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The Midnight Revelry


Introduction​: Farleigh’s Well has stopped harvesting crops, threatening the food supply in
Waterdeep. The characters must contend with powerful fey creatures on their home plane in
this action-packed adventure.

A 5-hour adventure for 1st-3rd level characters

by Christopher Walz

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Farleigh’s Well​ by E. B. Moreno
The House of the Winsome Rose​ by Robert Walz

Joshua Paulus
Robert Walz

John, Brandon, Bryan, and Erin

A special thank you to my brother, Robert Walz, for opening the world of ​Dungeons & Dragons ​to me before I could
read and encouraging me to write.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only​. ​THE MIDNIGHT REVELRY 1
Background Erasus the Smiling
Erasus is an old satyr even by fey reckoning. He has
This section contains all of the background
ventured to many worlds on the Prime Material
information you need to run this adventure.
Plane but fell in love with Toril long ago. While he is
Included are: a plot overview, details on adjusting
capricious and often unreliable, he loves deeply and
the adventure’s difficulty for lower or higher level
would not willingly harm his friends.
parties, and an in-depth look at Farleigh’s Well.
As a servant of the Seelie Court Erasus seeks to guide
See Appendix A for a list of monsters used in this
everyone he meets toward their own happiness. He
adventure, Appendix B for treasure and custom
is an optimist who always finds the silver lining or
magic items, and Appendix C for maps.
makes his own.

Plot Overview Erasus’ faithful companion, Sir Downy, an intelligent

An evil fey noble, ​Lady Rimeheart​, has corrupted a owlbear native to the Feywild, never leaves his side.
satyr, ​Erasus​. She threatened to imprison the satyr Centuries ago Erasus was captured by a hag and
in her frozen castle in the Feywild unless he acts on used as bait to lure the powerful owlbear out of
behalf of the Unseelie Court. If Erasus is unable to hibernation. Erasus charmed the beast with song
sate his hedonistic desires, he will be forgotten and and convinced the owlbear to free him. They have
slowly fade from existence. Erasus fears Lady journeyed through the Feywild and Material Plane
Rimeheart and reluctantly does her bidding, but has ever since.
plotted her demise since entering the pact.
Encounter Difficulty
Lady Rimeheart’s motive concerns her past as a
This adventure has been playtested for 4 level 2
member of the Seelie Court. She was once called the
characters using material from the ​Player’s
Lady of Zephyrs and was a devout follower of Hanali
Handbook​. Encounters will include notes on how to
Celanil, the fey aspect of Sune. Sune is a greater deity
adjust the scene to be more appropriate for lower or
in the Forgotten Realms setting who represents
higher level parties. If you have fewer than 4 players,
beauty, love, passion, and artistry. The Lady of
consider using the low level adjustments.
Zephyrs prayed for her goddess to guide a young
Eladrin prince’s eyes to her, hoping to win his heart.
Every encounter details tactics for creatures and
The prince, however, was unmoved and chose to
NPCs. It is recommended you use these tactics to
accept his family’s arranged marriage. Agents of the
create a challenging and rewarding experience for
Unseelie Court approached the Lady of Zephyrs and
corrupted her heart, creating a plot to murder the
prince. On the prince’s wedding night, following the
traditions of Hanali, the Lady approached the Farleigh’s Well
newlyweds to weave a rose into the prince’s crown. This small farming village has a population of 200,
The Lady used Unseelie magics to transform the made up of 90% humans, 5% half-elves and 5%
beautiful rose into a wicked dagger, plunging it into other common races. It is guarded by a militia of 12
the prince’s heart. At that moment her heart turned guards​ and 5 ​scouts​.
to ice, and her beautiful skin to a cold, pale blue.
The Well, as the locals call it, is in the Sword Coast
The fey crossing near Farleigh’s Well rests on the region, 2 days south of Daggerford along the Trade
ruins of a church to Hanali, once kept by ancient Way. The village is nestled against the Misty Forest,
Elven societies. Lady Rimeheart has instructed which, until recently, the locals avoided. Farleigh’s
Erasus to carry out grand revels at the site. He forces Well has maintained peaceful relationships with the
the locals to drink and dance until they die of wood elves of the forest for decades.
exhaustion, all in an attempt to scorn Hanali as she
scorned Lady Rimeheart. The village has several notable landmarks.

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The Well.​ ​This crumbling, hand-dug stone well
serves as town centre and a frequent meeting place.
An old, rusted plough thought to be Farleigh’s rests
against the well.

The Copper Pot.​ ​The only inn and tavern in town

sits adjacent to the well. It is ran by Derry, a halfling
commoner. Modest and comfortable rooms are
available here, as well as food and a limited selection
of ales and wines.

Marelanna’s Cellar. ​A general store ran by

Marelanna, a half-elf acolyte of Chauntea. The Cellar
stocks agricultural and home goods. At your
discretion, she may have some interesting
non-magical items for adventurers.

The Granaries. ​Three large granaries dot the

outskirts of the village. They are owned by Doran, a
human noble with ties to Waterdeep.

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Farleigh’s Well
The characters must pass a passive Perception test
against the wolves’ Stealth or be surprised. Any
The fey are fascinating creatures. Never will you find character speaking with the guards has
such pure, untempered emotion in the mortal races. disadvantage ​(-5)​ ​to their passive Perception.
A faerie makes the best lover and the worst enemy -
I’ve had both.
—Laefwyn Dawncaller, Eladrin bard The wolves use of their ​pack tactics​ trait, attempting
to always attack with advantage.
This chapter details the characters arriving in
Farleigh’s Well, how major NPCs will interact with The 3 guards are ​poisoned​ due to being hungover
the characters, and how to uncover clues on what is and flee if 2 or more characters or guards are
happening. These sections may play out of order unconscious.
depending on the character’s decisions.
After the battle the guards confirm that animals
Adventure Hooks from the Misty Forest have been acting strange
The adventure is easily adaptable to any fantasy recently. They believe it is the fault of the wood elves
setting and supports a number of hooks. Here are a and advise not venturing into the forest. A ​DC 16
few ideas specific to the Forgotten Realms: Wisdom (Insight) ​check reveals that they know
● The characters have been contracted by a more than they are letting on.
Waterdavian noble to investigate why
shipments of grain have stopped. A ​DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) ​check reveals the
● A member of the Emerald Enclave is wolves are acting out of character. A ​detect magic​ or
concerned that the local wildlife has become identify ​spell cast on the wolves within 1 hour of
increasingly agitated and wants the death shows the wolves have been affected by
characters to investigate. powerful enchantment magic.
● The characters met travelers from the Well
Difficulty Adjustments
in Daggerford. The commoners raved about
the House of Revels in the Misty Forest. Make the following adjustments if your characters
are lower or higher level:
● If the party is level 1, remove the dire wolf
The Village Walls ● If the party is level 3, add 1 wolf.
Farleigh’s Well is surrounded by a 6 foot tall palisade
wall with two simple gates at the north and south Strange Signs
ends. The gate is guarded by 3 hungover ​guards​,
As the characters explore Farleigh’s Well they see a
their weapons lazily leaning against the wall.
number of odd scenes. The encounters and skill
challenges in this section could take place at any
As the characters approach, read this aloud.
time while in the village.

Three guards are barely alert to your approach. Drunks and Layabouts. ​The night before the
One shields his eyes from the midday sun while characters arrive Erasus threw his biggest revelry
the others pass around a waterskin. yet. Many of the villagers are still feeling its effects. A
DC 12 Wisdom (Insight or Perception) ​check will
The guards let the characters pass if they are not reveal that many of the villagers are still drunk or
threatening or violent. If the characters succeed a ​DC hungover. Some scenes the characters encounter
12 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) ​check include:
the guards tell them they were out at a party all ● A man and woman in the middle of lewd
night and have not slept. acts at the Well, while others watch and
As the characters pass through the gate 1 ​dire wolf ● Farmers are passed out in the streets.
and 5 ​wolves​ attack from a nearby stand of trees.
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● Many merchant stalls and stores are closed,
some left unlocked. Violent Drunks. ​Several fights have broken out in
the tavern. Derry is shocked by this as most of the
Otherworldly Roses. ​A ​DC 16 Wisdom Well’s residents are friendly, accommodating folk.
(Perception) ​check reveals that some young people
are carrying beautiful multicolored roses. They are Marelanna’s Cellar
woven into the hair or worn as pendants. These
villagers have been singled out by Erasus as This is one of the few merchants to remain open
particularly beautiful. since the revelries began. Mundane items from the
Player’s Handbook​ can be found here at normal cost.
A ​DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) ​check reveals the The store is ran by Marelanna, a half-elf ​acolyte ​of
roses are not native to the area. A ​DC 20 Chauntea.
Intelligence (Religion) ​check determines they are
holy symbols of Hanali Celanil. A ​DC 22 Intelligence As the characters enter, read this aloud.
(Arcana) ​check reveals that they were brought from
the Feywild. This small store is meticulously organized and kept
clean. A young half-elf stands behind the counter
A ​detect magic​ spell shows faint enchantment magic writing in a ledger. She wears a simple brown
coming from the roses, while an ​identify ​spell reveals
smock and apron emblazoned with a budding
the item’s properties (see Appendix B).
flower - the symbol of Chauntea.

The Copper Pot

Marelanna is concerned about the recent
This inn and tavern is the largest establishment in happenings in Farleigh’s Well and wants to help. If
Farleigh’s Well. The building stands two stories tall, the characters convince her they are here to help
constructed with worn stones and a thatched roof. with a ​DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion)​ check, she
The inn is ran by Derry, a jovial but overworked will give the party 2 ​potions of healing​.
halfling ​commoner​.
Local Knowledge. ​Marelanna knows of the nearby
The inn has seen a steep increase in patrons temple of Hanali Celanil. She suspects the revelries
recently. The tavern is frequented by no fewer than take place there and can give directions to the
12 ​commoners ​and 2 ​guards​ at any time. There is a characters. Additionally, if she is brought one of the
50% chance any NPC is ​poisoned​ due to alcohol. multi-colored roses Marelanna identifies the object
as a holy symbol to Hanali Celanil and determines
As the characters approach, read this aloud. they originated in the Feywild.

Smoke billows up from a tall brick chimney, Doran’s Office

carrying with it the smell of roasting mutton. You
Any of the Well’s residents can point the characters
can hear laughter and mugs clanking together
to Doran’s home and office. He is distantly related to
from just beyond the door. An old, dented copper a Waterdavian noble and controls the grain trade
spittoon hangs above the entrance. out of Farleigh’s Well. Doran is a human ​noble​.

Derry is happy to entertain any questions the As the characters enter, read this aloud.
characters ask and will give the party a free modest
room and meals if all of the gate guards were saved.

Booming Business. ​For the past two months​ ​the

Copper Pot has been selling out of ale and wine
quicker than Derry can order new kegs. He
appreciates the increase in business, but fears that
he will not be able to keep up with demand.

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creature moving across this area must
Outdated rugs rest under well-worn leather chairs succeed on a ​DC 10 Dexterity saving
in this haughty parlor. A middle-aged human with a throw ​or be knocked prone.
● Two pixies target two characters with
round face and cropped beard sits behind a
phantasmal force​, making them believe the
magnificent oak desk littered with scroll cases, other shoved them.
ledgers, and at least one spilled ink well. ● After the faeries have had their fun, all 4
pixies cast ​sleep​, trying to knock the entire
The merchant is furious that the town refuses to party unconscious so they can escape.
harvest what he calls “his” grain. His whole
operation, from farmers to teamsters, has come to a Detecting the Faeries. ​If the characters are keeping
grinding halt. If the characters tell Doran they want an overnight watch, a successful ​DC 15 Wisdom
to help he will hear them out. (Perception) ​reveals the door or window opening.
The faeries do not become visible to do this, so
Hired Help. ​Doran offers the characters ​150 gp ​if attacks or other actions are made with disadvantage.
they are able to solve the situation.
Misguided Suspecisions. ​Doran sees little value in A pixie always Hides before casting a concentration
the Misty Forest’s elven population. They are a spell, such as ​phantasmal force.​ When the spell is
barbaric, uncivilized group protecting a potential cast, any awake characters check their passive
source of income. Doran suspects the elves are Perception against the pixie’s Dexterity (Stealth).
behind these troubles and cautions the characters
from entering the Misty Forest. If the faeries are detected the pixies cast ​confusion​,
hoping to create an opening for their escape. If
Playful Tricksters attacked in combat, the pixies will cast ​polymorph​,
turning the attacker into a toad.
This encounter should occur when the characters
bed down for a Long Rest. It is likely this takes place Befriending the Faeries. ​A character who succeeds
in a room at The Copper Pot, but could also occur on a ​DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) ​check can spot
alongside a campfire. the tell-tale signs of faeries and knows the playful
fey rarely harm the targets of their pranks.
When Erasus opened the fey crossing, many of the Succeeding on this check also reveals that faeries
Feywilds diminutive faeries made their way to the enjoy a good performance, joke, or song. If the
Prime Material Plane to trick and beguile humans. characters are not violent, 2 pixies appear and
introduce themselves.
After the characters have gone to bed, 4 ​pixies ​and 3
sprites​ set a mischievous plan in motion. The Big Secrets. ​The faeries know about Lady Rimeheart
encounter should flow like this: and Erasus, but are afraid to tell the characters,
● The faeries sneak in through a window, fearing the Unseelie Court may hear. A ​DC 18
door or other entrance. If one of the Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) ​check will
characters is keeping watch, the pixies use convince the faeries to tell the tale. Likewise, if the
dancing lights​ or ​phantasmal force​ to create sprites detect at least half of the characters are good
a distraction. aligned, they tell Lady Rimeheart’s story.
● After gaining access to the room, two sprites
pull a length of braided grass taut near a If Intimidation is used, they offer no further
character’s bed while a pixie pours water assistance. If the characters do not threaten the
from a rose petal onto the sleeping faeries, a single pixie will accompany them through
character. If the character gets out of bed, the Misty Forest, guiding them to the temple of
they must succeed on a ​DC 10 Dexterity Hanali and casting beneficial spells.
saving throw ​to not be knocked prone.
● The third sprite empties a pouch of shelled
walnuts, covering a 5 foot square area. Any

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Through the Mists
At the start of the encounter, read this aloud.

Unlike portals to the elemental Inner Planes or alien Outer A sapling bends and snaps as a panicked human,
Planes, fey crossings are simple affairs. A circle of no older than 20, stumbles in front of you. The
mushrooms, a bank of fog rising from a lake or a sunbeam
young man’s tunic is torn in and small cuts cover
piercing through the canopy may all lead to the Feywild.
—Valendriel Se’mora, ​Planar Cartography his arms and hands. He picks himself up, startled
to see you. “Are... are you here to rescue me? I
This chapter presents a number of encounters that got lost and the others never came back.”
occur in the Misty Forest. Most groups will not be
able to complete all of these in a single 5-hour
Laran has ​one level of exhaustion ​from lack of food
session; choose whichever seems most fun for you
and sleep. If the characters give him at least 1 day of
and your players. It is recommended you use at least
rations and succeed on a ​DC 10 Intelligence
one combat encounter.
(Survival) ​check they are able to accurately tell him
how to get back to Farleigh’s Rest.
Finding the Path
The revelers have not been particularly careful to Intelligence and Survival
hide their tracks. The characters can follow their Chapter 8 of the ​Dungeon Master’s Guide​ has
trail with a ​DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) ​check. recommendations on using variant ability scores and
proficiencies. Here, Intelligence represents a character’s
The thick foliage and patchy fog of the Misty Forest ability to recall landmarks and Survival represents a
character’s aptitude at navigating the wilderness.
counts as a ​lightly obscured area​. All characters
have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
that rely on sight. Additionally, the entire area Splendid Tales. ​Laran tells the characters about his
counts as ​difficult terrain​. time at the revelry. He depicts a world where colors
are more vibrant and food and wine are so good they
As the characters approach, read this aloud. are impossible to turn down. He says the revelry was
led by a creature with ram’s horns and a deep,
Scraps of food and broken bottles litter a freshly infectious laugh. A ​DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
beaten path into the mists. A cool breeze that check reveals he is describing a satyr.
smells like autumn rain quietly blows from the
thick, shadowy forest. Harassed by the Unseelie Court
Members of the Unseelie Court have taken
The journey from Farleigh’s Well to the temple of advantage of the fey crossing. 2 ​quicklings​ (see
Hanali Celanil takes 2 hours. Characters are free to Appendix A) have killed a wood elf scout and want
take one Short Rest along the way. to pin the murder on an unsuspecting humanoid.

If the characters take a Long Rest, a group of 6 wood Both quicklings have possessions from their victim
elf ​scouts ​and 2 ​veterans​ surround the camp and as well as the murder weapon, which they attempt to
force the characters out of the forest. If the plant on the characters using their incredible speed
characters resist the elves, they are knocked and Sleight of Hand. A character must succeed on a
unconscious and drug out, left in a field of wheat DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) ​check to notice an
near Farleigh’s Well. item has been planted on them.

At the start of the encounter, read this aloud.

The Lost Reveler
In their drunken hike through the Misty Forest, the
most recent group of revelers unknowingly left
Laran, a young human ​commoner​, behind.

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A sound like buzzing flies erupts from the A large, ghostly spider takes form near you. With a
undergrowth near you. Listening closely, you can sudden pop of displaced air the form solidifies,
almost hear shrill voices in the sound. There is a leaping toward you with serrated fangs.
sudden gust of air as something brushes past you
at lightning speed. Tactics
The phase spider catches the party by surprise
Tactics unless they can see into the Ethereal Plane. It prefers
The quicklings must plant an item on each character targets separated from the party, such as forward
before they are satisfied with their trick. If the scouts. Remember to make this attack at ​advantage​!
characters engage the quicklings, they dart between
the characters making each of their dagger attacks After its initial attack the phase spider uses its
against a different character. ethereal jaunt​ ability and repositions itself to a safe
location. It follows these hit-and-run tactics
The quicklings rely on their ​blurred movement​ trait throughout the encounter.
to defend against opportunity attacks. They end
their turn no less than 35 feet from any character. Difficulty Adjustments
Make the following adjustments if your characters
Rewards are lower or higher level:
The quicklings have taken ​10 gp​ and a ​potion of ● If the party is level 1, reduce the phase
climbing​ from their victim. spider’s hit points to 26.
● If the party is level 3, increase the phase
Development spider’s hit points to 45.
If at least one of the quicklings are captured, they
can be interrogated with a successful ​DC 14 Spirit of the Forest
Charisma (Intimidation) ​check. If the quickling is
The Misty Forest is home to several treants, one of
completely restrained, including all of its limbs, this
whom has taken interest in the fey crossing. A
check is made with ​advantage​.
month ago this treant passed through the area to see
the crossing for himself. While he is concerned that
If a character has an item planted on them by a
fey are entering his home uninvited, the treants
quickling and are searched by the elves in the
move at an incredibly slow pace. They will not act on
Trespassers! ​encounter below, the elves immediately
the planar portal for several months.
attack and cannot be persuaded to relent.

Difficulty Adjustments However, in his passing the treant saw promise in an

old hawthorn tree. He touched the tree and spoke its
Make the following adjustments if your characters
name, creating an ​awakened tree​.
are lower or higher level:
● If the party is level 1, remove 1 quickling.
As the characters approach, read this aloud.
● If the party is level 3, add 1 quickling.
A tall hawthorn tree rises 30 feet from the forest
Planar Predator floor. Names and symbols of love and marriage
The planar activity near the fey crossing has have been painted across a split trunk. In the
attracted the attention of a ​phase spider​ that senses center bark twists to form vague facial features
an opportunity for easy prey. with a crudely painted beard.
At the start of the encounter, read this aloud.
A ​DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) ​check reveals
generations of names carved into the bark, However,
the newest epigraphs have been painted rather than

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If any of the characters carry open flames, such as Without a sound a slender elf with thick black hair
from a torch, or have slashing weapons drawn the falling to his shoulders pulls himself from the
tree attacks. If the fire and weapons are put away, it
foliage. Two fine elven blades hang at his hips, his
can be calmed down with a ​DC 12 Charisma
(Persuasion) ​check. chainmail forged in the shape of oak leaves.

Tactics “Halt, trespassers. You are in the realm of

The awakened tree only attacks creatures carrying Melandrach, King of the Forest. Submit and no
fire or slashing weapons. It will use its Action to harm will come to you under these boughs.”
grapple other creatures.
The elves demand the characters return the way
If brought to 10 or fewer hit points, the awakened they came and leave the forest untouched. The
tree surrenders and offers the characters whatever veteran will search each of the characters, making
information it can give. sure they have not hunted in or otherwise harmed
the forest.
Characters who succeed on a ​DC 10 Intelligence If the characters have foraged for food or are
(Investigation) ​check find ​10 gp ​worth of coins carrying evidence of the dead scout from ​Harassed
littered around the tree. by the Unseelie Court​ above, the elves attack.

Development Silver Tongues. ​The characters can convince the

If the characters befriend the tree, it will tell them elves they are here to help with a ​DC 16 Charisma
about the treant who awakened him. It also confirms (Deception or Persuasion) ​check. If any of the
that many generations of people from the Well have characters are wood elves, this check is made with
been married under the tree, but now they only advantage​. If any of the characters are half-orcs or
gather for raucous parties. The tree has heard goblinoids, it is made with ​disadvantage​.
Erasus’ name, but has never met the satyr himself.
Difficulty Adjustments All of the wood elves have the following traits:
Make the following adjustments if your characters ● Speed: 35 feet.
are lower or higher level: ● Mask of the Wild​: The wood elves may
● If the party is level 1, reduce the awakened always attempt to Hide in the Misty Forest.
tree’s hit points to 51.
● If the party is level 3, increase the awakened The scouts begin the encounter hidden 10 feet off
tree’s hit points to 68. the ground in nearby trees. Remember that attacks
from a hidden creature are made with ​advantage​!
The elves knock the characters unconscious if
The Misty Forest is the realm of Melandrach, a wood brought to 0 hit points. If all characters are
elf king who harbors a deep distrust of humans. The unconscious, they are drug from the forest.
people of Farleigh’s Well know to tread lightly and
never to hunt in the forest. Rewards
The elves carry ​25 gp​ in coins. The veteran has 1
1 wood elf ​veteran​ and 3 ​scouts ​have tracked the potion of healing​.
characters and set an ambush. They only want the
characters to leave the forest but will use violence if Difficulty Adjustments
threatened or attacked. Make the following adjustments if your characters
are lower or higher level:
At the start of the encounter, read this aloud. ● If the party is level 1, remove 1 scout.
● If the party is level 3, add 1 scout.

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The Plane of Faerie
Despite being eerily beautiful there is nothing
remarkable about the site.
The Feywild is a place of uncontrolled life and emotion.
You feel everything more deeply there. None of our Using the Fey Crossing. ​To cross through the mist
tongues have the words to express how purple tastes or into the Feywild, the characters must be drinking,
the smell of a ballad, but the Fair Folk do. dancing, singing, or some other form of
—Marsissa Silverhills, horizon walker merrymaking. A successful ​DC 15 Intelligence
(Arcana) ​check reveals that planar portals are often
The final chapter deals with the characters crossing activated by some element of the other plane.
over into the Feywild and encountering Erasus.
Throughout this chapter be sure to relate how the A successful ​DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
Feywild looks and feels. This is probably the check allows the characters to discover enough
characters’ first experience on another plane and unopened bottles in the area to supply the party.
should be breathtaking.
If a character crosses over alone, it appears as if they
Refer to the ​Plot Overview ​at the beginning of the simply vanish in the mist. They are nowhere to be
adventure for more information on the relationship found on the hilltop and cannot see or hear
between Erasus and Lady Rimeheart. characters on the Prime Material Plane.

Optional Rule: Feywild Magic As a character crosses over, read this aloud.
The Weave is particularly erratic in the Feywild and
causes unexpected effects. Those born in the Feywild You feel the cool breeze of the Misty Forest give
have learned to control the chaotic Weave. However, way to a warm spring zephyr. The sound of
characters from the Prime Material Plane are subject to
panpipes becomes more distinct as you near the
wild magic surges (see ​Player’s Handbook​ page 104)
any time they cast a spell of 1st level or higher. end of the mists. Exiting the fog you see a
beautiful open-air marble colonnade. The smell of
wine is heavy in the air.
Crossing Over
The area around Hanali’s temple rises in a gently After crossing over, the characters find themselves
rolling hill. If the characters have aerial scouts, such on a well-kept stone walkway leading up the hill. In
as a familiar, they see a ruined colonnade on a order to return to the Prime Material Plane, a
cleared hilltop. The columns are crafted in an creature must willingly partake in food or wine
ancient elven style that seems to spiral in on itself. created in the Feywild.

A bank of dense mist sits at the top of the hill. This

mist is the fey crossing and can only be crossed by a The House of the Winsome Rose
creature in revelry. The revelers cross while The temple of Hanali Celanil, known as the House of
drinking and singing. the Winsome Rose (see Appendix C), still stands in
the Feywild. Graceful green marble columns make
As the characters approach the hill, read this aloud. up this large colonnade. The walkway to the temple
is lined with rose bushes bearing the flowers seen in
Empty bottles and clothes litter the ground near Farleigh’s Well. A small vineyard grows to the west.
this hillock. Through the dense tree cover you can
make out the shapes of crumbling walls and Describing the Feywild
columns. There is a distant sound of pipes being The planes offer the Dungeon Master a lot of freedom in
describing the world. Unlike the Prime Material Plane,
played on the edge of your perception.
these places do not follow real world laws. Take the
opportunity to describe the vibrant, multi-hued grass and
If the characters climb the hill without taking the eerie dancing lights in the distance. The Feywild should
necessary steps they see the ruins of a temple. feel like a painting or storybook come to life.

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that comes through the doors. Any remaining blink
Portal Guards dogs will defend Erasus.
2 ​centaurs​ and 2 ​blink dogs​ guard the fey crossing.
They stand 40 feet uphill from the characters. Difficulty Adjustments
Make the following adjustments if your characters
As the characters collect themselves, read this aloud. are lower or higher level:
● If the party is level 1, remove 1 centaur and
A pair of centaurs with striking elven features peer all blink dogs.
down toward you. Two hunting dogs with long, ● If the party is level 3, add 1 blink dog.
tapered ears play near their hooves. Each centaur
carries a pike made entirely of oak. A Tale of Two Courts
Erasus​ (see Appendix A) and Sir Downy, his
The centaurs are allies of Erasus brought here to intelligent ​owlbear ​companion, are inside the
guard the revelers. If the characters used violence in temple of Hanali. Erasus plays his panpipes while Sir
Playful Tricksters​ above, the centaurs attack Downy lounges on a large pillow.
There are several paths the characters can take to
If the characters are nonviolent, the centaurs ask meet Erasus. If the characters were friendly to the
them to surrender their weapons and bring them centaurs, they are brought inside the temple to meet
into the temple. Erasus. If they were knocked out, they are bound,
disarmed, and brought to him. If the characters
Breaking the Watch. ​The centaurs can be tricked attack the temple, use the encounter notes below.
into leaving their post with a successful ​DC 18
Charisma (Deception) ​check. A character might As the characters enter the temple, read this aloud.
convince them danger lurks on the other side of the
fey crossing or that a reveler has been attacked. Long feast tables and cushioned couches fill the
interior of this open-air colonnade. Barrels of wine
inscribed with ancient Elven script decorate the
The centaurs begin combat using their ​charge​ ability
walls. Larges canvases line the walls depicting
on heavily armored characters.
idyllic scenes of lovers, poets, and artists.
The blink dogs use their ​teleport​ action to safely
reach archers and spellcasters. Erasus sees the characters as potential allies. If he is
met on friendly terms, he offers the characters food
The centaurs and blink dogs choose to knock and drink. If the characters are brought to him by
characters unconscious. If the entire party is the centaurs, he unbinds them as a show of good
knocked out, they are brought to Erasus. faith, relying on Sir Downy to protect him.

If any centaurs are killed, the blink dogs use ​teleport

to retreat to the temple, where they warn Erasus.
Roleplaying Erasus
This scene asks the Dungeon Master to roleplay Erasus.
The centaurs fight to the death.
Use these to help you bring the character to life.
Rewards Trait. ​Erasus always has a smile on his face and finds
If the characters are not seen by the centaurs, they the humor in even the most dire circumstances.
can collect 1d4 + 1 ​winsome roses​ (see Appendix B)
from the bushes. Ideal. ​Everyone should be free to pursue their own
happiness (Chaotic).
Bond. ​When Erasus makes a promise, he cannot break
If the blink dogs warn Erasus, the satyr Hides in the it. He rarely makes promises.
temple and Sir Downy prepares to attack anything
Flaw. ​Erasus can never deny a beautiful person.

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Harm to the Prime Material Plane. ​Erasus is aware disengage​ if he is threatened or ​hide​ behind an
of what his actions have done to the Prime Material object, gaining ​advantage ​on his next attack.
Plane. He regrets that his revelries have caused
harm, but cannot stop hosting them due to his pact Erasus and Sir Downy choose to knock the
with Lady Rimeheart. Wisdom (Insight) checks and characters unconscious instead of kill them.
divination magic reveal the satyr’s regret is truthful.
If Erasus is brought to 10 or fewer hit points and Sir
Allying with Erasus. ​Erasus tells the characters Downy is still alive, Erasus surrenders. If the
Lady Rimeheart’s story and how he is being held owlbear has died, Erasus fights to the death.
ransom by the sinister fey. He says the Unseelie
Court noble despises humanoids and takes pleasure Rewards
in toying with them. Erasus asks for the character’s If the characters kill Erasus, they can take his
aid in defeating Lady Rimeheart, who is due to check panpipes ​(see Appendix B).
in on the satyr the following day.
A successful ​DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation)
If the characters refuse, Erasus says that the fey check reveals a ​hat of disguise​ shoved between two
crossing will not work without his blessing. A cushions. Erasus used the hat to live among humans.
successful ​DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) ​reveals that he
is lying, hoping to trick the characters. A ​DC 15 Development
Intelligence (Arcana) ​check tells the character only If all of the characters are knocked out, Erasus waits
an Archfey would have such power. until they wake up and asks them to help him defeat
Lady Rimeheart. He is impressed with the bravery it
If the characters attacked either the centaurs or took to fight a fey spirit and thinks the characters
Erasus himself, they must pass a ​DC 12 Charisma can solve his problem.
(Deception or Persuasion) ​with ​disadvantage ​to
convince Erasus to release them. If Erasus is killed there is nothing pointing to Lady
Rimeheart. The Dungeon Master is encouraged to
Fighting Erasus turn her into a villain who hunts the characters.
If the characters attack Erasus and Sir Downy, use
these tactics, rewards, and plot developments. Difficulty Adjustments
Make the following adjustments if your characters
Sir Downy is an ​owlbear​ with the following changes: are lower or higher level:
● Alignment: Chaotic Good ● If the party is level 1, reduce Erasus’ hit
● Intelligence: 10 points to 36 and Sir Downy’s to 34.
● Languages: Understands Common, Elvish, ● If the party is level 3, increase Erasus’ hit
and Sylvan but can’t speak them points to 58.
If the centaurs and blink dogs are still alive, they
Lady Rimeheart
enter the temple after 1 round. They defend Erasus If the characters agree to help Erasus, they will
using their ​charge ​ability whenever possible. encounter Lady Rimeheart the following day. They
can take a Long Rest in the temple.
Sir Downy stands between Erasus and the attackers,
engaging as many melee combatants as possible. As Lady Rimeheart arrives, read this aloud.

Erasus uses his panpipes (see Appendix B or

Monster Manual ​page 267) to put the characters to
sleep. If any of the characters make their saving
throw, he uses ​intoxicating words​. He then casts
Tasha’s hideous laughter​ on a heavily armored
character. Erasus uses his Legendary Action to to

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orb​. She casts ​misty step​ to escape being cornered or
A cold breeze seizes the air, making the hair on to close on an archer, allowing her to use ​rime touch​.
your neck stand on end. You hear the sound of
​ n
Lady Rimeheart uses her reaction to cast ​shield o
wings as giant snow owls fly overhead, pulling a
the first attack that would hit her in a round.
slender silver carriage through the sky. Icicles
hang from the carriage’s windows. Lady Rimeheart uses her Legendary Action to cast a
cantrip unless she can target 2 or more enemies with
Landing in the center of the colonnade, a woman cold snap​.
wearing an antique noble’s dress and cloak steps
out. Her pale blue skin is lined with frost. Erasus remains at range, using ​vicious mockery​ and
his shortbow. If Sir Downy is brought to 30 or fewer
Lady Rimeheart’s carriage is pulled by 3 ​giant owls​. hit points, he Dashes and makes shortsword attacks
against Lady Rimeheart.
If Lady Rimeheart notices the characters, she senses
Erasus’ treachery and attacks immediately. If the Sir Downy protects Erasus, engaging as many of the
characters are successfully hidden, she forces Erasus giant owls as possible.
to prepare food and wine for her while Sir Downy
desecrates a statue of Hanali Celanil.
When she is slain, Lady Rimeheart’s body collapses
Ambush! ​The characters have time to prepare an into a pool of icy water, leaving behind a wand, her
ambush for Lady Rimeheart. With the help of Sir cloak, and a fist-size piece of ice.
Downy, they can move the statues, barrels, tables,
and other items to create hiding spaces. Lady The wand is a ​wand of rime ​(see Appendix B).
Rimeheart does not expect her slave to disobey her
and does not inspect the area for enemies. Use only The cloak functions as a ​ring of warmth​.
her passive Perception against the characters.
The piece of ice served as the Lady’s heart. It cannot
Allies. ​Erasus and Sir Downy will fight alongside the melt and is painful to touch with a bare hand. It has
characters. When acting as an ally, Erasus ​loses all no magical properties but is a trophy of the
Legendary Actions​. characters’ heroics and may lead to new adventures.

Difficulty Adjustments
Running Erasus and Sir Downy Make the following adjustments if your characters
The encounter with Lady Rimeheart asks the DM to are lower or higher level:
focus on a lot of NPCs. Try one or both of these options ● If the party is level 1, remove 2 giant owls.
to reduce the bookkeeping:
● If the party is level 3, add 1 giant owl.
● Roll their initiative as one, using an average of +3.
Use average damage instead of rolling. Conclusion
● If one of the player characters is knocked
unconscious, let them control Erasus or Sir Downy. If Lady Rimeheart was defeated, Erasus is freed from
his pact and promises to stop the revelries. The fey
Tactics crossing, however, will remain open for a year and a
The giant owls use their ​flyby ​ability to maneuver day and could create endless adventures for the
around the battlefield. If attacking a melee characters. The satyr offers to use his ​hat of disguise
combatant, they attack and then fly out of reach. to live as a human in Farleigh’s Well and watch over
the town. In time, the locals will accept him for what
Lady Rimeheart begins combat by casting ​hold he is and let him help Derry at the Copper Pot.
person​ on a heavily armored character. Then she
casts ​scorching ray ​(dealing cold damage) on three Regardless of Erasus’ fate, Farleigh’s Well will return
characters. If engaged in melee, she uses her ​rime to normal. While the locals may not thank the
touch​ action, otherwise she attacks with ​chromatic characters, the region is indebted to them.

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Appendix A:
Creatures and NPCs
Creature and NPC List
All of the creatures and NPCs used in the adventure,
with ​Monster Manual ​page reference:

● Acolyte, 342
● Awakened tree, 317
● Blink dog, 318
● Centaur, 38
● Commoner, 345
● Dire wolf, 321
● Giant owl, 327
● Guard, 347
● Noble, 348
● Owlbear, 249
● Phase spider, 334
● Pixie, 253
● Scout, 349
● Sprite, 283
● Veteran, 350
● Wolf, 341

Creature and NPC Stat Blocks

For creatures and NPCs that are not in the ​Monster
Manual​ please refer to these stat blocks.

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Originally appeared in ​Volo’s Guide to Monsters, 187.

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Appendix B: Magic
Additionally, any fey creature within 1 mile can hear
the pipes being played. Satyr panpipes are never
given to outsiders and may lead to hostile
Items interactions with the fey.

Wand of Rime
Magic Item List Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)
All of the magic items used in this adventure, with This wand is cold to the touch and looks like a
Dungeon Master’s Guide​ page reference: spiraling icicle. The wand has 7 charges and regains
1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you
● Hat of disguise, 173 expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
● Potion of climbing, 187 wand melts and is destroyed.
● Potion of healing, 187
● Ring of warmth (stats used to represent The wand has the following properties:
Lady Rimeheart’s cloak), 193 ● While holding the wand, you can cast the
ray of frost​ cantrip at 1st level. If you expend
Unique Magic Items 1 charge from the wand, you can cast ​ray of
frost​ at 5th level. The wand has a +5 spell
Several of the items in this adventure do not appear
attack roll, regardless of your proficiency
in the ​Dungeon Master’s Guide​. Their stats are
bonus or ability scores.
presented here.
● The wand leaves a thin layer of frost on any
Satyr’s Panpipes non-living object it touches. The frost lasts
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a for 1 minute regardless of other conditions.
character proficient in any wind instrument) Additionally, the wand can be used to freeze
up to 1 cubic foot of water for 1 minute.
These simple panpipes are enchanted with fey
magic. Some sages claim that Hyrsam, the first satyr,
Winsome Rose
Wondrous item, uncommon
crafts each set himself. While attuned to the
panpipes, you can play them as an action. Any
These multi-colored roses only grow in the Feywild.
creature you choose within 60 feet of you that can
They are cultivated by Hanali Celanil’s acolytes and
hear the pipes must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving
used as holy symbols. In order to use the rose’s
throw. Choose an effect from the list below.
magic, a creature must willingly accept the rose as a
gift. You cannot use Deception, Intimidation, or
An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at
Sleight of Hand to force a creature to accept the rose.
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is
You can cause a creature within 30 feet who
successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is
willingly accepted the rose to make a DC 12 Wisdom
immune to the panpipes for 24 hours.
saving throw. If the creature fails, they are affected
● Charming Melody. ​The creature is charmed
by the ​charm person​ spell. When the effect ends, the
by you for 1 minute. If you or any of your
charmed creature does not know it has been
allies harm the creature, the effect ends
charmed. After using this effect three times, the rose
wilts and is destroyed.
● Frightening Strain. ​The creature is
frightened for 1 minute.
● Gentle Lullaby. ​The creature falls asleep
and is unconscious for 1 minute. The effect
ends if the creature takes damage or if
someone uses an action to shake the
creature awake.

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Appendix C: Maps
Farleigh’s Well

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The House of the Winsome Rose

1 square = 10 feet

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