Electric Machine Lab3

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Lab # 06: Correcting the Power Factor of a Three-phase Induction Motor.

Operating at Varying Loads Using Adjustable Capacitor Bank

SUBJECT: Power Distribution & Utilization

INSTRUCTOR: Dr Irfan Latif
Awad Pervez FA18-BEE-023
Azeem Sajid FA18-BEE-024
Bilal Ahmad FA18-BEE-025
DUE DATE: 14-04-2021
Department of Electrical Engineering
Lab 6
Correcting the Power Factor of a Three-phase Induction Motor
Operating at Varying Loads Using Adjustable Capacitor Bank

 Investigate the effects of variable loading of an induction motor on its factor!
 Understand the use of capacitor banks to compensate for the variation nipower factor of
the induction motor at varying loads.

 MATLAB (R2016A)

Energy consumers, particularly large ones like industrial plants, are now compelled to provide
reactive power compensation for their equipment, either by contract or for reasons of economy. If the
consumer refuses to set up a compensating facility, the power supply companies install reactive power
meters, and the reactive power which is consumed must be paid for. However, even modern and
efficient compensating facilities often pose difficulties. Due to the increasing use of harmonic
generators e.g., drives with thyristors, networks are being loaded increasingly by harmonic currents.
Due to their linear consumption characteristics, capacitors cannot generate such harmonic currents
but can give rise to harmonic-related problems in conjunction with other network components, e.g.,
the feeding transformer or the supply network. From the point of view of consumers with harmonic
generating equipment, the compensating capacitors and the feeding transformer or the supply network
form a parallel oscillating circuit. This can result in resonances, causing damage to all the adjoining
network installations, including the compensating capacitors. In general, such problems can only be
solved by specialists using elaborate measuring techniques and other methods, e.g., choking the
reactive-power compensation equipment. For this purpose, interphase transformers, which have a
damping effect on the resonant circuit, are connected in series with the compensating capacitors.
However, a more detailed treatment of this complex issue will not be offered in the experiment
described here.

How Reactive Power is Generated?

Most electrical installations act as inductive loads on the mains network. These loads include
equipment with coils or windings, e.g., motors, transformers, and many other devices. The coils and
windings produce a time delay between the voltage and current variables. This behavior can be
demonstrated by means of a mechanical example. If a car of a certain mass is set in motion by a force,
the car stores the work done on it in the form of kinetic energy. If the direction of the force is reversed,
the car is not capable of changing its direction of motion instantaneously; instead, it
must be braked before accelerating in the opposite direction. Our single- and multi- phase A.C. voltage
networks behave in a similar manner. The following illustration is meant to elucidate the relationships
once again.

Figure 1: Voltage and current curves for an inductive load

At time t1, variables (voltage/driving force and current/car's direction of motion) have the same
vector (both are increasing in the positive direction). Between times t2 and t3, the voltage (driving
force) changes its direction, whereas the current (car's direction of motion) decreases, but still
has a positive vector. It is only at time t3 that the negatively acting voltage manages to reverse the
direction of the current. Then the voltage and the current assume the same polarity, before
assuming opposite polarities again at time t5. The product of the voltage and the current, i.e., the
power, assumes a positive maximum at time t4. However, during the periods between t2 and t3 and
t5 and t6, the power is negative, i.e., energy is fed back into the mains supply network; it is needed
again immediately afterwards for generating the magnetic fields in the inductive load. This
energy (reactive or magnetic-reversal energy), which is always shifted to and from between the
energy generator (power plant) and the energy consumer, loads the entire line with a current. At
a power factor of 0.8, for example, the line cross-sections in an installation must be 25 % larger
than at a power factor of 1. To keep long-distance networks free of this reactive power, capacitors
for short-term storage of the reactive power are inserted right next to the loads. The capacitors are
connected to the network by a reactive power controller via contactors. The sensitivity (operate
value) of the controller must be set to a level where an additional capacitor stage is only connected
once 66% of the power of a capacitor stage is present as an inductive load as depicted in figure 2
as well.

Figure 2: Power triangle with inductive loads and compensating capacitances

Figure 2 shows how the reactive powers Qind. and Qcap. cancel each other out and how the apparent
power decreases while the active power remains constant.
However, it should be clear that the reactive powers are still effective between the inductive load and
the compensating capacitors.

Types of Reactive Power Compensation

Single compensation stands for the compensation of individual components of a system. Here, the
compensating device (the capacitor) is connected permanently to the load and, consequently,
activated and deactivated together with it. However, caution is necessary here, as for a change in the
load conditions (active power), the power triangle changes with cosφ. If the compensation value
during full-load operation were based on the power factor cosφ = 1, overcompensation could occur
during no-load operation or after the motor has been turned off. In the worst case, this would lead to
a voltage increase beyond the normal operating level, possibly causing damage to the equipment,
including the capacitors. This can be prevented by compensating with respect to cosφ = 1 only during
no-load operation. Consequently, a power factor of cos φ ~ 0.95 inductive can be achieved at full load.
Single compensation is often used in the case of high-power loads and constant power factors. In the
case of group compensation, a group of loads is connected/disconnected to the power supply
simultaneously with reactive-power compensation equipment. It is often used for small and medium-
sized installations.
Central compensation is used when many loads, which need to be activated and deactivated at
different times, are to be compensated from a central location. Here, the reactive-power compensation
equipment consists of a capacitor bank equipped with a reactive power controller. The capacitor bank
consists of several groups of capacitors which are connected or disconnected by the controller via
contactors, in accordance with the reactive power requirement, i.e., the number of activated inductive
loads. Central compensation can be retrofitted easily, and is usually used in closed networks, e.g.,
plant networks.

Dimensioning the Compensating Elements

For this purpose, the reactive energy requirement must first be measured. Measurements must be
made at various significant times during the day and the night by means of active and reactive energy
meters, like those used by power supply companies. By this means, the peak reactive power values
are measured. Often, the active and reactive energy values listed on existing electricity bills are also
considered. The following example is to show how reactive power compensation is dimensioned:
Suppose that a medium-sized plant consumes an electrical energy of 8200 kWh and a reactive energy
of 5900 kVarh per month. The average power factor cosφ is then determined as follows:
tanφ = Q/P = 5900/8200 = 0.72 which implies cosφ of 0.81.
However, a power factor cos φ = 0.9 inductive. is stipulated by the power supply companies. For
reasons of safety, a power factor of 0.92 to 0.93 inductive is aimed at. The cosφ value calculated
above is only an average value though. At times, it could worsen considerably, e.g., to 0.75 inductive.
For this reason, an improvement in the cos φ value from 0.75 inductive to 0.93 inductive should be
assumed. It should also be assumed that meter readings have indicated power peaks of up to 66 kW
(maximum power consumption as indicated on the meter). This value is also considered when
dimensioning the compensating system. The following reactive power can now be calculated with the
poor cosφ value of 0.75 and the peak power of 66 kW:
Total reactive power demanded by load, Q = Ptanφ = 66 x tan(cos-1(0.75)) kVar =
58.2 kVar
However, the calculated reactive power is based on a power factor of up to cos φ
= 1, i.e., it implies the entire reactive power. Only the part up to cos φ ~- 0.93 inductive must be
compensated though. Consequently, a considerable portion of the reactive power can remain
Uncompensated reactive power, Q0 = Ptanφ0 where, tanφ0 = tan(cos-1(0.93)) = 0.4 which implies Q0 =
66 x 0.4 kVar = 26.4 kVar. This means that reactive power compensation of 58.2 – 26.4 kVar = 31.8
kVar must be provided to improve power factor from 0.75 inductive to 0.93 inductive. This would
require standard reactivepower compensation equipment with a total power of roughly 40 kVar.

Pre-Lab Tasks
1. Explain how reactive power is compensated via the use of capacitor banks?
Capacitors are used in power systems mainly to improve power factor.
Normally the load on supply system is lagging power factor (inductive ), consisting of
motors, transformers, lighting, welders etc. This takes a good amount of inductive load,
decreasing the power factor, and causing large current in system unavoidably. The
capacitive reactance of the capacitor when placed together with any inductive loads will
have a tendency to counteract, cancel the inductive reactances, that caused the power
factor to lag in the first place. When the inductive reactances in the circuit has been offset
by enough capacitive reactances, the power factor will go back up. Closer to being one or
unity.. As all the effects of both inductive and capacitive reactances, cancels each other.
Power capacitors compensate for this by providing leading current, thus reducing the
current, and allowing better utilization of generation and transmission capacity.

2. What factor contributes to a decrease in system losses upon compensation of reactive power of
a heavy, inductive load?
Reactive power is actually present in inductive and capacitive instances (not
purely in inductive circuits, as stated elsewhere here). Absence of reactive power is referred
to as unity (i.e. voltage waveform and current waveform are synchronous). This unity
represents 100% efficiency in an AC circuit and is fairly unachievable in other than purely
resistive loads (like a light bulb or a heating coil).
Inductance (i.e. an AC motor) creates what is called a “lagging” power factor (where the current
waveform starts to fall behind the voltage waveform). The greater that lagging gap of the current
behind the voltage, the lower your power factor, and conversely the higher your reactive power.
The result is that increasing reactive (wasted) power begins to represent more power in your
system, but is not actually being put to work (machines will do the same or less
work while you’re consuming MORE power). You can also think of it as efficiency
- at 100% (unity) all of the power you’re putting in is being converted to another form of energy
(heat, motion, light…). As your reactive power increases your system will require more power to
do the same (or less) work.
Capacitive circuits are the opposite of inductive circuits. They will create a “leading” power factor
(where the current waveform moves ahead of the voltage waveform). Capacitance can be
introduced parallel to an inductive (motor) load in order to correct the power factor somewhat.
Many large multi- phase motors employ capacitor banks to help counter the inductive effects of
the motor on the power system (particularly at motor startup) - in an attempt to bring the system
back closer to unity. Generators also can be used to counter the effects of “lagging” power factors
by altering their output wave forms (in the “leading” direction). As reactive power increases power
factor decreases. Power factor is inversely proportional to reactive power. Every customer has to
maintain a good power factor if not then they might be charged extra, If you have less power
factor it will affect your appliances. So, we use compensator to reduce the value of reactive power.

3. Explain why overcompensation may occur when compensating for inductive reactive power using
capacitor banks?


Capacitors ( or capacitor bank) are used to improve the operating efficiency of electric
power systems and help transmission and distribution system voltage stability during disturbances
and high load conditions.

⚫ Capacitors are used to cancel out the lagging current effects from the motors and transformers.

⚫ Capacitor can reduce the system losses and help provide voltage support.

⚫ Another benefit of the capacitor is how they can reduce the total current flowing through a wire thus
leaving capacity in the conductors for additional load.

Capacitor banks can be left online continuously to meet the steady state reactive power
requirements of the system or they can be switched on or off to meet dynamic reactive

Reactive power compensation in a power system is of two types - series and shunt.

⚫ Shunt compensation can be installed near the load, in a distribution substation, along the
distribution feeder or in a transmission substation. Each application has different purpose.
⚫ Shunt reactive compensation can be inductive or capacitive.

⚫ At load level, at the distribution substation and along the distribution feeder, compensation is
usually capacitive.

⚫ In a transmission substation, both inductive snd capacitive reactive compensations are used.

Capacitor banks are installed on distribution line to reduce losses, improve voltage support, and
provide additional load capacity on the distribution system. Reducing distribution system losses
with capacitors is very effective since that also reduces transmission losses.

The closer a capacitor is installed to the actual inductive load itself, the more beneficial. For
example, if capacitors are installed right at the motor terminals at an industrial load, losses are
reduced in the lines feeding the motor, distribution losses would be reduced, transmission losses
would be reduced and generation losses would also be reduced

In-Lab Tasks
Task-1 – Creating the Induction Motor Circuit on Simulink
1. Open a new Simulink model file ‘untitled.slx’ and save this file by renaming it as per your
registration number and lab number e.g., ‘FA18BEE010_lab6.slx’
2. Add the ‘powergui’ block from the ‘Fundamental Blocks’ toolbox in the Simscape library to your
Simulink file by right-clicking on the ‘powergui’ block in the right-side of library browser
window and selecting the option of ‘
3. We do not need to run this system for ten seconds, therefore, the simulation time for this lab should
be set to 1 second by typing ‘1’ in the field next to ‘ ’ icon.
4. Add the ‘Three-Phase Source’ block from ‘Electrical Sources’ library in the ‘Fundamental
Blocks’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Rename this block by doubleclicking the block mask and
typing ‘Three-Phase Supply’. Double-click the block and type ‘400’ in the ‘Phase-to-phase
voltage (Vrms):’ field, type ‘50’ in the ‘Frequency (Hz):’ field and type ‘400’ in the ‘Base voltage
(Vrms ph-ph):’ field.
Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’.
5. Add the ‘Three-Phase V-I Measurement’ block from ‘Measurements’ library in the ‘Fundamental
Blocks’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’
option in the ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Double-click the block and click
on checkboxes beside ‘Use a label’ options under ‘Voltage measurement’ and ‘Current
measurement’ fields to check them. Type in ‘Vs’ and ‘Is’ in ‘Signal label (use a From block to
collect this signal)’ fields under ‘Use a label’ fields of both ‘Voltage measurement’ and ‘Current
measurement’ fields resp. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect this block to the ‘Three-
Phase Supply’ block.
6. Add the ‘Asynchronous Machine SI Units’ block from ‘Machines’ library in the ‘Fundamental
Blocks’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Rename this block by doubleclicking the block mask and
typing ‘Three-Phase Induction Motor’. Double-click the block and do the following settings in
the various fields:
Rotor type: Squirrel-cage
Squirrel-cage preset model: 16: 10 HP (7.5KW) 400 V 50Hz 1440 RPM
Reference frame: Synchronous
Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect this block to the ‘Three-Phase V-I
Measurement’ block.
7. Add a ‘Constant’ block from ‘Commonly Used Blocks’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your
Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu
once to hide the name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘0’ in the ‘Constant value:’
field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect this block to the ‘Tm’ input of the ‘Three-
Phase Induction Motor’ block.
8. Add a ‘Bus Selector’ block from ‘Commonly Used Blocks’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to
your Simulink file. Connect the input of this block to the ‘m’ output of the ‘Three-Phase Induction
Motor’ block. Double-click the block and click on each of the signals in the ‘Selected signals’
one by one and remove them by clicking the ‘ ’ button each time. Now, select
‘Electromagnetic torque Te (N*m)’ and ‘Rotor speed (wm)’ one by one from ‘Mechanical’ menu
‘Signals in the bus’ section and clicking ‘ ’ button each time in that order. Click
on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’.
9. Add a ‘Goto’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink file.
Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the
name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Tm’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field. Select ‘global’
from the ‘Tag visibility:’ menu.
Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect this block to the 1st output of the ‘Bus Selector’
10. Since the speed measurement we are getting from measurement output ‘m’ of the ‘Three-Phase
Induction Motor’ block is not in ‘rpm’ but in ‘rad/s’, therefore, we are going to scale the output
to indicate rotor speed in rpm. Add a ‘Gain’ block from ‘Commonly Used Blocks’ library in the
‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Click on the block name and rename the block as ‘rad/s
to rpm’. Double-click the block and type ‘9.5493’ in the ‘Gain:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and
then ‘ ’. Connect this block to the 2 output of the ‘Bus Selector’ block.

11. Add a ‘Goto’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink file.
Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the
name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Omegam’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field. Select
‘global’ from the ‘Tag visibility:’ menu. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect this
block to the output of the ‘rad/s to rpm’ block.
12. Add a ‘From’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink
file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide
the name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Tm’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field. Click on ‘
’ button to see the link to the corresponding ‘Goto’ block shown next to the ‘Goto
source:’ field. Click on ‘
’ and then ‘ ’. Add a ‘Display’ block from ‘Sinks’ library in the ‘Simulink’
toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from
‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Connect this block to the output of the ‘From’
13. Add a second ‘From’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your
Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu
once to hide the name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Omegam’ in the ‘Goto tag:’
field. Click on ‘ ’ button to see the link to the corresponding ‘Goto’ block shown next to
the ‘Goto source:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Add a ‘Display’ block from
‘Sinks’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click
on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Connect this
block to the output of the second ‘From’ block.
14. Add a third ‘From’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your
Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu
once to hide the name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Vs’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field.
Click on ‘ ’ button to see the link to the corresponding ‘Goto’ block shown next to the
‘Goto source:’ field. Click on ‘
’ and then ‘ ’. Add an ‘RMS’ block from ‘Measurements’ library in the ‘Control
& Measurements’ toolbox in the ‘Specialized Technology’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-
click the block, go to ‘Format’ option and click ‘Show Block Name’ once to hide its name.
Double-click the block, type ‘50’ in the ‘Fundamental frequency (Hz):’ field and ‘0’ in the ‘Initial
RMS value:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect the input of this block to the
output of the third ‘From’ block. Add a ‘Display’ block from ‘Sinks’ library in the ‘Simulink’
toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from
‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Connect this block to the output of the ‘RMS’
15. Add a fourth ‘From’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your
Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu
once to hide the name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Is’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field.
Click on ‘ ’ button to see the link to the corresponding ‘Goto’ block shown next to the
‘Goto source:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Add an ‘RMS’ block from
‘Measurements’ library in the ‘Control & Measurements’ toolbox in the ‘Specialized
Technology’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click the block, go to ‘Format’ option and click
‘Show Block Name’ once to hide its name. Double-click the block, type ‘50’ in the
‘Fundamental frequency (Hz):’ field and ‘0’ in the ‘Initial RMS value:’ field. Click
on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect the input of this block to the output of the fourth
‘From’ block. Add a ‘Display’ block from ‘Sinks’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your
Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu
once to hide the name of this block. Connect this block to the output of the ‘RMS’ block added
in this step.
16. The diagram of the system implemented in this task is shown in figure 1.1 for reference. Save
your file and proceed to task 2.
Figure 1.1: Diagram of System Implemented in Lab Task 1

Task-2 – Creating a Subsystem to Calculate the Powers and Power Factor of

Induction Motor
1. Now we will create a subsystem to measure the power factor of the induction motor based on
various machine measurements. Add a ‘Subsystem’ block from ‘Commonly Used Blocks’ library
in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show
Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Double-click on this block
and select all the elements in the opened window and delete them.
2. Add a ‘From’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your subsystem.
Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the
name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Vs’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field. Click on ‘
’ button to see the link to the corresponding ‘Goto’ block shown next to the ‘Goto
source:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’.
3. Add a second ‘From’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your
subsystem. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once
to hide the name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Is’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field. Click
on ‘ ’ button to see the link to the corresponding ‘Goto’ block shown next to the ‘Goto
source:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’.
4. Add a ‘Power (Positive-Sequence)’ block from ‘Measurements’ library in the ‘Control &
Measurements’ toolbox in the ‘Specialized Technology’ toolbox to your subsystem. Connect the
two ‘From’ blocks in this window to the respective inputs of this block.
5. Add a ‘Trigonometric Function’ block from ‘Math Operations’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox
to your Simulink file. Right-click the block, go to ‘Format’ option and click ‘Show Block Name’
once to hide its name. Double-click the block and select ‘atan2’ from ‘Function:’ pull-down menu.
Connect the inputs of this block in reverse order to the outputs of the ‘Power (Positive Sequence)’
block as shown in figure 2.1.
6. Add another ‘Trigonometric Function’ block from ‘Math Operations’ library in the ‘Simulink’
toolbox to your subsystem. Right-click the block, go to ‘Format’ option and click ‘Show Block
Name’ once to hide its name. Double-click the block and
select ‘cos’ from ‘Function:’ pull-down menu. Connect the input of this block to the output of the
‘atan2’ block as shown in figure 2.1.
7. Add an ‘Out1’ block from ‘Sinks’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your subsystem. Click on
its name and rename it as ‘PF’. Connect this block to the output of the ‘cos’ block in your
8. Add a ‘Goto’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink file.
Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the
name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Ps’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field. Select ‘global’
from the ‘Tag visibility:’ menu.
Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect this block to the ‘P’ output of the ‘Power
(Positive-Sequence)’ block.
9. Add another ‘Goto’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your
Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu
once to hide the name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Qs’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field.
Select ‘global’ from the ‘Tag visibility:’ menu. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect
this block to the ‘Q’ output of the ‘Power (Positive-Sequence)’ block.
10. The diagram of implemented subsystem for calculation of power factor of the three-phase
induction motor is shown in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Implemented Power Factor Calculation Subsystem

11. Go back to the main system by pressing ‘esc’ from your keyboard. Add a ‘Display’ block from
‘Sinks’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click
on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Connect this
block to the output of the created power factor calculation subsystem.
12. Add a ‘From’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your subsystem.
Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the
name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Ps’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field. Click on ‘
’ button to see the link to the corresponding ‘Goto’ block shown next to the ‘Goto
source:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Add a ‘Display’ block from ‘Sinks’
library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show
Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Connect this block to the
output of the ‘From’ block added in this step.
13. Add a second ‘From’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your
subsystem. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once
to hide the name of this block. Double-click the block and
type ‘Qs’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ button to see the link to the corresponding
‘Goto’ block shown next to the ‘Goto source:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Add
a ‘Display’ block from ‘Sinks’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on
the block and click on ‘Show
Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Connect this block to the
output of the ‘From’ block added in this step.
14. Add a second ‘Three-Phase V-I Measurement’ block from ‘Measurements’ library in the
‘Fundamental Blocks’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show
Block Name’ option in the ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Double-click the
block, select ‘no’ from ‘Voltage measurement’ menu, click on the checkbox beside ‘Use a label’
option under ‘Current measurement’ field to check it and type in ‘Ic’ in the ‘Signal label (use a
From block to collect this signal)’ field under ‘Use a label’ field of ‘Current measurement’ field.
Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Rotate this block thrice by clicking on it and pressing ‘Ctrl
+ R’ thrice from your keyboard and connect this block to the ‘Three-Phase Supply’ block as
shown in figure 2.2.
15. Add the ‘Three-Phase Parallel RLC Load’ block from the ‘Elements’ library in the ‘Fundamental
Blocks’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’
option in the ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Double-click the block and
perform the following settings:
Configuration: Delta
Nominal phase-to-phase voltage Vn (Vrms): 400
Nominal frequency fn (Hz): 50
Active power P (W): 0
Inductive reactive Power QL (positive var): 0
Capacitive reactive power Qc (negative var): 1
Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Rotate this block once by clicking on it and pressing ‘Ctrl
+ R’ from your keyboard and connect this block to the corresponding ‘Three-Phase V-I
Measurement’ block as shown in figure 2.2.
16. The diagram of the implemented system in task-2 is shown in figure 2.2 for reference.

Figure 2.2: Complete Diagram of the System Implemented in Lab Task 2

Note: Although, we are going to first test the effects that varying loads have on the power factor of
an induction motor without any compensation from banks, we cannot type ‘0’ in the ‘Capacitive
reactive power Qc (negative var):’ field of capacitor bank. This is because, doing so results in shorting
of the three-phase supply and the Simulink generates errors. Therefore, we have typed designated
compensation of capacitor bank as ‘1 Var’ which is negligible compared to the actual compensation
required by this machine.

Task-3 – Studying the Effect of Varying Load on the Power Factor of an Induction
1. We are now going to execute the Simulink model and change the loading of this machine by
typing values (of load torque) in ‘constant’ block connected to ‘Tm’ input of ‘Three-Phase
Induction Motor’ in range from 0 (no-load) – 44 (rated load).

2. Set a load torque of ‘0’ N.m and record the values of the various parameters in table 3.1 upon
execution of the Simulink model with this value.

3. Repeat step 2 for load torque values from ‘0 – 44’ N.m in steps of ‘5.5’ N.m and complete table

4. Set a load torque of ’44.27’ N.m such that the active power consumed by motor is equal to its rated
power of 7.5 kW or 7500 W and note down the values of various parameters in the designated
cells of table 3.1.

5. Now the machine is at its maximum load so it can only take slightly more load before it stalls. To
see this effect, you must now increase the load torque from the value in step 4 in increments of
0.05. After five such increments you should see a drastic drop in motor ‘Ps’ which implies the
motor has stalled. Record the readings in the designated cells of table 3.1.
Load Ps Qs Power Tm Speed Supply Supply
torque (W) (VAR Factor (N.m) (rpm) Voltage Curren
(N.m) ) (V) t (A)
0 64.13 2852 0.0224 0.081 1500 204.13 5.2
5.4 853.1 2805 0.2916 5.59 1494 203.25 5.3
12 1654 2774 0.5128 11.06 1481 201.40 5.7
16 2466 2751 0.6675 16.5 1474 199.20 6.74
21 3288 2742 0.7678 22.06 1463 197.31 7.96
27.4 4124 2753 0.8317 27.56 1456 194.1 9.29
34 4980 2782 0.8730 33.08 1439 190.5 10.81
5860 2844 0.8994 38.55 1421 12.94
38.48 186
44 6790 2962 0.9166 44.07 1399 176.4 15.4

44.26 6836 2970 0.9171 44.35 1396 175.50 15.54

6844 2973 0.9172 44.40 1397 175.39 15.56
6855 2976 0.9173 44.42 1397 175.20 15.60
6864 2975 0.9175 44.49 1397 175.1 15.63
6875 2977 0.9177 44.57 1396 175.1 15.65
2646 5115 0.4597 4.467 -2970 66.92 31.41
2537 5131 0.4432 3.67 -3971 66.35 31.49

Table 3.1: Table for Data Collection in Lab Task 3

17. Sketch two plots of ‘Load torque (N.m) Vs. Power Factor’ and ‘Load torque (N.m) Vs. Ps (W)’
with load torque (N.m) on x-axis and ‘Power Factor’ and ‘Ps (W)’ on y- axis resp. Give your
conclusions about the results in ‘Critical Analysis/Conclusion’ section of your reports.

Task-4 – Understanding the Use of Capacitor Bank to Improve Power Factor of

an Induction Motor at Varying Loads
1. Add a ‘From’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink
file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide
the name of this block. Double-click the block and type ‘Ic’ in the ‘Goto tag:’ field. Click on ‘
’ button to see the link to the corresponding ‘Goto’ block shown next to the ‘Goto
source:’ field. Click on ‘
’ and then ‘ ’. Add an ‘RMS’ block from ‘Measurements’ library in the ‘Control
& Measurements’ toolbox in the ‘Specialized Technology’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-
click the block, go to ‘Format’ option and click ‘Show Block Name’ once to hide its name.
Double-click the block, type ‘50’ in the ‘Fundamental frequency (Hz):’ field and ‘0’ in the ‘Initial
RMS value:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect the input of this block to the
output of the ‘From’ block added in this step. Add a ‘Display’ block from ‘Sinks’ library in
the ‘Simulink’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block
Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Connect this block to the output
of the ‘RMS’ block added in this step.
2. The diagram of the modified system is shown in figure 4.1 for reference.

Figure 4.1: Diagram of Modified System in Lab Task 4

3. Set a load torque of ’44.27’ N.m and increase the capacitive reactive power from the three-phase
capacitor bank in steps of 400 Var. Record the values of the various parameters in table 4.1 upon
execution of the Simulink model with this value.
4. Now decrease the load torque to ‘33’ N.m (75% loading approx.) and repeat step 3. Record the
values of the various parameters in table 4.2 upon execution of the Simulink model with this
5. Decrease the load torque to ‘22’ N.m (50% loading approx.) and repeat step 3. Record the values
of the various parameters in table 4.3 upon execution of the Simulink model with this value.
Lab6 – Correcting the Power Factor of a Three-phase Induction Motor Operating at Varying Loads Using Adjustable Capacitor Bank

Load Torque = 44.27 Nm

Qs Ps Power Tm Speed Supply Supply Capacitor

(VAR) (W) Factor (N.m) (rpm) Volta Curren Curren
ge (V) t (A) t (A)
1 7500 0.916 44.33 1397 175 15.51 0.001

500 7475 0.924 44.32 1403 178 14.93 0.562

1000 7454 0.941 44.31 1408 182.2 14.43 1.146
1500 7435 0.94 44.33 1410 187 13.9 1.74
2000 7417 0.963 44.36 1417 192.5 13.44 2.38
2500 7402 0.972 44.36 1420 195.3 12.93 3.04

3000 7388 0.982 44.34 1424 199.2 12.58 3.74

3500 7373 0.991 44.37 1427 205.2 12.2 4.43
4000 7360 0.996 44.35 1432 206.1 12.86 5.11
4500 7348 0.996 44.32 1434 210.2 11.55 5.94
5000 7330 0.998 44.36 1436 216.4 11.36 6.80

Table 4.1: Data Collection from Simulation of System of Figure 4.1 at Load Torque of 44.27 N.m (100% Loading)

Load Torque = 33 Nm

Qs Ps Power Tm Speed Supply Voltage Supply Current Capacitor Current

(VAR) (W) Facto (N.m) (rpm) (V) (A) (A)
1 5463 0.872 33.06 1438 190.1 10.96 0.001

500 5457 0.892 33.09 1443 194 10.55 0.605

1000 5450 0.913 33.07 1443 196.3 10.17 1.26

1500 5449 0.927 33.06 1443 199.2 9.73 1.89

2000 5442 0.947 33.13 1447 203.4 9.47 2.56

2500 5438 0.966 33.08 1450 203.4 9.07 3.24

3000 5432 0.986 33.04 1451 210.3 8.76 3.96

3500 5428 0.995 33.13 1452 214.13 8.52 4.68

4000 5425 0.995 33.11 1457 217.60 8.33 5.48

4500 5422 0.999 33.05 1455 221.69 8.17 6.24

5000 5418 0.9897 33.02 1458 225.66 8.077 7.04

Table 4.2: Data Collection from Simulation of System of Figure 4.1 at Load Torque of 33 N.m (75% Loading)

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

Lab6 – Correcting the Power Factor of a Three-phase Induction Motor Operating at Varying Loads Using Adjustable Capacitor Bank

Load Torque = 22 Nm

Qs Ps Power Tm Speed Supply Voltage Supply Current Capacitor Current

(VAR) (W) Factor (N.m) (rpm) (V) (A) (A)

1 3605 0.76 22.06 1465 197.3 7.93 0.001

500 3606 0.78 22.05 1465 200.3 7.52 0.63

1000 3606 0. 85 22.08 1466 203.3 7.11 1.25

1500 3605 0.86 22.10 1467 206.40 6.73 1.98

2000 3605 0.90 22.09 1468 210.2 6.30 2.64

2500 3604 0.93 22.06 1469 213.4 6.19 3.34

3000 3605 0.96 22.06 1470 217 5.72 4.02

3500 3605 0.96 22.02 1472 220.3 5.56 4.86

4000 3606 1 22.03 1472 224.1 5.36 5.67

4500 3606 0.97 22.06 1474 227 5.34 6.47

5000 3608 0.97 22.03 1474 231 5.26 7.22

Table 4.3: Data Collection from Simulation of System of Figure 4.1 at Load Torque of 22 N.m (50% Loading)

6. Decrease the load torque to ‘11’ N.m (25% loading approx.) and repeat step 3. Record the values
of the various parameters in table 4.4 upon execution of the Simulink model with this value.
Load Torque = 11 Nm

Qs Ps Power Tm Speed Supply Voltage Supply Current Capacitor Current

(VAR) (W) Factor (N.m) (rpm) (V) (A) (A)

1 1816 0.51 11.07 1483 201.7 5.85 0.001

500 18 17 0.55 11.08 1484 204.49 5.36 0.62

1000 1818 0.60 11. 09 1484 207.17 4.86 1.34

1500 1820 0.66 11. 8 1484 211.7 4.35 1.95

2000 1822 0.73 11.05 1485 214.21 3.88 2.68

2500 1824 0.81 11.09 1485 217.23 3.44 3.40

3000 1826 0.89 11.19 1486 221.15 3.06 4.18

3500 1828 0.97 11.07 1486 224.23 2.79 4.92

4000 1831 0.99 11.14 1487 228.30 2.67 5.75

4500 1833 0.95 11.12 1487 232.3 2,74 6.56

5000 1837 0.86 11.14 1488 236.1 3.01 7.34

Table 4.4: Data Collection from Simulation of System of Figure 4.1 at Load Torque of 11 N.m (25% Loading)

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

Lab6 – Correcting the Power Factor of a Three-phase Induction Motor Operating at Varying Loads Using Adjustable Capacitor Bank

7. Decrease the load torque to ‘0’ N.m (un-loaded operation) and repeat step 3. Record the values
of the various parameters in table 4.5 upon execution of the Simulink model with this value.
Load Torque = 0 Nm

Qs Ps Power Tm Speed Supply Voltage Supply Current Capacitor Current

(VAR) (W) Factor (N.m) (rpm) (V) (A) (A)

1 70.3 0.022 0.08 1500 204.1 5.11 0.002

500 72.4 0.024 0.07 1500 207.6 4.56 0.69

1000 73.6 0.028 0.07 1500 210.2 3.91 1.38

1500 76.5 0.036 0.07 1500 213.3 3.34 2.02

2000 78.2 0.046 0.08 1500 216.7 2.72 2.76

2500 81.4 0.061 0.10 1500 220.2 2.08 3.46

3000 84.5 0.088 0.07 1500 223.4 1.41 4.24

3500 85.9 0.172 0.08 1500 227.8 0.76 4.91

4000 88.7 0.998 0.12 1500 230.3 0.14 5.76

4500 93.2 0.174 0.04 1500 234.3 0.76 6.62

5000 95.4 0.082 0.11 1500 238.7 1.56 7.43

Table 4.5: Data Collection from Simulation of System of Figure 4.1 at Load Torque of 0 N.m (un-loaded operation)

8. Sketch curves of reactive power compensation ‘Qs (VAR)’ Vs. ‘Power Factor’ for tables 4.1-5 on
a single plot with the reactive power compensation ‘Qs (VAR)’ on x-axis. Analyze the plots and
give your conclusions in the ‘Critical Analysis/Conclusion’ section of your reports.
9. Sketch curves of reactive power compensation ‘Qs (VAR)’ Vs. both ‘Supply Current’ and
‘Capacitor Current’ on a single plot. Produce one plot for each table and analyze them to give
your conclusions in the ‘Critical Analysis/Conclusion’ section of your reports.

Post-Lab Task(s)
Analyze and give in-depth conclusions regarding the effects of variable loading on power factor of an
uncompensated induction motor and the effect of power factor compensation on motor operation in
the ‘Critical Analysis/Conclusion’ section of your reports.

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

Lab6 – Correcting the Power Factor of a Three-phase Induction Motor Operating at Varying Loads Using Adjustable Capacitor Bank

Critical Analysis / Conclusion (To be filled in by the student)

In this concerned lab, we studied bout how to correct the power factor of a three-phase
induction motor which is operating at different variable loads using adjustable capacitor banks.
We got to learn about the effects of this variable loading on power factor of the induction
motor. As we know initially PF in case of induction motor is lower, but after some time PF becomes
improve. To compensate this variation in the power factor of induction motor at variable loads,
we learnt how to use the capacitor banks to compensate this variation.
The PF correction has two main aspects:
1. Decreasing THD
2. Trying to make current and voltage wave forms to have the same phase.
So instead of using the capacitor, you may improve PF by decreasing THD.

We analyzed and performed the Simulink operation on different values of load torques i.e.,
44.27, 33, 22, 11 and then with no torque i.e., 0 Nm. All the values in the variations have been
recorded in the given tables above using the Simulink diagram which we created earlier.

Lab Assessment (To be filled by the lab-instructor)

Pre-Lab /1

In-Lab /5

Presentation /4
Report Analysis /4 /10
Writing /4


Instructor Name

Instructor Signature

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

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