Beluk Technical Manual PDF
Beluk Technical Manual PDF
Beluk Technical Manual PDF
= 25 A
0.114=2.85 VA
With an overload of 20 % = 6 A the transmission loss already accounts for
36 A
=4.10 VA!
This makes plain why a correct C.T. rating is indispensible. The two diagrams below illustrate the
correlation of length of line and power loss using upper sections as parameters. In BELUK Power
Factor Control Relay types BLR-CA and -CB the current path 5 A or 1 A can be selected
individually by means of DIP switch (1).
Figure 8. Transmission |osses in the C.T. conductors
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6. Explanatory Notes on the Compensation Procedure in General
(Based on Figure 9)
All power factor control relays must be set to the corresponding compensation systems in which
they are installed. To do this, two values must be known:
a) The required target power factor cos
b) C.T.-ratio, only in BLR-CM relays
In regards to a) it is recommended to set the desired nominal power factor cos slightly above
the value demanded by the power supply company. This target value can only be respected at the
measuring point. If reactive energy is metered on the medium voltage level it is essential to take
into account also the reactive power demand of the transformer(s) (see also chapter 7.2). In case
of reactive power compensation in all four load quadrants (see chapter 7.1.1 and 7.1.2) cos has
to be set to unity (=1).
The power supply company allows the consumer free reactive energy up to an achieved power
factor which is equal to cos = 0,9 inductive. To prevent, in all cases, the current cos value
from dropping below the required value, it has been proven advantageous in practice to set the
nominal cos to approximately 0,93 to 0,95 inductive, depending on the installed capacitor
In figure 9, the set nominal cos = 0,9 inductive is indicated by the dashed and dotted line
(-.-.-.-) at an angle of 25.4 to the real axis (active current = vertical axis).
In regards to b) BELUK Power Factor Control Relays of the types CA, CB, CC and CD
determine the C/k-value automatically. They control the compensation effect of each capacitor.
There is no need to preset any C.T. ratio.
In the case of regulators type BLR-CM, the C.T.-ratio must be preset to ensure correct indication
of energy data; e.g.: Power, Current, Energy etc.
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6.1 Relationship between Response Value (C/k-Value) and cos- setting
We will use the example of reactive current calculated in item 4.1 as an essential technical value to
get a better understanding of the coherences up to figure 10.
In figure 9, this response value is shown as a band with the width of 2 C/k and the nominal cos
slope. This band symbolizes the so-called "dead range" of the relay. The system is compensated
completely when a load factor is covered fully by this band.
This is not clearly apparent with relays of the C-series. As long as the nominal cos (shown in the
display) is not identical to the target cos (digital technique) the relay searches for the right
capacitor. A small decimal point flashes over the symbols "+" or "-". The factor 0,60 only applies
when the relay is in search of the right capacitor, that means that on account of the deviation of the
nominal cos from the target cos , the resulting reactive power might be less than 60% of the
smallest capacitor size. Thus, the relay does not activate any step!
The reactive power is always the deciding factor for the regulating circuit and
never just the power factor cos !
Mathematically written: Q = U I s/n
The phase displacement angle thus is just a partial factor!
In figure 10 the following data have been assumed (example):
Nominal voltage: 400 V; 50 Hz
Current transformer: 250/5 A; k = 50
Capacitor power step: 10 kVAr (ratio 1:1:1:1...)
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Figure 9. Target Power Factor Setting
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The load condition plotted on the diagram with 183 A at a cos = 0,77 inductive must be
improved to nominal cos = 0,9. As can be seen, the current vector lies away beyond the C/k
After the first capacitor stage has been connected relatively quickly, the cos value improves to
0,810, but this still does not suffice. The second capacitor stage with 10 kvar (15,2 A reactive)
follows, and the new cos is 0,846.
The resulting current vector still lies outside of the C/k band. Compensation is not completed until
the third capacitor stage is connected. At 157 A and cos = 0,886, the compensated load vector
lies completely within the C/k band. We can see from this that step compensation systems are
seldom capable of achieving the nominal cos exactly, but a monthly average of 0,9 must appear
in the electricity bill provided that measuring and metering point are identical (not in case of high
voltage metering!)
Naturally, the power factor may deviate greatly from the required power factor if the load values
are less. The load case indicated on figure No. 9 with values of 35 A and cos = 0.770, still just
does not suffice for control to take place.
For comparison, compensation to cos = 1 has been plotted on Figure 9 in the form of a broken
line. Basically, a capacitor rating of 50 kVAr is required. The current vector is reduced by 16 A to
141 A at cos = 0,996 capacitive.
Unless the power supply company expressly demands a power factor of 1, the decision is left with
the customer whether he wishes to install this relatively high and expensive capacitor rating in
order to reduce the current by relatively slight amounts.
For energy-saving measures, the energy cost study as detailed in chapter 3 should be taken into
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6.2 Power Factor Control Relays with Automatic C/k-Adjustment (C-series)
Some manufacturers of power factor control relays have departed from direct C/k value setting. As
is indicated in chapter 4.1, this value determines the response sensitivity, which is a component of
reactive power, so that the smallest capacitor is actuated only when a minimum of 60...70% of the
capacitor step power is present as an inductive load.
The microprocessor based control, which is very common in the field of automatic control
engineering, makes it possible to sense the compensating effect of each capacitor and thus to store
all capacitor sizes in the course of the control process.
The power factor control relay types BLR-CA, BLR-CB and BLR-CC of the C-series do not
require any presetting either of the current transformer ratio nor of capacitor sizes. These relays
measure the capacitors' size automatically in the daily control routine in the form of "units of
value" and rectify the registered values continuously. Defective capacitor steps are eliminated
from the control process. It is no longer necessary to run test routines/test switchings for the
recoginition of capacitor sizes as required from some other manufacturers; this way unnecessary
switchings can be avoided in favour of the contactors' rating life.
Furthermore they no longer follow fixed switching programmes as described in chapter 4.2., the
only exception being the case of equally sized capacitors which are switched with the well-known
circular switching programme (see chapter 4.3). Otherwise the relays of the "C"-series always
select the appropriate unit to meet the changing reactive load demand. In this connection, of
course, tolerances of the capacitors can have an effect also.
In special cases, however, it is essential to follow fixed switching programmes for example in
specially choked plants. In this case, the classical power factor control relay types BLR-CM
provides for selecting fixed switching programmes.
The self adapting power factor control relays of the C-series can be operated easily - even without
any operating instructions - and started by qualified personnel if the relay is correctly connected.
The relays are preset at the factory to a target cos = 1 and a switching time delay of 40 sec per
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As shown in the figure 11 below of the BLR-CB relay, the most important operating elements 3, 4
and 5 are located behind the removable name plate.
Figure 10. View of BLR-CB 06
By means of function switch (3) - 10 positions selectable by standard and 16 optionally - the most
important target values like cos , switching time and limitation of steps can be modified using
buttons 4 and 5. On the display (8) there are indicated and confirmed the selected values. Further
functions are available as a standard feature (except BLR-CC 03), e.g. manual operation and
indication of:
a) Defective capacitor steps
b) Switching operations per step
c) "Units of value" per capacitor
(The indicated value is just proportional to the capacitor's power.)
Further details can be seen in the installation and commissioning instructions supplied with each
As the self-adjusting power factor control relays depend on the compensation effect of each single
capacitor, they do not respond to "compensation" of (controlled) rectifiers, because the capacitors
do not compensate reactive energy but rather "trickle charge" the pulsating current - especially in
case of 6-pulse rectifiers (further details can be seen in Mr Hofmann's article "Reactive power does
not always mean Reactive Power", ETZ 22/95) .
1 Transformer switch-over 5A / 1A
(except BLR-CC)
2 Alarm ON/OFF
3 Function Switch
4/5 +/- Button
6 Stage indicator
7 TTL-Interface
(except BLR-CC and CD)
8 Display/ Cos Indication
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7. Reactive Power Compensation in the Four Load Quadrants
7.1.1 Technical Consideration
Please refer to figure 11 for a better understanding of the following text. In electrical systems
referred exclusively to consumed active energy, reactive energy is controlled only in quadrants I
and II of the illustrated coordinate system.
This means that the vector P (active power) can only have a positive sign. Only vector Q can have
both signs, namely "+" for inductive and "-" for capacitve reactive power. In the former case,
reactive energy is extracted from the network, while in the latter case reactive energy is returned to
the network.
Figure 11
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Two different target power factor setting lines (cos setting on the reactive power control relay),
namely cos = 0,90 inductive and cos = 1 are shown in the coordinate system. The broken lines
on either side of the vector line indicate the response thresholds set on the control relay. Thus, two
strips are produced whose areas symbolize the "dead range" or "range of insensitivity". If a load
vector, e.g. (1) falls into such a set range, the relay has compensated properly. This applies to load
case 3, which compensates with one capacitor stage to approx. 0,92 inductive (1) and with four
capacitor stages to approx. 0,99 capacitve (2) depending on the cos value set on the control
If, however, active energy is fed back from the system concerned into the public mains by an
existing generator, control is displaced to quadrants III and IV of the coordinate system.
As far as the amounts are concerned (apparent current), the same load case has been chosen for an
easier understanding, but referred to generator operation (load vector 4). At the same time, it can
be seen clearly that compensation is symmetrical when cos = 1 is set on the control relay (5), i.e.
also only 4 capacitor stages suffice for compensation.
The difference between motor and generator operation does not become clear until the target
power setting on the control relay deviates from 1. In generator operation, a relay set to cos =
0,90 inductive compensates to cos = 0,90 capacitive (6), needing 6 capacitor stages to do this.
This knowledge is indispensable in order to enable selection of the corresponding reactive power
control relay. For mixed operation (generator/motor), therefore, it is recommended to set the cos
to unity to obtain symmetrical compensation. When settings deviate from cos = 1, the mirror-
image control response on reversal of the active load must be taken into account. If a control relay
is to compensate to cos = 0,9 inductive in generator mode, it will want to compensate to 0,9
capacitive in motor mode and vice versa.
It is useful to set target cos = 1 not only for technical but also for commercial reasons (see next
chapter 7.1.2).
Referring to the measuring point "incoming supply", Figure No. 12 shows some unusual power
factors that could occur with generator operation. The present power factor can scatter over all
four quadrants from 1 to 0 inductive, and again over 1 (feedback ) to 0 capacitive!
As mentioned in chapter 6.1, power factor cos is not helpful to gain an insight into the existing
quantity of reactive power!
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Variation of Power Factor on Import and Export of Power
Case a): All power imported
Case b) Power partly supplied
by Generator(s)
Case c) All Power supplied
by Generator(s) and
Power Export
Measuring point: Current Transformer at Main Incomer or at Metering Point
Figure 12. Power Factors in Four-Quadrant-Operation (Import/Export of Power)
= 0,23
= 0,24
cos = 0,73
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7.1.2 Commercial Consideration
As indicated in 7.1.1, a technically practical and simple solution is possible in four-quadrant-
operation with BELUK standard power factor controllers by adjusting the target power factor cos
to 1.
This technical argumentation influences also the commercial decision. Most power supply
companies demand a minimum power factor cos = 0,9 inductive.
Financially, this means that the customer will not be charged for 50 % of the consumed active
energy as reactive energy.
What will happen, though, if the owner of a generator meticulously avoids receiving any kWh of
energy from the supplier or even feeds active energy back into the network?
What is more: those 50 % would not be restituted to him. Since 50 % of 0 equals 0, generator
owners, at that, are forced from a commercial point of view to completely compensate any amount
of reactive energy!
It should not be forgotten that of course here, too, the demand of the generator for reactive energy
shows its impact.
A closing remark to this subject: An operation of generators just for a few hours - as would for
example be the case if a stand-by set is tested once a month, is not to be regarded as a genuine
"four-quadrant-operation", i.e. only such equipment is concerned where generators are in constant
parallel use .
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7.2 Reactive Power Compensation with Mixed Measurement
Energy loads with a large requirement frequently obtain their current through transformers from
the medium voltage network (20 kV). Here, it appears appropriate to measure the reactive power
in the high voltage system. This means that a current transformer must be provided for this
purpose. However, voltage transformers are not always accessible in the high voltage system, with
the result that the voltage for measurement must be tapped from the low voltage system.
Figure 13. Reactive Power Compensation with Mixed Measurement'
This results in a so-called "mixed measurement" because the current for measurement of the
reactive power control relay's current path must be tapped from the high voltage side and the
voltage measurement must be obtained from the low voltage side.
This offers the advantage that the control relay also registers and compensates the reactive power
of the main transformer.
20 kV / 50 Hz
50 A / 5 A; k = 10 (Phase L2)
1250 kVA
20 kV / 0,66 kV
Dd 6
660 V / 50 Hz
12 x 60 kvar
660 V / 400 V
(Phasen L3/L1)
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To ensure that the control relay will actually measure reactive power, it goes without saying that
the phase rotation of the main transformer must be taken into account as shown below (Fig. 14).
As in the case of a reactive power meter, attention must be paid with our power factor control
relays (except type "e") to the fact that the measured voltage always has a 90 phase shift with
respect to the current path.
Connection Diagram for ,Mixed Measurement
Current transformer in L1 Measuring voltage
(H.V.-side) (L.V.-side)
Figure 14. Reactive Power Compensation with Mixed Measurement'
In vector groups Dy 5/Yz 5 or Dy 11/Yz 11, the reactive power control relay must be connected to
the voltage L2-N or N-L2 220...250 V. In the case of vector groups Dz 6 and Yy 6, our standard
control relays for 380...415 V measured voltage can be used. The latter vector goups are, however,
used only in special cases.
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It is always necessary to assess in each individual case when use can be made of a "mixed
measurement". Particularly positioning of the capacitor bank or banks must be primarily oriented
to the location of the loads consuming the reactive power, in order to thus reduce the current in the
L.V. distribution system (please also see chapter 3).
7.2.1 Calculation of C/k-Value in case if Mixed Measurement
(only for Relays with manual C/k-Value in case of Mixed Measurement)
Before starting the determination of the response (C/k-value) of the power factor controller, please
consider that the current transformer measures on another voltage level - i.e. on the HV side.
When performing the C/k calculation (see chapter 4.1) the appropriate primary voltage must be
entered into the standard calculation formula.
With the help of the data from Figure No. 13 it is easy to calculate the C/k-value to be selected on
the relay:
Primary voltage: 20 kV
Current transformer: 50 A/5 A; k = 10
Capacitor power step: 60 kVAr
k C 10 . 0
10 3 20
var 60
6 . 0 /
Clearly: If the reactive current amount supercedes
0.1 Ar k = 0.1 Ar 10 = 1 Ar
on the 20 kV-level - this corresponds to a reactive power of
Ar 20 kV 1.73 35 kvar
- the power factor controller will start to compensate.
Naturally, this represents no exception from the basic rule in reactive power compensation that all
reactive power coming after the current transformer - i.e.: also that of the main transformer - is
registered and monitored.
The reactive power requirement of the transformer - where not compensated by a fixed capacitor -
must be taken into account when dimensioning the compensation for the capacitor plant. An
approximate amount of 8-10 % of the rated power of the transformer must be assumed to call for
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8. Reactive Power Compensation with more than one Incoming Supply
8.1 Central Compensation by means of Summation Measurement
A number of industrial plants are supplied by two or more transformers, and, when planning their
compensation one must frequently proceed from the assumption that not always all transformers
are in operation at a time. From the point of view of reactive power compensation with the power
factor controller involved the main important details to know beforehand are: the number of
measuring c.t.'s, and their total transformation ratio - perhaps via summation transformer. Please
find below Figure No. 16 which displays an example of a supply operating via three incoming
supplies of 800 kVA each, of which - hypothetically - only two are in operation. Though this does
not exactly represent a standard case, let us assume that only one central compensation with one
power factor controller has been installed. This arrangement implies that the coupling switches
must of necessity remain closed throughout their operation to ensure all parts of the plant are to be
duly and constantly compensated. This is a disadvantage wherever a short-circuit power must be
Figure 15. Centra| Compensation by means of Summation Measurement
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The compensation has been connected near the incoming supply at transformer No. 2. Power is fed
in via transformers No. 1 and 3, as aforesaid, via the closed coupling switches.
Reactive Power is measured over one individual main c.t. - 1200 A / 5 A - for each incoming
supply; it is self-evident that each c.t. must be installed in the same phase: L1. The rated currents
of each of the three transformers are collected via summation transformer 5 A + 5 A + 5 A / 5 A.
No current is measured via transformer No. 2. Notwithstanding the fact that the plant is in service,
the total transformation ratio is measured as follows:
1200A 1200A 1200A
5A 5A 5A
5A 5A 5A
240 3 720
+ +
+ +
+ +
= = =
k = 720
The value of this total transformation ratio is the indispensible prerequisite to calculate the
response (C/k-value) for the power factor control relay. Here, it is of no concern at all how many
incoming supplies are in operation. Even if no transformer is switched in circuit, the total
transformation ratio exists; it is a factor relating merely to the compensation plant.
To determine the definite C/k-value please follow the customary mode - using the total
transformer constant "k" that you have just before calculated.
C/k =
0.6 P
U 3 k
0.6 33.3 kvar
0.4 kV 3 720
Any technician working with reactive power compensation practically will face problems working
with the extremely low value of 40 mA (reactive), which is below 1 % of minimum sensitivity. Of
course, here the high transformation ratio of k=720 is the root of the problem.
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In regulators with manual preset C/k-values (M-series), there is a cure left in case of this special
application: The factor 0,6 may be increased. Please refer to chapter 4.1 - Response value (C/k-
value) - where we have explained how the response value is at which amount of power per step in
the range between 0,6 and 0,9 the power factor control relay should start to compensate. This
implies that due to the adjustability of the response value at 0,05 Ar minimum it is linearly
increased in percentage terms following the rule of four:
= =
x = 0,75 = 75%
Consequently, the power factor control relay will not respond before 75 % of the capacitor's size
has been reached. Proceeding from the assumption of 33,3 kVAr this equals 0,75 x 33,3 kVAr =
25,0 kVAr. Thus there must be as much as 25 kVAr of reactive power before the power factor
controller switches steps into circuit. In plants as large as the example described above,
25 kVAr of reactive power does not import from the point of view of power factor compensation
when considering the installed capacitor power of 3 x 800 kVA = 2400 kVA.
Basically, a minimum response value of 1% of the nominal transformer current must be given also
for the power factor control relays of the C-series with self adjustment of the C/K-value.
Otherwise the relays of the C-series do not record any compensation effect and do not switch in
any capacitor. This has to be taken into account when planning a plant !
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8.2 Individual Compensation of Each Incoming Supply
In continuing with the above subject, it must be said that the standard solution for such large plants
is to compensate each transformer separately. Notwithstanding the position of the coupling
switches, compensation is ensured. Figure No. 16 shows how each power factor controller
measures via the corresponding C.T. Here, of course, the total transformation ratio of all C.T.s
is no longer important, but rather that of each individual transformer, i.e.:
240 = =
Only one third of the transmission ratio calculated in chapter 8.1 (k = 720) is left here.
C/k = Ar 0.18
240 3 kV 0.4
kvar 50 0,6
This value is above the requested minimum sensitivity of 1 %.
Figure 16. Individua| Compensation of each Incoming Supp|y
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To ensure a smooth parallel operation of the power factor control relays - especially with closed
coupling switches - all adjustment of values prior to operation on the power factor controllers must
be done with utmost care and precision:
a) The target power factor adjusted must be the same on each relay.
b) The pre-determined switching time between the steps should differ 2 .. 3 sec between
each controller.
Following the recommendations in items a) and b) above an approximate synchronous operation
in so-called "Parallel mode" will be achieved. We would consider that it is a matter of chance that
all three regulators have the same amount of (de-) activated steps. However, the other possibility,
that one regulator has activated all of its capacitors and the next one has none may be excluded.
Due to the Fully Self Adjusting feature of the C-regulators, position of the coupling switch need
not be taken into account as noted in the following description:
In Individual Mode (with the coupling switches closed) each regulator is able to sense just 1/3 of
its capacitor sizes, as the capacitor current will be distributed over all three feeding transformers.
If the minimum sensitivity of 1 % as previously described is ensured, then proper control of the
reactive power will be guaranteed by the Fully Self Adjusting feature. This capability is not
available in regulators with manual C/k-setting.
In periods of maintenance sometimes it is necessary to switch off, say, one power transformer. The
regulator of the capacitor bank belonging to this transformer will receive no signal from its
reference C.T. The current is equal to zero, which will be indicated in regulators display with the
digital symbols I-- . If the duration of this condition exceeds more than 10 minutes, then the
regulator will disconnect all activated steps automatically, if any are energised.
If this does not meet the customers intention there is the possibility to activate any number of
steps, as requested, via manual mode (see instructions).
After completing the maintenance procedure the relay should be changed back to automatic
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9. How to Trace Possible Mistakes when connecting Power Factor
Control Relays of the Series C
1. Please check the rotation field of both the incoming supply and the capacitor bank: uniform
right-hand rotation field is required!
2. Please follow the transformer wiring by the eye: The transformer must record in phase L1 in
the incoming supply the total current of all of the load to be corrected including the capacitor
Should it be too complicated to follow the transformer wiring, it is also possible to trace the
current transformer involved with the relay by short-circuiting the C.T.s in question. When
current = 0 the cos indication signals I - -
Please examine the connections K and L on the transformer, and k and l on the relay.
If necessary, switch in some steps manually in case of load shedding. The transformer
current present on the relay - measured by an ammeter connect in series with the relay - is
calculated below:
n Q
U k
n : Number of steps switched in circuit
Q : Power per capacitor step
U : Delta net voltage
k : C.T. ratio, for example 600 A/5 A; k = 120
4. Please check the phases in the capacitor bank:
Check for example, that L1 at the capacitor bank is identical with L1 at the incoming supply
(the same applies, of course, for L2/L2 and L3/L3)
Where necessary, please check by means of a voltmeter: If the phases are identical, there
will be zero voltage between these points.
Attention: Fuse the leads when measuring directly at the busbars!
5. If everything is in order according to point 4, please make sure the voltage path of the relay
is actually connected to phases L2 and L3.
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6. If point 1 up to 5 are complied with, the examination of the relay itself can be started:
a) Check whether the theoretical calculation is higher than the
minimum sensitivity of 1 %; as per the example given below:
Q = 50 kVAr (power per capacitor step)
U = 500 V (delta voltage)
k = 1500 A / 5 A = 300
C k
/ .
, =
= 0 6
0 5 3 300
This value is well above 0,05 A reactive (1%)
b) Power factor to be adjusted preliminarily to 1.
7. Please energize the relay. If there is no doubt there is inductive load the "+" will flash after
elapse of the pre-determined lock-out time (LED indicator on the front cover). In the case of
a flashing LED above "-", then L2 and L3 will need to bwe reversed. The relay switches in
step after step in the pre-adjusted rhythm of the switching time between steps until a power
factor of about 1 has been attained.
8. Testing the Power Factor Control Relay:
Please start by switching over from automatic to manual operation (see details in the
corresponding installation and commissioning instructions) so as to overcompensate, for
example each step of 50 kVAr. If all of the steps are not required due to the load situation,
the LED "-" will flash when switching back to automatic operation. The relay reduces the
number of steps in circuit in order to be able to compensate away from the capacitive range
towards power factor cos = 1.
Should the power factor indication signal an inductive load in case of over-compensation,
the poles of either current or voltage field have been incorrectly connected, or you have a
left-hand rotation field!
9. If all above mentioned points have been checked and corrected where necessary, the only
remaining setting is to adjust the desired power factor cos on the relay. Please ensure the
relay is set back to the automatic operation mode!
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10. Indirect Capacitor Control (z) on BELUK Power Factor Control
Relays, Type CA
The true Purpose of Harmonic Analysis
A few manufacturers of P.F. Control Relays are now offering Controllers with extremely
inadequate harmonic analysis indication. These devices, which are claimed to give an
approximate indication, have no practical value whatsoever. The reason for this is that the levels
of harmonic currents are never constant - they fluctuate continuously - so that instanteous values
are meaningless.
The first fact to be fully understood is that there never has been and never will be a power system
which is completely harmonic free. Harmonic free means an absolutely pure sinewave without
the slightest interference - a text book curve - as pure as H
O distilled water. Even at the
generators and further along the line at the transformers, deformities in the waveform will be
already starting to appear. A distilled waveform will not exist - let alone be corrected.
So which items of a plant are therefore effected by harmonics? Principally, any item in a plant that
is sensitive to voltage rates of change (mathematically du/dt). Power Capacitor Banks are the
items of plant which are principally affected. The current that will flow through the Capacitor is
dependent upon each change of voltage!
Mathematically written: i
= C du/dt
Since C is constant, the variation will depend upon du/dt. An especially developed switching
system controls the voltage dynamics in BELUK Reactive Control Relay types BLR-CA on
phases L2 and L3. From the calculated values of du/dt the corresponding capacitor currents will be
calculated and integrated over a measurement period of 8 minutes - similar to a bi-metal function.
If the capacitor overload is calculated to be over 120 % , then this will be indicated either optically
(as in serial equipment) or optionally by means of a signalling relay "z".
This will show the specialist that his capacitor bank that has not been fitted with blocking reactors
is running dangerously overloaded and protective measures must be taken immediately.
The harmonic spectrum is extremely wide and never constant. With the monitoring system
described above, the full spectrum will be monitored completely - in practice from the first to the
"nth" harmonic, such that the monitoring system will see exactly the same condition as the Power
Factor Correction Capacitor.