before beginning a
new operation.

3. Note also that a login

window will appear. Enter the
username and password.

Note: Since all access is

granted in the database, all of
the users can log in and
access this. This will be further
improved in the next release.

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Version 1.9
4. A pop-up window will appear
if the tickets that you have
purchased are redeemed or
are invalid.

The screen in the Cinema

Entrance application will
change, acknowledging the
ticket transaction.

Note: You can click on “Show

Logs” to check the history of
commands sent and received
by the reader.

5. Click on “Reset” to start

another transaction.

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ACR122U NFC Reader Peer to Peer Demo Manual

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Version 1.9

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